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MARCH 2025

Syrian Air Defense Intercepts Israeli Missile Barrage Over Hama District

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Syrian Air Defense Intercepts Israeli Missile Barrage Over Hama District

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In the early hours of December 25th, Israel carried out missile strikes on Syrian territory, over the Misyaf region.

According to Syrian state outlet SANA, most of the missiles were intercepted by air defense.

A military source told SANA that at 12.40 a.m., the Israeli enemy launched missiles from a position not too far from Lebanon’s Tripoli city towards Masyaf region in Hama, adding that the army confronted the aggression and shot down most of the missiles.

There is also a debris from a Pantsir-S / C1 anti-aircraft missile system of the Syrian army found in the zone where the Israeli missiles were intercepted.

Syrian Air Defense Intercepts Israeli Missile Barrage Over Hama District

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Later on, the unnamed reports were confirmed by the Syrian Defense Ministry.

The Syrian Ministry of Defense posted a statement saying Israel “launched an aggression by directing a barrage of rockets” from the Lebanese city of Tripoli towards the Masyaf area. The ministry continued by stating their air defenses “confronted the enemy missiles and intercepted most of them.”

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights also reported strikes on Masyaf, saying neighboring Israel was “likely responsible.”

The war monitor said the attack was aimed at “positions of regime forces and Iran-backed militias,” without providing additional details.

Shortly before the raids, Israeli warplanes were heard flying over neighbouring Lebanon, with some residents of Beirut reporting seeing missiles in the skies over the city.

Israel regularly violates Lebanese airspace and has launched hundreds of raids in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011. The attacks have hit government troops, allied Iranian forces and fighters from the Lebanese group Hezbollah.


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The usual acts of unprovoked State-Terrorism as X-mas present from the evil-minded ZioNAZIs of IsraHELL.


and that is precisely why the world must rid itself of the jewry, here there and everywhere.


Frankly, the Zionists are scared and slipping, they are just trying to stay relevant as Trump has gone to Florida enroute to jail. They launched 7 missiles and all were shot down as Hezbollah radar had enough warning time and the Pantsir are now far more advanced after the Russians have taken the kinks out learning from Armenian and Syrian experience. The missiles were directed at an empty complex in the desert anyway and shows Zionist embarrassment than anything else.


More lies?


You as a teenager excel at that :)


I’m not a teenager buddy, follow my posts and you can see that when I say we act – we always do. Maybe, just maybe, it’s because i am an IDF reserve and I know alot more than you on conflicts you only read in the media. There is a growing impatient in the IDF from Iran in Syria and Lebanon, the SAA is not our target but if they join Iran then we will destroy what is left of their army. 2500 Merkavas and 6000 IFV’s tell me the numbers are not on their side.


To be fair, you are an idiot who posts sheer nonsense and tries to make out as some “warrior” by posting daily childish nonsense. The IDF is a cowardly western taxpayers funded scared child killing loser force and is now desperate as Iranian influence has reached occupied Palestine and entrenched in Golan.


Sure Frank, tell me more about who we are.


You are nothing, but a child.

Jens Holm

Well, Ypu are too. If true Israel was not there. They are. Arnt they??

They rotate in Your behind every day. How does it feel?

Vox Populi

Ignorant fool, Iran is 1500 kms away. Look at a map first imbecile clod.

Jens Holm

Thats right. You mainly act well according protection of Your own people.


Hello Frank. I have to agree whole heartedly with the ´scared and slipping´ assessment. Those dingbats did something which was probably a complete waste at best and the mission turned into an unmittigated failure. This was really stupid stuff. I wish well to you.


The Zionist regime is in very bad unstable shape, Trump is gone and the regional power dynamics have changed. These pinpricks are desperate attempts to stay relevant and are having the opposite effect.

cechas vodobenikov

u believe any changes in biden regime?


cosmetic changes. ;)


I don’t believe so either. Biden is part of the deep state and will have no power to do anything as Obama found out. However, US is in deep trouble financially and domestically.

Jens Holm

Most of Your deep state is created by Yourself. You just look where the information is and create fairytales and worse Yourself.

Hard to see what Biden can or cannot. A positive look fx cpould say Obama care was an icebreaker for more. You just dont do vital changes just like that.

I also partly see the problems You see. Parts can be solvedand might help to make it easier to solve some of the rest of them. Thats the optimistic version.

Vox Populi

Russian flying radar thwarts latest Israeli missile attack on Syria

The Russian “flying radar” A-50 military aircraft has reportedly been deployed to the Syrian Arab Republic for another mission as crucial Syrian offensive in Idlib gets underway. Russian media reported that the A-50 is supplying real time information to the Syrian military.

“The A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces took off a few hours ago from the airbase in Ivanovo and headed for Syria,” they reported. The unusually high rate of Israeli missiles intercepted over rural Homs indicates a very high level of proficiency.


A merry Xmas to the Syrian AD crews, they will get their 2021 raise no doubt :D

Indeed Vox I was badly wondering whether the especially high interception rate this time around meant more crucial warning provided in real-time by the freshly-deployed A-50. Do you have sources I could dig into relating to that particular news ?

Thanks a lot !


I think you are right. The difference between now and before is that thanks to A-50 radar, they spotted the Israeli jet’s early on and were able to activate ADs and turn them to correct positions. Anyone knows wether Israel got any hits whatsoever?

Jens Holm

I care æerss and less. Maybee we should send more weapon, so You kill each other faster.

Great Khan

hahahahaha Denmark have more whores than anyone…Great Khan enjoy….hahahhahaa

Free man

Great Khan : “Turkey+Israel brother STRONK!”. https://southfront.org/azerbaijan-shelled-shushi-stepanakert-despite-agreement-to-halt-attacks-on-civilian-settlements-video/#comment-5132186173


They’re russian & ukrainian women … maybe underage … eh?

Jens Holm

Unfortunatly some are. They are here for a short period and then go to the next cpuntry. Many of those are organoized trafficing crime not driven by us. We try to reduce the numbers.

They have to follow danish rules and dont. They also hardly are paid. We have several incommers mainly from Nigeria as well.

Captain Freedom

Maybeeeeeee they should send more ISIS rapefugees, so you culturally enrich yourself faster ;)

Jens Holm

Its not like that here. We try to fight forced prostitution and rape.

There are a lot of rules for the job. You have to be over 18 and pay tax as well as visit the doctor often. .


Denmark is guilty of crimes against humanity in Africa. Thousands of Africans perished aboard Danish ships taking would-be slaves to the Americas.

Denmark will pay its dues soon.

Jens Holm

What a crap. At that time much more then 100 years ago it only was a few, which was in that dirty business.

My relatives at that time was poor fishermen and peasants hand. So I should pay as country feeling guilt and even pay – No way.

It would be better if You worked against countries, which has, sell and buys slaves even today. I do.

How can so many raise girls for sell and buy.

cechas vodobenikov

dk doktors also sexually repressed


Surprisingly, according to Interpol data, Denmark also has very high theft rates, mostly to fund their drugs and alcohol binges. Danes are also the most depressed.

The prevalence of depression in Denmark is just one of its hidden “secrets” and the growing use antidepressants, a patient typically needs a doctor who will prescribe them, and a way to afford the drugs. Danes commit property and sex crimes to pay for their addictions.

Jens Holm

We are proud of the theft rate, bacause we have somerthing thieves would have.

Here You of course forget, we also mainly are covered by insurrance and the state.

And for the rest we are not perfect but You only take our bad sides and forget the good ones. I never has written, we are the best. But I also allow me to add, that we – opposity to mnay – registrate almost everythig well.

So parts of that is high because many dont registrate well and by that its not there.


Well said, Frank.

Jens Holm

I can only agree, but thats a very selective version. We do work to improve things.

Captain Freedom

I’m sorry, but I don’t think rapists ask for consent, they don’t pay any money either. Much easier to just grab a girl at night at the train station, since your liberal “values” make that very easy ;)

Jens Holm

2 of 3 sex crimes are inside the families and affiliated. Half of them are at boys and Young men.

And men here are not raised into You infected versions. Vomen and girls here are aming men and boyd and need no protection because we are learned respect each other and we has it because we knoiw each other as persons and human beings and not only for, whats below (clothe).

Here boys and men also are not born with honor and respect. We have to make the level Ourself by what we actually do or dont.

Muslims from several cpountries are the making the high level here and not the old danes. Its hard to see who is who among the incommers bacause most muslims also are no criminals at all.

We see exact the same for Our full safehouses for vomen. Even muslim women might be 2-4 of the population, they ere 50% in the safehouse.

Jails by crime by men is same thing.

So when You fx mention “grapping women at train stations” most of them are done by muslims. A fair trade could be to understand that and subtract those no learners.

The danish Sunni is respect both ways and we by that are misted rooms all over aprt from toilets and where we change clothe. That includes swimming in tge sea as well as inside svimming faciities, where You often can see very much, which is not forbidden if You dont bring looking glasses and photo.





Denmark…just keep producing your porn, which is then peddled by Jews of course. And stay out of world affairs and shut up.

Jens Holm

I can tell hop things are.


Its because You keep Yourself as uneducated lazybums and not because of Our part of the world.

People like You are only in the world affairs as minus. Our world is not Yiurs unless we feed and help Your diapers and give You food by UNICEF and Red Cross. The main center for Unicef is in Denmark.


You Europeans looted the Global South. Prepare yourselves. China is arriving at the top, and behind it we’re coming. You see, we will give them free oil and gas, and they will step all over you arrogant Europeans. You refuse to make friends and free trade with China and Arabs, fine, No oil or gas for you and your winters will be dreadfully lethal. And we will be laughing.

Look at ancient Copenhagen and then look at Dubai. Enough said. Jew.

Jens Holm

Your kind will remain on the bottom mp matter who is who. The only difference will be we are happy bacuse all Yopur complaints will be to the chinese.

The Chine are not as bad as Yu sat. They make the cake to share bigger. Yours dont.

Somparing with Dubai makes no sense. What makes sense is, that we fx today has more then 50% of Our electrituy covered by windpower invented by us and systems like that spreads out and in many countries will be a main source instead of fossils.

We build out more, because we will replace the cars driven by fuel too as well as it goes.

I feel fine about Dubai. I was in Dubai and Sharjah once. The only midern facilities there were radars and TV antennas at their dhows. Im not like You.

I dont compete like that. My worries are mainly if all danes has a good life.

My worries also are the many milions, which are kept down by uneducated men learned too much indoctrinated crap an even believing it for own purpose only. You seemes to represent that well.

By that Im also happy 500 or more million chines are having a much better life then they had with chaiman Mao. ………………………………………………………………..

So I kind of dont compete with You. I tell You how we do and You should copy Our already invented good parts – instead of even blaming us as we were and are boliopns of Jews in the world.

We just have better systems compared to the Russian and Muhammed economics. And many of Your kind understand nothing and not even has a language or context for it, because You are keepong Yourself illitaret stupid in economics as well.

So how manytimes did the dollar collapse last week ????

You also treat Our parlamentarisme as we are anarkists. That because You always forget, that we move a lot of the responability to individuas and local patlaments in trus. By that we also can be number one in low corruption.

cechas vodobenikov

not clever enough to learn corruption–u pay all salary to govt in taxes for bad education and jihadis from turkey/syria

Jens Holm



But,but, surely the conventional wisdom is that the climate in the West will become warmer, and that the Winters of the ‘selected’ past will be no more :)

I am in the West and would agree that a thourogh cleanout of the various Western deep state bandits is well overdue.

Jens Holm

Of its the fysical climate, the dry belt will spread out in USA, the Southern parts of Europe and all the way to Manchuria. That includeds important parts of the Russia steppe.

Unfortunatly about half of our populations lives there. North of that in Europe there will be changes too. Here we get more rains but also instabile periods wit no rain chanf´ging to too much rain. By that it will be difficult to grow extra food for the ones, which we today easy can export to – if they can pay.

There are plusses too. Fx the northern archtis sea will be warmer. By that we can expect more fix can “grow”. We also can expect more rain form there because the water is not frozen. By that the northern parts of Russia might get enough rain. Being warmer, we then can hope they can grow much more food even its mot first class.

A gues from me would say Russia by that gets compensated and by that will have no lack of food and still can export at least some.

USA/Canada cant. Too much non fertile land with rubble and mountains. ——————————————————-

I agree in the cleaning but telling its only in the west makes no sense. Maps for corruptions says so too.

But we do have to fight different kinds of importants crimes better. Im tired listening to, what takes years to find, finding hidden money, finding dirty things and too often the jails also are full of people, which are better then those high crimers.

Many during time has told bureaukrasy is the worst danger, we have. I agree. Parts of the patienst should be handled with knoves and no more painkillers for the rest of us.


Big Brother Is Watching … hello?

Thanks for the info


“We’re coming”?

Are you holding your dick?

Jens Holm

Its like this but he is not that good looking https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45e13ec9b6b26f615f13064fd906319307010a333c23f11a0d2b06aca22baac6.jpg

As You see the tool is borrowed.


People could argue that you should work more seriously on killing yourself, than you have been doing. How is that for the Christmas spirit Jens. :P

Don´t be weak, step up and show the way you dingbat.

Vox Populi

Hear, hear, best suggestion so far.

Jens Holm

Your knd is worse. Allah has no space in heaven. Even people from ISIS are only allowed to detonate themself.

And if they dont, they get all 72 muslims they killed as virgins.

Gabriel is exhauste too. Hist team is building concrite walls berween the differerent groups.

They even try to cheet the partly sekular ones sending them to Rome for the last oil. As seen yesterday in night TV the Pope desperat trying to put a Jewish hat on to avoid it.


Mission control to Jens ….. how many times have I told you I that I am nolonger a practicioner of religion? I was raised Roman Catholic, never practiced Islam and everybody is entitled to follow along whatever path their spirit draws them.

I hope you are having some kind of break, rest, over the holidays. Take care Jens.

Jens Holm

My coment is made for everyone. I dont think this is a dating site.

I have heard many mulism emigrate to Rome. They have heard the Pope will give them their last oil.



cechas vodobenikov

only weapon dk makes—syringe for junkies

Jens Holm



How does it feel?

Jens Holm

You could go to some other country and try to learn to act nicely:)


Don’t compare Zionists to Nazi’s. The Zionists have fabricated historical lies and atrocity propaganda by simply projecting what Israel actually does onto other people.

Proud Hindu

Idf needs to go in big if they want to deal with iran.These small strikes wont make much of a difference i think.Although @iron zion might kbow more.


Dream on cow piss drinker. IDF are a women- and child killers but will NEVER face a real adversary on the battle field. They’ll be annihilated.


Oh we are so scared, dumb fuck.


Stay safe in the basement wanker :)


I’m not in a basement buddy, Nasrallah is. Just waiting for a new patriotic PM to give the order.


You will keep wanking though as per the past years of posting crap and “predicting” war. You are an entertaining clown, though boring as hell.


The war is sooner than you may think, Trump was actually Iran’s best card. As we speak, Israeli submarines are somwhere near Iran. I hope for the Secular Iranians that the mullahs get the message.


LOL, you are joker.


A nucelar war is not a funny thing at all Frank.


What rubbish. No one can use nuclear weapons. You are very naive child. Even the US took Iranian missiles on the chin and did not escalate. Your little presence in Occupied Palestine is a one bomb job.


I suggest you read again our military doctrine. If you want a past example – read about what the IDF planned to do after Saddam shot Scuds over here.


This is not 1991 or Saddam. Iran is a powerhouse.


Sensitive aren’t we?




…. and therein lies the problem for Israel. They are limited to lobbing missiles at Syria from lebanese or Iraqi air space because Syria now has effective air defences and it would take a large scale SEAD attack to dislodge Syrian air defences and the IDF would take losses in doing so. I doubt very much that the USA would appreciate Israel launching a SEAD attack on Syrian air defences under the eyes of the s-400 and Russian spy planes.


Syrian and Lebanese TV has released footage of the 100% interception by the Pantsir, which was manned by well trained SAA/Iranian operators with adequate 5 minute warning from a Russian ship off the Lebanese coast or Hezbollah radars in Bekaa. The SAA downed all 7 missiles with no loss. This is great advertisement for Russia and also shows deteriorating Zionist capability.


I want to see Israeli aircraft downed over Lebanon.

Jens Holm

As a start, You should go there. Remeber bow and arrow, if they are invented, where You comes from:)


Keep wishing.


Keep wanking :)


How long can you hold your breath?

If an IAF plane was downed over Lebanon … the War is on

200,000 dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours


Frankly, as I exposed you yesterday you are an inferior liar. India is poised to be destroyed by China. A PLA general openly stated that India will be carved up by China and Pakistan.

Hindus who migrated to India want to return to Pakistan, says UNHCR. This is largely due to better economic conditions in Pakistan and Bangladesh, which India is suffering from domestic violence and worst Covid conditions in the world.

Jens Holm

Most of that is total lies. Pakistan also has the lowest GDP of those three ones.

Just telling about Hindus also makes no sense.

None has better conditions. I any of them has its India, but the level is so low.

So stop trying to sell cheep crap. Its only correct, that dividing as it was done wasnt well enough.

I allow me to say, that the Britts might be better for them.


Pakis ? Economy? lol

Pakis are scum

Jimmy Jim


Great Khan

Yak meat good….

Jens Holm

So You sell family too https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54d5b0118c7c8e017a2b9d1e322608608653c71d44e9649fda0d1dc60857c9e6.jpg or what

Vox Populi

China and Pakistan have far superior nuclear arsenals (CIA report)

China’s first hydrogen bomb had a yield of 3.8 million tons, while the current largest hydrogen bomb has a yield of 5 million tons.

The most interesting thing is that the five nuclear tests were carried out in two days and India has not carried out any nuclear tests since then. Nuclear tests are meant to test ideas and improve nuclear weapons. But under international pressure, India must not rush to complete five nuclear tests in two days.

China has conducted the fewest nuclear tests of any of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and has conducted more than 40 nuclear tests in decades. It wasn’t until 1997 that China finally collected enough basic data for a computer simulation of a nuclear test, after more than 40 nuclear tests.

India has conducted too few nuclear tests to collect enough data, so it cannot simulate nuclear tests by computer.

India has never been able to miniaturize nuclear weapons, so its so-called Agni-v ICBM is very large and has a much shorter range than the DF-41. And the DF-41 has 10 200 kiloton equivalents, while the Agni 5 is single-warhead.

It is also worth noting that the 8,000-ton warhead that India tested detonated in situ. Since India has not tested the miniaturization of nuclear weapons, the warhead on the missile would have a smaller yield than the warhead on the test.

Besides, the Agni-v is highly unreliable, with a launch success rate of only 50% and the other 50% doing uncontrolled, irregular Brownian motion. If India uses an Agni-v missile against China in actual combat, there will be a 50% chance that the missile will land on Indian territory.

Of course, even an Indian nuclear warhead with a yield of only 8, 000 tons could still do a lot of damage. The “little boy” dropped by the United States on Hiroshima had a yield of 15 kilotons.

According to latest public reports and western intelligence estimates, Pakistan’s nuclear weapons yield is similar to India’s.

The success rate of Shaheen-III is much higher than that of Agni v. Moreover, Shaheen-III is a solid fuel with a shorter reaction time. Shaheen-iii is more reliable, has a shorter reaction time, and can cover the whole of India.As a result, Pakistan has stronger nuclear weapons than India. While China is now three generations ahead on India’s primitive and unreliable nuclear infrastructure.

Great Khan

hahahahaha stoopid Hindu monkey…Great Khan laugh….hahahahhaaa


Jens Holm

I laugh too. The dog look like Your Grandfather.

cechas vodobenikov

u have sex w khan grandfather?


Denmark also has the dubious honor of widespread incest and perversion, as common to Nazi roots.


Jens spends most of his time having sex with himself these days, I would think.

Even the Mink population in Denmark preferred to die rather than have Jens slobbering all over them :)


We will, even Hezbollah hasn’t dared to respond because we warned them the IDF will cross into Lebanon if they do. Same will happen in Syria, it won’t be a small operation this time but a full scale war.


What idiotic nonsense. Iran has bases on the Golan now.



Not for long.


Idiot, you said that 5 years ago LOL


Over the last 2 years we have internal political instability. There is no government that is working properly. It’s not the best conditions to start a war, but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


You have a corrupt government that has been fooling idiots like you with bombast. The regional power balance has shifted and global power now rests with China and the Chinese don’t like Jews, So you can not hide behind dying US anymore and your grown up s know that.


China wanted to invest here and build our 5G technology, but we told them NO. Some things are more important than money, not everyone is obeying the Chinese monster.


China is now too big to control anyway as the west in is perennial decline. Thanks to the Bilderberg Jews and and their greed, that they created the China “|monster” for quick profit by off shoring western industrial base to a country with 1.4 billion disciplined people. You Jews got the dumb Americans involved in futile wars against Arabs and Muslims and bankrupted them and now it will bite you in the ass. Just wait and see how all this ends. You idiots have also created an Iranian, Turkish and Pakistani alliance. By the time your nuts drop kid, it will be all over.

Arch Bungle

Who cares about 5g, China owns you in a dozen other ways:

You can’t even operate your own ports anymore – The Chinese are about to do it for you:


China is slowly buying up israel. Pretty soon you’ll all be packed off to work in Chinese slave factories for white trash:

“While Protectionism in the United States through the potential impact of Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States on international Chinese investment strategies has made it difficult for Mainland Chinese companies to acquire American assets, Israel has been a receptive host warmly welcoming the influx of excess Chinese cash and investment capital into the country’s private sector economy which China has sought Israel to invest in as an alternative.[113] Due to the lack of red tape and the wide array of start-up businesses offered by Israel’s Silicon Wadi, Chinese investment in Israel jumped more than tenfold in 2016 to a record US$16.5 billion, with money flowing into the country’s booming internet, cyber-security and medical device start-ups.[113][114] On July 31, 2016, a Chinese consortium purchased Playtika, an Israeli online gaming company founded in 2010, for US$4.4 billion in cash. Playtika was a pioneer in the free-to-play games on social networks and mobile platforms and is the creator of popular titles, such as Slotomania, House of Fun and Bingo Blitz, which consistently ranked among the top-grossing games on Apple’s App Store, Google Play and Facebook. The Chinese consortium comprised a number of Chinese holding companies and private equity firms such as Giant Investment (HK) Limited, China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co. Ltd., China Minsheng Trust Co. Ltd., CDH China HF Holdings Company Limited, the Hony Capital Fund, and Yunfeng Capital — a private equity firm co-founded by Alibaba’s Jack Ma.[115] On February 11, 2017, the Chinese electronics giant Midea Group as part of their industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing campaign acquired control of Petah Tikva-based company Servotronix, an automation solutions developer at the cost of US$170 million.[116] The company was founded by Dr. Ilan Cohen in 1987, develops automation solutions focused on motion control for a diverse range of industries including robotics, printing, textiles, medical equipment, renewable energy, CNC and machine tools, food and beverages, and electronics. The company operates worldwide and has subsidiaries in Germany and Mainland China.[116] On October 2, 2017, the Chinese-owned Israeli-based mobile gaming development company Playtika Ltd. agreed to acquire Israel’s Jelly Button Games Ltd. looking to expand its offerings into the casual-game space for an undisclosed sum. Playtika described the Jelly Button acquisition as an important part of its vision to become the world’s leading mobile-gaming company.[117] In 2017, China became Israel’s fastest growing source of tourists as 2017 was the first year when the number of Chinese tourists surpassed 100,000”

Arch Bungle

Excuses. Excuses. You had poltical instability during Olmerts time just the same as now.

Difference is that now you know you’ll get roasted in Lebanon if you attack for dumb reasons.


Time will tell.

Arch Bungle

Time is on the side of the Arab world. You will be long gone and they will still be there.


Strategic patience … isn’t that Iran’s rap? lol

Except … Israel keeps on tapping Iran’s forehead … eh?


Arch Bungle

That’s because you’re short.


Those are Israeli satellite pictures … ya f/kn dildo


Arch Bungle


So they can do this to you again, this time on a bigger scale:


Look at that jew-mobile on it’s ass!


That tank doesn’t seem to be destroyed at all, a few repairs and it’s like new. Don’t worry, we have planety for them.

Arch Bungle

If you don’t think a tank on it’s side is destroyed, you’re dumber than your profile pic.


Destroyed for me is when the turret is gone from the base. Anything else can be repaired fairly quickly. So no, a tank on it’s side is not destroyed.

Arch Bungle

Yes, repaired quickly on the battlefield while Hezbollah picks your crew off en masse as planned.

I can see why they keep you in the basement and off the field. You’re hazard to anyone in the same crew!


Are you dumb or what? we have engineering units to take care of that while fighting. As long as no one of the crew died, it’s all good. A tank can be restored back to service, and the crew can have a new tank. Idiot.

Arch Bungle


You want highly trained technical people to schlepp out to fix joomobiles in the middle of a battle so they can be picked off in batches by Hezbollah snipers?

I suppose you think thevtank crew will be all fresh and bouncy once they’ve dragged their asses out of the tin can?

What they going to do while they wait for repairs? What about the medics?

Idiots like you guarantee the demise of the idf.


Just like those silly and crazy indian soldiers ‘ went in big ‘ in the Himalayas and got crushed by well disciplined Chinese troops. Right. How is worshipping created things going for you?


The poor Indians tried to take on China with WW2 surplus British donated tents and froze to death. China had insulated modular bunkers and thermal high altitude gear.


The Indian Army just purchased $500 MILLION USD worth of Spice and Spike missiles … after the disaster out encounter with China … hello?

Their NOT GPS which can be jammed … they’re more advanced ….

Be Afraid


Arch Bungle

Fools with Tools are still Fools. Hello? Next?


They’re idiot proof … even YOU could use them


Arch Bungle

Nothing is idiot proof – just look at the IDF in the merkavas crossing into Lebanon – those were certainly not idiot proof!


YOU THINK … ya f/kn wanker

Arch Bungle

LOL! Dumb jew – looks like we got friendly fire!

Proud Hindu

Lol.Stfu asshole

Arch Bungle

Proud Dindu still sucking on his imperial joo masters dick for knowledge and wisdom.

Free man


Jimmy Jim



The stupid wanker can not even post properly lol, tried to post some propaganda but failed LOL. What a dumb troll.



Syria is a failed state … it’s just a shot away

Arch Bungle

‘israel’ will be dead in 9 years. And all you white trash ashkenaz are going to be trucked back to khazaristan where the ovens will be waiting for you all warmed up …

Assad must stay

Great Job as always SyAAD!


Extraordinary results from Pantsir and a showcase for Russian SAM systems, this time they achieved 100% interception against the most “modern” western taxpayer funded Zionist stand off missiles. The US last week failed to even intercept 8 crude WW2 122mm Katyusha in Baghdad which all hit the “embassy” as SF posted excellent photos. Now the US is running out of Iraq. The Zionist situation is similar now. Algeria and Tunisia on Iran’s request blocked all their flights to sell-out Morocco and now the Jews have to pay Spain to fly to Rabat and Casablanca.

Jens Holm

People there has tax because they work an by that can decide. So they have decided this.

Infections lke Yours seemes more important then cholera.


They never had a say in where their taxes go, nobody does in America, only Congress decides. Every poll conducted in the past 20 years concluded that most Americans do not agree with military aid to Tel-Aviv, get your facts checked. You’re sinking deeper in intellectual misery.

Jens Holm

I tell for my country. I was told we pay high tax and gets nothing back.

I have told we by a lot of free things for everybody helt the poor in those matters at exact the same level.

I will not go into USA or Israel taxes.

No matter what they do in Israel and USA about 50% here never reach Copenhagen. They are given toi the local parlemenets elected by the locals like me. So we decide spending 50% of the total cpuntry budget.

Sometimes the Goverment help us.Lets say a new motorway bridge will be used very much for locals as well as pendlers and country tranport, then the Goverment will contribute too.


Every AMERICAN poll in the 20 years says:

Americans support Israel over pals 70 : 25

The pals are finished … xD


Finished ? I see them beating Jews in demographics in no time, which planet you on ? what drug you trippin’ on , crack hoe !

I was talking about American AID to Israel, still illiterate, can’t help it, bitch.

And taking numbers straigh outta your homo jewish ass won’t help either, bitch.

Oops, looks like the number are actually REVERSES when it comes to the US Aid, 80% are AGAINST IT : https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/poll-80-of-americans-dont-want-us-aid-going-to-israel—lawsuit-aims-to-help-300334852.html

Biiaaaaatch xD


Future tripping … ya f/kn goy?

No state for the pals …

No Jerusalem …

Demilitarized entity on part of the WB

It’s NOT up to anyone but the Jews/Zionists/Israelis … eh?


I’m glad I’m nothing remotely close to a genocidal manic, jew , zionist or otherwise, thank you very much :-p now you racist retard can call it “goy” or whatever else, I don’t mind :D

Funny the very fact that a person is a non-jew is an insult to you pathetic racist, that’s really an interesting specimen we have here, no joke, thanks for bringing your vomitive mediocrity around, I learn more on my enemy and I love to see how lamentable he is :D

The same way it was not up the jew supremacists whether the PA was created and recognized by the UN as a state, you won’t decide what you get in the West Bank, a 3rd intifada will further amplify their national struggle and you will live to see it with your own cryin eyes, rest assured. Tick, tock, tick, tock… that’s the sound of Eretz Yisrael getting toast :D

No more Sinai, no more Southern Lebanon, no more Gaza,and soon no more East Jerusalem. Hang on to the Golan until the water dries up, that’s really all you have left that is somehow interesting for now. Tick, tock !

Jens Holm

I looked the tax in USA up and will read no more.

You are right about the tax to the big state, but they have local tax for the 50 states, which today is from 0 to 13%.


Who cares about Algeria or Tunisia? Morocco is much more important for us as many of us have roots there. So we will fly to Spain and cross Gibraltar to Morocco, big deal. Algeria can only envy in what Morocco is about to have from the IDF, alot of new equipment.

Vox Populi

Netanyahu has reached his end and there is no future for Israel.


Algeria actually gets the best Russia has to offer, which beats Israeli knock-offs of US tech any day, mate. Wake up. They pushed away Washington’s overture for very lucrative arms sale over the years, it’s for a reason. Besides they can take on the IDF anytime should anyone get any funny ideas against them too. Algeria bombed the shit out of Tsahal during its close air support missions during the 73 war without loosing a single plane. Don’t you worry who they might “envy”, lol

Vox Populi

Algerian military is perhaps the best trained and armed in Africa. They do have solid revolutionary credentials of defeating the French in a bloody protracted struggle. Russians have a high degree of trust in Algeria as they sell them top of the line weaponry, which unlike Egypt, the Algerians know how to use.


Correct. And their air-force in particular showed impressive prowess in key engagements in support of Egyptian forces on the western front of the ’73 War.




Laughable … go see the film ‘Battle of Algiers’



Israel hit Tunisia … they took out the PLO headquarters but missed ArabFat … hello?


Nice tale you wrote about their mighty Air Force … lol

It’s bs …

YOU need to hold your dick while you write … eh? Otherwise you’d be in the corner crying … xD


Sit down, bitchin’ tatzi xD Are you illiterate on top of being a genocidal asshole ?

What’s the point in mentioning strikes on Tunisia anyway ? I merely mentioned their valuable commercial and geopolitical position had they chosen peace with you instead of way less-interesting Morocco, you dumb retarded fuck, all you can think of is destruction, you are beyond lost.

Nice tale ? A whole squadron of their air-force provided non-stop close air support to advancing Egyptian troops, that’s history written, documented and recognized by the whole world, and Israeli military historians as well. Go look it up or shut the fuck up. They currently have one of the most formidable air-forces of any Arab country, and that too is common knowledge; you slob fuck, you’re so disconnected from reality it’s hilarious. I can’t believe someone can get that retarded in everything.

And man that’s disguting, what’s with the dick, you homo or something ? like to picture penises when you write, is that what you’re doing it right now ? I knew it, bitch xD


Advancing Egyptian forces?

The Egyptian forces surrounded by the Israelis … with Gen Sharon on the East Bank of the Suez Canal … f/k head?

Where was the Algerian Air Force … xD?

Cairo was within artillery fire?

The Egyptian Army was SURROUNDED … supply lines CUT … the Russians on the Phone pleading for a STOP / threatening Israel … lol

YOU muslims talk / brag … pussies


“Soviets pleading to stop” ? ahahah where di you see that, they just backed down from their nuclear posture when Kissinger backed down DEFCON level after threatening to attack Syria.

The Egyptian air-force had 250 planes ready to fly and bomb the hell out of Sharon’s brigade, even Israeli generals admitted to Golda that their logistical line to keep that wedge between the two Egyptian armies would not hold for long. Tsahal tried to take on the 3rd army that had enough supplies and war machines to stand for itself until getting rescued by the Egyptian airforce to complete a pincer-move by the 2nd army which was ALSO standing strong.

You made a whole propaganda fuss about that temporary wedge to avoid appearing as total LOSERS when having to give back the WHOLE of the Sinai, you pathetic cretin, both Golda and Dayan admitted the 73 war was a net loss as they had to give away both Quneitra on the Golani front AND the whole of Sina all the way to the Suez canal which 6 years before they didn’t IMAGINE ever giving back while celebrating every year the coming of the Great Israel dream “giving Israel 300% its size and one of the largest countries of the middle east”, you ignorant retard know NOTHING about you own history :D

All that saved you is that Sadat wanted to get away from the Soviet so Kissinger offered him a way out and made him promise to hold off on the counter attack, that was the plea , not the Soviets :D that would have brought a massive Syrian counter-move on the Golan too, you dreamer :D

Tel Aviv was bombed dozens of times throughout the conflict by the Egyptian air force and so what ? it was total war and everyone was in everyone’s range.

You speak about the famous “101 kilometers from Cairo ?” how about you talk about much smaller cities of Suez and Ismaliya that the IDF miserably failed in taking back and got slaughtered in both case s? you can’t get back a couple remote provincial towns and you brag about a CAPITAL you never took ? IDF tank crews RAN AWAY from their armor and they’re still left for display in Egyptian museum for Christ sake xD

The Algerian airforce helped in achieving the crucial bridgehead after the Bar Lev line was melted by high pressure water cannons, a brilliant Soviet plan, and then to repel IDF counter-attacks on more pressing fronts when it was needed to fortify it.

That’s what the Algerians did, they helped lift up the whole war effort and was officially thanked for that after the war, you ignorant douche , you know NOTHING !

Biaaatch gets another one down the throat. Does it hurt ?

Jens Holm

Most of that is 100% crap.


And guess how much I care about Google Translate one-liners ? (Hint : not much)

Jens Holm

It seemes Your hardly know anything about that war, so oneliners at least would be a start.


Well well well, that one pretty much seals your reputation, which remains unchanged from its usual mediocrity. I like your constance in failure. So i’ll grant you a merry Xmas for being equal to your poor self and making my day.

Jens Holm

The Egyptians actully advanced until their plan was fulfilled. But next step was there, so the Israelians threw them beack and it was devastaing for their many tanks. The main weapon for the Egyption succes was missiles guides by strings.

I also never has heard anything like hus version for the rest of it and Im old enough to have followed it well and TV about it.


You’re old enough to have either forgotten and/or only watched biased mainstram TV from your country. My parents also followed it and after reading further into it realized how truncated and approximate most TV broadcasts where. As if you could tell what a war was about in detail by watching TV, you are pathetic. So watching American TV like Fox or CNN helps learning the truth about the Iraq or Syrian war, you dumb moron ?

The first Israeli counter-attack failed miserably with catastrophic losses involving close to 50 F-4s to Egyptian SA-6 batteries, which was their main weapon. Israel needed to be massively replenished in emergency via Operation Nikel Grass personally organized by Kissinger, and for which Golda Mehr and Dayan begged. Get the fuck outta there if you don’t even know those basics. Kissinger even asked Golda the famous phrase “explain to me how can the Arabs take out 400 tanks out from you that easily ?”


Your memory is fading …

Sadat wanted to prove to his troops and people that Israel wasn’t invincible … so they crossed the Canal and then … pooped their pants

Gen Sharon crossed to the Eastside of the Canal … ALL Egyptian supply lines cut … their Army surrounded in the Sinai … they were sitting ducks … only the threat of Russia’s intervention averted a mass slaughter of Egyptian troops … hello?

No missiles were involved BUT 3 Scuds were fired by Russian ‘advisors’ … eh?


The Moroccan King Mohammed VI has always protected the Jews in his country, even despite the Israeli-Arab conflict. The Moroccans themselves have always had a warm relations with us Jews, and 600K Jews here are from Morocco. It will be a warm peace, and I prefer it ten times more than the cold (but important) peace we have with Egypt. Regarding Algeria, we have no dispute with them and there is no way for both countries to fight anyway, just imgaine the logistics for such a war. Morocco and Algeria are not exactly friends even though they are both Berbers, the U.S and Israel arm Morocco same as Russia arms Algeria. If we look at it from a strategic POV, Algeria is mostly the Sahara desert and their main export is oil same as Libya. We don’t need their oil, we have our supplies from other countries. We have nothing to gain from peace with them anyway, except for shorter flights to Morocco. But Morocco is on the Atlantic Ocean, so Israelis can land there and then fly to the Americas not only from Spain. I can’t describe how many Israelis are happy from that peace deal, we just wait for the Covid to end and then see that beautiful country.


Morocco doesn’t even remotely compete with Algeria militarily, there is no resemblance of strategic parity between the two.

You already had all that before the official normalization, the deal only allows for political scoring badly needed for Bibi. True and I’m also glad that the Moroccan Jews and Arabs never suffered in their warm historical relations from surrounding , larger middle-eastern countries.

I was merely pointing out the erroneous nature of your perspective regarding how you didn’t care about Algeria and Tunisia which together, as I explained, represented a strategic mass and a continental conduit of much greater importance to Israel than Morocco will ever be able to provide, and technically, they had facilities and bilateral deals of more or less official nature when it came to trade, ditto the EAU.

The way they fill their state coffer is of no relevance in that picture.


Well I agree gryzor, it would have been better if they had also normalized relations with us, But you can’t force the horse to drink from the well right? if they want then great, if not then fine we won’t be disappointed or lose sleep over it. many Arab countries are starting to realize Israel is a fact and they can benefit alot from relations with us, I’m sure more countries would follow. And you know how much I hate Bibi mate, but in this case he did very well. When the other side doesn’t have Islamic lunatics in power, good things can happen in the ME.


Bibi is just caring for his own ass at the expense of both Israelis in Israel and Arabs outside of it, as he always does, don’t get fooled by the scores he’s trying to grasp here. Morocco got literally bribed into signing peace with you via US recognition of contentious areas around Gibraltar, it its not a fair precedent to consider it either effective, popular or legitimate. It will end up exactly like Jordan and Egypt, where both governments and people alike pretty much hate Israel even more than before being officially at peace with them.

Every single Arab state that has recently hurried into ratifying official peace with Israel was motivated with net geopolitical gifts or plain money (through the form of loans or aid) by the outgoing Trump presidency, on the ground it changes nothing of what they already enjoy in trade and relations. It’s purely political, nothing else.

Though I agree, the day zionist wackos are out the Knesset door and the same happens for Iranian principalists in the Iranian Majlis unwilling to even get back to the JCPOA now that team Biden has shown interest, the world will probably see some progress towards relative stability.

Jim Allen

So does Iran protect its Jewish population. The largest living outside Israel in the Middle East. So, what ?



“He’s hell-bent for destruction, he’s afraid and confused, And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill”

John Brown

Russia is getting lots of practice learning all of the USSA military secrets. which is why they allow Israel to do this.


Unfortunately, Putin has massive Zionist/Chabad ties which is why Russia allows them to do this. Russia is only in Syria to protect its base, which is not a bad thing, but it has nothing to do with being anti-Israel.

Assad must stay


Jens Holm

USAis not running out of Iraq.

They and we were asked in to save the Bagdad(shiits) for collapse and it do look better now for them but not well.

Shiits in Bagdad still not even has military control of Iraq.

But USA is reducing because they are asked to and not running away.

Nato was asked in for 2 reasons 1) To reduce or defeat ISIS and 2) To start the Govermental Iraqian military forces from nothing to something.

Thats partly done. The worries for Bagdad is Iran taking too much control.


should remind you of another jew’s efforts – viz. kissinger’s christmas bombing(s) of hanoi. the same crappy mentality is prevalent in all jews; thievery, murder and corruption is in the jewish dna.


That evil fossil is still alive i believe,i hope he has a fireproof coat he will need it where he is going.


True. They lack human empathy, compassion and many traits. The Khazars genome has some Neandrathal in it.

Jens Holm

You family has a hard time by that – or bad. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1dd5cbeba8522d3a322322a29ee0a291d3ef701e53bf2658e62b06bc8d1f4720.jpg




No empathy for Jihadis/Islamists muslim slugs


Wow … thanks for the memory


Yes supporting their ISIS allies on Christmas day.



Jens Holm

According my txt TV in Denmark: 6 Iranian soldiers was killed as well as store rooms and facilities for making missiles in the Hama province..

Great Khan

hahahaha Danish TV…Denmark full of druggies, whore mamtu and drunks…Great Khan laugh….hahahhahaha

Jens Holm

Its a copy from SOHR.

Our TV is not like Yours.

Great Khan

Countries with highest rate of prostitution (legal and illegal):

Thailand Denmark Germany hahahahhahaha

Jens Holm

At least they have a job and most here in Denmark is legal too.

cechas vodobenikov

sexual repressed–must be legal


But … they USE Ukrainian and Russian women in the whorehouses … hello?

They’re cheap … to buy

cechas vodobenikov

SOHR= CIA employee inUK

Jens Holm

You seemes raised as we use agailty for Our dogs.

So much is not allowed, because You are not trusted, You cant learn to behave Yorself.

Its very visible for muslims. Noah didnt grow wine to make alcoholics. Allah knew that and made millions into hashes and opium instead.

Not even death penalty helps. Look at Iran.

Rhodium 10

Zionist propagande!…Masyaf research center have been attacked no less than 7 times along these years of Syrian war….you can see in Google Earth that it is a huge center and only one small warhouse have been destroyed along these years despite launching many cruise missile…of course each cruise missile cost 10 times less that any warehouse …

Great Khan

Stoopid fat Amerikan pay for dud mamtu Zionist missiles hahahahaha

Jens Holm

I just referred, what written on my TV.

I also wnder how updated guggle is those days. I can only see Your credibility as low.

Rhodium 10

You can see that center in google earth year by year..

cechas vodobenikov

jens on LSD believe fake news


Jens is a Danish short of a picnic in the lunatic bin.

Jens Holm

You show Your level well for the ones, which are able to learn.

So many here dont know any western states and what makes them as they are. Thats stupidisme.

I almost all wars You defeat Your enemy better, if You know Your enemy. Another version I see right here is, that You blame us including the Jwes for having systems, whcih works much better then Your own.

And its even lower then that. Instead of learning to at least copy our good parts into Your own context, You wish people here should live like You.

Do we really steal from You, when we educate and motivate people to produce more and better choosing the best to every job. I dont thik so.

We have seen for many years women are just as good and clever as us under same conditions. So why should they go home doing almost nothig and even hidden by isolation and walls.

We have made a lot of changes amoing genders too. By that women can be Our chiefs and Sheiks as well as below or equal to us. They also can be anywhere, where we are and with anyone they want. Some old father and mother dont decide that. Insted we learn the men and women to be nice and behave well, so the ad options are not there.

That by the way includes LGBTs. Facts are 10% are like that. Why be punished the whole ife ti that or being forrest to be married and make children even You are not as most of us.

To me its de-escalation and if we and they feel better among each other, w support exh other and Our state. I think oit works fine here.

Being dirty machos and tall 10 times a day You are not gay and women are low in everything makes no sense here anymore.

We se it in politics and companies. We have a female premiereminister. One of our biggest companies named Maers Line has a female Leader.

We also has Vestager in EU trying to tax bigger companies better. Before that she was minister here too. We do have male dominance and might remain like that but we should never stop women to go into high places in jobs and also in politics. Some voemn are just as stupid as men, so we try not to elect them – too.

Arch Bungle

The idiot “just referred to what was written on his t.v” … You got moving pictures yet, Jens? Or they still “writing on your t.v” ?

BTW, it’s “google” not “guggle”. If you’ve been using “guggle.com” up to now, I got news for you son …

Jens Holm

I have cable and 40 channels, which is a discount version of a 57 channel package.



Expense again … you ain’t got the ???? TFB


Danish Zionist forced dreams. What does Denmark have, make, produce? Baby milk Carnation and little else. Now apparently lots of propaganda for their mindless shepple.

Jens Holm

Its not my fault You dont have internet or are not bright enough to look it up.

2019 says so.

Pharmaceuticals: US$17.5 billion (16% of total exports) Machinery including computers: $15.4 billion (14%) Electrical machinery, equipment: $9.7 billion (8.9%) Mineral fuels including oil: $4.8 billion (4.4%) Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $4 billion (3.7%) Meat: $3.8 billion (3.5%) Vehicles: $3.1 billion (2.8%) Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefab buildings: $3.1 billion (2.8%) Fish: $2.9 billion (2.6%) Dairy, eggs, honey: $2.7 billion (2.5%)

cechas vodobenikov

heroin in arhaus=dane pharma lego=vehicles in dkmark machines/computers in dk =cheese cutters why vast debt, increasing poverty, negative trade balance?



Arch Bungle

You’re 35 in the GDP rankings. Nigeria is number 30:


How’s it feel to contribute less to the global economy than the land of the 419 scammer?

Even that slow-burning dumpster fire South Africa is ahead of you at 32.

Moreover, Danish fertility is in the shitter, so your GDP is going to head the same way: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=DK

Of course, China is waaaaaaaay ahead at number one by now.


You can’t afford what they make … lol

cechas vodobenikov

little CIA dinky TV Christmas gift from soros. only poorly educated illiterate believes


Fars telling you nothing’s wrong …xD?

What about Mehr or rt or SANA?


Arch Bungle

So you believe JooTV? Don’t you know that Jews are reflexive and automatic liars?

Arch Bungle

All bullshit of course.

Jens Holm

Others since then says figting has going on there, so something actually is going on there.

SOHR mainly is a sober source.


Syrian assets will be destroyed along with Iranian ones, right now it’s only by airstrikes. Push us more and the IDF will roll the tanks into the other side of the Golan. As I wrote yesterday, read our military history and understand when and why we act.


Wank session in progress. Caution.


That’s all you got? SF lunatics here at their best.


You are the resident teenage clown who has accumulated more down votes and sheer ridicule than ever, on any site. What else can one do, but make fun for you wanker.


Too bad for you, I did alot more than that. It’s all good anyway, I hardly take anyone of you here seriously. I actually come here when I have time to enjoy all of you shitheads crying about the IDF. Keep it up, makes me happy.


Like I said keep wanking kid :)

Arch Bungle

Blah blah blah.


Down votes? lol

YOU’RE the teenage wanker here … ya f/kn slug

Arch Bungle

That all you got? The quality of hasbara trolls really took a dive when they hired you!


We rise to the level of the competition … you’re obviously unworthy of anything above ‘c’ material … xD

Arch Bungle

If you’re rising to our level you must have started really low, like in the sewers or something.

And yet, you still haven’t reached the level of most posters on this site.

You must be one of those “Special Needs” jews, right?

Arch Bungle

You don’t require much – it’s not like you and your butt buddy twatz make any sense to begin with!

Arch Bungle

I’ve read your military history. Here’s a summary:

– Only effective against unarmed refugee populations. – Is defeated and stalemated regularly by small Shia Muslim weekend warriors and part-timers.

– Spends most of it’s time training against children, women, old people and invalids

– Sometimes effective in the past against backward desert tribes who can barely operate modern machinery. Bleats on repetitively about victories won 50 years ago against incompetents still learning how to use a gun. – Would lose utterly in a war against any modern middle eastern army like Egypt and Iran if the US was not constantly backing them with it’s full military might. – Requires constant streams of cash from the USA to stay afloat.

Your army is an expensive waste of value. Hezbollah would be a better investment for the West if they wanted to control the middle east.


Is that why Hezbollah decided to step down and not respond? you clown.

Arch Bungle

When did they not respond? Last incident it was israel that didn’t respond to the Hezbollah bombing of an israeli vehicle on a military base.

The excuse the idf used was the vehicle was being driven by ‘robots’ … yeah, right …


let me correct you, they promised to kill an IDF soldier for losing one of their own. Once we told them that if that happens, we are going to destroy what is left of their puppet country, they calmed down.

Arch Bungle

You can’t correct shit. And no, that’s not what happened. What happened was, you made some noise, they blew up a carload full of you fuckers, then you made out like it was a remote controlled car because if you had not it would have been 2006 all over again with you fuckers getting your asses handed to you with a bonus.

I say “bonus” because Hezbollah’s missle inventories have multiplied by 10 or more since 2006 in range and quantity, so for sure Tel Aviv gets it right in the chops next time you decide to go full retard on Lebanon.


Bring a proof they blew up an IDF vehicle with troops in it. You can’t hide casualties here.

Arch Bungle

Bring proof any of these points are false, you don’t get to sidestep the argument with straw man attempts:

IDF is:

– Only effective against unarmed refugee populations. – Is defeated and stalemated regularly by small Shia Muslim weekend warriors and part-timers. – Spends most of it’s time training against children, women, old people and invalids – Sometimes effective against backward desert tribes who can barely operate modern machinery – Would lose utterly in a war against any modern middle eastern army like Egypt and Iran if the US was not constantly backing them with it’s full military might. – Requires constant streams of cash from the USA to stay afloat. – Build a tank it claims is “Gods Chariot”, almost immediately gets roasted alive in it by Hezbollah RPGs.


Another very expensive, wasteful and nasty action, on Christmas day no less. The Isreali leadership has completely lost it´s mind with this little sneak attack. BN is truly finished.


Desperate attempts to stay relevant. These expensive pinprick attacks have ZERO military value.


Jens Holm

If they hit, I see them as snipers. Israelians are relative clever in this. If it is as You say, they would not do that.


Go away to stupid spamming idiot. You have nothing to offer.

Jens Holm

The stupidisme is You assume, they do it hitting nothing. They certainly do even its not perfect.

Arch Bungle

This garbage is not even English. Go to school, bitch.


Get in your corner and have a good cry …


Arch Bungle


Jens Holm

Better then You. My writing is very effective and You did undertstand. And if not, You can ask and Ill try again.


Again with the expense … xD

How expensive is 1 Dead Israeli?

Calculate that … Muslim slimeball

That’s how Israel calculates … expense

+ 9 DEAD Jihadi muslim slugs

Let’s see the ‘pin prick’ IRGC response … the cowardly paper tiger


Arch Bungle

Forget about expense. Talk about totally useless actions! israel is like a mosquito biting Syria. Ten thousand bites over a decade and achieving nothing!

How much more evidence that israel is impotent and useless in war?

All you’re good for is fighting old men in their beds, little children, teenage girls and unarmed men.


Syria is a failed state … they don’t control ANYTHING … Come on Man!

The Assad Crime Family …. are dead men walking

muslim braggart … Syria?

I’m watching the Israeli TV series ‘Valley of Tears’ … a dramatization about the Yom Kippur … EVEN WITH ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF SURPRISE ON THE GOLAN … the f/kn Syrian Army might have invaded the Galilee but were TOO AFRAID …. the IDF was out-manned without enough tanks …. 10:1 ratio BUT the timid Syrians FAILED to advance and within 48 hours were running back … Israel chased them and could fire on Damascus with artillery but stopped … out of pity …. eh?


The f/kn Syrians will burn along with the IRGC and Hezbollah in Syria


Arch Bungle

Syria is a state under siege by a superpower, they are in control of a large percent of their territory and will soon control all of it. COME ON MAN!

israel is a FAILED excuse for a state, it is an OCCUPATION that survives on welfare from the US and EU. It would sink in one week if the welfare umbilical was cut. An occupation is not a STATE, it is a HOUSE OF CARDS.

As for the Assads, they are a family of HEROES. Without them there WOULD BE NO SYRIA.

Unlike the criminals that rule joostan, the Assads ruled by agreement of most of the Syrian people. Half of Occupied Palestine never agreed to criminals like Bibi.

HOLOCAUST OVER AND OVER AGAIN! As many times as required to exterminate the cockroach nest of zionist joos.

The f/kn jews will burn in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod – that’s all ‘israel’ is.

NO MERCY … Roast all the Zionists in Palestine!


What Superpower occupies Syria?

Turkey? lol Russia? lol

Arch Bungle

Idiot. Duh, the US. Hello? Next?


So … Russia allows the USA OCCUPYING Syria? lol


Arch Bungle

How’d you fabricate that conclusion? What makes you think Russia allows it?


What does the USA occupy in Syria?

Arch Bungle

Are you completely stupid? You can’t type a search in google? Really? Seriously?

Jewdollars don’t buy you much of an education these days do they?


Don’t eat more than you can chew buddy, it’s easy to write it over here but not so easy when you meet guys like me in battle. The last time I got called into active service during an operation was in 2014, and even Hamas members with all of their Islamic ideology ran to hide among the population inside houses and tunnels instead of fighting face to face. The ones I could find..well let’s just say they won’t harass Israelis anymore. Am i proud of myself? definitely, waiting for another round.


It’s not useless at all, as the missiles hit their targets and 6 Iranians (or Iranian backed) lost their lives. Russia is also getting tired of Iran, Putin knows they can drag Syria into a war they don’t need and will lose. It’s one thing to annoy Erdogan in Northern Syria, but a completely different thing to annoy us as we are only 60Km from Damascus. Not a good idea to fuck with our national security.


Hey Iron. You know I don´t mind your take at all. You are one of the few I disagree with that has been true to themselves around here. I respect that.

I will disagree in the sense as I have stated on this article. This was a waste of time; dumb stuff. The Israeli govenment could not get it´s act together just a day or two ago and here they are fooling around with zero value strikes. It got barely a yawn out of the SAA and Co.

I wish well to you and yours during the holiday season.


Thanks John. Truth is, we have a political chaos now and Bibi is taking us to a fourth elections. I think that you are right in the sense that those airstrikes have reached their limit as many of their assets are now underground. Thus, the only real option is a ground invasion. But the political situation makes it difficult, atleast till March.


Silly kid, ground war takes dedicated unlimited manpower, the Zionist cowards have barely 200,000 IDF at best and will be chewed up in weeks. Just look at the sheer numbers.


200,000? did you make up that number? it’s 700K in a war and it may increase to over 1M men and women if the situation is dire. Not everyone is on combat duty, but it takes 100-150K IDF troops to flush the Iranian proxies in Syria and Lebanon down the toilet. That is if we have the patience to spare the population, few MLRS on every village will do the job more quickly.


LOL, you are a clown.


Did you like our LORA in NK? even better, check our new and improved MLRS. https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/S18g9i3jw Fixed the link it’s in hebrew, just click on the video to see it


Armenia is a poor isolated country of 3 million you silly idiot. It could not fight 85 million Turks, 10 millions Azeris and 220 million Pakistanis, while Russian abandoned them for strategic reasons. A war on Syria and Lebanon will unleash 400 million Shias and other resistance forces. You Zionists are quite stupid really.




F/kn Muslim loser

Arch Bungle

The Jews were the losers last time they took on Muslim Hezbollah. Suck it, Shlomo!


Losers? NOT !!

The Hezbollah slugs begged the UN to STOP … lol

Nasrallah is a vampire …. he never emerges from his crypt underground …


Arch Bungle

>The Hezbollah slugs begged the UN to STOP … lol

Rubbish, liar. The JOOS begged the UN to stop.

Look at this fat joo rat jumping at the sound of firecrackers:


Arch Bungle

Hoooo! Look at that fat joo run!

Jim Allen

Russia didn’t abandon Armenia in any way. The opposite is true, yet Russia kept every word of it’s agreement with Armenia. Armenia has Armenia to blame for it’s losses. Russia is committed to protect Armenia inside it’s borders, not outside.

Jens Holm

A good version.


Yes but if Israel would launch a ground invasion, Hezbollah would’ve rained hell on them. Not only that but Iran would’ve sent many troops to Syria to fight Israel on the ground. The Syrians don’t need this. If everyone just stayed the f out of Syria (Russia, Israel, US, Turkey, Iran etc…) Syria would’ve defeated the Jihadis and the war would’ve ended.

Jens Holm

Iran not even has logistics for that and Russia never will allow anything like that.

So Your but is Your own behind.


Always with the expense …. are you a Scot or a Jew? lol

Yes wasteful is appropriate … + 9 WASTED slugs IRGC

Arch Bungle

No IRGC were harmed. You’ve been conned.


You’re an idiot …. + 9 IRGC DEAD … and counting

You’re a muslim stooge … blindfolded

Arch Bungle

No, you’re the idiot.

Jewmedia has conned you, zionist stooge.

Go suck a foreskin, oh yeah, you don’t have one.

Potato Man

Happy h0l0caust to Zion and Wahhabi shitheads.


That’s why you’re a ‘potato head’ ya f/kn goy …

Arch Bungle

Looking forward to the next mass roasting of zionists when we set Palestine free.


Sure … paper tiger


Arch Bungle

meh. You must be out of viagra. You’re all limp today.


Way to make the whole of Syrian society hate Israel for at least a generation more, and this time Christians first in line. I can’t believe they tried to pull that one again. Plus it seems the strike itself has essentially failed, last one was significantly more successful in destroying equipment and killing people. 2nd year in a row that they choose the very night of Christmas Eve to perform yet another unprovoked criminal aggression and attempt to kill Syrian citizen. Way to go Bibi, still smart as ever xD


9 dead on Xmas … xD

F/k the Christians … what have they done to protect the Jewish People?

Should the IRGC respond … a real WAR will have begun … the paper tiger is AFRAID …. xD

May they continue to know whose in charge ….



Tsatso fatsoooo !!!! You are so weak xD but you do love following me around like a lil doggy hey ?

SO now fuck the Christians huh ? what a dumb fuck again, they’re the few allies you might have gotten left in that area, namely for your machinations in the Golan, you first-class imbecile cannot even comprehend that.

So fuck 80 million Iranians, and now fuck all the Christian Arabs ?

Oh btw, what the fuck do they owe you to “protect” you ? where is it written that they should somehow be on your side considering all your misdeeds against their nation ?

Besides, what was Israel doing about them when they directly aided Salafist paramilitaries while they were slaughtering one Christian village after the other ? You had it coming, now they ALL hate you and i’m completely fine with that.

PS : MERRY CHRISTMAS BRAAAH ahahahahah how do you love your Santa with a black pizza on his head ?


How did the Yom Kippur War end ?

How many Muslim rats exterminated?

What was repulsed ? +9 and counting dead … that’s not what was the mission …. hello?

It was to destroy the missile factory …. making it MORE & MORE expensive to build again and again … with Iran wasting more ??? on Syria rather than Iran .. eh?

Christians on the Golan? lol

Arab Christians are like Arab Muslims … no different

Kurds … are pro-Israel

Arch Bungle

>Kurds … are pro-Israel

The Kurds are whores. they’re pro everything where they can get it, but mostly they’re pro Uncle Sam. israel is just hiding under Uncle Sam’s skirts.


They’re anti-Turkeys …. heh heh

By 2040 …. more Kurds will be joining the turkey armed forces …. teach them how to fire on Kurds … hello?

They’ll be firing on YOU …. can’t happen soon enough for me … eh?

Arch Bungle

WTF are you even talking about. You high, shlomo?


Demographics … look it up turkey


Well gryzor, we did lose about 3000 troops back then but it was only due to their dirty move attacking us on Yom Kippur. Let’s see what would happen if we invade Syria and Lebanon on their Ramadan, even between enemies there should be respect. Anyway, they lost the Golan for good. No sain Israeli leader would give it back to Assad after the support he has been giving to Iran. As I wrote in my last comments, there is a growing impatient here from iran’s actions and their proxies across the ME, the only difference now is that the IDF is willing to strike Iran itself should it make any hostile move against us. That submarine should give them a clear message gryzor.


My reply was merely a jab in the face of your overtly racist friend “tzatz”, to give him a taste of his own medicine and how bad it looks, obviously.

You mean the “respect” shown by your government when attacking people two years in a row on the very nigh of Xmas Eve in a country filled with Christians slaughetered by the very same paramilitary forces that you used to overtly support in your occupied side of the Golan for years until Putin put an end to it in 2015 ?

Bombing, terrotizing and threatening lives of countless Syrian nationals of all confessions not even a day before or a week after ? nobody is fooled, there are explicit messages conveyed here, and they don’t sound well at all for Israel. It does not bode well for getting hearts and mind in Syria or anywhere else in the world on the side of Israel worries, assuming some are justified, that’s really all I’m saying. Their repeated timing are grossly hostile to anything Syrian or Arab, and on a political point of view, is plain unbelievable madness and not too different from the most unacceptable anti-semitic tirades one can hear elsewhere regarding Israeli jews.

Anyway I called my friend in Damascus after the strikes as I always do, he told me people in the relevant neighborhoods didn’t see explosions on the ground but a lot in the air, and no report of human casualties, I am glad Xmas came with one of the Syrian AD’s best performances, ever.

Besides, Arab nations weren’t more or less treacherous or disrespectful thar you were attacking them out of the blue in the 6-day war, it was due justice especially considering, you invaded in 67, they wanted to get back their lands in 73, very different levels of legitimacy levels here, both legally and morally. Your double standards are once again all over the place, IZ, yet facts are always more stubborn that Zionist Chutzpah.


I disagee gryzor, Israel has always prefered peace since day one but our neighbours have always tried to destroy us. Their actions have shaped our mentality towards them, why should we trust Syria now? even if Assad would declare that he wants peace, why shoudl we believe him? his actions speak differently. Take Lebanon, Tsahal invaded there to kill the terrorists that infiltrated our Northern border. We didn’t wake up one day and said – hey let’s invade Lebanon. It’s their action that led to us being there for 18 years. We are a defensive force by nature, we become offensive once our red lines are crossed.


“We are a defensive force by nature, we become offensive once our red lines are crossed.”

That assertion is patently false I’m afraid. The actions of the likes of Irgun, Haganah and the Stern brigade speak otherwise. Palestinian living under the British mandate never made an offensive move against Jews or Israelis before they decided to military organize their state project.

They first made themselves famous by perpetrating one of the most destructive and deadly terrorist bombings of the history of the Middle-East by blowing up the King David hotel to force the Brits out. Then it engaged in massive illegal immigration of Jews to what they saw as the Biblical Israel with a self-proclaimed “right of return” … where people happened to have settled after more than a millennia of their absence, like the whole planet changed a million times ever since. You simply quoted the Old Testament over international legitimacy or law. It doesn’t work that way, same as Islamist quoting Verses of the Quran to advance their agendas in Syria or Iraq.

And then as we all know the endgame was systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians post-48 wherever they could do it, offered them to either leave or get killed and the property seized by force, it’s public knowledge, even the far-right doesn’t question it. Official papers and property-related documentation of the pre-48 era further demonstrates this.

As one of Israel’s infamous former officials said, “we came with the Bible in one hand and a rifle in another”, that’s pretty much sums up the spirit and letter of their national project every since its modern inception.

Tsahal invaded Lebanon because the PLO entrenched in it, but why did the PLO started to fight in the first place ? always the chicken and egg problem, and then comes history and its stubborn chronology.

Assad wanted peace just like Sadat, to move outside of Russian influence and settle for western dealings, you were this close to making it happen and guess who broke the whole deal in one go ? Bibi, to whom the Golan is forever Jewish, by his own proud admission.

Now the question is, why should Syrian believe or listen to you ? ever since the civil war started you did basically everything with your power to contribute to the fragmentation and downfall of their country, bombed them a thousand times, hampered their war effort against terrorist AQ-linked militias that you let encamp in your occupied side of the Golan and you openly furnished the with medical aid, intelligence, arms , equipment and even air-cover every time the SAA came too close.

Israel has never been a source for peace for the past decades but rather a constant pressure or foreign borders and lands, constantly encroaching on pretty much every single of your neighbors’ territory from 67 on, except when it came to Rabin, and we know how he was thanked for his peaceful overtures and sincere intent at global, lasting peace. May he rest in peace.


What happened in the past was done by both sides, Jews were kicked out from Arab countries same as Arabs had to leave to Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It was war, and there were no rules like today. If you get stuck on the past, you can never have a future. Before 2011 we didn’t fire one bullet into Syria (since the end of the Yom Kippur war) but when Hezbollah came too close to the Golan we started to act by arming the FSA and other organizations.

I don’t deny it, it was a smart move as we didn’t want to have Iranian proxies. It all ended when Russia asked us to let the SAA capture the Daraa area, and promised to push the Iranians 80 KM from our border. Bibi accepted it, but on the ground it has never changed. Israel is hurting Syria BECAUSE of Iran’s actions towards us, it became a battleground for both countries on Syrian soil. Again, we don’t wake up and say “hey let’s start killing Syrians for fun”, no we do it because their actions threaten our security as more rockets are being transfered to Hezbollah from Syria, especially AbuKamal with joint SAA-Iranian presence. That is unacceptable for us gryzior, and once it stops we wont have to use force. If it doesn’t stop, well then things are gonna escalate.


“What happened in the past was done by both sides, Jews were kicked out from Arab countries same as Arabs had to leave to Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.”.

No IZ, that’s the whole point, it was not started by anything other than a predatory , militaristic and uncompromising posture by Israeli founders after WWII. There’s no way in the world to distort history around that stone, cold fact. Get over it. Now I agree times have past and we cannot base our current posture around that since what is done, is well… done. One mut focus on the present, but there comes another round of chicken and egg problem.

“Before 2011 we didn’t fire one bullet into Syria (since the end of the Yom Kippur war)”

Yes you did mate, during the whole of the 82 Lebanon war, where you systematically targeted Syrian forces as well on your way to your objectives, which was to take down the PLO which you created by attacking the Palestinian in their homes in the first place. But times were different and the USSR was there to support them, plus they were not eaten by civil war from the inside so they fought back every time and Hafez had a habit of responding in tit-for-tat mode to every single of your aggressive moves contrary to his son, and inflicted serious casualties on your forces and in the end you both backed down, which was for the better.

Then you attacked them in 2007 in a totally unprovoked move by bombing what you claimed was a nuclear plant, which was their sovereign right to have, just like you have Dimona and your illegal nuclear arsenal. Again, you refuse to other what you gladly grant to yourself, and it still doesn’t work the way you want.

Russia did present evidence to support their claim in moving Iranian forces not 80, but even 100km away but it was disregarded by the Israeli cabinet, whom then continued to bomb not Iranian, but SAA infrastructure and forces, betraying their real intent beneath the “self-protection” excuse once it was depleted on the ground. Propaganda did the rest.

“but when Hezbollah came too close to the Golan we started to act by arming the FSA and other organizations.”

Hezbollah had no military presence in Syria before you started initiating major trouble by helping not the FSA (which was never active in that area to begin with) but those “other organizations” than you neglect to mention whom they were : Salafist paramilitary groups such as Al-Qaeda/Nusra ally Ahrar Al Sham and Harakat Nourideen Al Zinki, and blocked the SAA from putting an end to their activity here.

So when you want to quote facts go all the way please. Mosheh Yaalon himself recognized that and explicitly declared to the Israeli press that he’d rather have Al-Qaeda or ISIS at Israel’s gates in Syria rather than Iran.

Hezbollah/Iran moved in AFTER the conflict turned into a dangerous scenario for the Baathists. Had you stayed in your place and away from the conflict they wouldn’t ever have had a valid reason to allocate ressources in Quneitra that were direly needed elsewhere. You had it coming, so just stop complaining and whining all the time while you continue to be the sole aggressors here.

Bullets and missiles only ever go one way since 2011 : Israel ==> Syria while breaching Lebanese skies and occasionally risking lives by the hundreds by taking cover near commercial airliners. .


Okay gryzor, I can’t argue with that. I’m not saying we haven’t done mistakes because we have, but what is next? I really don’t want to see a war between the IDF and the SAA just because of Iran. If Russia can put more pressure on them it would help de-escalate the situaion. As things are going now, I don’t know which front will be opened first, Lebaon or Syria. Not to mention, we have problems in Gaza too. Just remember – Bibi is not Israel. Sooner or later we will get rid of him, maybe then things will change.


You know I can’t argue a thing when you talk like this mate :D My wish, made simple for 2021 ?

-Iran getting back to the JCPOA with incentives from Biden -Russia and China pressuring Iran to get away from Syria and get to some kind of balanced entente on their common interests in Iraq (of which there are plenty), and focus on its own prosperity at home as a central precondition for further geopolitical support within the framework of the JCPOA, like diplomatic backing at the UN, arms sales and lucrative long-term cooperation deals. -Biden also pressuring Israel to back down on its hardline posture on the Palestinian issue and get back to a negotiated two-state solution, as well as pulling Trump’s blank check on MbS and the non-stop trouble he keeps on fanning in Yemen and elsewhere.

I know that’s a lot, but each seems possible with a little political goodwill at compromise.


Your history lesson is bs

After WWII … the UN voted for Partition but the Arabs attacked …

They have LOST ever since then …

They’re losing last night and tonight as well …

If it wasn’t for bad luck … nah if it wasn’t for incompetence … they’d have no luck at all


You never went to a real school, shut the fuck up

The UN to this day keeps on condemning Israel for every inch of territory they gained post-67 and consider it an outlaw state for all of its settlement activity in occupied Palestinian Territories and will soon outright ban the sale of settlement products, now labeling them and denouncing them has already begun, it’s phase one, so fuck you

Israel won when it was forced to give back to whole of the Sinai it swore a MONTH before it was forever part of mighty Eretz Yisrael, yeah right. Israel won when it was forced to pack up and leave Southern Leb after dying here for 17 years straight. Israel won when it again tried to invade the place in 2006 and had to run away for its life a month later without an INCH of conquest, probably. Israel won when it had to vacate Gaza, swear to reconquer it , lost soldiers by the dozens every time it attempted to walk in there and not just cowardly bomb it from above, gimme a break you foolish clown.

You aren’t worh my time, go play war from your armchair. Oh, and eat a dick, as you like it so much you can’t stop but to mention penises in a conversation xD


UN … has no power and certainly isn’t a judge and jury … lol

Israel invaded Lebanon and occupied it for decades … but muslims can’t be occupied by non-muslims indefinitely … using proxies is the only way to deal with that …

The Pals are finished … conquering Gaza is for fools … who wants to look after a pile of worms? lol


Ahah the UN is so irrelevant you fight it tooth and nail to avoid every single of its resolution that then ends up being adopted,and your delegations lose it publicly every time its chambers grant more recognition to Palestine as a state and people and you even try to bomb their school and hospitals whenever you get the chance, making you one of the worst offenders on earth in the eyes of the whole world, and I’mcomletemy fine with that xD get outta there you weak fuck.

Yeah Gaza is pile of worm, so useless and irreelevant that your hero minister Lieberman quit his job slamming the door because Bibi didn’t have the guts to retake it as he first promised. You see how facts are beautiful ? they debunk racist ignorant assholes any day,and their dignity with it xD

Israel invaded Lebanon and DIED for decades pal,there’s a slight differnece you didn’t notice,and their goal was to defend their land not to invade you, as unlike you they aren’t some parasites feedin and constantly try expanding on others. Anyway they’ve made progress ,first they had to beat your ass for 17 years bleeding your officers ranks to exhaust your resolve,then it took’em a mere MONTH to achieve the very same result.

I swear history is beautiful… for those smart enough to read it.

Not your case ,obviously ;-)


You learned when you got hit in the Golan what lines not to cross. Which is why a ground invasion is highly unlikely. Just like a war with Iran is.

You are right in your comment below that your nuisance strikes are ineffective against removing Iran from Syria. Or slowing the Syrian victory. Which I’ve been telling you for years.

Though you are helping improve the Syrian coalition’s ability to destroy the IAF if that becomes necessary. Most of which can be done on the ground before they even get in the air. You should rename it the sitting ducks. Because in an escalation that’s what they’ll be.

Russia and Iran planned to fight Israel in Syria the day they deployed there. Any escalation on your part will meet pre-planned counter strikes.

You’re your own worst enemies. As the Jones material makes clear.



Russia will NEVER attack Israel directly …


Xmas … what’s Xmas to a mooslim?


An Atheist… what’s an atheist to a retarded jewish supremacist wishing genocide of 80 million people + Arab Christians + Arab Muslims + anything “goyish” ? Something his failing dysfunctional brain won’t understand, ever.

Xmas has been a secular celebration for generations now you pathetic dumb fuck, and you still haven’t crawled out from your primitive religious cave to realize that on a closing 2020.


A goy … silvester to you goy?


Not even capable of a proper joke ,but nice try though ,I love the attention xD


Ya it’s lonely without anyone … at Xmas … eh goy?


I totally get you mate, living in a hairy cave doesn’t help finding friends and how do you wackos call him… your “G-D” (LOL this too is miserable) knows you don’t crawl out often. But you’ll have to look elsewhere for dicks,as I got a girlfirend… I’m hetero, sorry xD


and the friggin thieving and murdering jews sent a hail of missiles on syria on christmas eve – remember kissinger and the hanoi-bombings on christmas – only jews would do such a thing.


Xmas eve? Oh my … Assad around the tree singing carols with the kids?

Did they play the dead skull game … 500,000 dead?

Jens Holm

Everytime I read something You has written, You has a very bad memory or worse.

Dead ones:

Arab estimates for Jom Kippur war is 5.000 annd not 3.000, “West” says 8.000 and Israel says up to 15.000.

Israel losses 2.656

Before You write numbers like that You at least should read about it.Acopy paste might be a good idea as well.




So let me this straight : just because you took ONE random Youtube video proving number estimates different than mine that aren’t mathematically identical to what I claimed makes you right and me wrong ? are you just universally stupid or plain crazy ?

Besides, who said I was trying to be compliant in your eyes ? 3,000 is the common round number of estimated Israeli losses, I will not put 2,957 just because it pleases Jens, you aren’t my teacher, you have zero moral authority on me and your facts are systematically wrong on every topic.

Anyway I did not even mention Arab losses, that wasn’t my topic and you’re a retard taking me up on this like I owe you some kind of accuracy.

Jens Holm

Cant You read I have followed everything about it when it happend and after that too.

I have given You those Youtubes to show how things are on Youtube too.

This is not teaching. I tell You are a liar and show proof, which can be shown by at least 10 Youtubes more as well as in 100s pages and illustrations from very different sources.

And I dont write it for You. I write it so everybody else can see You are not to rely on and they by me get facts.


Liar on what ? you didn’t debunk or counter-demonstrate a single fact , what are you even talking about , you deluded clown ? I said a dozen stuff in my previous posts and you obsessively grasped on a darn number, a figure, and nothing else.

People can simply check the wiki page about the Kippur War and its many, many references providing a lot more data to analyze and show how closer reality is to my version than your non-existent analysis and proof. Here it is, everyone. Special emphasis on the situation right before the ceasefire at the bottom.


And in case you don’t know, pasting a video will never provide anyone with an ounce of credibility in any given debate, that’s the very basis of factual analysis Vs a dumb cut-out from another source without any form of added value to it. You don’t get any credit or intelligence by dropping other people’s work, you haven’t even figured out the most fundamental ways at a debate, fuckin asshole.

You have lost this little game time and again every time you try to tangle with me and you’re grasping at straws as pathetically as ever little man. Our latest exchanges are a glaring testimony to that sad fact for you i’m afraid. So yes, please please please, let the whole dialog stay here for all to see and laugh you out, as it always is the case between us.

So basically you call me a liar because I used a round number without copy-pasting something out of the internet and made some kind of “mistake” of 200 out of 3000 out of a joke I was making against a racist individual ? it didn’t even have statistical value, just like his “80 MILLIONS ANTS “, you dishonest hypocrite. You didn’t even get either my wording or purpose of that number when used the way I did. You said three different figure exist to qualify Israeli or Egyptian losses depending on who’s talking, that’s the basic reality of war coverage, propaganda is everywhere on all sides trying to minimize their losses, and you dare grasp at my number just because you don’t feel like it’s accurate, are you some kind of retarded fool or senile old man ?

And please, you aren’t exactly renowned at being anything other than a biased, quite unintelligent and systematically pro-Israel moron with little to no regard for actual facts when you run Google Translate to lie your way around, asshole.

The vast majority of participants in this forum despise you for your lack of prowess at basic English, people can’t even make anything out of most of what you say or claim, and dropping a Youtube video like a teenager learning how the internet works won’t change an iota of that percpetion.

Get a life, loser, and let the adults do the talking.

Arch Bungle

> F/k the Christians … what have they done to protect the Jewish People?

They have not done enough to eradicate them, that’s the problem. Next holocaust they should do the job properly.

No Jews left = no more white guilt, no endless whining about the suffering of your poor roasted ancestors, and the Germans can move on with their lives.


Well … we’ll see about dat

Arch Bungle

That the best you got?


What insect are you arch … afraid of exposing your ilk sluggo?

Jens Holm

Many Jews actually got allowence to stay in western Europe eascaping from the Tzar Russia and the progroms.

Several countries and among them Russia tryed to make autonomes and refugiums for jews.

About 5 millions emmigrated and mainly to USA. So dont tell none of us us did anything about it.

I also will reminds You that Britts after WW1 wanted to get rid of many jwes but in a sober way. Those semi-europeans should be usefull helpers for the Britts protecting Suez and tyhe pipelines to Kirkuk.

They were not meant to have a country there but should create new modern city job and devellop and integrate Palestine to the Brittish Empire. Britts did have cyprus too.

So Your version as a minimum is highly biased. Thise whites wasnt all as You descriebe it.

And by my writing You might understand, why USA protect Jews in Israel of today and when needed give them weapons for it.

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny always stupid—no pogroms Russia—only Ukraine, Georgia, Poland…Jenny bad comedian, low caste inferior racist

Jens Holm

Its terrifying people with Yourt name not even know Your own history because so muchis erased – and so easy to check up.

Fx Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire (Russian: Еврейские погромы в России; Hebrew: הסופות בנגב‎ ha-sufot ba-negev; lit. “the storms in the South”) were large-scale, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting that first began in the 19th century. Pogroms began occurring after the Russian Empire, which previously had very few Jews, acquired territories with large Jewish populations from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Ottoman Empire during 1772–1815. These territories were designated “the Pale of Settlement” by the Imperial Russian government, within which Jews were reluctantly permitted to live, and it was within them that the pogroms largely took place. Jews were forbidden from moving to other parts of European Russia (including Finland), unless they converted from Judaism or obtained a university diploma or first guild merchant status. Migration to Caucasus, Siberia, Far East or Central Asia was not restricted. by wiki.

Many other sources says exact same thing again and again and I even has has photos for it too included Jewish villages build as castles from a 25 book long telling and dokyúmnentation for WW1 and before that.

Those many books has many pages about Russia too and was written in 1925.

Link for that is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire


what form of humanity do you allegedly belong to slug?

Joos got you down sluggo?

Arabs are weak … eh?

How else to explain the Joos superiority over them?

Aren’t Joos so easy to defeat? xD


Christmas gift from fascist Übermensch Israel: Bibi’s Deafening Silence can be heard all over.


I take responsibility … f/k y’all


Like all psychopaths you are proud of your pathology, nothing new here. The thing is, you’re so irrelevant that the only fun is to take you down at every turn here.


Cool … are you trying real hard dick?

Arch Bungle

Next holocaust is on me. I’ll toast to the next “toast” hahaha.


Ya keep talking braggart like a muslim … a useless muslim

What are they good for? Absolutely nothing

Arch Bungle

Where’d you get the idea I’m Muslim? Muslims are still under the delusion the jews are their brothers, I am not.

FYI: Islam laid the foundations of modern western society. Without it, not even the jews would be of any consequence in the modern world.

Jews contributed nothing more significant than male genital mutilation and large paedophile rings.


So a slavic piece of shit … unworthy of any discussion


Arch Bungle

What makes you think I’m slavic? Although, props to the Slavs for converting you khazars to joo-daism.

(They should have just butchered the lot of you though – the world would be better off)



Arch Bungle

That all you got? “next” aint much of an argument, bitch.


Hey slug … what arguments ya got … xD?

oilim is goylim …. ROTFLMAO

John Wallace

Sorry but you got that mixed up.. Either that or trying to steal someone else’s thunder ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01-2pNCZiNk


Oops …

What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing … say it again

John Wallace

Thanks for the d/v but I see you agreed with it and corrected yourself so well done. The only honest thing you have done for the last week. Have a nice day and enjoy your bacon and eggs for breakfast.


No swine crossed my lips …

John Wallace

Sorry correct. It must have been steak and eggs seeing as it is bullshit that crossed your lips.


That’s better … I’ll leave you the swine … ya f/kn pig

John Wallace

Wow , do you live on here. Hope they are paying better than minimum wages or are you paid in kind. Bullshit for bullshit.. The only one fuckin pig around here is you and I hope it is not a case of necrophilia bestiality’.. or is that why Iron Dyin is sucking your dick.

Jens Holm


John Wallace

Get permission from one of your hands and carry on wanking as you are the best wanker I know you really dumb fuck.

Jens Holm

Its Syria united.

John Wallace

United under Assad.. Good thinking Jens.

John Wallace

Which Terrorist groups flag is that not that one butchers flag from another matters much.

Jens Holm

Its the Assad flag United with the YPG flag.


Covid time … lots of time … I’m entertained taunting the f/kn goyim … mooslims here

Iron Dome picked off 2 rockets from Gaza … the IAF was quick to respond … Shabbat or not … eh?

The mooslims slugs have to pay and pay and pay

Arch Bungle

I take responsibility for the holocaust. F/k y’all foreskinless f/kheads.


muslim bs

Arch Bungle

Come on! you can do better than that! Whatsammatta, out of chutzpha?

You can call me Al

Fuck you, Zionist scum.


Masayaf … near your home?

Keep you up?

+ 9 dead slugs more will succumb soon …



I don’t want to call you Al, I want to call you a roach. Do you like it better?


two or more irritants polluting these commentaries and I guess I don’t have to be more specific than that – just IGNORE!

Jens Holm

If there was a Nobel price for lies in Münchausen style or worse, there would be many candisates here.

Sometimes I write here to show the readers, that not all at this site is barking mad.

Not a single here talk about how to make peace and even their countries kills and kills and mainly muslims kill muslims. You all think You can win and dont care about thats impossible and a lie for Yourself. You by writing all the no facts from below Your bed balnkets wriiten by some hairy carrot make Your own deep dark state and solve nothing.

A good change would be to cean Your own houses. And excuse coud be thoise are so dirty, that they cant and only flames and graveyards can solve some of it.


If there was a Nobel priZe (not “price” lol) for spamming utterly retarded garbage again and again, without any doubt you should be the winner. twatz is an imbecile, but your idiocy is simply another level of stupidity. The most laughable part is that you actually believe that your clueless, worthless gibberish is remotely interesting or intelligent hah! Trust me: no sane person even reads that 100% total and complete crap….

Unfortunately for you there is no such priZe, but at least I’ll give you a banana. Here ya go ? Now back on your knees and keep worshiping your yankee masters you utterly indoctrinated, brainless little bitch.


Try “Syrian Air Defence thwarts zionazi terrorist attack”.


Try it? But it’s not true …

Denial is ALL you got?

cechas vodobenikov

the crude self uglified idiot from durakistan returns—not enough attention from mommy?


Yopt fayu matya

Arch Bungle

It’s proven to be enough for a decade now.


What’s proven is how incompetent the Arab troops manning Syrian Air Defenses are … LMAO


May it ever be thus …


cechas vodobenikov

anglo incompetents poorly train they colonial subjects; Israel spends anglo money—claims they murdered an olive tree in desert for amerikan master. Soros claims victory …slave media reports to anglos that their obesity is evidence that they have live culture

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