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Syrian Air Defense Repels Israeli Missile Attack On Damascus Countryside

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Syrian Air Defense Repels Israeli Missile Attack On Damascus Countryside


Early on December 23, the Syrian Air Defense intercepted several missiles launched by Israeli warplanes from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and the Lebanese area of Mount Hermon.

According to Syria’s SANA, the missiles were intercepted at 11 p.m. local time. SANA claimed that  the Israeli missiles reportedly fell in the area of  Aqraba in the Damascus countryside.

At the same time, pro-Israeli sources claim that all the missiles hit their targets. Nonetheless, this has not been confirmed by visual evidence.

The new Israeli attack in Syria took place as the Syrian Army and its allies were developing an important advance against terrorist groups in the Greater Idlib region. At the same time, ISIS increased their attack on military and civilian targets in the government-controlled part of Syria.

It seems that some forces are very unhappy that terrorist groups that operate in Syria are on retreat.


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How many of the Jacob trolls will show up on this thread with lies and BS. 5 4 3 2 or 1 ? Jarjnaz may have fallen all ready, Tigers are leaping across SE Idlib. :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


lol Jacob owns all of you, one man that triggers you so badly. Jacob > SouthFront’s low IQ apes.


You boor me Rusty_Iron, Now go talk to Liberal guy and show us your IQ. :)

Liberal guy


Concrete Mike

Benchpress is an idiot and were laughing at his pathetic ass.

Next year maybe we will be laughing at you. I still have 1 iota of hope for you, although i dont appreciate you ignoring my pleas for reason.

I am correct in my assesment though.


Mike, you actually one of the guys here I do respect, so it’s not towards you. I blocked already 6 people here, since they show me no respect and cursed (which then I curse back). With you I can have a normal discussion, I can agree with you that Bibi is doing everything he can to stay in power.


i think you’ve had the wrong head circumcised. crawl back into your ghetto. “the angry jew” lmao

Jimmy Jim

Rotten Kikers not happy with rapid SAA advance so they try to help their headchoppers. Not gonna work!

Concrete Mike

Al nusrah air force was a dud tonight!!

Ashok Varma

Zionist regime has curtailed its manned flights in the region due to fear of being shot down as Russian Sukhois have challenged them on many occasions. They also fear Iranian SAMS which are more than likely now deployed in Syria with various militias. There are no actual Iranian combat units in Syria or Iraq.

David Parker

Where did you hear about the Kikes being challenged by Russians? That I would like to see just as much as I would like to see the USAF and USN try to take on Russians. That would be very interesting. I’m betting on the Russians if the Kikes do something really stupid like directly attack Russians.

Concrete Mike

Hey avi schwartz, maybe next time you.wont blab about the air strikes beforehand!!@

Thanks for the free.intel shithead!

Azriel Herskowitz

Damascus wasn’t the target. IDF used “strikes” near Damascus to distract Syrian s300/s400 while the actual strikes were directed at IRGC positions at T4 airbase. Check T4 airbase, it got hit heavily by IDF strikes!

Jimmy Jim

Kike liar lol

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Nobody cares about your hasbara bs


The Iranians are not stupid they know how to deal with Israel. Meaningless airstrikes aren’t going to help them acheive anything. Iran is there to stay, they made agreements with Syria before they intervened, and they’ve put alot of money in the last 9 years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a36fb6da5f27cc46adc06717d55ed6ad5298dffb72e49394b1650ace65ac5cd6.png


We don’t care what they put in Syria, they will leave alive or dead.


Actually it wasn’t me, I agree with the stuff you write most of the times. I’d rather stay anonymous my friend, as part of the IDF I might get prosecuted if I ever show my face. Other than that, you can ask me almost anything here, I’ll always reply.


Well I agree with that fact. They are well digged in and have many tunnels, it can take us some time to find and destroy it and they can inflict alot of casualties on our side till it’s done. We would go very slowly at start, knowing they had 13 years to prepare for that moment, we won’t take unnecessary risks like in 2006. The Turkish op is the best example, eventually they managed to get their objectives (with the support of the locals) so I expect us to do the same aswell. The first two weeks would be hard, once we break through their defences then we can reach any point in Lebanon, unless stopped by some agreement.

Liberal guy

Hey nobody wants war nether me nor u I hope we got some diplomatic solution for it


I agree, that’s why Iran needs to stop arming Hezbollah and that’s why they are bombed in Syria.

Liberal guy

And ur mossad needs to stop arming and supporting terrorism in Syria and stop cooperating with the wahhabis


Israel needs to stop irrational hate and disdain for Arab neighbors in Lebanon. If it doesn’t, they will continue turning to Iran for help which will continue arming them

Concrete Mike

No Iran is doing that because your leaders refuse to talk.

We had an agreement with iran on their nucleae program, we actually had an agreement and we threw it away, back to same old old.

Stop phillibusting peace! Stop phillibusting progress, your leaders and mine are holding back humanity, and by these actions, resistance and terrorism spawn.

Terrorist is a loose term, that is quite open in its interpretation. This open end interpretation benefits your shittt leaders the most!


That’s my only account, we can go private on Discord if you download it.


can you create a server there and give me the link? just the two of us.




Again, your comment shows your IQ, you are just as stupid and naive as a member of ISIS, if not worse.


Nah Issam, you should come here and see how we Jews celebrate Christmas with Arab Christians and Muslims in diversed cities, all Israelis and enjoy the holidays. What I don’t like, is your fanatic Islamic Jihadists and their Persian sponsors. Israelis Arabs are a vital part of our society, too bad their Pali brothers don’t watch and learn from them.


Meanwhile… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVHqcNDZVDM&list=PLxCWZDxGmVWdi_BfmfNkHwViM8ZzBIFlH&index=6&t=0s


I’ll translate, they tell him to go away and to put down his bag because they fear he has a bomb in it. I don’t know why they shot him after he left, he was clearly in a far distance from them and wasn’t a threat. Unacceptable in my opinion, they were smart enough not to show their faces our else they would face a court martial. Let me be very clear here – I condemn this incident, wherever and whenever it took place.


Okay it’s a good thing that you condemn this, but this is not an exception! I can show you dozens videos of similar crimes… And they are thousands or tens Thousands of Horrible Crimes Committed by the Isreali Against Pallestians and Lebanese…One That Will Never Be Forgotten in our History is the Qana Massacre (photo below). You described to me how you live with Christians or Muslim minorities but that does not rationalize the fact that you are are still an occupier in the land of the Palestinians… Our history in SL is not painted with celebrations, but with unjustified crimes and massacres and The fact that your governement or anyone in the world who thinks that they can Disband or weaken Hezbollah is absurd idea and literally have no clue, not even a single idea of ​​what the years of invasion have created in SL society or they are chosing to ignore it(I emphasize this because it’s an undeniable actuality). Starting from 1982 the idea of ​​the existence of an illegal state in palestine was no longer a political problem, but it has become a matter of honor, duty and above all an obligation to fight against this entity. (Let me remind you that Iran and Syria only came to the aid of Hezbollah in 1985, 3 years after its creation…If any other countries have had helped Hezbollah or any resistance movement in the past nobody wouldn’t have a problem with that, But nobody did, except Iran.)… to further explain, Sana Mehaidli was an 18yo female suicide bomber in 1985 and she had nothing to do with an Islamic ideology(2nd pic). Since you have tried to show me your point of view, allow me to give a little overview of Lebanese society affected by the invasion…it’s a little bit long but it should give you an idea. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldjrEDYd96I) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/abc5d36be87fd09338eb80267709edd64cdfbd9bedc0a46a412a444570ba2991.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/780f74974e993829d7c17f8ec15510248e7794f0ecbe9c8874bada134b1370d0.png .


Issam, I still wasn’t born when we invaded Lebanon for the first time, I can only tell from the stories I have heard it was a bloody conflict. Look man, both Israelis and Lebanese have suffered enough since the 80’s, both of us need to take responsibility for the situation. I STRONGELY CONDEMN any Lebanese civilians that died during the war, we have had thousands of casualties aswell. What now Issam? should we fight on forever because you don’t recognize Israel? or maybe change a course? There is no real dispute today between us, even the maritime border is discussed to reach a deal. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-20/israel-sees-maritime-border-talks-with-lebanon-starting-by-july

Again, I can not be responsible for other people’s actions – only to mine. I HAVE NEVER shot or killed an unarmed civilian, only when I was in a firefight against well armed enemy. I don’t expect Hezbollah to disappear I’m not naive, but don’t let Iran drag you into another war against us that will be the most horrible one, for both sides.


Hold on, What?! Do you realize that you are not a zionist, right ?


Why not? We are not all some war junkies like you think we are.


There is a big difference between being born in Israel and being a Zionist.


I am a Zionist, and unlike what they made you believe, I don’t hate Palestinians or Lebanese. If we can reach a full lasting peace, it would be the best for all of us. But then you wrote that you can’t accept Israel, so I don’t know where it puts you.


I think there is a confusion that we need to clear up here … You are not a Zionist. We cannot pretend to associate with something but at the same time not to believe with its core.


Can you tell me how do you view Zionism?


What im going to do instead is compare your point of view with zionism… Zionism is to be creation of a jewish state in the “ancestral homeland” that once they lived in, with the intention to save the jews from discrimination and oppression against them… Now here is when get to the real talk… These 2 words “ancestreal homeland” are one of the most foggiest words to use when describing the Colonization of any territory seen to be fit…enough said. When you say you are a Zionist, but in the meantime, you keep say that you want peace… How can you possibly achieve peace with someone or a group of people when the concept of Zionism itself is based on invasion? keeping in mind that you are not invading a country with the intention of settling in without violence, without murder and without massacres and without kicking the original people who live there.


But I already told you, majority of Israelis want peace with the Palestinians and to end this conflict. We have settlers in the West Bank the ruin it, and also a corrupted government that supports them. You say Zionism is based on invasion, but you forget Jews have been living here since the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem almsot 2000 years ago, we never left. Why isn’t it our homeland? the same as Palestinians have right to live here too, I didn’t say to deport them. Zionism is a general word Issam, there are groups inside it that prefer peace and others that prefer war forever, I always vote in the elections to the one that wanna fight terrorism but also reach peace with the PLO. You can see it now, Bibi that supports the settlers failed to form a government twice already in less than a year, that is why we go to another elections. Israelis don’t want him and his views, I hope someday Palestinians wake up and demand them same. Lebanese and Iraqis already woke up and demand to end corruptio, you have my support i want the same.


Zionism is not a general word, but a movement that lead to the creation of the illegal state of Israel on the land of the Palestinians, this is clear and undeniable (whether the Jews live in Palestine or not, this does not justify the crimes committed against Palestinians and us)… So either you are a proud Zionist who want a jewish state in the “promised land”(since They claim it does not stop at Palestine) or an Person who was born in occupying state of Israel and who does not associate with Zionism and want to live in peace and find solutions to this conflict, you see that there is a big difference here as you cannot be both… i understand your opinion that the majority of israelis want peace. but in reality, it is completely the opposite. Everything that is happening in our region, from Lebanon to Syria via Iraq and Iran, is engaged by the United States and your government in the service of their great Israeli project, and this has already gathered a whole populations to combat this Zionist threat, lets take Syria as example: Do you really think that Syria is ever going to what forget Israel/US have done and STILL doing to this day? it’s probably too late for ever having peace with Syria as well as Lebanon… as you have already made 2 mortal enemies. As for our point of view, it is very simple and clear and im provide you RAW translations of Iran Ali Khamenei view and Hassan Nassralah view also without the bullshit media propaganda or what you hear in your news or by your officials (i can provid you the links if you want) Ali Khamenei (10/11/2019): We support Palestine, its independence and salvation, and the removal of Israel does not mean removing the Jewish people, because we have nothing to do with them, just as the Jews live in our country with the utmost security and stability. Removing the Zionist entity means that the Palestinian people, Muslims, Christians and Jews, who are the original owners of that land, define themselves as their government and remove the foreigners like Netanyahu and his type, and run their country themselves. , And this is what will happen. Hassan Nassralah (08/06/2018):What we say, what the Palestinian people and the Arab and Muslim peoples say, and even what Islam says — I can say that this is the view of Islam — and what the Resistance says is this: we do not want to kill, we do not want to destroy, we do not want to throw (or drown) anyone in the sea. We tell you in a very civilized manner: embark in your ships, embark on your planes, and return to the countries from which you came. Regarding the (minority of) indigenous Jews, who are from Palestine, they are people of Palestine and they can stay there. As for the (Zionist) invaders, occupiers and settlers who came from all around the world, let them pack up their things and leave. This is the message of Islam, and this is the message of the Resistance. This is the message of the peoples of the region. Contrary to what Netanyahu says, nobody wants to perpetrate another Holocaust or anything like that. But if you insist on perpetuating the occupation, then I assure you that the Day of the Great War in this region, whatever triggers it, is coming (fast). That day is close on which we will all pray in Al-Quds (Jerusalem). We are awaiting that day, with a positive (active) expectation, getting ready for it, truly and faithfully. I hope this shed some light on how your zionist governement is leading you to a straight and inevitable war and faraway from peace.


Okay Issam, now I know your views a bit better. I do want peace, but you’re saying that you want WHOLE of Israel removed, and that is something I can not accept. How would you feel if some one said to remove Lebanon? I guess the same. War should be avoided, but it’s not up to any of us to decide, politicians have their own agendas. I guess only time will tell..


I have a serious question… Why do you keep commenting fake news and spewing hatefull comments if you do no beleive in them in the first place ?


I believe in them, but not with Hezbollah or Hamas which we view as the reason for the complicated situation. Israeli officials have said we are ready to negotiate with both the PLO and the Lebanese leaderships, because we view them as the only authority without being radical Islam. Problem is, Hezbollah is stronger than Lebanon and Hamas is stronger than the PLO, and they call the shots whenever they want. We won’t negotiate with them, and my hate is only towards those organizations and not towards a peace deal which I think is the only way.


Here’s the thing about you. You keep derailing from the subject by bringing more issues and i can’t respond to them all without derailing even more on the initial Topic. and secondly I asked for your answer not your officials… my answer is simple why do you post hatefull comments and fake news like you just did RN ?


Describe hateful comments, if you mean people attacking me personally then I respond back. You and I have different views, but we can still talk to each other because it’s called mutual respect.


avodcating genoside ?


I only said that if the Gazan or Southern Lebanese populations help Hamas / Hezbollah during wartime, then they need to be targeted aswell. That’s not genocide, that’s common sense.


‘they need to be targeted aswell’ – you are no better than ISIS.


Don’t mistake my curiosity for respect… I hold no respect for you or anyone who live in israel


Oh well, atleast on that we can agree :)

Concrete Mike

Dude the fanatics come.mostly from saudi arabia, how stupid do you think we are?


Fantastic news this morning, goodjob IDF!

Liberal guy



Yeah really, go cry.

Liberal guy

Cry its christmas time pal look at at the gifts dead terrorists pigs


I agree, soon to be done in Gaza aswell.

Liberal guy

Since last 72 years u r trying gaza still not won it


I keep saying it here all the time and people don’t listen, it’s not the IDF we are ready to fight, it’s our corrupted political leadership that we need to fix.

Liberal guy

It’s not ur Jewish people who want war u it very well they are nice people


And that’s why I also say it’s not the Gazans, it’s Hamas and Islamic Jihad that hurt Palis lives just like they hurt Israelis. Can’t you see that?

Liberal guy

That’s why killing innocent civilians by the idf


“Innocent” is someone that throws molotov cocktails at the soldiers? or shoots at them from the other side of the border? go spend there one day with the soldiers and you will understand the whole conflict.

Liberal guy

Oh yes ur idf brothers are saints did not did anything wrong ever


They defend themselves and I’m proud at each one of them, don’t know how they can take those demonstrations for so long. I’m not there with them at the moment but I know what they go through.

Liberal guy

Ya ya defending by killing many teenage boys who are armless and supporting the terrorists by giving them arms and curing their injured ones in idf territory hospitals so much for ur idf piousness


You’re saying lies, we treat many Palis here in our hospitals even though we shouldn’t but we still do it. I’d be happy to give them a state and get rid of them for good.

Liberal guy

Lies hahahaha lies is ur media my friend

Liberal guy

And why u put iron zion ur name if u wish u can annwer me about ur name

Liberal guy

Type and type am waiting

Liberal guy

Fantastic news is from the last week the whole last weak idf proxy army of cowards scum who dying in big numbers and losing there so called idilb sultanate


Let them die in Idlib, HTS=Hamas no difference for me.

Liberal guy

Not all hamas are terrorist but all hts are my friend

Liberal guy

Hts origin is in Afghanistan via Yemen.why blaming hamas for all hts roots.

Liberal guy

BT iron zion thinks hamas are monsters

Liberal guy

Radicalism is the real enemy whether they are from any group

Liberal guy

Ya and I agreed

Concrete Mike

Because we.found hamas tunelling equipment beneath east ghouta.


The Israelis clearly care this happens quite a lot when the Syrians make advances against militants they launch missiles seemingly to slow things down – looks like they want to protect these jihadis

Liberal guy

Pigs masters ass are burning as their loyal pigs are losing from all sides in idilb hahahaha


Who’s losing? more dead Iranians were sent to hell this night.

Liberal guy

Dead are the pigs in idilb my friend


They are pigs too, I don’t care about them.

Liberal guy

That’s why ur idf launched missles


They do it when they got intel your Iranian terrorists are moving more rockets and heavy equipment into Lebanon. I don’t see any problem with it, they play with fire then they get burned, literally.

Liberal guy

Hahahaha where the dead and destroyed systems


Like they wlll show you any pictures of it, it’s like saying ” yes we do it we admit”.

Liberal guy

Still not any proof


Photoshop victory in 24 h

Liberal guy



Ah yes, the Photoshop Fusiliers, brave chaps….;o)




Right now, Israel is not an urgent problem for Syria or Iran. Israel’s provocative actions will be responded to some other day. The jihadists in Idlib and the American oil thieves in NE Syria are the biggest problem now. When the government consolidates control over Idlib, Assad will focus on Americans in Syria.

Judging by reports from Russia’s defense ministry, I think there is a covert program underway to train and arm the local populations in NE Syria to fight the US. They will be no match for America, but given the right weapons and training (Iranian drones and cruise missiles will do just fine), they can inflict enough casualties to make the American public question the logic of US presence in that region. (remember the drone and missile attacks against Saudi Arabia launched over 1000km away. See from the image how precisely the targets were hit). The US has or will deploy anti missile and drone systems, but this will be of little use.

Trump will be under intense pressure to pull troops out of Syria. If he refuses, then Syria will become a second Afghanistan or worse, ignite a regional war. militias from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon etc. will gladly enter the fight and will likely carry out strikes against American forces in Iraq.

The Iranian Qods force will coordinate these militias well. Iran has already shipped large numbers of short-range missiles and other Armour to Iraq. What is not clear is whether the US will retaliate directly against Iran for supplying these weapons. If it does, then we will have a regional war.

I think this will be the next scenario in Syria after Idlib. Check out this translated article: https://thesaker.is/donald-trumps-syrian-crossroads-americans-will-be-driven-out-by-the-dehkan-farmers/

David Parker

I think the reputed Houti attack on the Saudi oil distribution system was another Zio false flag that was supposed to be a pretext for the US to attack Iran. The pictures I saw of the damage was clean bullet holes – not blast damage. The damage was repaired in a day or two – not bomb damage.

Ashok Varma

Indian media has reported that Syrian downed two armed drones. SANA has provided interception videos. The Zionist narrative is fake as always.


Do you really belief that Israel will prevent Iran strengthening Hezbollah and Syria? These strikes are only symbolic. There have been hundreds of Israeli strikes in Syria, yet Hezbollah and Iran only get stronger. Iran isn’t responding now because it will be counter-productive for the long-term goal of encircling Israel with high-tech precision highly destructive weapons and well-trained fighters. They already deterred Israel’s willful forays into Lebanon. Very soon Syria will become like Lebanon to Israel, only it will be much stronger than Lebanon due to backings from Russia.

So, Mr Iron Zion, before you shoot off with your mouth on this forum, first fix your Hezbollah nightmare. They are not a regular military with an air force or navy, yet you are scared shit of them, but claim to take on Iran and Syria simultaneously.

Israel keeps attacking Iranian forces in Syria because they have American backing in the event of a war. You may delude yourself that Israel will survive a war with Iran because it has nukes. Note the following:

(1) Iran is the largest missile power in the middle east and has enough missiles to destroy Israel ten time over. (Israel is just too fucking small). Many analyst belief as little as 150 precision missiles is all that is required to destroy Israel’s infrastructure.

(2) If current trends continue, Iran will be able to deploy nukes within a short notice when necessary. They have all the technology and infrastructure for nukes, and you can’t take them all out even with a nuclear strike.


War should be avoided, but everything you wrote above is not something we scare or worry about man. Both countries know what’s at stake here, so true there is a deterrence, not because of Hezbollah but because the entire ME will burn. Iran can shoot missiles over here sure, but they don’t, and they know exactly why they use proxies. Don’t expect us to stop the airstrikes though, we keep foiling their attempts.

Concrete Mike

Your airstrikes accomplish NOTHING! Its a mosquito bite!!

You want your neiggbors to not hate you? Get a fair deal with the palestinians, and you will see how kind your neighbors can be.

Your leaders are stoking the flames of a war you cant win! In the end you and your family will die, for nothing. All this mess is avoidable, its not too late!


Mike, I vote for Gantz (center-left) so that means I do want peace with them, do they want the same? I guess they do, but not as long as Hamas runs the Gaza strip. You want peace? then Hamas must be destroyed and the PLO needs to take over, no other option because we don’t wanna be responsible for them.

Ashok Varma

Very sensible comment and based on reality. The only focus of both Russians and Iranians is a stable, unified and sovereign Syria. Israel is a mere nuisance and can be handled at the right time. Iran is technologically quite a sophisticated society and can test a nuclear device anytime. Both India and Pakistan along with DPRK with far less resources were easily able to do it with limited financial and technical infrastructure. Nuclear technology is now almost a century old and Iran has been at it for over 30 years, so it is more than capable of weaponizing the atom via the traditional enrichment path or plutonium route.

David Parker

Not until they get some weapons grade uranium. That is not a simple process. On the other hand, the Kikes have been at it since about 1954 with plenty of US and South African (when South Africa was civilized) assistance. I read somewhere the Kikes have as many as 200 nuclear weapons and most likely ICBMs to deliver them. The good news is they can’t disperse them very widely – a very dense first strike with conventional weapons might just destroy the Kike nukes.



America’s and Israel’s power stem from the dollar. The dollar derives its power from oil through what is called, petrodollar. The Russians, Chinese and other nations will be glad to see the dollar destroyed, but as long as much of the world’s oil is sold in dollar, this cannot happen. Countries need oil and they need dollar to buy it. The GCC does not sell oil in any currency but the dollar.

These countries (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, etc) sell oil in dollars only. They form the backbone of petrodollar. The following countries do not sell oil in dollar alone, and will like to see the dollar replaced as the sole currency for oil transactions: Iran, Venezuela, Iraq (before invasion), Libya (during Mohammad Gaddafi), Russia and Syria.

Iran can devastate America without directly striking the American homeland. All they need to do is topple the puppet Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) regimes. Unfortunate for the US, these puppet regimes are deeply unpopular with their local populations, particularly Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and U.A.E. These regimes maintain power by brutally enforcing compliance, and bribing key figures whose loyalty is critical to regime survival. They also assassinate and jail people who cannot be bought.

Should Iran destroy their sources of wealth (oil infrastructure), and their ineffective military (Their tool for enforcing compliance), these regimes will collapse instantly.

I will continue this analysis in the my next post due to spam issues


Look what the mullahs have done to their own people, so before you criticize the U.S you should take a look at that horrible regime: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/iran-protests-1500-people-including-21151602


Can I ask you a question? Why iran hate Israel and why Israel hate Iran??


It’s all written down here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Israel_proxy_conflict


Good question. The Persians liberated someone from Babylonian captivity… hmmm.

Ashok Varma

There are barely any Iranians in Syria and there is no proof that any have been killed in any recent strike by anyone. The Iranian footprint in Syria is very small and used by a beleaguered criminal Zionist regime as a convenient bogeyman to extort more weapons and money from US and the west. However, Hezbollah is now much better armed and combat capable.

Azriel Herskowitz

You can’t possibly believe that. IRGC has bases spanning from Abu Kamal to Damascus. Mullah backed Hezbollah in Lebanon and Mullah backed Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza. The Mullah regime is spreading its influence across the entire region.

John Wallace

Come back with more of your lies and bullshit. Why not stick with sucking cock you antisemite .

David Parker

Definition of anti-semite: anyone who refuses to obey Zionists.

John Wallace

Seems that way and by calling anyone anti-semite they disagree with gives them a free pass to say whatever they like with impunity.. This dog Azrel megahertz comes here only to stir the pot and then complain when he gets the replies expected.

Liberal guy

I wish no country have war whether any kind of war anywhere it only makes things worst and put the development of humanity into decline


Nazisrael, Al qaeda, ISIS, USA, all against human race civilization.

Albert Pike

Golan Heights is Syria, so Syria can spent a few s300 to defend its self from at that moment ‘unknown planes’ which fly into Syria…

Ashok Varma

No planes are used, the Israelis fire stand off missiles from occupied Golan or South Lebanon. Also armed drones are used as they can’t risk a downed pilot which will surely happen.


“At the same time, pro-Israeli sources claim that all the missiles hit their targets.” which means they hit the ground somewhere. lol


Target was Syria and they all fell on Syria, their condition doesn’t matter! ;)





Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

SyAAD is probably the best most experienced battle hardened air defense crews on the planet right now

Ron Demarco

Israel likes to attack Syria on Christmas Day. So I would have all Syrian defenses on full alert.


Idlibstan jihadists have a bad day, Israel fires missiles at Syria, rinse and repeat.


I would love to see Israeli missiles being turned back and crash on Bibi’s head!

David Parker

I just hope it costs the SAA less to shot down the Zio missiles than it does for the Zios to expend them. On the other hand, the Zios get $10,000,000 every day and free aircraft so I doesn’t cost the Kikes anything to keep killing goyim directly and through their head0-chopper proxies.


How long kikes–how long can you keep the noose from slipping over your head?


Of course, USA-ISrael-NATO(Turkey in particular) are totally unhappy of SAA-Russia offensive on Idlib.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x