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Syrian Air-Defense System Spotted On Lebanon Territory

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On August 28, Obretix, a Twitter defense blogger, shared satellite image revealing that Syria had deployed an air-defense system on Lebanon territory.

The image shows a Soviet-made 2K12 Kub medium-range air-defense system of the Syrian Air Defense Force (SyADF) deployed on the Syrian and Lebanese sides of a mountainous area located north of the Jdaidit Yabws border crossing, and to the west of the town of al-Zabadani.

The system consists of a SURN 1S91 target acquisition and distribution radar along with four 2P25 transporter erector launchers.

In the last few months, Israeli warplanes launched several attacks on military bases in central and western Syria from Lebanon’s airspace. This justifies the Syrian decision to deploy air-defense systems as close as possible to the border with Lebanon, which has not been officially demarcated yet.

The 2K12 Kub, dubbed the “three fingers of death,” has a range of 25 km. The SyADF operated over a 100 Kub system prior to the outbreak of the war.

While the system poses no real threat to the advanced warplanes of the Israeli Air Force, it can be very effective when used against drones and cruise missiles. In 2018, the system was one of several used by the SyADF to repel a missile strike by France, the UK and the U.S.


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Maybe Syria will be able to use its SAMs from Lebanon, since Russia seems to be against Syria shooting ISISraeli terrorist scum from Syrian territory. Hezbollah has had more than time enough collaborating in the anti-terrorist liberation campaign in Syria to train their troops to use these systems.

So much for the terrorist Ziojew filth keeping Iran and allies out of Syria and Lebanon.

Jens Holm

Assads should invade Lebann again and repeat the great succes or what.

Frank G

problem is that there are not enough of them and they are old, keep in mind that the zios are very well armed with planes and subs with cruise missiles, so they can easily over saturate radars even the rusian ones if they went all out. lebanon needs allot of layered SAM systems as well as fighter jets which will not happen syria is better off in that field but lacing in quantity and newer versions. it also does not help that the world cannot stand up against the ziopowers contsant violations of most laws, rules and such.


It’s highly unlikely that Israel would target Lebanese radars just to hit Syria as that could be seen as a declaration of war against Hezbollah. They would probably just launch them from Golan heights or Jordan, as they’ve done.


And why is a declaration of war against Hezbollah a bad thing? it should happen sooner or later.


It’s a very bad thing. The war will be like nothing you’ve seen before. Urban warfare with hard core tactics by Hezbollah will force the Israelis to air bomb targets which will cause massive civilian casualties AND casualties on all parties involved. It wont happen any time around, maybe in a decade or so but not in a large scale and Israel would certainly not start a war against Hezbollah for the sake of hitting Syria. It would be a strategic error and would inevitable draw Israel into a larger middle eastern war.

cechas vodobenikov

nonsense–their iron dome cannot intercept ancient katusha rockets from I Jihad in Gaza


Iron dome is pretty good at intercepting rockets, not missiles. Big difference.

Servet Köseoğlu

hezb vs israel war inevitable which will be devastating..pop some promethazine to calm your stomach and some ephedrine to keep you awake..they call it coast guard cocktail..thanks.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2516c937b09298cc0857a01d5c1e8793667e74c8291ef123f61bfdebd7c14e36.jpg


Only this time we are going to wipe them all out in SL, wait and see mercy time is over.

Servet Köseoğlu

with air strikes you cant do anything,you have to enter Lebanon and clash street by street, find tunnel networks…ı buy pop-corns,pringles show must go on..


We will enter…a force of up to 150K if needed.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı think idf has a solution..pretty fast learning army-intelligence you have..


Yeah, but it annoys me we always do half job and not going all the way. In 2006 we should have reached Beirut and take down Nasrallah, instead we accepted a fake ceasefire that only postponed the war for us. We will crush Hezbollah just like Hamas, I promise you.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı am ready to wach..made my early booking.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/17ed66aa444dae63aa54a328bbbe877780acb1cc40401b56e42b8579efd80c63.gif


Enjoy the show …


You’re going to shit at the level of surprises, it won’t be israel doing the surprising. watch, learn…gorilla hybrid tactics 3.0


I watched the last show, but I was disappointed in the end of the show and wanted my money back. Instead of a big climax, there were Zionazi soldiers creeping back across Lebanese border, crying, urinating, vomiting, calling for their mommies. What makes you think this next show will be any better?

Servet Köseoğlu

lots of missiles ( even us doesnt have missiles like that),spike nlos,upgraded tanks,vehicles with additional protection,countless drones,satellites, and a will to get over this(revanche)…mercenaries from ethiopia etc..they are waiting the perfect moment..


What good will all that technology do if the soldiers themselves are a pack of cry-babies. They can’t even defeat 3000 frontline Hezbolla militia in 2006. The whole world was laughing at them after that humiliating defeat. IDF soldiers like comfort and nice easy kosher street food, parties and lots of bed rest and x-box games. Soft, emotional soldiers never won a battle against hardened, ideologically motivated enemies . .

Servet Köseoğlu

hezb is badass,fanatic..ı agree…my opinion in the next war human resource department of hezbollah will be very busy…idf gained the ability to catch signal from the phones and blow it in the blink of an eye,they will shut-down lebanon street by street…autonomous robots de-miners,remote snipers,kamikaze drons dont exhaust..they cant totally destroy hezbollah but it will be contained..

Jens Holm

It seemes You only know the whole world from Your balcony.

We saw Israel could not defeat that very deep line, but he result also was, that Hesbollah not even got a m2.

Putin Apologist

Absolutely, the men of IDF of today are in no way remotely comparable to the men of IDF that defeated the Egyptian and Syrian armies those many decades ago.

Today’s Israeli soldier has become soft, through living the good life, provided by the American tax-payer. Israel, like its American counterpart, has become too reliant on airpower. But wars cannot be won with airpower alone. This is why it has been a long while since either has won a war.


Keep thinking like that, we will prove ourselves when we get the greenlight.




cechas vodobenikov

accurate—bombs kill only civilians. militaries create hidden bunkers…geurilla warfare has proven effective against the amerikans and others—Zapata in Mexico, the Viet-Cong in Vietnam, etc


Such a liar lol.



Servet Köseoğlu

technically you cant avoid civilian losses…sorry for all childs in the world but for palestinians:never..

Jens Holm

Hard to see Israel should do nothing, whenthose people systematicly use their oown wifes and children as human shields and hostiles for death.

I fx see those balloons. Whih military targets are hit by that ??

cechas vodobenikov

inevitable? doubtful

King Cliff

That’s a good idea ,they should deploy a few short to medium range air defense and long range air defense within Lebanon….Im truly tired if these Zionist devil worshipers.


Hey nigger, go worship your statues in Africa you heathen.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

Really? You deserved to be ashamed of yourself seeing that you have learned little from your travails. The only people who have been sympathetic to your struggles through history are Africans. Otherwise, all your encounters elsewhere have been abrasive. Choose your fights wisely. May l also remind you of an old Jewish proverb which states, that a a certain age, a person is responsible for the way that their face looks.

Jens Holm


His wife dont like him as well. He took his son with him to work

Uche Anthony Esealuka

That is not good either, Jen. I think he means well. I think some posters here put him on the defensive hence he responds the way he does.


He should stop insulting Israelis and Jews too, then I would show him respect.

Free man

“nigger” – ?


Sorry Free Man, that’s the only way this guy understands. I’ve had enough of his comments against Israelis and Jews.

Free man

Maybe you do not understand the meaning of this word. You scorn an entire race of people. You better delete this offensive term.


I know exactly what it means, I showed him how it feels to be insulted for who you are. If he deletes his posts, I’ll do the same.

Free man

One does not use racism in order to fight racism. The guy represents only himself not all Africans. As you represent only yourself and not all Israelis / Jews. Once you use that racist phrase you are hurting all Africans. It seem you have been exposed to SF guys for too long.


You’re right Free Man, that is not who I am. I’ll delete it.

Lux et Veritas

and then you wonder why people hate the Zionists, shows the racist mentality and contempt for other humans,


I will show respect to people who respect me back. I might see you as my enemy but I have never insulted you as a Muslim so I don’t like to be called in names too. Judaism or Zionism is the same for me, when you disrespect one of them then you get the ugly side of me. I have no problem with Muslims as long as they don’t try to hurt us, like your regime.

Putin Apologist

I’ll give you a little advice my Israeli friend, you should never, no matter how angry or hurt you might be, use such language. Because it only reflects poorly upon you, makes you look like the ignorant one. If you don’t want take my advice on this, okay, but talk to your father, mother or rabbi. They will all tell you the same.

In fact you should apologize and delete that comment, and we’ll soon forget you made it. You have every right to defend your nation and your people but do it way your family would be proud.


When he apologizes for his comments against Israelis and Jews (not the first time he wrote that) then I will delete it. Till then, it will stay.


Even for a teenager you are a very disturbed racist. Appalling.

cechas vodobenikov

stop lying—u express racist attitudes about Chinese and Arabs

Ashok Varma

Also Indians. He is sick.

cechas vodobenikov

was not aware—when I was in US recently I purchased a used laptop from an Indian and mentioned to him that there is no status anxiety in India because of castes–in some ways similar to Russia…I paid him $300 and went into a market–10 minutes later he found me and returned $100 telling me he cared too much, despite my telling him to keep the money—never could occur w an amerikan


If you refer to the Houthis then yes, but it’s only because their motto is death to Israel and the Jews. to the Chinese I just call bastards, that is not racist.

cechas vodobenikov

delusions–you conflate those that have different national interests and advocate for killing them—Houthis only defend themselves against SA wahabbis


Houthis are pro Iranian proxy like Hezbollah, they would kill every Israeli if they could. Don’t write stuff you know nothing about.


The box awaits you.

You will know your place soon.


Come try then.

Lux et Veritas

What an educated Jew racist punk.

Fleecing Rabbi

Shame on you meshuggenah.

cechas vodobenikov

u believe he is crazy—no just an ignorant under socialized child

Ashok Varma

If he is a Jew, he is surely doing them no favours. Such racism is really lowest of the low. Even for teenage delinquent, that is abhorrent racism and totally uncalled for.

cechas vodobenikov

I agree–despicable…possibly he is an evangelist amerikan…trump is reported to have moved the US embassy to Jerusalem for the US evangelicals, not for amerikan Jews—they apparently do not support this (although I am not qualified to know)

Uche Anthony Esealuka

Why do you refer to a whole people like that? Especially for an African or someone who appears to be of African descent? It is bizarre to say the least. You should focus on removing your limitations and not on the fools errand of racism or bigotry.

Putin Apologist

Hold on, he said “Zionist” not Jews. Zionism is an ideology, and one not shared by all Jews.

Jens Holm

I agree. Muslim has many strange versions too. Many do practice it even they have never written a dammed thing, even they start with “Itwas written”.

But do they know. “It was told by old men, there was written”… is more correct.

The sames goes for all religions. Often people cant even agree in how long time it takes to boil an egg.

cechas vodobenikov

backward potato brain—Arab philosophy, science, culture is far superior to any thing produced by u fake automatons—w no individuality


Your logic is stupifying. You must be a euro Trump supporter…lol

Jens Holm

Yerrrh, and Assads is commader of the ussian army as well.

Jens Holm

Maybee what You see is a devil is their God:)

Ashok Varma

On behalf of all decent people, I am ashamed at the Zionist brats racism.

Антон С

Could be even better, if to place powerful radar in Lebanon. Mountains on the border between modern Lebanon and Syria makes it impossible to detect targets behind this wall. Need to have radars from both sides to prevent attacks of the zionist regime on Syria.

Lux et Veritas

It is certain that Hezbollah will have quite a few surprises in the mountains.

Icarus Tanović



Better late than never,it should have happened at least ten years ago.

Jens Holm

…And more should wonder why and relate to facts. Hard to see rhetorics like that unite any arabs.

The Objective

That confirms it. I have always said Hezbollah will pull Lebanon into the Syrian mess. God help Lebanon that the Zionists should not stir up a civil war. I think that’s exactly what’s being attempted currently.

Jens Holm

Its not forbidden to think and reflect. I can only see it seemes forbidden to see what has happend since 1948 about it.


And? it won’t stop us from attacking Syria or Lebanon as long as Iran is using those countries to harm us. Expect alot more airstrikes, if Syria ressponds then we will take down every AA battery that shoots at our jets.


Its all in your imagination – no one is attacking Israel even after hundreds of strikes so wheres the threat?


What are you talking about? the SAA let’s Iranian and Hezbollah forces operate next to our border. We’ve warned them enough times from doing it, so be it.


Hezbollah are not attacking, are they firing missiles across the border? no despite hundreds of airstrikes Israels actions are more likely to lead to conflict.


You won’t last a day in an all out war, those systems will be destroyed on day one.


Come Ali, you will run out of men before we run out of bombs, we have plenty for all of you. Also, maybe for a change you will see what it means to face IDF soldiers face to face.

Jens Holm

I kind of agree. They are only able to send in small groups and support it. Maybee some few snipers can handle that.

The alternative is Iranians around Africa to enter the Israelians coastline.

Or fx Saudis and Egyptians supporting them landing in Eilat:)


ROFLMAO. ..Our Ashbal, Tiger cubs, fukt you like little virgins in the 80s…taking your soldiers was like taking candy from a baby. Isn’t it funny 50 years ago you conquered nations in 6 days…Woot woot! All you conquer today are children sleeping at 2am. You can do shit for Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad or Hamas. None of which are nations, but militias….LMFAO

Ashok Varma

Again, talking big you horrible racist teenage delinquent. People globally dislike the Jews are really giving them a reason with you endless rants. You are a disgusting sick attention seeking brat! Shameless cretin claiming to be an “Iraqi Jew”. Disgusting.

Icarus Tanović

Meet me face to face, first.



Icarus Tanović



Let me know when you buy a ticket to Israel, date and location. You choose.

Icarus Tanović

You choose neutral ground.

Putin Apologist

You gotta be kidding.

The Pentagon has doubts about its own prospects “in an all out war” with Iran. But you think, for the IDF, it would be no big deal? If so, I think you’re wrong. I think the IDF would have its hands full with just Hezbollah, let alone Iran, as it did back in 2006. And just like in that 34 day war, missiles would continuously rain down on Israel for the entire duration of any such war.

You sure you’re not an Arab or maybe a Turk just trying to stir up trouble for Israel?

Jens Holm


So why dont Hesbollah make that great succes?


I am an Israeli, and what you wrote was true back then in 2006 but it’s not true for the current situation. Alot has changed since then, and so did our policies. Hezbollah’s rockets would be good for the first two weeks of the war, when tens of thousands of IDF troops starts wiping out village after village closer to our border then they won’t be able to shoot so many of them and we will keep pushing them back up north. Regarding Iran, they will never have nuclear weapons whatever the price may be.


Inta h’mar!

Lmfao…Iraqi yahoodi, descendant of slaves freed by Persia!

You dream big. Poland and US won’t have you when it’s time…we will find you, Mr. ALL-TALK. BTW, your troops won’t last 30 minutes inside Lebanon. I suggest you take Nasrallahs advice, 2006 you did not.


Are you sure you’re not the donkey? time will tell.


Donkey or not, donkey dîck is what your going down on, traitor pig lover. You’re a disgrace to humanity. Every moron here want Israel dead, zionists dead, etc. Not me, I want you to beg for forgiveness as you rot in prison. Yes, time will tell.

Jens Holm

Maybee all the little Mihammeds can leave from there. Jews has taken Jerusalem.

Jens Holm

There are not even logistics for that.

Its only solve the people in Iran making a lot of babies and creating no jobs for them. There by that also would be no worries according food.

So go on. Damaskus might even be a lake after that.

Icarus Tanović

SAA is almost 90% Suni. Don’t fall into that trap of divisions, promoted by Zionists. Hezbollah is most respected party in Lebanon by all, Mualims, Christians, etc.

Icarus Tanović

Thanks my friend.

Traiano Welcome

In an all out war Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod would levelled to the ground.

Remember: Syria can stand 1000 defeats and still survive. Israel is gone after just 1 defeat.


I hope for their sake it won’t come to that, I’m not worried on our side.


“And now the end is near …”

Paul Anka wrote it … but he was talking about the life of one person … not the State of Lebanon … eh?

Firing a SAM missile is a declaration of war … the IDF will be relentless

I don’t pity y’all … we’ve already got the recipes …


Jens Holm

If its not a creation, its no defence system but a target.

Free man

The deployment of Syrian weapons to Lebanese territory is similar to Assad’s suicide attempt. The guy is not stupid.

Jens Holm

Its better to make them having a good time. They dont understand it and kill themself.

I think I have heard Nisrally or something the other day proposed all Syrians with 2 legs should sell one for organ transplanation to support the lira. It also would save a lot of shoes.

cechas vodobenikov

anglophone racists and their colonies–dk, Israel, SA are inept, stupefied, obese—the anglophones r mere automatons that cannot think, stupefied by their racist “consciousness industry”—hollywood and their organized sound–they describe as music


Bueno si un f-16I lo derribo un S-200 un Buk más moderno, si sería más seria amenaza

cechas vodobenikov

claro que si—tu sabes

Traiano Welcome

Hezbollah is putting in place a network of AAD throughout Lebanon. Very soon no overflights by zionist buzzards will be possible.

Joe Doe

Looks like Putin betrayed SYria as Stalin betrayed Mao (China). The supplied military hardware to SAA is old and only few are more modern by not enough, the damage Putin done to Syria. For Syria gone be very hard get Idlib back, now. After Putin blenders

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