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MARCH 2025

Syrian Air Defense Systems Allegedly Destroyed In Recent Israeli Airstrikes

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The August 31 Israeli strikes on the Syrian capital, Damascus, and the southern governorate of Daraa targeted a number of air-defense systems, the Within Syria blog revealed on September 1.

According to the Syria-based blog, four air-defense systems were destroyed in the strikes, which were carried out as part of a suppression of enemy air defense, SEAD, operation. The strikes were launched from northern Israel by warplanes and possibly ground bases.

Two Syrian officers, Ismail Sabt and Issa Marouf, and private Mohamad Shakhir were killed in the strikes. Several other service members were injured.

The Israeli strikes also claimed the life of a civilian woman, Mutallah al-Sarhan, and injured her husband in the town of Hayjanah, south of Damascus.

The state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported that several Israeli missiles were intercepted by the Syrian Air Defense Force. This was not enough apparently to foil the large-scale attack.

Israel attacks the Syrian Air Defense Force on a regular basis. Last June, Israeli warplanes destroyed an early warning network in a “complex operation” that targeted several radar sites in southeastern, eastern and central Syria.

By carrying out such attacks, Israel is trying to pressure Damascus into abandoning its ally, Iran. Tel Aviv uses Iranian presence in Syria to justify its repeated attacks on the war-torn country.


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Please don’t be S-300, please don’t be S-300

Lone Ranger

It was probably an S-200. Most numerous SAM in Syria.


I believe it wasn’t aircraft,it was missiles from the Israeli occupied Golan,thats what one report said,all i know is there needs to be a response or it will continue.


There never is a response.


When there is it needs to be massive.


Like Hezbollah’s reponse? lol, go to sleep clown.

The Objective

There’ll never be a response until athe Anglos initiate a large-scale bombardment of Iran that threatens to overthrow the regime. That’s when they’ll fight for survival with everything they’ve got

Servet Köseoğlu

what about avenge?where are the avengers?

Lone Ranger

Nuclear powers never go to full on war with eachother. MAD Doctrine.


So what the fuck are they going to do about it?i know what they should do,hit the Israeli occupied Golan with ballistic missiles.


US would join the fight then, since they recognize Golan as Israeli territory. Trump is waiting for an excuse to get into a war since the elections are looming.


So let them,i am sick of threats the US will do this and that,when when it comes down to it they won’t do anything,like those illegal bases in North east Syria,if they are attacked what are they going to do invade Syria on the ground?that wold mean body bags going back to the US,and the public don’t like that,if the Empire has to be confronted it may as well be now,not when they want.


I doubt there will be boots. Just missile strikes, air raids and stuff


Yes and thats when those illegal American bases would be annihilated and everything in them.


Oh come on mate. Syria doesn’t have balls to retaliate against Israeli attacks, you think they will retaliate against US? What happened in Deir Ezzor? Did Syria take the oil fields back. They know they can’t do anything so are not doing anything and will not do anything. Not that I care though

Fog of War

” Oh come on mate. Syria doesn’t have balls to retaliate against Israeli attacks, you think they will retaliate against US? ” Neither does Russia, China, Iran, etc. The logic that US forces are untouchable also applies to all the countries listed. For instance, what is China going to do to the US warships sailing through it ” territory ” ? Whats Russia going to do if US/ NATO soldiers march in Belarus and set up base ? If the ZioAmericans want war and everyone else is scared of it, then the Zios win. This is a geopolitical game of chicken .


Russia militarily (global) and China militarily(regional)/economically are capable of mutual self destruction against US. Hence US itself will not do anything crazy. But Syria? You think US has anything to be afraid of against Syrians? Come on, lets think with logic not emotions.

Fog of War

Address my points. The US is already toying with China by ignoring its claims to the South China sea. How is China going to stop the US ships without combat ? Same thing about Syria. How are Turkey, ZioAmerica, and the SDF leave without combat ? The US wants war and is playing a game of chicken with the opposing sides, who seemed paralyzed as how to respond, because the only response is military. As far as mutual destruction is concerned, it seems the US doesn’t care as its the aggressor in all these situations. It seems you’re ignoring logic here.


Chinese claims are not widely accepted, and are disputed by almost all countries that have anything to do with that area. Some of them even have mutual defense pacts with US. US is legally obliged to be there. In Syria: they will not leave, so there will not be large scale combat. US until oil finishes and they hand over the territories to SDF, SDF will always be there since they are indigineus, Turkey will be there since it is its sphere of interest. US and any other big powers understand each others red lines, so they are not overstepping as the cost might outweight the benefits. The red lines are like Cuban Missile crisis for US, Crimea for Russia, Taiwan for China (note, US is on the red line until China is strong enough to outweight the benefits). So where did i ignore the logic?


Russia and China don’t have to do anything. If you watch the news (not mainstream), the country is self destructing with help of radicals and Democrat party encouraging self destruction. Don’t forget the yearly deficits and debt! Nope. China and Russia just have to be patient.


Will you join Syrian soldiers too in that war? or do you just wanna send others to die? personally, I have no problem killing both of you if you fuck with my country. So let’s do it.

Papo Machete

your arrogance is your enemy best friend, the whole world know ISRAHELL is an apartheid racist state that has GENOCIDE 4 MILLION Palestinians ever since 1948 has force into exile another 6 ,,almost two million live a brutal SIEGE in Gaza AND 3 MILLONS A BRUTAL OCCUPATION in the West Bank …the only reason israhell still BULLY is because the TRAITORS and CORRUPTED GREEDY BASTARDS in USA but people is tired,not only us US CITIZENS but many around the world , when you see hundred plus countries in the UNITED NATIONS vote against israhell alone with the USA you know there is HOPE , besides; history teach us that those that like to rule with an “IRON FIST” do not last forever


I don’t care what a stupid girl thinks, next.

Alberto Garza

neither syria or iran can do anything they will continue to be bombed by israel until syria kicks them out back to iran



Tommy Jensen

We cant do anything about it.

Israel can do what they want, kill Russian generals, kill Russian senior personal, and kill Russian health personel, nuke capitols, bomb other generals. Nobody can do anything.

Potato Man

The “freedom fighters” in Idlib need help from LGBT community in ME (Israel). LOL


A good one! LOL!


Someone is preparing for air raids

Damien C

This is part of a continued assault on Syria by the cancer of the ME

They continue to provoke Syria while it is weak from 8 years of hell and head chopping sponsored by Israel/USA/Saudi Arabia/Turkey/Qatar/UAE/UK/France and Jordan

Syria can’t retaliate because she is too weak to face another battle to the south it’s what this Zionist trash want. However once Ildib and the Noth are secured and the USA/SDF oil thieves are driven from the East the cancer will go into remission

Though I think we would all love to see it get a good dose of Chemo!


Problem is there is little sign of Idlib being liberated as long as Russia gives Turkey a green light to even be in Syria,as for the East they should have organized an insurgency,bleed those bastards

johnny rotten

Revenge is a dish that must be served cold, and it will be the last lesson that israhell will learn before disappearing.


By whom?

The Objective

If Israel disappears, you can bet your last buck it’ll take Iran with it. Time to be a nation of martyrdom


Israel will fail… Iran is more strong in Syria every day…SAM will be replaced in days..

Lazy Gamer

Replacement is useless. Saturation and counter should be priority.

The Objective

Cowards don’t fight back until their destruction becomes inevitable.

The Objective

Replace them only to be bombed again. Seems Iran has a bottomless pit of cash to always replenish Syria. How about those who died? Will they be replaced too?

Fog of War

” …SAM will be replaced in days.. ” By whom and with what money. What about the dead Syrians operators ?


Russia is sending this for free and real test in combat. You not see any of this avanced SAM if Syria need to pay for then. And yes Syria are loose some Sam operator but for more than 200 airstrikes the human loose was minimal. Syria, Iran and theirs friend will counter attack Israel when time come…

Alberto Garza

russia must be learning a lot on radar and radio signals coming from israel and usa .

Jim Allen

The systems were undoubtedly replaced within hours. Yes, all three of the operators. Big problem. Not ! You’re barking up the wrong tree troll.

Alberto Garza

iran is getting bombed daily in syria untiel they get out .

chris chuba

Amazing that Israel brags about such flagrant aggression against another country without even a figleaf of the targeting ‘Iranian militants’ or ‘in retaliation for a rocket strike’. Here they are just coming right out and saying that we are just weakening a neighboring country, the bully tipping over a lunch tray.

In any case, does Syria have any old fashioned immobile RADAR towers anymore? The S300 has mobile trucks, don’t know about the S200. Syrians would have adapted as best they could by now but still the arrogance is appalling.


If they have S-300s i am not sure they even have control of them,maybe they need a green light from Russia,i know they have missiles and Hezbollah have thousands off missiles,so they could do some real damage if they hit back,one day they will have to,they could start by building a good air defence system in Lebanon,thats where most attacks are launched from,as far as i know no Israeli jets have flown over Syria for some time.

Ray " Uncle Sam"

No the fly over lebanon and use long range missile to attack syria from airspace in lebanon!

Fog of War

This attack was from the Golan which legally is Syrian territory.

The Objective

They do this because of Iran. Iran got Syria into this mess.

Jim Allen

Bullshit. This is US Government doing, there was never a civil war in Syria. Idiot troll.

The Objective

The U.S. is fighting Iran anywhere it finds it. Syria is a weapons conduit for Hezbollah. The U.S want to Isolate Iran from its proxies, weaken them and destroy them individually. Syria happens to be the weakest link in the Shiite crescent.


As long as syria and Russia allow Israel to get away with this flagrant act of war…they will continue.

Servet Köseoğlu

BOOOOMMM…. rot in hell… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7c9d70656f1eadee71d977f1be9ea7ebf75d65d5485ff119faa79115637fc49b.jpg

Servet Köseoğlu

ı cant even sleep Ali..can you imagine?


History always repeats itself hence Israelis/Jews will eventually pay dearly for all the crimes they commit.


Keep crying bitch.


I’m impressed at your level of stupidity but then, it’s not a huge surprise.


To repeat ad nauseum, Syria cannot open another front, especially with Israel at this point. Syria must first deal and to a conclusion with ISIS, AL Qaeda, Turkey, and uSA in their homeland. Then, it will need to give some rest to her soldiers. Then, and only then, can Syria deal with Israel.

Fog of War

” Syria must first deal and to a conclusion with ISIS, AL Qaeda, Turkey, and uSA in their homeland. ” How do you deal with those invaders without opening another front ? Do tell us.


Are you a Syrian soldier? What do you propose Syria do about Israel at this time? What do you think will happen if Syria does X? Will it involve only rockets? Are you proposing aerial attacks? What about troops, ground invasion of Israel proper, first having to control Golan Heights? From where will you shift troops to the western front? Do you think that Turkey/SDF will just sit idly by and not take advantage? What will these uSA do? Are you expecting Russia to take an active role in the planning and execution of a Syrian counter-attack on Israel? What I wish would happen and what is actually possible under the current circumstances are two different things.

Fog of War

Don’t answer a question with questions. You stated Syria must deal with ISIS, AL Qaeda, Turkey, and uSA in their homeland. So tell us how ? Otherwise keep your illogical statements to yourself. Once you answer I’ll be happy to reply to your questions.


What the heck do you think Syria is trying to do right now? Syria is working to regain sovereignty of their whole homeland and that is mostly on the eastern side.

Fog of War

Talking with some of you is like pulling a third graders teeth. Lets try one last time. How is weak, poor Syria going to remove Turkey from Idlib and elsewhere ? What about the ZioAmericans ? How about the treacherous Kurds ? Address you OWN statement or don’t bother responding. I don’t have time for non intellectual conversations.


Dude, Syria’s ISIS, AL Qaeda, Turkey, and uSA is one front. My opinion is that Syria is unable to open another in the west. You want Syria to mount one final suicidal/sacrificial war on their west. Syria cannot do it at this time.

Fog of War

Like I said: ” I don’t have time for non intellectual conversations. ” Have a good day.

Fog of War

Slowly grinding down Syria’s air defenses. We all know why, I hope.


Tell us why?

Fog of War

War is coming.


Due to Israel’s invasion of Syria? Why so coy in responses?

Fog of War



Thank you for not giving up on me. I put going through Lebanon at a lower probability. But, if going in through GH gets Hezbollah involved any way, might as well use Lebanon too. In GH, the Israelis already have the high ground. Where is the path through Lebanon? Would Jordan respond? What is your scenario? Even, if it is a link to some web site. I ask in real interest.


Burned to the ground, more to come as long as the SAA helps Iran and Hezbollah against us.


Do you believe something coming from a site with a Jewgle zio email address with zero proof?


Alberto Garza

russian air defenses are a joke they cant even cope with the israelis imaginane a war with the united states with its massive airforce.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“By carrying out such attacks, Israel is trying to pressure Damascus into abandoning its ally, Iran.”

“Tel Aviv uses Iranian presence in Syria to justify its repeated attacks on the war-torn country.”

The first comment is a lie and the second one is accurate. The Israelis aren’t demanding that Assad abandons his ally, they’re not even really demanding that Iran withdraws from Syria, what they do want is an end to the buildup of threatening Iranian infrastructure on Syrian territory. Who could ever wish for another war in Syria after all the misery the Syrian people have been through, strangely plenty of people do, they scream out kill the Jews and start the war in Syria, and they happily volunteer the Syrian people to be the ones to start the war, but Syria doesn’t want or need another war now, so that’s the last thing anyone should want.


I agree, we just aim to stop the weapon shipments to Hezbollah via Syria, and the establishment of a new Hezbollah force near the Golan Heights.

Tommy Jensen

If Israel do it one more time again, Kremlin swear they will deliver S-300 to Assad.

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