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Syrian Air Force Continues Airstrikes On Militant Positions In Northern Lattakia

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Syrian Air Force Continues Airstrikes On Militant Positions In Northern Lattakia

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For a seventh day in a row, helicopters of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) carried out airstrikes on militants’ positions in northern Lattakia.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the airstrikes targeted several positions in the mount of Kurd, including the key town of Kabani, on the noon of September 29.

The opposition-held part of the northern Lattakia countryside is located in the demilitarized zone, which was supposed to be established around Idlib last year. However, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other terrorist groups are refusing to implement the agreement.

Besides hindering the Russian-Turkish efforts, HTS and its allies are also using their positions in the region, mainly in Kabani, to launch armed drones and rockets at the Hmeimim airbase and civilian areas on the Syrian coast.

The continues airstrikes on northern Lattakia, suggest that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is preparing to launch a ground operation in the region soon.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAAF may not be using there fixed wing aircraft yet but maybe after monday that will change, perhaps the fine details of the UN deal are still being hammered out and tomorrow Assad will know exactly what he’s able to hit and how, without rocking the NEW UN boat that is, and luckily for Assad the new UN boat’s a little more seaworthy than Erdogan’s old leaky boat was. Ahh the calm before the storm, I hope the terrorists are enjoying it while they can, it won’t last for much longer, the terrorists are about to face the full wrath of the SAA in a way they haven’t had to before, and hopefully also get a good hammering from the SAAF as well. Because this time there’ll be no one to stop them, no more Astana ceasefires to tie the SAA’s hands behind their backs, no more Turkish patrols getting in the SAAF’s way, no more illegal Turkish OB posts popping up between the terrorists and the SAA, no more BS at all, just death to the terrorists, complete elimination. It’s just a pity he can’t do that to the moderate opposition too, well unless of course they start first, then the gloves will come off for them too, but sadly all the moderate opposition groups are ALL acting like moderate opposition groups for once, well not if you include fighting amongst themselves that is, but towards the SAA they’re actually acting like angels now, not the ravenous bloodthirsty terrorists they usually act like, gee I wonder why, LOL. And the UN inspectors will be ready to rush in and make sure everything’s all above board and totally legal as soon as the SAA take back any areas from the terrorists, which sounds bad I know, but since Assad hasn’t been and doesn’t do anything illegal, it won’t worry him at all anyway, in fact now the UN won’t be able to falsely accuse him of anything at all, because they’ll be right there behind him watching, so no more CW attacks, no SOHR claims of mass civilian casualties due to SAAF bombings, no white helmets video releases of BS events, and no more false accusations from Erdogan either. I say all that because I can’t imaging we won’t have UN inspectors involved in the new deal, but I may be wrong, I haven’t actually read it anywhere yet, but I’m 99% sure we will see UN inspectors in Syria from now on, they’ve promised to help with humanitarian aid and if they’re the on the ground in Idlib, the inspectors will be too. The sad thing is Idlib was on the verge of total collapse just a few weeks ago, without the interruption of that last Astana ceasefire the war would have already been won by the SAA, the Turkish borders would’ve already had 1,000,000+ refugees crossing them by now. Poor old Assad, “missed by that much”, oh well at least he gets a second chance now. Come on Assad, show the disbelievers what the SAA can do just by themselves, 200,000 strong with another 100,000 in allied militias, I nearly feel sorry for the 45,000 terrorists, that’s if there really are 45,000 left, the smart ones are already heading to the Turkish border.

Peter Jennings

Turkey blocked their border to those in Idlib some weeks ago, so no going there now that Erdogan is singing a new song. Erdogan obviously wants future Syrian help to deal with the PKK and splinter groups that occupy northern Syria. Since the Kurds have truned down ever offer from Damascus..?

Those in Idlib are die-hards, and they probably will.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t think Erogan will ever get Assad’s help at any time in the future, there’s too much bad blood between them. But I have noticed some Turkish opposition parties are now talking to Assad again, so if Erdogan loses the next election we may see some of those begin to cooperate with Assad if they get into government. Most of the Turkish opposition parties have good relations with both the US and Russia, so they’ll be the groups that can actually deal with all all 3 parties [Russia/US/Syria] without prior bad blood causing issues. It’s a big border, the Turkish guards may be able to stop the large groups of civilians they catch but one or two terrorists crossing will be a lot harder to stop. It’s a funny situation in the north concerning the Kurds, the US backed SDF aren’t attacking the Turks at all, it’s the Kurdish ALF [loyal to Assad] responsible for all the attacks against the Turks and their proxies, and they live in SAA controlled territory, so Erdogan’s biggest problem with the Kurds atm is with the ones fighting on Assad’s side, not the SDF. I won’t be surprised if he US and Syria start some sort of negotiation process concerning the autonomous zone, I’m not saying the US will give it back to Assad, but there’s already been a few hints that something’s planned for the future, the UN keeps stressing the new deal they’re making will keep Syria’s sovereign territory intact, which by definition must include the autonomous zone, so let’s see what the UN starts saying about the autonomous zone now they have a new deal with Assad, I’m expecting [hoping/praying for] a few changes in rhetoric from the UN now. LOL, the terrorists that can’t escape will die. Cheers.

Icarus Tanović

Just keep on puonding Wahhabi satanists. Great job you’re doing, because it is only a week since beginning of these attacks. Kabani will be liberated, just like Khan Shaikhun!

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