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MARCH 2025

Syrian Armed Forces Teach ‘2nd Strongest NATO Army’ Painful Lesson In Idlib

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Syrian Armed Forces Teach '2nd Strongest NATO Army' Painful Lesson In Idlib

Units of the Russian Military Police entered the town of Saraqib in eastern Idlib following the second liberation of the town from al-Qaeda terrorists and Turkish forces. According to the Russian military, the deployment took place at 5:00pm local time on March 2 and was intended to provide security and allow traffic through the M4 and M5 highways. In fact, the Russians came to put an end to Turkish attempts to capture the town and cut off the M5 highway in this area.

At the same time, the Syrian Army repelled attempts of al-Qaeda and Turkish forces to capture the town of Kafr Nubl in southern Idlib and recaptured several nearby villages, including Hazarin and Dar al-Kabirah. According to pro-government sources, at least 15 units of military equipment belonging to Turkish proxies were destroyed in the recent operations. The Turkish side responded to the developments on the ground with a new batch of victorious statements.

According to the March 2 remarks by Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, the number of ‘neutralized’ Syrian troops since the start of Operation Spring Shield reached 2,557. This is approximately 350 Syrian soldiers higher than was claimed on March 1. The main question is: “Does the Turkish defense minister really believe in the numbers that he provides?” It probably would be useful to not make such claims personally. Thus, he would be able to avoid blushing with shame. If the Syrian Army really suffers such casualties in only a few days, Turkish-led forces would easily achieve their declared goal of expelling Syrian troops of southern and eastern Idlib.

In reality, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is going to Moscow on March 5 in order to negotiate a ceasefire. “My only wish is to end this struggle with victory and prevent further bloodshed, with a permanent cease-fire. For this, we are using all our diplomatic channels, along with our struggle in the field,” Erdogan told a gathering of ruling Justice and Development Party officials.

So, just a few days ago supporters of the Turkish operation were claiming that the mighty Turkish forces had already defeated the Assad regime and would soon enter the cities of Damascus and Aleppo. Now, the same sources are admiring the clever and forward-looking
policy of the Turkish leader not to escalate the situation any further.

It would appear that things are not going the Turkish way in Idlib. When Erdogan and Putin reach another ceasefire, which will formally put an end to Ankara’s goal to push the Syrian Army out of the recently cleared areas, the same sources will likely declare this a Turkish victory. The 2nd strongest army in NATO appeared to be not capable of defeating Syrian forces, which are exhausted by a nearly 10-year long conflict, without suffering unacceptable losses.

The balance of power in Greater Idlib has once again changed. If the Turkish Army does not achieve some unexpected breakthrough, for example the capture of Maarat al-Numan, immediately, the main efforts of Turkish diplomacy will likely be focused on reaching an agreement that would prevent a Syrian advance on Idlib. This city is the main stronghold of al-Qaeda and the last really large urban center in the hands of militant groups in the region. The fall of Idlib into the hands of the Syrian Army would destroy all Turkish hopes to solidify its own influence in this part of Syria.

However, even a Russian-Turkish deal on Idlib city will likely not put an end to the anti-terrorism efforts of the Syrian Army and its allies. The town of Jisr al-Shughur, located near the M4 highway, is among possible targets of the upcoming operations. The town is currently controlled by the Turkistan Islamic Party, an al-Qaeda-linked group consisting of foreigners. So, mainstream media outlets can start preparing to defend another group of ‘moderate rebels’ that would be oppressed by the brutal Assad regime.

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If that is second most powerful nato country I am superman, first the US is first in NATO, second the UK, then French, then German, Spain, then maybe the Turks. Long way from 2nd.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You are not superman, and Turkey has the second largest military force of NATO, fact.

Having a racist view of national soldiers, will not increase the amount of tanks, ships and planes a national army actually has.

That’s how ranking goes, based on what you can put in the field, today.

Mack Dane

“second largest…”? Numbers mean nothing. Saddam had a million man army. How many weeks did it hold up against a U.S. expeditionary force? 4?


No you mean the million civilians your brave amerikazi bravely fought all on their own to finally defeat their cia asset,call that justice? Get you hand off it,how do you manage anyhow wearing those,sure beats the hell outta me!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your numbers mean nothing.

The US had a million man army, biggest army, best weapons, blah blah blah.

Then the US had its ass handed to it by Vietnam. The Yanks cut their losses, and surrendered to the Vietnamese.

Though the US fought like chickens, they were still the most powerful military in the world.

Having all the gear is fuck all good if your citizens are fat slobs and not prepared to die for their country.

In a nation of immigrants, no surprise there.


Turkey continuously and frequently called the second largest and most powerful Army after jewSA!! If it’s true or not, is another matter. The No1 just has been defeated in Afghanistan. End these idiots want to take on Russia and China at the same time! They are the No 1 mental patients in history!


Yes, they can call themselves whatever they want, reality is totally different.


I am not aware of the capabilities of the British or French armies, however, it is really funny that you name the German army a strong one.


Yes laughable, the German “Bundeswehr”. Most if it’s gear is garaged or even in the intensive care unit of any tech-hospital. Never declare an army as ready for battle when it is lead by female leader of a female run dictatorship like Germany 2020. But to be correct: Also the French Army is lead by a female minister, so I would not expect too much from them too…

Joe Dickson

French Army is way bigger than British one. British Army is like the size of Canada.


France is far more advanced too!


Greece is stronger than the uk and germany, as is spean,history proved the case to be fk the lame speculators,the uk is far tpoo overhyped as is germany nowadays with feminist heros!

re: britains dirty little secret: uk dont rate top 40 if? Their spys can do more damage then their frontlnes ever did no argument one of the best,slys!

Wahid Algiers

Turks are the SECOND! The world wide second filth after Israhell.

bouncer dogsly

There is nothing but lies and dying babies on all Western media. But do not worry boys, those glorious EU politicians have gone to the Greek border to have a look for themselves. EUROPE IS SAVED and they have a solution, just let them all in. THE EU IS LIKE A RABBIT CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS. It helped cause this mess and now they don’t know what to do. They could always cause a refugee crisis for themselves in Algeria. talk about continually shooting yourself in the foot. But the trends now are all against the EU surviving. Syrian was the bridge too far, in America’s and Zionists PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY started by a fake 911 committed by the USA and Israel – tens of millions know the truth now. The cat is out of the bag.


EU also run by the Jews!

Christian S

European politics lack balls to counter zionist and imperialist influence which bribed a lot of souls in brussels and strassbourgh, simple solution would be lifting sanctions on syria to solve most problems but bibi will not allow them too else new shootings will terrorize paris like 2011.

Gonçalo Pena

Basic anti-semitism doesn’t solve nothing. The german guilt plays a big part on this. The work must be done to stress the relative social freedom (incl. women) offered by Damascus and separation of God from politics, from the narrow radicalism of islamo-fascism. As an European I fully support Damascus and the SAA because I believe in a progressive and strong Arab state. No more failed states in the middle east. No more Iraqui style US – British colonialism. Said that, EU is behaving poorly.


“Islamo-facism” is a Western propagandistic construct to fear monger by creating “the other” – With the Red Communist danger defeated, islam was the next galvanising construct. One needs to just see how this contruct was created and delivered and used by Western Intelligence agencies dating from the earliest British imperialistic forays into traditional Muslim lands.

In the past 20 years since the first Twin Towers bombing and the ridiculous Zionist Shill Steve Emerson’s “Jihad in America” outlining exactly how the US wanted the world to view Islamic resistance to western imperialism (as islamo-fascist-terror bent on world domination) conveniently ignoring that despite providing Koranic “proof” of islam’s imperialistic designs on the non-Muslim world, it was the Zionist world order that sought to cast the entore world in its image with a decidedly racist-inperialist mindset that committed unspeakable atrocities in Muslim lands and elsewhere. Political islam is a necessary rallying point from where constant Western Aggression is ideologically fought. Today Sunni Political Islam has been defeated by the the US and the West with the help of the Gulf Monarchies by turning “Jihad” into a despicable concept by their creation of ISIS/DAESH and their affiliates replete with head chopping atrocities and everything that would allow Western populaces to wiilingly give unquestioning consent to any intervention where these terrorists are “found” (ie, where the US inserts them.

I do however agree that the secular, inclusive cosmopolitan nature of the Syrian state traditionally is a good model in the middle east especially with its diverse and highly tribal soceities. The argument against the Assads as a godless anti-islamic regme bent on Islam’s destruction in a Sunni majority nation hold no water as Damascus continued its exalted position as the seat of SUNNI islamic learning throughut the centuries upto this day.

The West’s sale of weapons to everywhere from the Korean peninsula to the Saudis depend on the tried and tested British policy of devide and rule and the creation of always present threats (North Korea and Iran).

Their corporate imperialism depends on non-socialistic butal puppet regimes and dictatorships.

Unfortunately, I do not see the west’s capitulatioZionism and the Holohoax guilt to be replaced anytime soon – “jews” are still White and the Nuslim world is Brown, the “other”.

AM Hants

MEPs funded by Soros, checking out human trafficking scams, before reporting back to Soros.

Mack Dane

I enjoy coming to SF so I can laugh at low-IQ posters and crazy conspiracy theories. Thank you!


Then you must be standing and laughing in front of your mirror right now.


You pwetty boy facists are next to go,prepare do die showoffs,i been waiting for these masonic fighters (not) To see how they pit up against the real iron fists that dealt with gutting though heavy shit most their lives,to put you and your overgrown dogs to shame!

Laugh all you want,had your reward tough guy,SAA as yet to recieve theirs,by god when that time comes as always with asswholes they are the ones to hurry back with their tail between their legs,for good,hearken up permanently and their spirit all busted yeah,

no busters have saved anyone to date,at least certainly not where i grew up from,mason! Your welcome,by all means come back,before the 5th.


You will be laughing to your grave


If a Kurd is lowlife, fighting for so many years so many enemies for the independence of his homeland, then what is an Anatolian that glorifies other races (Turkic peoples), races that enslaved his ancestors, shares a faith completely alien to him (an Arabic faith, Islam) and his country, Turkey, is literally despises by everybody living on planet earth?


Also, It was the Kurds who massacred the Pontic Greeks following Kemal’s orders and the Kurds practically won the Turkish Independence War against the Greeks since they were the most numerous, fanatic and skilled fighters in the ranks of Kemal.


Anatolia is another name for the Armenian Plateau, which is the homeland of Greeks, Armenians and Georgians. What you said about Turks is true, they mixed with who they enslaved by stealing women and children. Look up what are Janisares. Interestingly according to DNA Azeris are Kurds who adopted Turkish language during Ottoman Empire.


Yeah, some of those Janissaries where Greek lol which means that some of the Turks fathers were Greek. The Turkish mothers took the Greek cock up the ass :) Its no surprise that western Turks and Greeks look quite similar to each other.

Horace Lacondeta

Except that until 1915, Armenians were still the absolute majority the highlands, and this is the reason why Turks and Kurds killed them. So 30% of modern Turkey would have been Armenia if not for the genocide.

Al Balog

Agreed 100%. I have great respect for the true Turkic peoples and patriots. Looking into their great culture and speaking with them online (Altai and Tuvan in particular), they seem very proud to be part of Russia. Even Shoigu, one of the most patriotic Russians, is a Tuvan. I don’t see the Turkic peoples in Russia joining Erdogan anytime soon, or starting some sort of crazy Turkic separatism.

What’s funny to me about these pro-Erdogan Turkish nationalists is that they think Attila The Hun was Turkic. Attila and the early Huns were actually Uralic, and primarily settled in Hungary and not Turkey. They were like the tribes in Russia before adopting Slavic culture, so their appearance were not dramatically different to other nearby Europeans. And the original Huns main partners in Europe were Goths and Vandals, who were Germanic peoples. They regular Huns and Magyars (not just the warriors but the regular Hun people as well) mixed heavily with the Germanics, and later with Slavs. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/587fcc39f39a4169a2b6e52818386ab1fac84858fd0b4d4bd044feb66701534b.jpg


It isnt an accident that many turks suffer with an identity crisis. You have atheistic kemalists saying that turks are european and you have greywolf supporting turks that trace their roots back to central asia smh what a mess!

Al Balog

? Lol, I know. It’s taken me years to figure out what the Turks want themselves to be. And it’s even funnier when the “Grey Wolf Turks” try to teach me Hungarian history. It’s as if they’re desperate for creating their own ethnic allies or something.


Lol, like trying to portray Attila as being Turkic. What a joke. I mean if they insist on being Turks, then we’ll give them a one way ticket to Mongolia :)

Al Balog

Exactly, and even then I don’t think today’s Mongols would want them back ?. Mongolia wouldn’t want an ISIS pseudo-Turkic enclave of white Erdogan addicts in the Gobi desert.


You know whats funny, I saw a real Turk write online that Ataturk destroyed the Turkic mongoloid race by claiming that anybody could be a Turk lol. That was a big mistake by Ataturk, how can anybody be a Turk?

According to Ataturk;

“Any person who calls themselves Turk, feels like a Turk, can speak Turkish and knows Turkish history is a Turk”

There’s no blood requirement.


Well, that’s pragmatic. I think ethnicity is a vague thing at best. Ancestry.com tends to demonstrate that

Gabriel Hollows

Blood is everything. From IQ, bone density, skeletal structure, brain size, muscle distribution, age of sexual maturity, etc. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is either ignorant or jewish.


100% and that is something that Turks fail to grasp. They clearly havent heard of race realism. Its more of that “one human race” jew bolshevik nonsense.


I guess you never heard of blood tranfusions ?

U n k n 0 w n

Keep reading spastic..

Atatürk described the identity of the Turkish nation as follows: “We are an Asiatic nation, an Asiatic state.”

The perspective of Atatürk towards the West was divided into two categories. First, the age of reforms, the abolishment of monarchies and medieval politics, and second, imperialism. According to the Kemalist ideology, it was necessary to fight against Western imperialism in order to reach the level of contemporary civilization. The West was the enemy, because they allowed the execution of everything that would make a negative impact on Turkey.

–> Colonialism and imperialism will be wiped out from the face of the earth, and will be replaced with an age of harmony and cooperation between the nations regardless of color, religion and race.

( — M. Kemal Atatürk / March, 1933 — )

–> We protect not only our liberation and independence against the Western imperialists. We also reject their ambitions to make the Turkish nation as an instrument of imperialism. Therefore, we believe that we are serving to all mankind. ( — M. Kemal Atatürk / Oct. 22, 1922 — )


It not funny, its reality

U n k n 0 w n

Braindead losers like you always bark the same garbage they memorized around the internet with no credible evidence .. Now, read and learn something new spastic ..

The Turks of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Balkans had originated from the “24 Oghuz tribes”. The Oghuz Turks never looked Asiatic. Anthropology placed the Oghuz Turks into the Turanid raci al category. Which means that a hybrid of Mongo loid and Europid characteristics. Overall, the Turanid branch is divided into the following sub-categories. The Turks belong to the West Turanid branch.

West Turanid: Comprises a significant portion of the Oghuz Turks. It is the collective term for the West Turanid variants that inhabit Eastern Europe and Turkey. It is not very common, but still significant. The Turanid population of Hungary was called Alföeldi, a synonym for West Turanid, possibly the result of ancient Magyar, Hunnic, and Tatar migrations to Europe and Turkey. The greater amounts of Europid admixture distinguishes West Turanid from the Pamirid and the Aralid peoples of Central Asia. The West Turanid is a significant element in Turkey, Hungary, the Balkans, and Southern Ukraine, while it is relatively rare in Europe.

In other words, a vast majority of the Western Turks belong to the Oghuz branch. It was not the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tuvan or the Bashkurt peoples that conquered Anatolia. It was the Oghuz-Turkmen tribes that came from the trans-Khazar region. Also, the modern-day Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan are closest to the Turkmens of Turkmenistan in terms of language, culture, and phenotype. For this reason, comparing the Turks with their closest relatives, the Oghuz-Turkmens of the trans-Khazar region instead of Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Bashkurt, or Altai peoples is the most reasonable approach.

–> The Oghuz, Kipchak and Karluk branches completely had the anthropological character of the modern-day Yörük tribes of Anatolia, also known as the Oghuz type .. According to some Russian anthropologists, the nomadic Turks showed more Europid raci al traits between the 6th-9th centuries .. The theory of “real and original Turks must have slanted-eyes”, is a political statement.

–> According to some Western scholars, the theory of “Asiatic-Mongo loid looking Turks” was false. ( — William Montgomery McGovern / The Early Empires of Central Asia — )

Another undisputable historical fact is that the contemporary historical accounts provide no evidence regarding the systematic assimilation, or forced conversion of Christians to Islam in Anatolia. The religions, languages, cultures, and traditions of these folks survived and were well-preserved despite living under the Turkish rule for almost a millennium. Also, the Janissaries had a number of not more than only a couple of thousands even at the territorial peak of the empire. Meanwhile, the Turks had always been the demographically dominant element and the ruling class in Anatolia. For this reason, the Western Europeans began to call the Anatolia region as “Turkey-Turchia”, meaning “the land of the Turks”, as early as the 12th century. Because the land was directly named after the ethnicity, not the other way around.

If the Turks assimilated you for centuries, you wouldnt be able to bark here now. Go bark under a tree now.

U n k n 0 w n

If in today’s terminology, the linguistic family and ethnos are called ‘Türkic’, they were called “Hun, Scythian, Tatar” etc. during other periods. The main body of the Türkic people consisted of ‘Tele/Tiele’ tribes, a confederation of nine Türkic folks.

The main body of the Huns consisted of Uigur tribes, and the modern descendants of the Tiele people are called the Turks.

The first known records of the Turks are milleniums older than the modern notions of the linguistic family and the ethnos termed ‘Türkic’. For instance, Ptolemy used “Huns, Ases/Alans” instead of “N. Pontic Turks”.

Therefore, the Great Hunnic Empire was founded, and governed by the Turks. The first ‘tanhu/khan’ of the empire was Teoman/Tu-Man.

He was succeeded by his son Mete/Mo-Tun. According to some theories, Mete and Oghuz Khan, the semi-mythological ancestor of the Turks, are the same persona.

The Göktürks considered themselves as the continuation of the Huns as well. The European Huns also emerged as a result of the migration movements following the collapse of the Hunnic Empire. Which means that Attila [the Hun], Teoman and Mete were the leaders of the same nation.

The Eastern and Western Huns belonged to the Ogur linguistic family, the kin of Oghuz branch. Ogur is modestly called as the Karluk group today.

In the antiquity, the Ogur family was much more visible than the Oghuz, due to their proximity to the literate southern populations. In addition, the Ogur group included Tochars, Kangars, Uigurs, Karluks, Bulgars, Khazars, Sabirs, Agathyrs and Avars.

Go bark under a tree now uneducated loser troll


Really, showing an ugly 19th century sculpture to proove your theory? ?

Wahid Algiers

People from Hungary and Finland are relatives from the roots.


https://www.myheritage.com/ethnicities/turkey/country-ethnicity-distribution https://www.myheritage.com/ethnicities/azerbaijan/country-ethnicity-distribution https://www.myheritage.com/ethnicities/georgia/country-ethnicity-distribution https://www.myheritage.com/ethnicities/greece/country-ethnicity-distribution


Interestingly, the last in line of the Osman dynasty was born in Damascus and chose to live there rather than in Turkey (until he was “rescued” by Erdogan). He is childless. Thus endeth the Osmans?

U n k n 0 w n

Braindead losers like you always bark the same garbage they memorized around the internet with no credible evidence .. Now, read and learn something new spastic ..

The Turks of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Balkans had originated from the “24 Oghuz tribes”. The Oghuz Turks never looked Asiatic. Anthropology placed the Oghuz Turks into the Turanid raci al category. Which means that a hybrid of Mongo loid and Europid characteristics. Overall, the Turanid branch is divided into the following sub-categories. The Turks belong to the West Turanid branch.

West Turanid: Comprises a significant portion of the Oghuz Turks. It is the collective term for the West Turanid variants that inhabit Eastern Europe and Turkey. It is not very common, but still significant. The Turanid population of Hungary was called Alföeldi, a synonym for West Turanid, possibly the result of ancient Magyar, Hunnic, and Tatar migrations to Europe and Turkey. The greater amounts of Europid admixture distinguishes West Turanid from the Pamirid and the Aralid peoples of Central Asia. The West Turanid is a significant element in Turkey, Hungary, the Balkans, and Southern Ukraine, while it is relatively rare in Europe.

In other words, a vast majority of the Western Turks belong to the Oghuz branch. It was not the Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tuvan or the Bashkurt peoples that conquered Anatolia. It was the Oghuz-Turkmen tribes that came from the trans-Khazar region. Also, the modern-day Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan are closest to the Turkmens of Turkmenistan in terms of language, culture, and phenotype. For this reason, comparing the Turks with their closest relatives, the Oghuz-Turkmens of the trans-Khazar region instead of Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Bashkurt, or Altai peoples is the most reasonable approach.

–> The Oghuz, Kipchak and Karluk branches completely had the anthropological character of the modern-day Yörük tribes of Anatolia, also known as the Oghuz type .. According to some Russian anthropologists, the nomadic Turks showed more Europid raci al traits between the 6th-9th centuries .. The theory of “real and original Turks must have slanted-eyes”, is a political statement.

–> According to some Western scholars, the theory of “Asiatic-Mongo loid looking Turks” was false. ( — William Montgomery McGovern / The Early Empires of Central Asia — )

Another undisputable historical fact is that the contemporary historical accounts provide no evidence regarding the systematic assimilation, or forced conversion of Christians to Islam in Anatolia. The religions, languages, cultures, and traditions of these folks survived and were well-preserved despite living under the Turkish rule for almost a millennium. Also, the Janissaries had a number of not more than only a couple of thousands even at the territorial peak of the empire. Meanwhile, the Turks had always been the demographically dominant element and the ruling class in Anatolia. For this reason, the Western Europeans began to call the Anatolia region as “Turkey-Turchia”, meaning “the land of the Turks”, as early as the 12th century. Because the land was directly named after the ethnicity, not the other way around.

If the Turks assimilated you for centuries, you wouldnt be able to bark here now. Go bark under a tree now.


What a load of pseudo garbage. Stop spewing globalism. You clearly have no idea what race realism is. So you guys truly are mixed mongols right? Listen, Turks will never be European (white) no matter how hard you try. The “white turks” like Kivanc are turkified europeans, its as simple as that. You are barbarians and you will be send back to where you came from.

Also, Atilla wasnt even Turkic you moron. Attila and the early Huns were actually Uralic and primarily settled in Hungary and not Turkey.

Gabriel Hollows

Turks are cockroaches, nothing more. Insane abominations spawned from the mixing of the races through rape and slavery.

There is nothing turkic about the turk. As you very well said, true turkics are central asians, not an amalgamation of completely different races.

Shia man

2 Hezbollah soldiers = 600 dead US British and French soldiers just saying

Smith Ricky


Al Balog

Turkey’s arm supplier from the USA:



Yep,thats a shthead!

Horace Lacondeta

The Turkish Defense certainly does not believe their lies, but the point is to have the random twitteroglu warrior to bite it… Still the best indication of what is happening on the ground its Erdogan going mad and requesting help from EU and US. For the man to fall this low, it should be really serious.

Tim Williams

he’s nothing more than a common street beggar now


The SAA resilience is quite commendable, especially knowing that their main ally Russia works so hard to accomodate the US-led terrorists and Ziowahhabi invaders that’ve been trying to takeover Syria since 2011. Right now about 45% of Idlib is still under terrorist invaders, and any ceasefire with Zioterrorists that Russians find reasonable must be resisted by the SAA and other allies, as that would only give the ISIS/al-Qaeda filth more time to be armed by NATO.

Konrad Ingvarssen

I wish I understood better Russia’s goals in this war. How far are they willing to go in opposing Turkey? What is at stake for them? Turkey sits astride the only exit from the Black Sea and the shortest maritime access to their base in Syria. How much of a threat is that to Russia? How much is Turkey will to put up with if Russian (or Syrian) bombs are killing their soldiers? Can Turkey bottle up Russia’s Black Sea submarine fleet also (if they have one and I assume they do)? How much are the Russians willing to tolerate casualties inflicted on them by the Turks? Would Turkey care as much about what happens in Syria if there weren’t Kurds there who could (and do) contribute to the PKK efforts in Turkey itself? I imagine Erdogan would like a friendly Sunni-lead government in Syria just as a matter of ideological policy, but how much of his foreign policy is determined by Islamist ideology, or just the desire to feel as if Turkey is a really significant power again, sort of a return to Ottoman Empire level of influence.


Russia is in more of predicament there. If Syria had fallen to the terrorists, there would already be a Qatar/Saudi-Turkey-EU pipeline to finish off Gazprom’s market dominance, at the same time, the Turkish terrorist filth is also a major Gazprom customer. Putin’s options are selling bits of Syria’s statehood as if it were a stock market or going all-out against terrorists.

Bill Wilson

That proposed pipeline was DOA as soon as it was announced by Qatar. They failed to first ask Saudi Arabia about running the pipeline across their country so was told by the Sauds to run it under the sea to Iraq. Qatar never started engineering studies for the overland route before making the announcement so dropped the whole idea.


Iran would never have allowed such pipeline thru Iraq, their only choice was destroying Syria and creating a Sunnistan there that would be friendly to all Qatar, Jordan, Saudi and Turky. Southstream was stopped AFTER contruction started, you can’t speak about “DOA” because Saudis and Qataris began squabbling AFTER Russia came to help Syrian recover some parts of the country from ISIS/al-Qaeda.

Bill Wilson

That pipeline was proposed well before the unrest started in Syria. Saudi Arabia had their differences with Qatar back then so were highly annoyed when Qatar announced the proposed route without consulting with them first. Iran had no say in the matter since they couldn’t stop it’s construction if S.A. allowed a ROW for it. On the other hand, Putin would’ve leaned on Bashar to deny the ROW to the Syrian coast since the gas would compete with Russian NG sales to Western Europe.


When it was proposed Syria was already not in good terms with either Qatar or Saudi. Qatar and Saudi aligned their geopolitical goals in Syria and Iraq with the rise of ISIS. The Saudis sent emissaries to Moscow many times in 2012/13 to get Russia out of the way in Syria. Their differences over something that didn’t exist, the pipeline, faded in their unity over what did exist, ISIS/al-Qaeda in Syria. How do you think their coveted Sunnistan in Syria was going to support itself after the destruction they brought about to topple the Assad government?

Tim Williams

Russia has just two military bases outside of Russia … they are both in SYRIA and they are not giving them up …


Russia has bases in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and access to a base in Vietnam since they helped defeat the US Zioterrorist scum there.

Bill Wilson

Erdogan is an opportunist with bad judgement. US intelligence says he’s like a lousy poker player that’s too stupid to fold when dealt a bad hand so continues to up the ante, hoping that the other players will drop out to leave him with the pot. So far the only pots he’s won are full of shit.

Horace Lacondeta

I just can give you some clues on Russia, you have to bear in mind that 1/ Turks fear Russians pathologically. 2/ Turkey is dependant on Russia for its gas 3/ dependent on Russia for running nuclear power plant 4/ Russian navy is no match for Turkey, and potential economic/military retaliation for Bosphorus closure, which would be an open act of war, could be heavy 5/ Russia will not engage in direct confrontation with Turkey, but will create the perfect environment for Turkey to down in Syria “Afghanistan” style while openly negotiating with them, and maintaining their role of unique deal maker.

Also in the beg 90s, former CIS Marshall Shaposhnikov, commander in chief of the nuclear forces, openly threatened Turkey with “3rd world war” in case they got directly involved in Caucasus. This sobered the Turks a lot and no doubt the defence staff in Ankara still vividly remember about that.


So far, Russia’s unique deal making role has only allowed Zioterrorists, ISIS/al-Qaeda/NATO and the Rothschild neocolony Palestine invade 1/4 of Syria, not counting Idlib as the showdown there isn’t over yet, and all of its airspace, where they launch airstraikes whenever and wherever they want.

Horace Lacondeta

Sometimes you have to minimise losses today to win tomorrow. This is a very long run, not a one shot. And so far, things are going as planned.


Then it is no deal, but capitulation however small they are. Then again, retaking Syria’s airspace sovereignty from the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine’s US airforce, because since operation Nickel Grass the Ziojew terrorists have had a US airforce, indeed requires much more than a deal.


I think Putin has concluded that the best they’re going to do is a parititioned Syria. It will be Syria minus the Kurd regions and minus Idlib. They may ultimately recover the Kurd regions someday, but probably never Idlib, because Idlib (or a big chunk of it) is going to become the “safe zone” (ie: terrorist factory) where all the irredeemable Sunnis are kept (the ones that weren’t smart enough to side with Damascus).

Russia and Syria do not have the military means to push Turkey out of Syria, simple as that. They can make some gains on the ground but the bulk of the Turkish occupation forces aren’t going anywhere. This is a huge force of many tens of thousands of terrorists, Turkish troops, thousands of artillery, MLRS, tanks, etc. This large force is well supplied directly across the land border with Turkey and can be endlessly reinforced with jihadists from Turkey at zero cost to Erdogan. The drones and standoff airartillery attacks can be conducted as long as the Turks feel they can get away with it, and for them, doing these strikes is dirt cheap. I don’t see this force being dislodged any time soon, so unless Russia is willing to use tactical nukes on them, most or at least a good part of Idlib is lost forever.

Konrad Ingvarssen

Losing Idlib permanently is a depressing possibility for the Syrian government. But if what you propose as the likely scenario comes about Turkey will likely be on the hook for anything nasty that comes out of there if they keep their troops there. And I really don’t see anything but a failed rump of a state arising in those conditions. At least in the short term. Maybe eventually they could have a relatively stale dictatorship similar to Libya under Gadaffi or Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Until then though, Sunni extremists are not good neighbors. The Islamists there will hate and war against the Syrian state, but they also hate and act against the US and Israel. Even Turkey itself might be not Islamic enough for them. So when the inevitable outrage against US or Israeli interests happens will Turkey be willing and able to respond in a way that satisfies the aggrieved party? Will it be enough to say: “Hey, we’re here to keep the Syrians out, but we aren’t in charge. Make sure you don’t hit our people when you hit back at the people who attacked you please.” Is that a viable position for them? I honestly don’t know.

Alex Cabrera

russia can do it by destroying turkey economically

Alex Cabrera

remember too that erdogan will not be in power forever

if a frienly leader arises in turkey

the islamist will be doomed in syria

Tudor Miron

If you take time and compare Syrian map of 2015 to what it is in 2020 than you would not make statements that are as far from the truth as it gets. That is if you’re actually interested in truth.


The truth is that 35% of Syria is under terrorist invader control and that the Syrians have fought hard for what they’ve been able to liberate while Russia says that Idlib is the “last” bastion of terrorists in Syria. Syrians have at times openly voiced it as well, Russia making deals with terrorist invaders isn’t any benefit for Syria. I haven’t so far denied any merit to what’s been achieved with Russia’s help since 2015, but that doesn’t shine so bright to be blinding unless you wanna be blind.

Tudor Miron

I see your point. Russia is not doing it right (to your opinion). Who’s doing it better? The truth is that 80% of Syria was under terrorist invader control and last 20% was about to fall.


Goes beyond the Syrian war. The Russian elite somehow wants to intertwine itself with the global Zioterrorist elite but they just haven’t found the way how, the Syrian theater only makes that so much more evident because it is a war. That’s why I find so silly about those singing senseless praises of “sovereignty” and “nationalism” when talking about this whole issue.

Tudor Miron

You didn’t answer my question – who’s doing it better? Yes, there are problems with Russian “elites” (I call them ruzionic) but your trying to twist the truth is interesting in itself. So, who’s doing better?


Russia as the inheritor of the Soviet Union’s military power is not doing half as well as they did in Vietnam.

Who’s doing it better? The US of course, got 90% of Syria’s oil while Russia appeases Turkey and the Ziojews.

Tudor Miron

Really? US wanted all Syria using their irregular armed forces *daesh/nusra” and they were almost there. By now it is clear that US lost this war and that oil that you mention is actually doing them more harm than good when all the world is watching their openly looting of Syria. If you think that’s an achievement, I see it very differently. Russia is not an inheritor of Soviet Union’s power – Russia is what was left after self defeat of traitors leading the country from 1953 till 1991. If things would go according to western plans Russia would not exist by now (there would be several souvenir countries). West thought that it is over and they finally conquered Russia for good. Something went wrong for them – again :) You say that US is doung better than Russia? It only means that you look at “current states” and fail to see “process in development” or simply trying to mislead others. I see what you are. I’m over with this discussion.


So your country was saved from Nazi invaders by traitors? That its name wasn’t Russia doesn’t mean the Soviet project was all treason, bacause I do think there was a lot of treason going on at the beginning, and especially at the end, it’s ridiculous that Ukraine and Belarus exist as separate entities.

Either way, the Soviet Union had no qualms downing the Zioterrorist invaders’ planes and helicopters in Vietnam, all the way to Saigon. And Russia’s intervention only in 2015 was another fuckup like Saraqib a few days ago, Russia even withdrew the men from Tartous in 2013, had it been earlier this royal mess would’ve been solved long ago.

Tudor Miron

My country was saved from Nazi invaders (which was actually just another attack of collective west) by heroism and self sacrifice of its people led by one of its greatest leaders – Stalin. Trotskists that regained power in 1953 led that great state to its fall in 1991-1993. It took them 40 years to destroy what Stalin was building. Soviet Union was a great country that proved that there is an alternative to western “crowd/elite society”. It wasn’t ideal in many ways but still it was a great country. Russia is rising from ashes. Slower than desired – yes, but even that is a miracle. You can ridicule what Russia is doing in Syria all you want but that would not change the fact that Syria is the first defeat of collective west since collapse (self defeat by traitors at the helm of communist party dreaming about joining western elites) of CCCP. But I said that I was over with this discussion. Enough.


Pointing out Russia’s fuckups is not ridiculing Russia, it’s pointing out Russia’s fuckups, plain and simple. It’s a fact that Russia’s intervention in 2015 was a couple of years late to avoind this mess where 35% of Syria is under undisputed terrrorist rule.


24t debt/usa is on life support,Russian real world economy much more robust! Us petrodolla is finished,outdated,useless effective wise,infact worse than cccp!

Konrad Ingvarssen

Thanks for the reply. From what you are saying it seems there are a lot of reasons on both sides not to want to escalate the conflict. I tend to forget it but Turkey is still a member of NATO, even if an uncomfortable one. I have not heard about it recently but they may still be buying an air defense system from Russia, apparently to Washington’s annoyance. I can understand why people could be confused about it, since they seem to be aggravating almost everyone. And buying arms from them.


This is just false analysis. How do you create an Afghanistan like environment when you are inside the war yourself and a one of the combatant in the war. It dosen’t make sense. The US never entered the Soviet-Afghan military themselves but provided weaponry. The Russian are directly fighting on the frontline here ladies and gents

Constellation 2023

Let’s not forget the Soviet Moscovites lost shamefully in Afghanistan and they will lose against the Turks again. Barbarian Moscovites murdered millions of civilians in Afghanistan, laid mines on farmlands, and maimed children with toy bombs! They continue to help the butcher Assad regime and its terrorist militia murder hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians. The day will come when they will heavily pay the price of their evil acts.


russian toy bombs, hahaha, readers digest propaganda (cia) at its best!

El Mashi

You are an Israeli trol.

Tudor Miron

Get lost ukro troll.


Whaaa! Keep whining…


No they reinstated the communist leader it was mission accomplished and they did control over 60% before retracting bravely leaving afghanistan by foot,much to the applause of the gratefull afghans whom were told all poppy fields destroyed as well,which is contary to what you read in cia/lgbtq times ok!


Basic Guy

Loses dozens of tanks, planes, a couple hundred man in a few days just in an airwar but teaches lesson ok

Tudor Miron

Yes, there are losses – but those numbers are nothing other than Turkish wet dreams. What matters is the actual gains on the ground – M5 is clear of terrorist rats. Turkey being 2nd strongest NATO army tried hard to prevent it and could not. That’s a lesson.

Basic Guy

it would be if turkey would go all out but they are just delivering equipment, striking with drones and artillery

Tudor Miron

It doesn’t change the fact that Turkey is loosing manpower and equipment in Syria (and Lybia btw) without gaining anything. Cartoons that they show to their sheeple and victorious claims of thousands of Syrian soldiers “neutralised” doesn’t change the fact that Turkey is unable to anything of substance.

Tudor Miron

Yes, Turkey is loosing drones, artillery and manpower and not gaining anything other than more trouble. It would take a braindead person to believe in their fairytales about SAA losses. But in anyway, map is clearly showing that Turkey could not achieve their goal and retake territories liberated by Syrian army. That’s the only thing that actually matters from state level point of view.


german mainstream (n-tv): erdogan hat sich in syrien verzockt


He has really gambled away so much in Syria to recover his credibility in Turkey but to no avail. Thank you SAA !

Al Balog

The SAA is working to continue its advance in the southern green pocket of Idlib. Take it all back ??


Stimme Der DDR

It is about time for Europe to proclaim war on Turkey due to Erdogan pushing terorists in the direction of Greece. Europe it is time to strike back and strike hard.


Europe? To declare war …due to terrorists pushed towards Greece…. Yeah…I don’t think you are from around here … what galaxy did you come from ?

Stimme Der DDR

I know Europeans are to weak minded to do anything about terrorist Turkey. They should indeed make a security zone 30 km in on Turkish territory just like turks did in Syria. Tit for tat.


They should do a whole lot more than just that pal. Treat Turkey at least the same way they treat North Korea. Sanctions till the sun rises from the west ! Or till they become civilised ! So yeah, till the sun rises from the west !


Western European countries, especially France, UK and Germany, are terrorist filth like the US and Turd-key. All NATO scum. Germany was especially active helping Albanian Islamist KLA and Bosnian scum against Serbia.

Stimme Der DDR

Well then let terrorists fight terrorist. The influx of aliens to Europe must end.


Better let the Europeans enjoy the wonders of their Zioterrorist foriegn policy.

Stimme Der DDR

I strongly disslike the European leadership they are all traitors to their people.


Like any normal human should.


And yet they call it democracy. There is a part missing somewhere for traitors to their people to rule in every country. But I agree, real democracy could not put complete morons to the leadership positions in every country every time. The western pseudo-democracies are seriously fu#%ed!

Wahid Algiers

Dislike? I hate them.

Wahid Algiers

Gut gebrüllt Löwe.


Europe deserves it, it creates refugees by sponsoring and partaking in Genocidal wars with NATO in the middle east to steal oil. Karma is a bitch so suck it up and enjoy the fruits of your labour. You reap what you sow. France bombed Gadaffi’s Libya into the stone age top kick start the process of ‘alien” invasions you fkin idiot

Wahid Algiers

West Europa muss erst einmal im Inneren die Kuffmucken und Necker erledigen. Die spermen uns alle in den Volkstod.


3000 Hezbollah stopped an invasion by one of the top 10 in the world.. Supported by the most powerful in the world..

3000… They did not even call up any reserves or move other units or even activate deployments..

They lost 300 men in over a month against this highly trained and high tech army supported by a global network of intelligence and spy networks..

The turks also used the meat grinder in korea.. Was unable to over come NK..

So its not the numbers or the most advanced that matter.. The number used to matter before.. And if push comes to shove, if you are willing to sacrifice it all, you might win short term battles.. We saw this when the terrorists would send hundreds of suicide bombers to break down defences.. which they did and they won their target.. But that tactic now does nothing and its harder to find people willing to die on call..


So Hezbollah lost 300 of 3,000 troops. That means they were literally decimated. Great. Wait till they have to face a serious force like the Israelis. Annihilation might be a fitting word.


Even israel has the upmost respect for the Hez bollards soldier. Israel has a choice Exeter you specifically and exclusively for them.

Bet you don’t read much. Research, princess. Next war, if you want to call it that, lol, your mother’s will change your diaper on ships sailing away from freed FALASTEEN…BISH! 6 day war, lmfao, if it goes all out, israel will surrender in 4 days maximum! You have no idea what’s coming. You stick to your tactics ad strategies, there is an answer to all of it, devastating replies and call ouster strike await you.

Shia man

It was 5000 Hezbollah fighters that went against 100 thousand Israel soldiers Hezbollah ended up losing 60 fighters Israel will never admit how much fighters it actually lost but figures say about 250 plus


2500. Not 5000.


Thank You SouthFront. Thank You for giving us the news. Thank You South front


Turkey is just doing Drone attacks and Russia won’t step aside for Turkey to finish off Assad they are getting babysitt’ed.

This is what Dimtry Peskov said 2 days ago..

”Peskov also said that Erdogan’s request to Russia to “leave Turkey and Syria one on one” is illogical. ” According to Peskov, “Russia is acting at the request of the legitimate Syrian leadership”

Fighting a non-state actors for almost 10 years and almost got defeated by them than Russia step in to fight for them but they still believe they are doing the winning on their news papers and media now that is cowardice.

They say every story has two sides. This was suppose to be a civil war and alot of people tend to label it as such but that is entirely not correct. Perhaps from the SAA-Hezbullah-Iranian militias point of view it was a civil war but not from the Rebels Point of view they initially sign up for a civil war but found themselves in a massive international warfare that they didn’t imagine would arrive to their doorsteps nor had any desires whatsoever to engage to in an international war but only wanted to settle local issues. So from their POV it was not a civil war but an International war. And the SAA media still labelling this a civil war now that is cowardice and taking credit for something that is not their doing

Bill Wilson

Russia could’ve prevented all this strife in Syria by providing foodstuffs and financial aid to the displaced workers from the agricultural sector that lost their jobs due to the prolonged drought which had gripped Eastern Syria for several years. They went to Western Syria in search of work where they ran into the problem of supply and demand where the increased number of workers causes shorter periods of employment along with lower wages plus increases in housing and food costs. The Syrian government was also suffering a great loss in revenue earned from agricultural exports so lacked the funds to provide much assistance to the displaced workers. The initial protests were over the lack of assistance from Damascus which freaked out the local strongmen who controlled the local police forces and military garrisons, so ordered them to get heavy handed with the protesters out of fear of losing their positions of power. Bashar couldn’t do anything about that since it was his father who enabled those strongmen and gave them brigades to lead in order to consolidate his power over the country. Russia wasn’t that bad off then to prevent them from supplying foodstuffs, army tents and some cash to help relieve the suffering of the displaced workers yet the Kremlin didn’t even though it would’ve been an extremely wise political move that the rest of the World would’ve admired.

Tim Williams

what utter bullshit … except for 2008, Syria got normal rainfall …


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Good God what a stupid post. You must be American.

Officer Love

Turkey not using ground forces? So what the fück has Russia been bombing then lol? Those Turkish tanks that got grilled by Russia with two dead turks as a result are suddenly not turkish? The 30+ turks that got grilled by Russia last week are suddenly non existent? lol

And nope its not a civil war. Its the Syrian people defending their country against US, Turkey and Saudi backed Al-Qaida jihadists. Most of them foreign. So yeah its anything but a civil war.


All these numbers not factual. Russia did not bomb Turkish forces as they were not inside Saraqeb by the time of the offensive. Russia was bombing the rebels who refused exit saraqeb.

No Turkish forces engagement so far in Syria only drones and one time with F-16 downing Su-24s

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Many dead Turks…. We’ve seen the coffins. The Turkish military got punked. The world saw it. You can’t hide it.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

You don’t know jack shit, do you? Don’t post if you’re that damn ignorant.


“Syrian Armed Forces Teach ‘2nd Strongest NATO Army’ Painful Lesson In Idlib”

1st The turkish army is the 2nd largest, but only 4th strong army of NATO.

2nd Not the sleepy SAA, but ruskies teach the turkish army. Syria is pook in comparison to Turkey.


One may see a Putin plan behind the quick Syrian retreat, followed by a sudden Syrian advance, pushing back the bloody nosed Turkish gangsters, just before the PUTIN- erDOGan meeting. Putin will be able to point out of the hopeless Turkish situation against the battle hardened SAA, especially with increased level of Russian support. erDOGan’s best option would be declare/lie victory and go home in one peace.


The whole ‘2nd strongest NATO army’ line is an outdated cold-war relic that is no longer true (numbers don’t equal strength). Britain, France, Spain, Italy and even Germany with it’s pathetic defense-spending could defeat the Turks in a one-on-one war.

Much of Turkey’s military is dated with the only exceptions being it’s UAV and stand-off missiles. It’s F16C/D’s are aging, it’s F-4’s are retiring, it’s Leopard 2A4’s and M60’s are obsolete, it’s navy is weak and it’s officers are increasingly low-quality after the post-coup purges. What’s worse is that it can no longer replace much of this equipment as almost everyone hates them these days e.g. no F-35’s, no upgrades for Leo-2’s and possibly no more S-400’s.


Putin loves to kiss an Erdogan ass


Trust a known masonic asswipe like you to spew out sht,of course sht intelligence,the best! Oh well,hell it is,lied again,you reap what ye sow stinker!

Al Balog

Putin’s gonna make Erdogan his b*tch through diplomacy, just like Zelensky in the Norman Format. Erdogan is going to lose all his credibility very soon. Give Erdo a month at most, his shelf life is expiring.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s hard to judge how things are actually going when we only have access to Turkish casualty figures, I tend to believe Erdogan’s own figures concerning his own casualties, he uses them as a tool to get sympathy and support [UN, EU, US, and NATO] so has no reason to minimise them, but as to his estimates of Assad’s losses, those I find way less reliable, that is unless he has the [un] happy snaps to prove it, and he does seem to have a few of those.

Shia man

Yes of course turkey government telling the truth about its dead soldiers So much so they have to shut down all social media sites in turkey lmao dude your full of shit

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Since you know so much maybe you can tell is what the Turks actual casualty figures are, and while you’re at it how’s about telling what the SAA’s actual figures are too, since, Assad’s not releasing or confirming anything for our side. So far Erdogan’s sides claimed to have killed or destroyed,

3 fighter/bomber aircraft eight helicopters, heaps of drones, 103 tanks, 72 howitzers, several rocket launchers, 6 air defense systems, and more than 2000 SAA,

So far the only relevant info at all is all coming from the Turkish side, which usually means they have less to hide than the SAA, perhaps in this case it’s the wrong assumption on my part, so how’s about giving us some info to help decide what the real case is.

Shia man

183 reported pro-government deaths since start of Turkish offensive in Idlib (not including claimed deaths of 21 Pakistani/ Afghani foreign fighters) Feb 28 – 63; Feb 29 – 54; Mar 1 – 24; Mar 2 – 42. During the capture of Saraqib the Tiger Forces Taha Reg lost it’s operations commander

Willing Conscience (The Truths

So during the last 2 months the SAA has lost only 183 soldiers, 10 soldiers per week, mmm, that’s a big difference between the Turkish estimate of well over 2,000. I think with all the videos Turkey’s been releasing lately, I could actually count up even more than 183 murdered SAA soldiers. And Iranian backed militia’s releasing their casualty figures has nothing to do with the Syrian government releasing their own official figures for the SAA, they’re a different army for a start, and they also don’t mind publicizing their martyred fighters to encourage more people to join their cause. And lastly they can’t hide the fact that prominent army commanders are killed, they have to tell us, it’s not usually info you can hide, that’s not the same case for the troops though. The Syrian government doesn’t release any official casualty number lists at all, only on occasion acknowledges the deaths of soldiers and then condemns the guilty party, but there is no official list at all. Google search for both Turkish and Syrian casualty rates in Syria, I can always find official stats for the Turks but I can’t for the Syrians.


Its last 5 days,not 2 months.183 is what could get confirmed by observing SAA affiliate social media.The real number is probably higher judging by the amount of strikes published.

Shia man

First thing you don’t know how to read second thing explain to me when Erdogan has to shut down social media after every strike on Turkish soldiers?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can read and understand better than just about anyone else on SF forums, spelling is my real weakness. There is another explanation as to why Erdogan shut down social media, it may have nothing to do with high casualty figures. There’s been a lot of domestic opposition to the Turks involvement in Syria recently, so shutting down opposing voices on the media is a possible explanation. And the only time Erdogan stopped releasing casualty figures was for a short while back in mid 2018. After the ALF Kurds started killing heaps of Turks around Afrin he didn’t release figures for nearly 6 months, I made several comments about it and claimed it was probably because he was worried about the negative impact it would have on the Turkish public, but he didn’t shut down social media back then, just stopped releasing data. He actually seems to be using Turkish casualties to garner support now, the exact opposite of what you say he’s doing, so even though he may have shut down social media, I suspect it was for the reasons I gave, not to hide casualty figures that are in some way helping both him and his cause.

Shia man

I just made my case with your comment and don’t even think about deleting your comment I already took screen shot you just exposed turkey for hiding its own casualties.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

How old are you, you’re acting about 12 or 13.


Syria is not and must not be interested in any figures. It should be only interested in how to rid it’s country from these terrorists brought to them by America and Turkey. Fools

Shia man

Turkey must have lost some devastating numbers if they have to shut down social media sites and control the news that comes out of turkey it should tell you a lot and if those numbers are truE the one turkey is spewing about the SAA losing that much soldiers and equipment turkey should at least be in Homs by now but of course turkey is lying

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can find official Turkish info but not official Syrian info, I can find out how many Turks have died even if the figure is unreliable, but I can’t find out about Syrian losses because there is no official info, accurate or not. The side that never releases its own casualty figures could also be accused of trying to hide and minimise them.

cechas vodobenikov

the stupidity and shallowness of the posters here never surprises—never a civil war, this conflict is induced by amerikan imperialism, aided by turkey and to some extent Kurds….Europe;s failure to reject Turk/amerikan imperialism is costing them dearly—-the Syrian’s, Russians, Persians, Hizbollah will persist..amerikan and Turkish will will is thin and frail—their Uigher’, Chechen, Turkmen jihadi proxies—cannot sustain themselves long, despite US/turk support/funding Barbarian invaders invariably suffer demoralization and loss of self respect— amerikans will return to their burgers and marijauna—the turks to the same equivalent, the others will be crushed or return to their respective nations

Al Balog

This will be serious. I recommend you to read and translate the entire article. Tension is even further increasing now between Russia and Turkey. The quote after “МОСКВА, 4 марта.” is very, very bold. Don’t poke the bear:

“The official spokesman for the military, Igor Konashenkov, also said that the Russian air base Khmeimim and the Syrian cities were daily attacked by militants due to Ankara’s failure to fulfill obligations to create a demilitarized zone in Idlib”



Those fools who are playing with numbers here .

Syria is not and must not be interested in any figures. It should be only interested in how to rid it’s country from these terrorists brought to them by America and Turkey.

This is not a game. Humans have reduced themselves to salvages. Fools.

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