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Syrian Army Accepts Ceasefire Proposal, Vows To Respond To Any Violation

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Syrian Army Accepts Ceasefire Proposal, Vows To Respond To Any Violation

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has accepted the new ceasefire which was declared on August 30 by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria.

A Syrian military source to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that the army has “approved a ceasefire in Idlib’s demilitarized zone starting from the morning of August 31.”

The source also warned that the SAA will preserve its right to retaliate to any violation by the terrorist groups operating in Greater Idlib.

The establishment of a 20km demilitarized zone around Idlib was one of the main terms of the Sochi agreement, that was reached last September. The term was not fulfilled by the militants, who refuse to withdraw from the zone.

According to an official statement by the Russian Reconciliation Center, the ceasefire will become active at 06:00 AM Syria time.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies have not accepted, nor rejected the new ceasefire, so far. Earlier this month, the terrorist groups accepted a similar ceasefire but immediately started violating it.

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Black Waters

God… No, fuck them, they are going to regroup, blow them up.

Zionism = EVIL

That is the whole Americunt, Zionist and Turkeys agenda. People forget, there is still a very large pool of Wahhabi cannon fodder in Northern and Eastern Syria and also the Saudis are recruiting and send a lot of headchoppers from their jails. Also Egypt and Libya are big sources for the Turkeys to recruit headchoppers.


Maybe they want to see where they regroup to make the bombing more efficient. Maybe the Syrian forces needed a break too. Maybe they are hoping that they will weaken their positions elsewhere. Who knows?


Thus far, Turkey has been unable or unwilling to prevent the ( their) militant terror gangs from occupying the Sochi accord ‘demilitarised zone ‘ .

Turkey has also been unable or unwilling to prevent the militant terror gangs from breaking the various ceasefire agreements between Russia and Turkey.

This will be frustrating for the rank and file within the SAA and allies, BUT this Russian strategy is necessary and it has liberated vast swathes of Syrian land from the US Coalition of Terror.

I would also argue that whatever one thinks of him, Erdogan is in a tough spot of his own making,BUT giving him ‘wriggle room’ placates his electoral base as well as giving reasons for Turkey to drift slowly away from NATO

In the digital world, we all expect that ‘Rome can be built in a day’ as we see in video games :), it was not and never could be.


Here we go again thanks to Putin that agree to please Erdogan and its terrorists. The terrorists will attack and Syria army will respond, again the terrorists will attack and the Syria army will respond, and so on on and on…, until the terrorists decide to attack again Russia air basis. Maybe then Russia wil allows and helps with another short offensive.

Rhodium 10

Violation of cease fire in…3…2….1….


SAA and Russia might allow Jihadist violations to accumulate. Allows for time of securing new front lines and areas taken from the rats.

Zionism = EVIL

Let’s hope you are right, I am not that sure about the two faced Russian agenda. This time the Wahhabi scum were really on the ropes and the cowards sent women and children up to their Turkey masters borders to demonstrate and stop the SAA offensive. If the SAA had continued all of Idlib would have been easily liberated as the headchopper cowards refused to put up a fight and as usual hid behind women and children. This will only give the CIA and MOSSAD along with their Turkey puppets in MIT to rearm and resupply the terrorists. MOSSAD has already sent a woman general on a US passport to Idlib to run the largest terrorist resuplly operation in Zionist history. Even accoding to the puppet Kurdish media, there are now over 1500 IDF and Mossad vermin in Syria and Iraq, mostly in Kobani, al-Hasakah and the largest in Irbil where most of the hotels have been taken over by Jew “businessmen and women” on US, Australian, UK and Canadian passports. Now Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Croatia are also the biggest providers of fake passports to the Zionist terrorists.


The incident at Turkish border crossings is interesting. But I think it was created by the Jihadist to put pressure on Turkey and make some headlines. In other words: ” Give us more military material and financial aid, or your Syrian refugee problem is going to get worse”

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, the Turkeys will face a Pakistan circa 1980’s style blowback anyway as these headchoppers are now feeling squeezed. The Americunt and Zionist agenda to keep the Syrian terror war going indefinitely as it helps destabilize the region and keeps attention away from Zionist crimes. Russia will have to decide sooner than later, or this problem will get worse.


Russian planners will decide when the time is right.

Premature ejaculation is what the US and her vassals do.

Kelli Hernandez

Putie is Bibi’s bitch. I know people don’t like that but he is. He would also like the US to lift sanctions on Russia too.


The terrorist rats will violate the ceasefire as sure as night follows day, and Syria & her allies know it. After a brief pause to catch their breath, the Tiger Forces will continue to advance and make fertilizer from wahabbi vermin.

Zionism = EVIL

Sadly, I had predicted this. Russian policies are totally confused and everytime the SAA and its allies are on the verge of routing the stinking headchopper scum terrorists, Putin crawls up ErDOGan’s arse and calls a ceasefire. This new ceasefire will only give the desperate Zionists, Americunts and Wahhabi scum to rearm and resupply the terrorists, and believe me they will not be using plastic dummies. SAA need to rely more on Iran and Hezbollah, who knew this was going to happen and sat out the Idlib offensive. It is also an insult to the Syrian forces who lost their lives in liberating parts of Idlib, no wonder Russia pressured Syria to change the name of the aggressive Tiger Forces and integrate them with the mediocre SAA.


What war are you watching? The SAA isn’t doing anything different than repeating their success of clearing these areas that they’ve done over and over. The whole southern Idlib area collapsed like a house of cards in front of the SAA advance.

The Jew’s Yinon plan terrorists are outmanned and outgunned. The Turks aren’t intervening. And the Russian and Syrian air forces are destroying much of the terrorist’s capacity before the SAA even tries to advance

Zionism = EVIL

Hope you are right Richard. Giving these headchopping savages any breathing space is futile and causes more problems in the long run as they multiply like roaches. The area we are talking about now is relatively small, about 2-3 thousands km squared. Russia and Syria have enough airpower to flatten it and they should. Only killing every last one of these vermin will work.


Yah, that’s great, but they have to get the civilians out of the way first. And there’s no sense flattening more than they have to. It all belongs to private people who don’t want to see their property destroyed.

Zionism = EVIL

Unfortunately, it is the same “private people” that gave sanctuary to the headchoppers and sustained their murderous rampage and invited the Turkeys to invade. Idlib and Hama have a history of Salafist terrorism dating back to the 1980’s when Hafez al Assad had no qualms about literally flattening Hama, killing perhaps 20,000 terrorists, his son is not showing the same grit and is more hamstrung.


They’re Syrian citizens, 95% of whom haven’t supported the terrorists. It’s the Zionist Kurds who turned on the Syrian government in mass, not the people of Idlib. Their problem is geography, being right next to the main infiltration point from Turkey. The terrorists were forced on them.


RichardD, the voice of reason and sanity. I agree with you here.


well zionist=evil is most likely an israeli troll sowing discord and misinformation in subtle but still telling ways.

and given the number of posts under the zionist=evil name tells you it’s more likely a number of writers, in fact an entire troll factory, doing the rounds. just look at this field and then look at other fields and who will you find, again and again, zionist=evil.


Could be. But his disinfo isn’t subtle. He’s an agressive Russia basher. Just like pot cracker/klove and light. Same modus operandi.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, what a childish paranoid crack pot. Just because I called out your geographical and political ignorance, you are still butthurt sadly and badly…ROFMLAO! I am as far from Zionist vermin as you can get :)


They’re probably trying to get civilians out of the way so that the evil blood sucking Jew’s Yinon plan regime change terrorists won’t use them as human shields. The Turks may be helping to facilitate this from their side of what’s left of the DMZ. They may also be arranging reconciliation agreements with elements that are willing to enter into them.

Both Turkey and Iraq could be very helpful, along with Egypt, in resolving the region’s and humanity’s post war Jew problem. I’m against the IDF Khobar commanders sending 6 million Israeli Jews to the Masada ovens the way that the Zionist Nazi collaboration did last century. Unfortunately with the Jew’s history of mass fratricide it’s a contingency that needs to be prepared for if the Zionist lunatic fringe tries it again.

The IDF should be cleared out of the occupied territories. Preferably by non violent negotiation, and if that fails by force on an as needed basis. And the regional coalition doing it needs to be sufficiently robust so that not only is the IDF outmanned and outgunned. But also so that it’s more than NATO, the US in particular, wants to mess with. And there’s enough military force in the region to do it.


I understand each state in the unhinged states of A contribute on average a 100m$ towards the subsidy that washington dc in its benevolent way give to israel every year. the effect is that 100m$ goes missing in each state, money that could and should be used for education, healthcare and maintenance of the infrastructure. and given that I guess receiving say refugee jews from the occupied palestine won’t be all that welcome among taxpaying americans so relocating the entire population of occupiers will most certainly pose a problem but it would seem that the unhinged states of A is the most likely receiver of the soon to be displaced jews. and then you have the fifth column jews embedded in various societies around the world and who are in every respect complicit in the war crimes and crimes against humanity that the occupying jews in palestine have perpetrated. and those fifth columns must naturally be included in the future migration of the jewish population.


82% of Americans are against $3 billion in aid to Israel every year. Why emigrate the baby raper’s when extinction is an option?

Zionism = EVIL

The real rip off of the dumbass brainwashed Americunt rednecks is much higher than the $3 billion. The Jew Bilderberg corporate criminals like Bernie Maddoff alone siphoned off billions. The Zionist proceeds of crimes like drug running, prostitution, white girls and children trafficking, organ harvesting. money laundering, IT and technology theft alone is close to a trillion dollars.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

When the SAA hear that word ceasefire now, they know it’s just Assad’s code for go even harder, and they do, LOL. The refugees are breaking down the walls already and Erdogan’s about to be swamped way sooner than any of us expected, we’re at a tipping point right now and the media is totally hush about it, the 10,000 soldiers he sent to his border aren’t enough to stop the refugees already there, and now they’re spilling into Turkey in ever increasing numbers, the dam is already bursting. We’re at an endgame situation right now, Assad’s poised to win the war for Idlib without too much more fighting at all if Erdogan doesn’t do something soon. Once the refugees start leaving the areas they’re in and begin heading to the Turkish border, the SAA will just flood into the areas they vacate, and then the SAA won’t stop doing that until they’re just a few km’s away from the Turkish border, it could and should be as easy as that from now on. The only thing that could possibly stop this scenario unfolding is either a halt to SAA advances, ie a ceasefire, which has already been broken by the SAA themselves as far as I can see, or an increase in hostilities that would involve direct Turkish intervention to stop any further SAA advances. And that’s what I’m the most worried about right now the OB posts have been made redundant by SAA actions and no longer serve their purpose, so only military intervention will work to stop the SAA now. The EU aren’t doing anything to help, just offering Erdogan money to help support the refugees he already has and the new one’s he’s about to get, and even though Turkey’s been reminding NATO it’s still an alliance member, NATO hasn’t been very responsive either, so now he’s starting to talk to Trump again hoping for a better outcome, but because of US sanctions, the S-400’s, the bad aviation deal, and other considerations, I don’t think he’ll have any better luck with Trump, so Erdogan is being left with no other option but military intervention or compliance. Putin’s the key, if he’s unwilling or unable to stop the SAA advancing further, the Turks will either have to intervene militarily themselves to halt the SAA, or lose Idlib completely, and we’re at that point right now, it’s either make or break for both Assad and Erdogan, but what will Putin do if the Turk’s do intervene militarily, will he just sit back and let the Tuks savage Assad’s forces, or will he intervene militarily to stop them, I’m not so sure what he’ll do, but we may find out soon enough.

Valery Grigoryev

Erdogan likes ice-cream, proposed by Putin…


This seems like the familiar SAA strategy of, Major advance-Take a Break-Major advance kinda thing


Two steps forward, one step back. Worked in WW 2. Takes a while though.


Why don’t the SAA and Russians do another pincer movement right across the centre of Idlib? Forget the Turkish posts. Just cauldron half the territory, cut off their supply lines and finish them off.


Because we are not in a war that resembles the vast manpower of WW2 that would be required by the SAA to undertake such an action without ‘over extension’ and all the risks entailed by that in a war of many combat zones.

Kelli Hernandez

Why do Russians constantly advocate for these ceasefires that terrorists violate? This is avery disturbing pattern. Assad should just tell Putie to stick it and take back Idlib. No more help for the terrorists

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