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Syrian Army Advances 30km Along Highway To Deir Ezzor – Reports

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Government forces, led by the 800th Regiment of the Syrian Republican Guard and supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, have advanced 30km along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzor highway, according to pro-government sources.

The Republican Guard has reportedly captured all important hills overlooking this part of the highway and now are entrenching in the area. If the reports are confirmed, this will be an important gain confirming the collapse of the ISIS defense in central Syria.

Earlier this week, reports appeared that the army and its allies took control over the entrie Resafa-Sukhna road creating the second ISIS pocket in the province of Homs. However, no photos or videos have appeared confirming these claims yet.

Syrian Army Advances 30km Along Highway To Deir Ezzor - Reports

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Suberb, go on Syrian army!

Vince Dhimos

Great news. John McCain must be scowling to read this. No wonder the Neonazicons are sanctioning Russia.

Keithon de Bique

nice nazi word!

Keren Walters

Zionazicons would be more accurate . .

Keithon de Bique

both rip your guts out.


lol yeah, I can just picture John McCain sitting in his hospital bed with a scar and stitches right across his forehead reading daily newspapers about: 1. SAA advances closer to DeZ as ISIS is surrounded. 2. FAR joins ceasefire in Eastern Gouta 3. Jaish AI fights HTS in Eastern Gouta 4. Infighting still ongoing in Idlib as another HTS commander is murdered at his home! 5. The USS John McCain sent to South China sea to show force of freedom of passage has been rammed with 10 soldiers dead! 6. John McCain has the most advanced brain cancer and not expected to live too much longer 7. The biography of a “Song bird”, John McCain, how he was captured in Vietnam and why he was used to speak out against his own nation and why he preferred to sing instead of Dying like a real man! 8. Russia begins building Turkstream and laying pipes in the Black Sea 9. Turkey and Iran plan to attack Iraqi Kurds with 42, 000 soldiers soldiers and the Turkish airforce! 10. Qatar allies with Iran and ends relations with Saudi Arabia! No longer wishes to move forward with proposed pipelines, instead ops to make profits via Iran sales of their shared gas wells! 11. Qatar and glenncore buy 20% shares in Rosneft (the company building turkstream) 12. Russia has more advanced cruise missiles than the USA as they can propel themselves to mach 3.1 before reaching target! 13. only 36% of American cruise missiles made it to the Syrian Airbase, only 6 cheap and faulty aircraft destroyed and the SyAf begun using the airbase only 48 hours later! 14. SDF fighters struggle to take Raqqa back in 3 months! Reports say it will take another 4 months! 15. French president says “We don’t believe it is necessary that Assad must go”! 16. Eastern Ukraine declare independence from Ukraine!



The aerospace support of Russia is fundamental and must be increases as much as possible too reach DZ from Euphrates river and along the highway. Russia aerospace must not allow terrorists to come out the pockets.

Wahid Algiers

The breakthrough at the middle front. I expect a fast rolling on, by securing the flanks. But the nearer they come to DE City the more they have to wait for the northern and southern spearheads. The fourth front line is in the City/airport itselve: greedy Rep. Guards wanting to punish the rats for a last time.


Don’t forget aerial insertions. Surprise surprise :)

Wahid Algiers

Right. These aerial missins have to be extended for the region at the other side of the Euphrates to get the rats there. I wonder what the yankees will do when the first units of the SAA will cross the river in some time.


It’s to bad the US isn’t on the good guys side rather than being Jew miscreants. This evil cult should be outlawed and gotten out of US politics.

Wahid Algiers

Too bad, your dismission. Zionist-Jews are always a wedge in society affaires worlswide of many countries which may led to private consequences due to the fact that many nations are ruled by holy holo believers.


Don’t be silly, Jews can’t be zionists, their manners aren’t bad enough.


lol jew this jew that, what have these people ever done to you ?


lol do u really have to ask


Forget about bogus Russian hacking – see this kind of real interference by an active lobby-agency of a foreign state’s interests – The Zionist Organization of America – against an actual current sitting member of the US executive branch: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/19/report-powerful-gop-donor-sheldon-adelson-supports-campaign-to-oust-mcmaster/




They’ve threatened to kill me more than once in disgusting ways and are very insulting, calling me a goat humper. These Jew cultists have twisted minds from decades of Ziocult brain washing and mind control.

Wahid Algiers

To us? To the whole world. Jews support zionists and zionists are the most dangerous animals on earth. You only can work together with them when they smell a benefit. The love plots and back stabbing. Always on the move to get rich by others.


You’ve fallen for the Big Lie of zionism. it’s pitiful.


Calm your racism, no one can help that you don’t like their religion.


I apologise for overestimating your intelligence. Jews can’t be zionists because Jews don’t have bad enough manners to be zionists. Geddit?

Wahid Algiers

Jews worldwide support zionists in Israel. That make them equal. Per definition a jew is an orhodox jew and they don’ t like zionists as well as “civil” jews.


No they don’t you fucking ignoramus. People calling themselves Jewish aren’t necessarily telling the truth. Any person calling themselves a Jew who supports the zionist antisemites in occupied Palestine is either as ignorant as you or a liar.

Moussa Saab

It is good that you have finally stood up for your thought under all the propaganda they fed into American minds.

Behold a Pale Horse

Sitting ducks for any decent force. They heard the hum of the motors, they counted the rotors, and waited for us to arrive….


I’m guessing that the N7 highway to DE is going through areas with little or no civilian populations, that is being closely monitored by Syrian government coalition satellite and aerial surveillance. And are essentially death zones for regime elements trying to impede SAA progress. And that the SAA is fortifying these transportation networks with check points and observation positions on an as needed basis to insure that they remain open. .

Richard M

SAA is throwing down the challenge! Instead of the methodical advances they are heading to DeZ while telling Daesh “stop us if you can”! My guess is Daesh can’t do squat, outside of long held prepared fighting positions.

SAA will roll all the way to DeZ. Then the strong SAA forces will be the anvil for the Tigers and Republican Guards to hammer Daesh flat!

Red Tick Alert

Israel and the Saudis will not like that; expect those two to enter the affray soon.

Richard M

They much prefer to have their puppets and foes do the fighting for them.

Jan Tjarks

Too many front lines for SAA or for Daesh? Well, obviously it’s more the latter.

It shows that Daesh can’t address all front lines adequately anymore. The fate is sealed, it’s only the question when Daesh will finally collapse, no matter how many forces they try to concentrate around Deir Ezzor (getting bombed anyway).

Note: Without the RuAF Syria would have a way more difficult time to address all of this.

Tudor Miron

Not disrespecting Syria but without Iran, Russia, Hezballah and moral support (many don’t realise how vital it actually is) from all sane people of Earth Syrian state would not be there by now. There’s no shame in that – Syria is not very large in territory and population and all western world pressed down on Syrians through their irregular terrorist forces.

Jan Tjarks

Without Russia intervening Syria wouldn’t exist anymore, even Iran alone wouldn’t have been able to turn the table. That’s why I mentioned the key role of the RuAF, which still carries the key events, while SyAAF is doing the daily business.

However, since Russia moved out a lot of their own forces, it is up to SAA to fight, while the Russian military advisers surely are still key figures in the conflict. However, the SAA becomes more capable on a daily basis. At the end of this conflict, the SAA won’t be a muppet force like Saudi Arabia has, as can be seen in Yemen. SAA already exceeded this level anyway while still having worse equipment.

Faith Biete

Without Russia, Iran is nothing. US is not scare of Iran. The only reason US does not send it’s soldiers to Syria is due to the presence of Russia.

If Russia were not present in Syria, Syria will meet the same fate as Libya

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Spoken like a true coward , go and hide yourself in shame. The US lacks full Coalition support in Syria and may soon have to withdraw once ISIS is defeated and consign their foreign proxies to an inevitable defeat.

Keren Walters

Not true. The US has always feared entering a ground war with Iran. Even during the Iran-Iraq war, when Iran was under heavy international sanctions, Iraq had invaded the South West, most of their military leaders had been purged or fled the country, the US was not prepared to fight a ground war with Iran . .

Faith Biete

Because Russia was supporting Iran at that time. Due to Russian intervention US did and Israel did not attacht Iran

Keren Walters

Russia was not supporting Iran. They gave minimal assistance to both nations, as the Soviets usually would do, but Iran was basically on its own. The war taught the Iranians some critical lessons in self sufficiency, setting them on the road to creating their own indigenous weapons industry.

Faith Biete

OMG! do some research

Keren Walters

The Iranians rebuffed Soviet offers of assistance and by 1982 they also had the upper hand in the war. They decided to push on into Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein. This led to a change in Soviet policy from Summer, 1982. The Soviets did not like the implications of an Iranian victory, fearing Tehran would go on to export Islamic revolution elsewhere in the world. Although officially still neutral, the USSR gradually increased economic and military support to Iraq to stop the collapse of Saddam. The Soviets had a commitment not to let an ally be overthrown and support for Iraq also played well with many Arab nations (the Soviets finally achieved diplomatic relations with Oman and the UAE and an agreement to supply arms to Kuwait).[8] In 1983, the actions of the Iranians became increasingly anti-Soviet. The authorities cracked down on the Moscow-backed Iranian communist party, Tudeh, and then expelled 18 Soviet diplomats. The Soviets were also keen to counterbalance Iraq’s increasingly friendly relations with the West by boosting military aid to Saddam. Iraq became “the largest recipient of Soviet-bloc military aid among the countries of the Third World”.[9] In 1984, Iraq officially established diplomatic relations with the USA. This, combined with the outbreak of the “tanker war” (Iranian-Saudi confrontation over oil tankers in the Persian Gulf) opened the worrying prospect for the Soviets of an increased US presence in the region. The USSR responded with yet more military aid to Saddam. Sorry to disappoint you lady, but you need to research a subject before blabbing on incessantly about it. Try GOOGLE!

Moussa Saab

Iran can live perfectly fine without Russia.


US is not scared of Iran, but Israel is!

Moussa Saab

Iran can have the world against it and would still be relatively fine for a while. Iran is used to being isolated, and can go on fine without Russia. If Russia stopped sending Iran military equipment, Iran could make it themselves with their advancing technology. It is true that Syria would have been in a tougher situation without Russia, but I think that SAA will still be standing without Russia, just not as mighty as it is now.

General Surena

without iran, no body live there… ground forces means iran…. air forces russia

Moussa Saab

If it were not for Iran, or Russia, or Hezbollah Syria would have collapsed. Not many people know how much each of them played in this war, especially Hezbollah.

Wahid Algiers

Hezb is best.

northerntruthseeker .

As I said before.. Now that the US fraud “ISIS” forces have been torn apart in eastern Syria, there is a gaping hole in their “defenses” which should lead to a rapid advance by the SAA towards Deir Ez-Zor…

We can always hope that this leads to the relief of Deir within the next week, but the US still has something diabolical up their sleeves and I can see them “accidentally” bombing these advancing forces within the next few days as well..

Wahid Algiers

In this case I would shell their boots on the ground at the right side of the Euphrates nearby Tabqa. No answer on further US aggressions will invite them to go on.

Tudor Miron

The funny (but utterly disgusting) thing is that while many people on SF blaming Russia for not retaliating for US airstrikes against Russian ally SAA, thats US that constantly feel the urge to retaliate against Russians. After all Russians constantly bomb US ally forces of ISIS/Nusra and the rest of that human trash. How dare they! :)


Well done them Syrians


i sure hope they are protecting their flanks very well


It’s going to be one hell of a party when Deir Ezor is liberated, the sooner the better

Solomon Krupacek

finally the officers of saa woke up? :)


Actually they have always been awake but people seating at home in front of computers and not having half the info that these officers have keep writing BS. Based on what you are implying, the SAA should have been rolling onto Dier Zor weeks ago leaving the entire ISIS infested central Syria untouched..Now we all can see that the idea was to cut off a significant part of ISIS terrorist and equipment in central Syria, destroy them and then move on to Deir Zor..So you see they havent been asleep..they just know and understand the situation better than you



Solomon Krupacek

months ago!

for 3 and half month they told, tomorrow we attack. and concentrated 50 000 soldiers in palmyra for the offensive. the saa has lot of things, but time sure not.

Moussa Saab

So much excellent news today! Saudi Arabia bombing themselves, and U.S losing UAV’s. I hope this doesn’t end!


With fire control over Taybah (preceding it’s liberation a day or so ago) they already had de-facto created the second pocket. Also, as reported by various outlets including Southfront, it would appear that in addition to the usefulness of Russia performing combat testing of her Aerospace forces and associated missiles and equipment, with 2 US MQ-1 predator drones crashing near Syrian borders and 2 US Navy missile-destroyers colliding in the Asia-pacific I am starting to suspect that her electronic warfare capabilities have also recently been dusted off for further testing.


oh oh looks like this news is a bullshit fakenews

Langaniso Mhlobo

McCain is camouflashing under sickness Jesus killer Israelis are waiting for Jesus to kill him again.Netanyahu isworshipping stupid Torah which doesn’t exist at all.Torah has long run away with Allah knowing that Jesus the God is coming.

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