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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Advances Around Key Stronghold Of ISIS In Western Daraa (Photos)

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On July 29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 4th Division and former fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) advanced towards the town of al-Shajarah, one of the last strongholds of the ISIS-affiliated Khalid ibn al-Walid Army in the western Daraa countryside.

Syrian Army Advances Around Key Stronghold Of ISIS In Western Daraa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Syrian Army Advances Around Key Stronghold Of ISIS In Western Daraa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that the SAA captured several positions and farms around the key town. During its advance, the SAA destroyed several vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) and killed several suicide bombers of ISIS.

Furthermore, the SAA managed to kill “Abu al-Walid al-Masri” the top commander of the Khalid ibn al-Walid Army in al-Shajarah.

According to the SANA, the SAA found Israeli-made canned food, US-supplied anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) and equipment of the western-backed “White Helmets” while securing several positions around al-Sharjah.

Syrian Army Advances Around Key Stronghold Of ISIS In Western Daraa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

Syrian Army Advances Around Key Stronghold Of ISIS In Western Daraa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image, By SANA

The SAA will likely impose its control of al-Shajarah in the upcoming hours as the remaining fighters of the ISIS-affiliated group are already withdrawing towards the town of al-Kuwayyah on the border with Jordan, according to a source in the 4th Division.

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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0HVR3-yLA The Native American protest and confronts the protest of illegal US migrants.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eyiYdFhG5v0 Thousands of Native Americans March in Washington to Protest Pipeline.


Good day Rob. Well, you were right yesterday, Sajarah wasn’t yet taken. I’m going to be more careful with the almasdar news, because sometimes they are ‘reporting’ 24 hours or more in advance of the facts.


Its alright.


White people, nobody outside of Europe where told if they wanted to be invaded and overwhelmed by them whites. Yet feel threatened when others outside of them dare immigrate, hypocrites.


In nature, when an Iguana, monkey, cat, wolf, or whatever, challenges another of its specie for its territory, whoever wins then becomes the rightful owner of that territory! its nature! u make ur claim by fighting for it! thats fucking nature! We humans still do things that monkeys do! Thats how life works! Life’s number one rule is survival of the fittest! This is God’s rule! So if someone wants American LEGAL citizens out of the USA or Australia or South Africa, then they have to fight for it just like its done in nature! Thats why this Syrian war is happening! Assad is defending Syria and those who intend to control/ rule it! Nobody is against legal immigration, in fact its welcomed with open arms! illegal immigration must be stopped! So maybe u should get ur facts straight before u start spewing absolute bullshit!

Does Assad want Turkmen coming into his country illegally? Does he want foreign mercenaries coming into his country? HUH? Answer that question! ANSWER IT! No he doesnt! Nor does the USA want MS-13 in its country!

does this get into ur thick head?


In nature, when an Iguana, monkey, cat, wolf, or whatever, challenges another of its specie for its territory, whoever wins then becomes the rightful owner of that territory!

Sorry here are humans on this website. They comments on humans.


Britain took Palestine by force! Israel took Palestine by force! Yet u complain about “illegal israeli immigrants”.

If they took it over, then whats the difference between humans taking over territory and animals taking over territory?

A pack of wolves move in or a pack of humans move in…. Whats the difference? Its all about land and resources (oil).

Wake up u dumb moron!


.In nature, when an Iguana, monkey, cat, wolf, or whatever, challenges another of its specie for its territory, whoever wins then becomes the rightful owner of that territory! its nature! u make ur claim by fighting for it! thats fucking nature! We humans still do things that monkeys do! Thats how life works! Life’s number one rule is survival of the fittest and its due to survival (land and its resources = food and life)! This is God’s rule! So if someone wants American LEGAL citizens out of the USA or Australia or South Africa, then they have to fight for it just like its done in nature! Thats why this Syrian war is happening! Assad is defending Syria and those who intend to control/ rule it! Nobody is against legal immigration, in fact its welcomed with open arms! illegal immigration must be stopped! So maybe u should get ur facts straight before u start spewing absolute bullshit!

Does Assad want Turkmen coming into his country illegally? Does he want foreign mercenaries coming into his country? HUH? Answer that question! ANSWER IT! No he doesnt! Nor does the USA want MS-13 in its country!

does this get into ur thick head?

Didnt the Islamic revolution invade Spain, italy, and the rest of Southern Europe? Huh? Why? Why did the Ottomans do it? HUH?


U fight for it or u defend it!LIFE… NATURE!

If u want to come into that land without a fight then u must APPLY to do so!

If u dont DONT apply the u are an invader!

do u understand????


Benjanyahu, what a bullshit jungle formula you have described.


Actually UK and USA GAVE palestine to the jews!

As for Australia and America, it was discovered by white man that already had indigenous inhabitants!

We moved in by force (easily)

We set rules on immigration! Italians and Greeks moved here after ww2. (Welcomed)

Illegal immigrants from 3rd word countries are not welcomed because they destroy the country!

legal refugees are granted residency!

If we opened our borders, literally billions of people would flow in!

Dont be stupid! We need borders! ILLEGAL immigrants not welcome! LEGAL are welcome!


Learn the difference!

You know damn well that the world (including tribes in Africa) compete for resources! This MIRRORS animals in nature so dont play DUMB!

Assad is DEFENDING his land and resources from an overtake! Well done Assad!

Well done TRUMP for trying to protect his borders!

LUCKY Australia is surrounded by water!

Tell your story walking and wake the fuck up! This is the world we live in! Just be thank full we have laws (even tho most countries are corrupt) its our job to keep these politicians honest hence why i FULLY SUPPORT Assad and Russia! But i wont tolerate BULLSHIT either!


Benjanyahu don’t fill comments area.


Nobody has given Palestine to illegal Israeli migrants. Palestine is a land of Palestinians and without permission of Palestinian nation that land cannot be transford. Belfour declaration is a testimony and anybody can make it anywhere in the world.


PRE-WW1 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a399ae0ded630d4dfd860f6a86c58c474e5016b2ef9460bf0054af6b040b869c.jpg

POST WW1 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6ae95ae8e56909fda437ee7fce86a8f74cfdec3704c6c7aa7b8afe0c2416819.jpg

Britain defeated the Ottomans in WW1. The middle East was carved up between the French and the Brits (you should know this)!

Britain RULED Palestine just as it once ruled British India and created the country Pakistan to seperate the muslims from Hindu’s! This is what Britain does! They made an empire with colonies and broke them up! Palestine was a colony of Britain AFTER the British Victory against the Ottomans who ruled Palestine!



AS A MATTER OF FACT… France put the MINORITY religious culture (the Alawites) in charge of Syria! it was not a vote! Assad’s father was placed as leader! This means Syria was like a colony of France! Yes the leader whom u and i support (Assad) was put to power by the French! Not by Syrians who are 70% Sunni!


If u hate “illegal israeli immigrants” then u understand why Americans dont want “illegal immigrants” either!

you said: “illegal Israeli migrants”. So Illegal immigrants piss u off?? ME TOO! Thats my whole point! Thats why the USA doesnt want “illegal immigrants either”!

1. American Indians lost their resistance war! THEREFORE AMERICANS OWN AMERICA

2. Ottomans lost their resistance war! THEREFORE BRITAIN OWNED PALESTINE and allowed Jews to immigrate there! Britain had the right because they OWNED Palestine!

3. Palestinians lost their resistance war! THEREFORE ISRAEL OWNS ISRAELI OCCUPIED PALESTINE!

Palestine LOST (i wish they didnt but they did).

AMERICA (who owns their own country) dont want illegal immigrants and have the power AND THE RIGHT to STOP THEM!

PALESTINE (who does NOT own their country) dont want israeli immigrants BUT do NOT have the POWER to STOP THEM!



You don’t know what gonna happen after just one second.


i know that u will cry like a bitch to Southfront admin!

BOOM, so i do know!


South front where are you, this guy repeatedly filling the comments area.


Rob: “Help me Southfront, this guy is attacking me with “facts” and he makes me look stupid in front of all of my friends”!


i support Russia and Syria in this war!

However, russia does not allow syrian refugees into its country because of its right to protect itself from terrorism!

USA does not allow syrian refugees for the same reason! And wants t o stop MS-13 for the same reasons!

Yet here u are… posting bullshit when YOU YOURSELF use the term “ILLEGAL ISRAELI IMMIGRANTS”!



In whole Middle East there are US, NATO and Israeli terrorists. They have brought brutality to Middle East to steal lands and petrol. If they leave Middle East then there will be no fight.


There seems to be a severe shortage of black spray paint. It seems like the white helmets used it all up. There ain’t no white helmets left here Brothers.


Wealthy Man often do wrong decisions.

We have seen many great leaders that they are now not present in this world anymore. They have went from this world without their own wealth, properties, thrones and relatives. The current world leaders should think about this natural phenomena.

Due to too much wealth they don’t think that what wealth, properties, Kingdoms, thrones, palaces even their souls and religions that they have are actually belong to God and when God decide to take these back then it will not take too long. How much wealth and properties they have collected with so much height and speed they will drop to the earth. God save us all from greediness and wrong decisions and end all wars and sufferings in this world. Ameen.

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Let the war goes on and leave God alone, we don’t need him in this party!!!


The unwanted and uninvited the illegal Israeli migrants can go to their native countries.

Michał Hunicz

Israeli canned food – show it on the UN session.

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