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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have captured Tal Asadi northeast of Al Zuluf dam and Tal al Dabi’a south of Tal al Dab’a in the northern Suweida countryside, according to pro-government sources.

Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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The SAA is supported by forces from the Eagles of the Whirlwind of the Syrian Social National Party and a large force of the Palestine Liberation Army.

Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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In turn, US-backed Jaysh Assoud al-Sharqia claimed that it managed to repel two SAA attacks. The first attack allegedly took place in the areas of Mahrotha and Al-Fakah in Damascus desert, and the second in Al-Shyab area in the eastern Suweida countryside near the Jordanian-Syrian border. Jaysh Assoud al-Sharqia added that its fighters destroyed 3 SAA tanks with ATGMs during the last 48 hours.

Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Syrian Army Advances At Syrian-Jordanian Border. US-backed Militants For Coalition For Push Towards Deir Ezzor

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Meanwhile, several groups of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) operating in At Tanf announced that they had formed a committee to determine the best direction to launch an attack on Deir Ezzor city. The committee included Jaysh Assoud al-Sharqia, Ahrar al-Sharqia, Maghawir al-Thawra and Jaysh al-Sharqia – all supported by the US-led coalition.

According to the committee’s statement, it was decided to attack Deir Ezzor from the south, which means that these US-backed groups may attack the SAA troops operating in the southern part of Deir Ezzor province at the Syrian-Iraqi border.

Although the US-led coalition claims that it does not want to attack the SAA, FSA mmembers at At Tanf attacked the SAA using weapons supplied by the US-led coalition, and managed on August 1 to recapture the Mahrotha area in Damascus desert violating the de-escalation agreement. However, the US-led coalition continued supporting the groups that are now attacking the SAA on at least two fronts.

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Colin Oskapy

Really ? US-backed Jihadists are planning to attack SAA at Deir Ezzor ala what ISIS have been doing. Un-friggin’-acceptable.


It would be totally fool if Syria-Russia-hezbolah-Iran believe the political deals with USA-NATO-Israel. The terrorists created by USA-NATO-Israel ( ISIS-Daesh-FSA-and anexas moderated) just want to continue destroying Syria. Syria-Russia-hezbolah-Iran need a war victory against all terrorists. After that, the big problems will be kurds (USA) and turkeys (NATO).


Absolutely right! Very well-said!



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Yes, Russia and Syria have been too much of enablers to much of the U.S. game. They have agreed to deals which have harmed and backfired on both of them.


Sunni islamists are american best useful idiots.




Of course. But they are just using sunnis as useful idiots. If sunnis don’t want to play this game, USA is doomed. So, sunnis are helping USA destroying their countries. So, who are the stupids ? the ones who use others or the ones that are been using ???


Global Sunni jihadists want power and control and they are purely motivated by wahhabi takfiri islamist religious ideology which is based and rooted in Saudi Arabia and the U$ is trying to take advantage of this destructive wahhabi jihadist ideology to advance its hegemonic agenda. Jihadists have sincere but destructive and satanic religious motivation that commands them to control the world but the U$ is the most stupid group in this because they are trying to use a genocidal, evil religious ideology to advance its own hegemonic agenda.


USA is just using them to destroy the nationalists. After, USA kills them and put US dictators. Saudi Arabia is playing against arabs and against sunnis. Saudi Arabia even called Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and let Al SIssi kill them even if MB have won democratically.

Sunnis in the Middle east don’t want to control the world. They want to impose sharia in the middle east and expell the Americans. But, they are doing the opposite because they are stupid and hypocritical and violent.


Yes, they want to impose their barbaric takfiri sharee’a law in all the islamic world through violent and genocidal jihadist wars and massacres and then they will try to continue to do the same globally. America has a different, greedy, imperialist agenda and is trying to channel the jihadist wars for their own imperialist ambitions.


Wasn’t it originally the Sunnis who led the uprising against the U.S. occupation force in Iraq back in 2003? I recall they were killing like a dozen U.S. soldiers per day (a few times a week) and really took their toll on them for around 3 years. But then around 2006/2007, under General Petraeus, they were somehow paid/bribed off by the U.S. and their resistance was essentially quelled. After this they eventually, somehow, turned into terrorist tools of the U.S. ISIS was begun under the U.S.’s nose and the U.S. was very calm as it arose and was taking over Iraqi army weapons depots and killing Iraqi soldiers. U.S. didn’t stop them from getting started, taking over large parts of Iraq, then invading and taking over large parts of Syria. But once that was “accomplished” the U.S. could push their excuse to the American people. They started coming up with those beheading videos (which were staged (you can see multiple sources of lighting in some of them) with a Martian-landscape background and a perfectly calm victim and a super tall “executioner” actor). After these, they had their excuse to bomb and send troops into Syria and start mission creep there.

Tom Tom

they stand to gain the most from being U.S. useful idiots.


Islamists are always idiots, pity a lot of them are also fanatics.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are Hashemites all Sunni from Jordan easily led astray by their King with offers of Syrian Territory.


Whenever you want to destroy a country, just import sunnis and let them do the job.

Julius Meinel

That is what western Europe has been doing for the past 30 years and more intensely recently. The western European population is sworn in a Mephistophelian self destruction pact that not even the most educated can explain.


It’s easily explainable. USA is flooding Europe and especially Germany with aliens to make sure these countries stay puppets forever end ever and ever. After that, they will divide to conquer. Then, black aliens vs germans, sunnis aliens vs Germans, ….

Never forget that Germany doesn’t belong to germans anymore. Germany belongs to the globalists. There are 10s of USA military bases in Germany.


Aliens? Rather exaggerated don’t you think? Europe is hardly like Palestine and the USA, full of European colonialist arseholes.


Well Germany’s economy is doing great and that’s all the average German seems to care about. If Germany’s economy wasn’t doing well then I’m sure the Germans would have more resentments and protests against the migrants/imported invaders.


Completely correct.


“According to the committee’s statement, it was decided to attack Deir Ezzor from the south”: Oh really, perhaps these FSA idiots have been out in the desert sun way to long! Perhaps they should name their new op “DEATH IN THE DESERT” HAHA I hope they go for it !

northerntruthseeker .

OK, how? To even get close to Deir Ez-Zor means that they have to somehow force a passageway through the SAA forces first which are now entrenched as far east as the #2 pumping station….. That means several hundreds of miles of fighting against the SAA and the Russians…. Is the US insane enough to really consider this option?


I am saying let the FSA trash go beyond talking hot air and let them advance into the East Syrian desert to be destroyed in detail moving towards Deir Ezzor ! Of coarse they are all cowards and will stay close to Al Tanf where they feel safe.

Graeme Rymill

It is not what the FSA hopes to do that counts. It is what they can do….absolutely nothing. With the SAA between Al Tanf and Deir Ezzor Al Tanf has ceased to have any relevance. The US knows this and won’t support the FSA in their wishful thinking.

Tom Tom

De-escalation agreement, LOL.


“Although the US-led coalition claims that it does not want to attack the SAA, FSA mmembers at At Tanf attacked the SAA using weapons supplied by the US-led coalition”

The SAA needs to attack back at the U.S. puppet army.


The SAA already staged several attacks, which was the reason for the counterattack. Tit for tat, so to say. However, stupid on both sides.


The SAA is legally defending its own country – the others are all invaders/intruders and shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The FSA started the attacks and deserve everything they get and the US troops were involved in those and actions since the media can’t cover the multiple lies told by the US already. The US is stupid that is the truth there.


I do not know if it is a good idea FSA south attacking the SAA to get to DeireZor. On the other hand, the SAA did start attacking them, so tit for tat.

SAA outsmarted them reaching the border with Iraq north of them As of a few months, one can see an improvement in the tactics of the SAA, maybe the Russians got more involved in their tactical planning.

In case the groups succeed in getting through SAA line, I do not really see their effective objections as they lack the numbers to defeat IS around DeZ and as they have to leave fighters back to defend Al Tanf and to guard their backs and flanks. I do not see them occupying and holding their back, so resupply will rapidly become an problem.

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