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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Advances Deeper in Eastern Aleppo, Sets Fire Control of Karm ad-Da’da

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The Syrian army, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, have been advacning against Jabhat Fatah al-Shab (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra) and its allies inside the eastern part of Aleppo city.

Today morning, the pro-government forces have entered the Sheikh Sa’eed Neighborhood, advancing along the road leading to the Hajj roundabout. Units of the Syrian army, the NDF and Hezbollah seized a number of building blocks along the road, taking control of this crucial supply line inside the city. According to pro-government sources, the army’s battle tanks and artillery also set fire control of the southern part of Karm ad-Da’da Neighborhood.

If the recently seized areas are secured, the loyalists will be able to re-capture from terrorist the Fuel Depot near Ramouseh and consolidate the recent gains in southwestern Aleppo.

Syrian Army Advances Deeper in Eastern Aleppo, Sets Fire Control of Karm ad-Da'da

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This was my idea, I told you last week that this advance is the next step, I think someone owns me a merit badge for my contribution in the fight against the rebel scum. How about I get the Order of Civil Merit (Arabic: وسام الاستحقاق المدني‎‎)

Hanny Benny

Yes, take first the big-streets-free-areas around and then make it tight!!


Is the map correct?

on other your maosa the territories south of hoghway are under government control. 2 weeks ago you reported, the jihadists lost the fuel depot. first time since 2013.


A massive advance, just like in Handarat Camp. Let’s hope that they don’t immediately flee after their gains, just like in Handarat Camp.

Hanny Benny

Flee..? What would you tactical do? You retreat not to lose all your frontfighters, not like the “i wanna die”-jihad-idiots. That’s the way to fight on ground! Go forth and back and again!! Look at Latakia with the same strategy they free it up without significant loses :)


for attack you need more manpower. that means, you lost more soldiers if you must 2-3-5-10x attack.

sometimes is useful ti retreat, but so mach as the SAA and allies make is nonsense.

Gary Sellars

conservation of manpower via short-term tactical retreat is ANYTHING but nonsense. I’m sure the families of SAA troops would rather their commanders not throw away the lives of their brothers, sons and husbands like the foat-gucker Jihadhist commanders do with their war meat.


they loose them during repeated attack. i was a soldier. you probably not.

Alex Popoff

Recently gained positiona are not prepared for defence, so it is best to retreat while causing losses to jihadis.


i do not know, bro. on one hand the media always write, that handarat camp is fortified. on the other hand you write, is not to possible to defence. something is wrong. is the jihadist were able to defend months, i do not understand, why can not defence the SAA?


Great point, they’ll lose men counterattacking and how exactly do they expect to fortify the second time when they failed to at first? Do they expect the enemy to give them time for that? The space between the camp and other settlements is separated by hundreds of meters of grasslands, they can shell/bomb anyone they see coming! No excuses.

Alex Popoff

I think Handarat has fortified line against SAA positions, but after SAA got it they do not have fortified positions on new front line. So the best SAA could is to move line of defence a little forward and partially retreat while trying to make so much harm to jihadis as they can. What they actually did, according to reports.

Rohitha Rathnaweera

” for attack you need more manpower. that means, you lost more soldiers if you must 2-3-5-10x attack”..? Are you a military strategist? Which army’s theory is that? (May be dad’s army). Now we don’t go for hand to hand fight like in 1st world war or during the expansion of Roman empire. It looks like you plan to scarifies lives. In that theory, no one could defeat North Korea or China in any war.


Warfare is fluid – storming units can take a sector but lose it back to counter attacks before their support forces can set up defensive lines. This is how war always goes it is nothing new. The real issue at hand is attrition and logistics, who can best negotiate the meat grinder and resupply?

Gary Sellars

The foat-guckers are toast. Bottled up, they can squirm like maggots in dead dog, but ultimately they are finished. Lets hope the SAA and its allies can disinfect Aleppo of its terrorist infection without losing too many lives.

Hanny Benny

OHH!!! GOGOGO!!! The try to take the fueldepot intakt and not to destroy it :)

Gary Sellars

The tanks would be empty by now. Jihadists rely on drummed fuel transported by trucks and cars, and they conceal their supplies from plain sight (in ex-hospitals and schools).

Hanny Benny

This is not for what’s inside… It’s to live later within this city. They wan’t destroy just every infrastructur!


The dance as they do because both sides have had serious losses and every man counts. The terrain will always be there, just like the weather. I think it is a dance of death, position relative to resources is what counts. The SAA is now winning.

Jeremy Cordon

Fighting in East Aleppo is a brilliant strategic move because it forces the terrorists to expend ammunition that they could otherwise conserve for a long siege. The biggest endorsement of this push is from the U.N security council. They are in full panic, knowing that the terrorists will run out of resources soon. After East Aleppo the SAA can simply repurpose all those troops for each of the other bubbles in Syria until they cleanse Idlib.


Idont know the geography well but Ithink both sides try to minimize losses and keep their men 4 later but if you see how easy it is for the SAA to take Handarat and how fast they leave the place it is because of HW are used on unprepared terrain. It is flat and very little concrete left most where brick houses so no real cover . SAA/Rusaf strike heavyly terrosrists have losses and moove out and on their heels SSA moves in then when SAA tries to fortify terrorist heavy weapons and ATGM and snipers start to create casualities on SAA~&allies. Important is to push through and be faster than terrorist counter battery now it is cat n mouse important to know how high the attrition rate is on both sides KIA &WIA with SAaF and RuAf and SAA artillery it should be at least 3:1 or 4:1 ideal is 5/6;1 and than it is how much time you want to spend and tie u your ressources. But again one must know the terrain and resources in place,

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