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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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On Sunday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies captured Rjam al-Saboun area east of the recently liberated Sukhna town. The SAA also captured Tal Abu Qul, Dohor Rajm al-Qun and al-Meleh hills south of Sukhna after heavy clashes with ISIS fighters, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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The Hezbollah report also confirmed that the SAA captured Sukhna town in a quick operation, and according to pro-government sources, the SAA is currently clearing the town from mines and IEDs planted by ISIS fighters before their withdrawal.

In the eastern Hama countryside, the SAA captured Marina village southeast of Ithryah town. Meanwhile, large reinforcements from the Qalamoun Shield Forces arrived the area in order to participate in the upcoming SAA attack on Aqirbat town.

Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Advances Further In Direction Of Deir Ezzor Following Liberation Of Sukhna (Maps, Video, Photos)

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After capturing Sukhna town, the SAA can now attack ISIS in the eastern Hama countryside from 3 directions. Therefore, it’s believed that ISIS fighters will withdraw from the entire eastern Hama countryside to Deir Ezzor Province soon before the SAA lay siege on them.

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Well done soldiers. Congratulation to every soldier in SAA and in their allies. Now advance towards Deir Ezzor city but with planning. God bless you all and protect you from evil attacks.


Quote: “Therefore, it’s believed that ISIS fighters will withdraw from the entire eastern Hama countryside to Deir Ezzor Province soon before the SAA lay siege on them.” I am not so sure about this, That ISUS escape route is starting to look long and hazardous. (The route through Al Taybah north of Sukhna) I am sure this route is being watched from the air. GODSPEED SAA ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png

Gary Sellars

I’d be tempted to just seal off the entire cauldron and let the desert summer sun and lack of supplies wear down the goat rapers…


That same ISUS “escape route” through the Al Taybay gap can also be cut by SAA moving 40km up the road towards Deir Ezzor (to create a larger cauldron blocked by Mt Bishri), It seems Daesh dirtbags are losing their road net for sure. THEY ARE NEARING THE END OF THE ROAD. HAHA https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/96e01e76064a6bbaf7951f0779626d5e59f6c6bd8bd142f8484d2042b7ec0cc3.jpg



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John Whitehot

where’s the american bombers LoLs? we thought that Deir Ezzoir was the objective of the “southern FSA thrust” rotfl.


Looks like the mad dog plan is in the can.


Adding the distances on the maps is a big help in understanding what’s happening.


Yes they should be shown on all maps.

Tudor Miron

Great job Syria! True worriors for their Motherland when many of them were simple farmers, taxi drivers or small business owner.

For Dutchnational and his zio troll friends: Watch this every day: https://youtu.be/eHuR63W9hXI Goyems know :) free ride is over.


It is inspiring.

Gary Sellars

Douchenational can go and bugger himself with a broken bottle…

Jacek Wolski

Speaking from past experience now are you?

Gary Sellars

If you’re another terror supporting cunt like douchenational, then you can fuck off as well.

Jacek Wolski

With these violent ISIS like outbursts , you are a danger to civilised society. People like yourself belong under lock and key.


Now i’t time to clear a chunk of desert south of Sukhnah – just in case ISIL gets funny ideas about flanking attack. Tigers are rolling steadily down the Euphrates and according to latest news SAA started to pinprick the Salamiyah bubble. SAA should dress the front line for a bit and then continue with drubbing…


The drubbing is happening now. Air strikes are taking out regime change positions every 30 to 60 minutes before Syrian government coalition forces even arrive. This isn’t Aleppo, anything out in the open is a very bad place for the invaders to be.


I hope it’s true. IMHO our guys employ too few recon drones on too large an area for my taste. And 2-dozen RuAF planes can only do so much. I’d like to see the appendix that stretches from Sukhnah to Salamiyah operated on ASAP.


Between the Russians and what the Russians have helped the Syrians with, and armed drones and surface to surface missile strikes, which don’t get a lot of press, but I’m sure are being used. They should have enough air power. They just want to make sure that the ground forces can hold what they take without rework.


“Yooooouuuuu Lads! Yooooouuuuu Lads! Yooooouuuuu Lads!”

Montenegrin ??

What is that junk map? Why is it Hezbollah and Shia Militia flags? This was a Syrian Army victory, notably the Fifth Corps. That map is inaccurate and promotes sectarianism


It will be amazing if besieged city of Deir ezzor gets rescued. They’ve been surrounded for years. Plenty of time for an enormous tunnel bomb. i’m not sure how they managed to avoid going the way of Khan Tuman so far.

Is this a sign of tunnel detection technology at work? or is this a sign ISIS is waiting for a relief force to arrive before detonating their tunnels?

Gary Sellars

Nope, if ISIS had an ace in the hole they would have used it as DeZ is one of the last large Syrian cities they control and they desperately wanted it as a new capital to replace Kurd-infested ar-Raqqa.

Gary Sellars

Whats that strange sound?….

Must be the Zio-filth grinding their teeth in frustration!!!… :-)

Go SAA! Show no mercy to the goat-rapers.

martin aguilar


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