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Syrian Army Advances Further Towards Al-Eis, Makes More Gains

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Late on February 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced further towards its next main target, the town of al-Eis, in the southwestern Aleppo countryside.

The army’s elite 25th Special Forces Division captured the towns of Karrathin, al-Dahiriyah and al-Thuriyah as well as the Ebla University complex on the administrative border between southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo.

Syrian Army Advances Further Towards Al-Eis, Makes More Gains

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The SAA began advancing towards al-Eis a few hours ago. The army’s Republican Guard and Lebanon’s Hezbollah reached the town’s northern outskirt after capturing Zaytan and Birnah. The 25th Special Forces Division captured Maharim, Ijaz, Khawari, Tall al-Nabariz, Rasm al-Ward, Abbad, Huwayyir al-Eis and Makhalah to the west of the town.

The SAA is not facing any real resistance from al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) or its Turkish-backed allies. Initial information suggests that most of the groups’ militants had run away from the region.

The army will likely besiege al-Eis in the upcoming few days, if not hours. Once the town is liberated, the troops will move to secure the M5 highway.


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excellente news and ebla university complexe is very nice and intact!! look google map!!


Yeah, the stories about Assad deliberately bombing civilian infrastructure are nonsense – he is planning on being President after the war, so he avoids civilian casualties wherever possible. The SAA have in places gone to heroic lengths to avoid civilian losses

Gary Sellars

The SAA have in places gone to heroic lengths to avoid civilian losses…

… but the servile Western MSM will NEVER admit this as it runs counter to our establishments preferred narratives.

Gods, how I UTTERLY DESPISE the LYING CUNTS that operate our media conglomerates.

Harry Smith

Keep calm broh. You have got the red pill and truth is painful sometimes.



Harry Smith

Red pill was in the Matrix movie initially. “The red pill” documentary was filmed later. In fact, “red pill” means you choose the objective reality with your free will and desire. https://youtu.be/zE7PKRjrid4

Liberal guy

Ya right so true that


Well said, Vitex.

Christian S

Tigers and 4th will shake hands at ICARDA farms M5 highway soon, then Idlib city , Jisr al Shoghour and many more terrorist will be surrounded after that. Turks take great risk installn units at Taftanaz due large amount of airstrikes in that section. More and more of their posts are emergin in Idlibstan, if this continues lot of their units will be surrounded, isolated and can be easy neutralized in case of hostilities, or does sultan think every post is a Trojan horse inside Suria?


I believe that is Erdogan’s idea….Troyan horsen inside Syria to justify a full NATO-USA-Israel attack to Syria.

John Brown

No way. Wrong! If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.


And of course Gulen would be brought back to preside over this. Not going to happen

Rhodium 10

Erdogan only wants to save his face…its is to pick up some SDF areas in north-east and west Syria…and part of Idlib and Aleppo…the question is that Syria and Russia cannot allow that foreign forces occupy Syrian land without the approval of the legitime Goverment of Syria!..otherwise it means to allow foreign forces to invade Syria!

Toni Liu

Hah that post can be used as hostage when the war against turkey happened


Where wither and Whence are Erdogan’s Rescue Rangers I wonder?

James Kira

saa in red looks like a dreaded plague. And not liberation.

Liberation means Green wiping out red, never the other way around.

Black Waters

So you re using colors to determinate how is good or bad? Jesus christ give me a break, how old are you?

The colors here are the closest to the RGB standard to make visualization of different zones possible without intersection of pitch black from names of avenues/name of towns etc.

Once more you come here speaking from ignorance or you literally have the intellect of an infant?

James Kira

To me saa is a plague no different than zionism, so I agree its not the color in itself but those who choose to take up the color.

It doesnt matter if americunt takes up red white or blue, it ruins the color. Just like commies ruin the color of red, you commies.

Toni Liu

He crazy mofo that are support isis thing, look all his rambling through some SF post about syria lately, seems after this terrorist lost many of their territory, their supporter lose their mind too like him

Azriel Herskowitz

So true. When I see the red flags all I can think about is the enslavement of the Syrian people under the butcher himself.


Are you Israelis now into having the liberation off Jihadis and their welfare at heart? Opposed to a truly moderate (in terms of middle eastern standards) and secular strong man, you could have made good deals on a win win basis with. Had you, NATO and Sunni Whahhabi countries not invaded his country and instigated the most genocidal war of this century.

I seriously want to know, i am not like some rabid Anti-Zionist or Anti-Muslim person like some here, i want to see the good and bad on all sides.

IMO your leadership made the totally wrong choices with Syria, and everyone by now knows who disatrously stupid the decision by your leadership was nearly 2 decades ago when you advocated the Iraq war.

And okay, everyone makes mistakes, but 2 decades, and no revising? Is there no turning back? Or is the political and military decision making process at fault? Or culturally? Why on earth do you support the most genocidal and fascistic Islamist that exists on earth, while you fight Islamists in Gaza?

This was always the error of the US, who supported them indirectly (Since the deal with Saudis) and later directly (Mujahedeen against Soviets and Russia later). But normally, your military and intelligence services makes wise, and realistic decisions, like with Soleimani. It was your countries goal to get his head all along.

But when the Donald boasted about it, you cleverly let him take all the flak, even militarily. Why on gods earth do you then, on the strategic level, while your military+intelligence is competent and wise, accept politicians who fuck everything up, and push exactly the wrong policys strategically?

Without those politicians ever learning from their own faults. Faults that have harmed you beloved country massivly, in strengenthing Iran by killing Hussein? Patriotism is not blindly following your leader, it is the opposite. It is doing the very best for the welfare of your country, even if it means opposing the mainstream view or political agendas. Everything else, is betrayl of those country and ones people.

Gary Sellars

Well said, but don’t expect a sensible answer from a racist ethnic-supremacist like this Zio-troll. Talmud-following troglodytes like this shekel-grubber don’t have any respect for lowly goyims of any colour or creed – his kind thinks we are all animals in human form, created solely to serve the Chosen people. Any actions that weaken non-jews and increase Jewish power and wealth is justified by their religion, indeed they consider it the natural course of events, and they are as devoid on any feelings of shame or guilt as a man would be while ridding his home of a pest infestation.


Sadly you are right, they never respond. But it does not matter. It still fucks their brain. At least uncosciuosly. ;)

Ricky Miller

A myth, created by corporate media and national security talking heads. President Assad was and is considered a mild autocrat. Most of these Arab leaders have to be in order to maintain law and order and give secular minded people the chance to breathe. Look at Egypt, one election=muslim brotherhood. Most Syrians prefer the government, not that that governance is ideal but it works. In order to violate Syria’s territory, interfere with the course of it’s history and society and stoop to giving weapons to jihadi madmen the powers that be HAD to vilify Bashar al-Assad to rationalize to people all the legal violations and underhanded power moves they were making to overthrow his government.

Lazy Gamer

Let the Syrians after the war decide on Assad’s fate. It is impossible to be 100%correct in war nor do i discount the probability of some of the atrocities. But as the leader, as anywhere else, it is his responsibility and burden whether rightfully or wrongly.

Ricky Miller

No. A country is more than one man. Syria, it’s senior tribal leadership and her armed forces decided as a group to fight back and not give up to either internal or external enemies. And I think they’ve already decided. It would be impossible for Syria to achieve what she has in this war, help from Russia and Iran accounted for, without millions of Syrians in the major cities remaining loyal to the government and to the office of the president.


So st…..

John Wallace

Ever thought of being a comedienne Azriel. You are funny as fuck and I am sure you would have any audience in stitches.

Gary Sellars

The oven-dodger troll returns to puke more hatred? Take a hike shlomo.

James Kira

ok kike

Toni Liu

So true, when I saw david flag over palestine all I can think about is the enslavement of the real semite people under fake semite who steal their land


If so, you really do have a mental problem. Better get back in your meds.


Says the shlomo that wants to enslave all humanity. Zionism is destined to be just a shitstain in history.


Zionism is our pride and honour, anyone that tries to hurt us we will make sure they regret that mistake. West Bank Palis tried to raise their heads in the last few days and attack Israelis, we put them right back in their place. https://www.timesofisrael.com/palestinian-teen-said-shot-dead-in-west-bank-clashes-as-violence-surges/


2006 was a good indicator of your abilities. Try not to kill any women and children in the future.


Let me tell you one thing you need to enter into your small brain ruca, we are IDF soldiers and we follow orders from the government. Lebanon’s luck was that we were stopped by a U.N ceasefire which we didn’t even want, but was forced to take. They better don’t push their luck and make us bomb Lebanon again using our full capabilities, trust me the damage on their side would be alot worse than us.


You keep fucking that chicken.


Seems the Israelis just keep cooking your friends’ goose. Try to get the basics correct.


So st…..

James Kira

Yes, thats why I call them assheadists.

Gary Sellars

Fuck off, dirty terrorist-fluffer. Poor dumb cunt, can’t handle watching the map getting LIBERATED from his filthy Turkomen Wahabbi Salafi whack-job goat-rapers!!!


Suck it up you evil fucker. This is what righteous retribution looks like :-P

James Kira

Ive watched kikerael take over Palestine, so assheadists taking over is old news.

(hence the plague analogy)

ahaha, gary sellout.

Toni Liu

Hah you are the plague, what ever colour they put in that map cant change your terrorist are lose, eat shit and die you isis supporter

James Kira

I love Indonesians because they support HayatTahrirSham, unlike assheadist traitors.


Blah, blah, blah, Putin gives all the things to Israelis and Erdogan Pashas, blah, blah Russia is a Israeli zionists and Turquish pashas friend, blah, blah,blah, the syrian partition it’s sure, Conclusion, al that was a sons of a bi*ch blah, blah, blah.


Blah blah blah is exactly what I think about your comment.


Isn’t mine, it’s of all the sons of a bi*ch over years and years. My real comment, at the same time (years and years) was always the same: The syrians will recover every inch of their country, and the Russians will help them on doing that.

Joe Doe

SAA better makes plans to fight Turkey. Russia most likely will stay idle and do nothing helping SAA with more military hardware such as S-30, MIG-30, S-400 or attack helicopters. This is what SAA needs to fight Turkey

Tim Williams

Turkey troops have no motivation to fight in Syria … 5,000 + anti tank missiles will open the Turk tanks up like a can of tuna


Wrong, Turkey has one of the better NATO forces and can defeat Syria with just small travels. Only Russia has the capability to stop Turkey-Syria-NATO-Israel all together.

Aaron Driver

Wrong, the Syrians who will die for their country will win… The Turkish soldiers do not have the same mentality as ISIS so they will not die for the Syrian cause, because soldiers want to go home, extremist dont, they are willing to die.


Tanks are just not a safe place to eat beans anymore


Appears Turkey is doing just enough to keep the Jihadist rats appeased and on friendly terms, but deep down may actually want them gone. Enjoy the Kabuki Theater show. :)

John Brown

Yes. If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives. Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history. Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then.


Time to wakeup from your delusional wet dream and take your meds.


I agree.


Latest information from Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) is that all terrorists in Al-Issa, Tal Hadya, Zorba, and Burqum appear to have withdrawn towards the western countryside of Aleppo, thus the entire Damascus-Aleppo Road is now secure. If confirmed, this is a major strategic success for SAA & allies.

Tim Williams

run or die

Gary Sellars

run AND die (a little later)


At this rate they’ll run out of places to withdraw to


I hope that the US Coalition of Terror terror proxies are being harried as they flee. Could the exodus of the terror gangs be a planned ‘rout’ in order to create an illusion of chaos whilst they regroup in front of Turkish forces.

The terror gangs supported by Turkish artillery tactic worked in the Kurdish zone .


They may well think that Turkey will protect them, but when it comes to the crunch Turkey will back down …. Erdoghan is typical NATO, he will try to threaten & bluff but will never battle an adversary who can and will fight back and inflict serious casualties.

Tim Williams

earlier tonight 2 TURK F 16’S crossed into SYRIAN airspace … Russian radar locked them in … S 300 battery ready to cut loose on them … TURKS hightailed it back home


Give us your source information, please.


That would be sensible

Tim Williams

apparently the SAA flag is waiving atop hill 365 at Al – Eis now … no word on casualties to take it, awaiting photo and second confirmation.

Also reading the entire village of Al-Eis has been abandoned by the rats.

Gary Sellars

Even in-bred Turkomen Salafis can eventually learn to read the writing on the wall.

Those scum are finished and they know it.


They maybe but Turkey is not. Pass the popcorn…


I really hope Putin has stopped allowing Turkey (NATO member) to do its will inside Syria. Russia needs to stop Turkey and Israel of attaking Syria. I know, this would mean confrontation with NATO-USA


The Putz won’t. Deep down he likes the US and Israel way more than any Muslims.

Gary Sellars

Turkomen Jihadi trash are collapsing on all fronts. Great news for all human beings across the globe.

Tim Williams

BREAKING NEWS … TIGER FORCES have punched thru to the M 5 highway from the Al -Eis area in a night time operation … those newly upgraded tanks with night vision and thermal sighting is working wonders


The hill 365 has been captured …. troops moving west, north and south now

Tim Williams

it seems Turkey has designated IDLIB CITY as the rats ALAMO … TURKEY is pouring massive amount of material into the city today … estimates range from a convoy of 100 trucks to over 300 loaded full of ammo for the rats … Russian drones know exactly where it is stored … I see a massive explosion that will be felt all the way in ANKARA soon …

Tim Williams


Willing Conscience (The Truths

A perceived collapse may just turn out to be a tactical retreat to wait for massive reinforcements that are on the way. 330 Turkish vehicles in one convoy, 70 tanks as well as heaps of artillery, 5 convoys in all arriving today and 2 big ones yesterday which are already deploying near the fighting. On top of that we have Turkish aircraft flying patrols over the Syrian/Turkish border, this is getting even worse than I thought it would, if the Russians don’t protect the SAA the SAA is about to be annihilated. What a colossal stuff up.


Turkey will ot attack. Such attack would caus lose their interests in Lybia. And there the can lose 10-50x more then in Sy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Today is the first day over the last 4 days that the Turks haven’t been attacking the SAA, and I think that’s only because the SAA are taking it very easily today, no Russian or Syrian air activity at all over Idlib today at all, what do you think that means, I know what it means, something really bad.


Erdogan is just drawing a line in the sand to make the Jihadist happy, in other words “do not approach Idlib city”. M5 will be taken by the SAA, Then maybe a rest or some action in the south.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully they liberate the south before they’re unable to, thousands of Turkish tanks and artillery will make it impossible once they’re deployed. Erdogan’s bluffed only once during the past 2 years and that was with NATO just recently, but I don’t think he’s bluffing at all now, he has NATO to fall back on if things go south with Russia, he hasn’t burnt any bridges with them he can’t mend, so I’m not so sure the Russian’s will be able to contain him even if they want to.


Turkish media likes to lie a lot, just to keep the rats happy. :/

Willing Conscience (The Truths

We’ll find out soon enough, and God I hope you’re right.


Damn, this is great! Lots of Turks, Syrians, Iranians, Russians going at each other. Pass the popcorn…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And don’t forget all those innocent civilians that are about to be slaughtered in the process, will you enjoy watching that too, the Turks just showed us in Al Hasakah how well they treat the civilian population, Amnesty International chalked up 12 verified war crimes in only the first week of fighting. You forgot the Kurds, they said they’d help Assad if ever the Turks invaded, they’ll be joining the party too.


The more the merrier…


400-500 Turkish tanks and thousends of commandos have entered Syria over the past week.Observation posts getting evacuated…doesnt smell good.Its a well trained professional army on a move.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It more than smells terrible, it stinks, Couple that with the 60 to 90,000 rebels that are now consolidating their positions and rearming and re equipping, and we a have a disaster unfolding.


So nice to see enemies preparing to kill each other off. Pass the popcorn…


YEH! The Turk and Syrian despots will be killing each other off. The world will be a better place after both are gone.

James Kira

The Prophesied Muslim + Christian Alliance against the jews was between Rebels and The Axis (russia, china, and iranian persian assheadist traitors) against nato and kikerael.

Now its time for Jesus(as) to break the nationalist garbage cross and kill the assheadist swine, InShahAllah(swt).


You are such an ass clown.

James Kira

ruqqaya you fat elephant seal.

James Kira

khamenei is your wilayat al fucky, youre such an assfuck clownist, for such an iranian, by Islamic Decree, you should shut the f7ck up woman, or we can hang you on the olive trees next to asthma for knowingly refusing to acknowledge or face AlYamani.


Shlomo rhymes with homo. FYI.

James Kira

assheadists = schlomo homos

And Islamically women should be quiet in public.

And Imam Ali(as) said that Believers are skinnier and better looking than apostates who ally with kufar like russia.

Xoli Xoli

Hisbollah,Syria,Iran and all Resistant forces should start using multiple drone and RGP attack on Turkey and USA bases.Palistinian should also start using g multi6drone and RGP attack on all Israel vehicles and bases.Rockets have less effective and will only become effective if first option is used.


I like that. Then Israel will have even more justification to kill your butt buddies there.

Xoli Xoli

Jake Israel owes God humbleness forgiveness and true love for all humanity.


You’re a regular Rebbe…

Xoli Xoli

Unfortunately Jake you will die in own ignorance and reality suppressions.For you everthing is about terror Israel will keep on sabotage neighbors and kill civilians.Do you thing God approves such heinous murderers behavior.

Aleks Chernyy


Xoli Xoli

Give them drinks from their own dirty cup.If Syria applies same tactic of Israel USA and Turkey which their exercises against Russian bases .Then usa will first flee due to the artillery loses.Turkey and USA artillery will be become a playground toys.Their wont know who attacks them just as Russians dont know who attacks them with pinpoint accuracy. Israel never fly again if attack jets start falling in Israel,Golan Heights and Lebanese airspace.Israel trained terrorists will see advantage and start killing Israel and rape everything that moves in Israel as usual.


Such delusional wet dreams you have. Maybe you should get back on your meds.

Xoli Xoli

It only hour Israel,USA,France and Britain who give drugs to Sunni terrorists. In order to steal oil and gas including gold.

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