© Sputnik/ Iliya Pitalev
On Saturday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces captured Sha’b al-Dakr village, which is located in the western Tabqah countryside 22 km from Tabqah town. Thus, the SAA completed its advance in this direction after reaching the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).
According reports from pro-SDF and pro-opposition sources, the Syrian Air Force bombed positions controlled by SDF in the western part of Tabqah town on June 9 and 10. According to opposition sources, on June 10, the US-led coalition warplanes targeted an SAA convoy west of Raqqa and completely destroyed it. All these reports appeared to be false.
Pro-government sources have argued that the US-led coalition warplanes didn’t hit any position or vehicles belonging to the SAA, but there was a warning strike.
As the sources confirmed that SAA in turn wasn’t trying to advance towards Tabqah or attacking SDF positions. Moreover, it’s believe that SAA and SDF may create a buffer zone in the vicinity of Tabqah, similar to that in western Manbij.
Meanwhile, the SAA is preparing to continue its advance in the northern Aleppo countryside soon. The SAA will likely attempt to advance towards the Khanasir road in order to drive ISIS from the remaining areas under its control in the eastern Aleppo countryside.
They are planning to overrun SDF + ISIS at once. Just watch. They will enter and try to break Kurdish blockade
Have you even been following this conflict ?? The SAA and SDF worked well together in the Aleppo province. Nothing has changed. Here, have some FLAG SPAM :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png
For now the SAA and the SDF still need each other. The Afrin Kurdish enclave in the west would be overrun by the Turks and their cronies within days without SAA support. Similarly the SAA needs its enclaves in SDF territory like Hasaka, as its the only means to airlift troops and supplies in via helicopter to Deir Ezzor. That city would fall if the SAA and SDF would become hostile with each other, as some of the hysterics here seem to want.
Whatever degree of mutual need exists between SAA and SDF is not going to last, as the balance of power changes in Syria. I view SDF as a pawn used for the US agenda. Besides SDF defenses are rather thin as you go north east, their numbers are insufficient to satisfy US agenda once ISIS is eliminated.
sdf = 30 000 and rising
And where should SAA cross Eufrat to get there. ISIS is there too.
Russian support…
Yankee support… you are shit without daddy yanky up your anus controlling your movements, and supplying you with arms to occupy Arab lands. The kurds will be evicted, Turkey will see to that, and returned to their tiny cantons. if the US tries to balkanize Syria and create a Kurdish state, Turkey will invade and evict them. They dont belong on Arab lands, no matter what they capture, get that into your thick Nazi nordic skull.
Good answer, but let the Nazis out of theme. They were good guys and had exactly the same enemies as we nowadays.
The SDF forces are made up of various actions and not many support PKK/PYD leftists , the FSA have some infighting but the SDF in afrin are trying to push into FSA region backed by the Turks . The thing is that many FSA groups are joining the SAA changing the dynamic of the army giving it more flexibility . The units at the airport are keeping that base open , these troops in that region are bleeding ISIS troops there have been fresh troops added to the mix in Der Ez zoir . Manbij has its own council and not a Kurdish council in place , once the Arak region is secure they will take control of more area linking up with the Tigers from the west and a push from along the border creating the buffer zone.
Thats barking mad.
SDF and US allowed an open corridor for ISIS to escape from Raqqa, it is southbound M6 coming out of Raqqa intersecting with M4 going south to Deir Ezzor, and western M4 going to Alhora…..then heading south towards M42 and towards M20. This area is not defended by the SDF, since their forces are keeping some distance from this corrridor. What if SAA and the Russians airlifted two battalions of special forces equipped heavily with antitank weapons and man pads, and sealed the intersection of M6 and M4, preventing any ISIS escape? The battalions would be spaced a few kms apart, one at the intersection of M6 and M4, the other one further south on M4.
The Tiger forces would move south on M4 approaching Tabqa, if SDF does not get out of the way, the Tiger forces would bypass them moving south east, and come in close proximity with the two battalions guarding the exit from Raqqa.
Thats pure shit, but commanding others seems fine for You. Russians hasnt that troops as well. Those socalled tigers can only spoil a well during years prepared warfare to take the Capitol of ISIS.
Even if all those troops came there, You couldnt support them.
If Your socalled mijaw museum tigers would be 0 within a few days. SDF would loose many, but you were only pieces of iron and rotten bones.
After that You could certainly not cover the parts of Syria You have and You have given the last ISIS a chance to recover.
Your brain is leaking shit because you are a paid troll.
The Syria Army’s 4th armored division rolled this week into the southern Syrian town of Daraa close to the Jordanian border and around 330km west of the new Al-Zukf base. The division moved in with high-grade Russian-made T-90 tanks complete with its high command, headed by Bashar Assad’s younger brother, Gen. Maher al-Assad. The general and staff officers were sighted carrying out inspections of Daraa’s terrain in advance of the resumption of hostilities. Parts of this potential battlefield are no more than 1,000 meters from the Jordanian border.
What makes you think that US/NATO and their terror proxies have a right to occupy Syria? Keep them there, and they will be under attack non stop until they leave, the last thing the world needs is more US bases, and they will fail in their attempt to balkanize Syria. IF you were not there in the first place, and not sending half a billion in aid to terrorists, the war would be over long ago. As things stand you have FAILED to oust Assad, and the SAA will recover the south no matter how long it takes, with ISIS gone, its just you to focus on.
I hope the people you pay to fight come to northern Europe and rape your family.
Ignore this kurdish bastard. These idiots will be betrayed by the US when there are no further interests in Syria for them. A NATO partner is closer to US than some kurdish ground boots waiting for orders.
Hey Kurd! Why are you so proud. Over years you haven’ t reach any gains against the Turks. And up there, in Turkey, the Ottoman is sitting in your country. Turkey has the most stolen land of Kurdistan, not Syria. So shut up and wait what will happen sooner or later to your “mountain people”.
the only problem Kurdistan never existed it is a fantasy like they are Yezidi and Zazaki are different people cultures and language . Turkey is on old Christian lands held by various the Armenians and Greeks . Kurds never existed in biblical times .
“The SAA will likely attempt to advance towards the Khanasir road in order to drive ISIS from the remaining areas under its control in the eastern Aleppo countryside”…TRANSLATION…The SAA attempt to advance towards I.S.I.S controlled area PROTECTED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AIR FORCE.
Your translations are wearing rather thin by now. Both ISUS and Qatar have been thrown under the bus.
WHY DOESN’T ASSAD USE THE MANY STRIKES AGAINST THE SAA AS THE REASON TO LAUNCH AN ALL-OUT ASSAULT AGAINST THE SDF? Does Assad want to give up parts of Syria to SDF-USA control because that looks like what he wants to do. Does he see his mission as clearing out ISIS and then after that, he will negotiate for peace and give up parts of Syria to the Americans and their allies? Assad should know that whatever land SDF-USA control, they are not going to give back. So after fighting for 6 years, Assad is OK with the balkanization of Syria? I don’t know what Assad has been doing for 6 years. He should have been replaced by his brother who would have known how to quickly put down the revolt and stop foreigners from entering the nation. Now, Assad should give up his presidency (something the Americans want), and give it up to someone who has some military strategic sense (something the Americans do not want). In this way, Americans get the “change of regime” they wanted, so they can’t complain, but the new president won’t be the puppet they want in power. I hope I am wrong and Assad knows what he’s doing and he has some plan up his sleeve, and this is just part of it. But I don’t hold out much hope, seeing his past record. He dithered around for six years, and achieved very little in the way of results. His father would have quickly finished this war. Assad is not suitable for the presidency. He’s not good at diplomacy. He’s not good at battle strategy. He gets politically out-maneuvered by the Israelis. He doesn’t protect his people. I do not know what he is good for. The people’s patience is wearing thin. So many people have lost their lives, including many SAA personnel. Why have they sacrificed themselves in vain for this kind of result? Assad should be playing to WIN but he doesn’t do that. He is timid, and he doesn’t defend his troops. He has the Iranians, Hezbollah, PMU, and even the Turks now helping him clear out the rebels. Russia is helping with ISIS. Why hasn’t he finished the war already? Is he planning on losing the war by slow attrition? His soldiers get killed little bit by little bit without really gaining that much –– Assad regains ISIS land, but so what? SDF gains more land than Assad gains and so the net gain is almost zero. He made a mistake wasting the time when American troops were not on the ground and not so involved in the fighting. He should have completed the war while Obama was in office. Now that Trump, the Likud guy, is in office, he’s going to have a tough time –– more deaths involved. The US isn’t going to play nicely –– their mission is to take up as much Syrian land as they can, and KEEP IT. They will lie, they will say that they weren’t trying to bomb SAA, they will say that they were trying to protect SDF, and so on. It’s obvious that Assad cannot win this war without clashing head on with SDF, and even if it comes to it, clashing with US troops. The more he dallies, the more the stakes rise. Before, it was just confronting SDF and FSA, now, it’s confronting the US. The US is obviously fighting an undeclared war on Syria. What does Syria want to do? Keep putting its troops and allied troops in danger by putting them in the path of SDF and then doing nothing when the US attacks them? Just make statements denouncing it or get the Russians to put out strong statements? The Russians aren’t going to risk World War III over Syria. It’s not important enough. The Russians were trying to help Assad, but Assad has done very little in the eight months or so that the Russians have been in Syria. Assad has to decide whether he’s going to risk war with America and defend his country from the usurpers (SDF, FSA, ISIS, USA), or he’s going to keep on doing as he’s been doing, bleeding land here and there to the usurpers, and letting Americans balkanize his country, with only the Damascus area and surrounding towns the remaining part that can be called Syria left. If that happens, America will be too strong in Syria to be stopped. They will make up some fake atrocity story about Assad, call for police action, drag his ass out of Damascus, and execute him, like they did Gaddafi. Assad has to remember that not only is he responsible for himself and his circle of associates in government, he’s responsible for the people who risked their lives in this war. He has to make that sacrifice worth it. I don’t see how he can’t not go all the way out in this war. If he continues seeing the ISIS as his main enemy, he will surely lose the war. When is he going to fight the real enemy, FSA and SDF?
Because SAA and SDF have worked together before in Aleppo province against Turkish trash. Do you speak for Erdogan and his FSA Jihadist scum bags ?
you are right like you were in question of signifivanc of jordan border. zou are trustin judeau2
They worked together because Assad fell for the trap and the ruse that Israelis made for him. They tricked him into thinking that ISIS, the fake group which the Israelis created, putting the Israeli agent Shimon Elliott as its leader (the ISIS guy who miraculously eludes capture although he comes close to it on many occasions apparently), is the existential threat to Syria.
And so Assad worked with SDF, foolishly giving them the legitimacy in the war that the Israelis wanted to give them. They now have two points in their favor to support legitimacy:
1) They are fighting against the ISIS (they were conveniently funded by Qatar, who mistakenly thought that supporting Muslim Brotherhood, another creation by the Israelis as is Hamas, who are allied with ISIS, would pave the way for Arab and Sunni domination in the region).
2) They are anti-Assad and “pro-democracy and pro-freedom”. (A few false flags have been done and much propaganda has been generated to paint Assad as an undemocratic monster who uses brutal and illegal methods to put down dissent and revolt – the gassings down in Idlib and elsewhere, the crematorium story, the prisoner abuse stories, the “brutal repression” of Arab spring demonstrations stories). So now Assad looks foolish now if he tries to stop the SDF and attacks them. The SDF are the main threat to Syria’s sovereignty.
The SDF do not recognize Assad’s government. They want to create their own government, under America’s protection. Hence, America has a plan to balkanize Syria, using the SDF and other rebel groups.
So, Assad made a very bad mistake in the past. He should have made putting down rebel groups a priority. The ISIS, since they do not have overt state support (only covert state support), were not the biggest threat to his presidency.
ISIS were pawns in this game. They were always disposable. They were used as place-markers, moved around here and there, wherever the Israelis wanted the Syrian army to go. Now they are being used as place-markers for where the Syrians want the SDF to go.
As I have said, whatever land SDF controls, after clearing out ISIS, or wherever they move to and secure the place, they will keep. US troops will provide protection and guard these areas, saying they are defending these places for “democracy” and “freedom” and will put the rebels in charge of them.
The Turkish are only one of the “trash”. Or do you think the Turks are trash but the SDF are not trash?
Are you an SDF supporter? Do you support the US in this war?
The Turkish have switched sides. They broke with the US several months ago over the role of the Kurdish.
Before they were with Qatar, and supported the Muslim Brotherhood and therefore were against Assad. They believed that the Muslim Brotherhood (with ISIS) would be able to exert Sunni and Arab dominance in the region.
After they saw the US stabbing the Turkish in the back, and realizing how they were played, and that Turkey’s own sovereignty could be under attack in the future (which was indeed the case, while Turkey still supported the Zionist Axis in Syria, and there was the uprising against Erdogan last year which should have woken him up THEN), the Turkish have decided to abandon their plan of using MB, ISIS, and Palestinian refugees to impose Sunni Arab hegemony in that region.
With the change of government in the US, with now a president who is heavily controlled by the aggressive war hawk Likud party, the Americans became more active in supporting the Kurds and pushing them to establish the northern part of Syria as a separatist state and gaining autonomy.
The Americans were taking a gamble when they did this: they knew Erdogan wouldn’t be happy about this, but they thought that the sweeteners that they had given to Turkey over the recent years, such as making them a partner in NATO, giving him missiles and so on, would make him compliant.
However, the plan didn’t work out, and Ankara has now changed sides. The threat to their own sovereignty posed by the Kurdish gaining autonomy in northern Syria is more important to deal with than gaining Sunni Arab control over Syria.
Now Ankara has become a friend of Russia, and is an ally of Iran and Assad.
Ankara and Doha will move together. These are the true allies that worked in concert together in the Syrian conflict.
And so what you see is Doha ending its support of ISIS, and establishing a relationship with Iran, who has offered to supply it with the food and water it needs. Turkey is reaffirming that it will defend Qatar if it’s attacked (a message aimed at Saudi). Al Jazeera highlighting the humanitarian crisis on Yemen and shifting away from its neutral stance on the Saudi war on Yemen and becoming less supportive).
It is to be realized that Qatar gains nothing by supporting the Saudis. They will be just making the Saudis stronger and more of a bully. The Iranians can counter this bully. If the Iranian side collapses, there will be nothing stopping the bully. Even Qatar may be invaded by the Saudis. Qatar doesn’t need Saudi money, unlike Pakistan, Egypt and other poorer Sunni nations.
Qatari were, in fact, endangering themselves by doing what they had been doing. They were making Israel stronger. And the Qatari are no friends of Israel.
Luckily, they have finally seen the light, and are reversing their actions in Syria and Yemen, or at least, stopping them. The ball is now in Assad’s court. He has all this support. What is he going to do?
Turkey has just about said that it fully supports the crushing of the Kurds. If Assad does not take up that offer, and still pussyfoots about, letting the SDF, with America’s support, take over more parts of Syria, then Assad is doing a disservice to his country. He will be fighting a war to lose, and he will be wasting the sacrifice of all the people who fought on Syria’s behalf.
I suggest that Assad send more Iranian drones onto the SDF. The last time he did that, it put the Americans into a panic. The SDF captured one but they cannot stop a fleet of hundreds of them making attacks.
Because the terrain is desert, and little cover, drones can be used well in this fight. Anyway, whatever he does –– use drones or planes or ground movements of troops, Assad has to do something to stop the SDF, his main enemy and the biggest threat to his nation.
Do you work for the deep state or you just need to rationalize their thinking ?
Why do you think I work for the Deep State?
I support Assad.
The SDF works for Deep State. The Deep State is Israel, nothing more.
The USA is a colony of Israel.
Israel wants Syria balkanized and they want to do it with the SDF’s help.
ISIS is a fake group created by Israel. It was created to distract Assad while the US made SDF strong.
SDF are the real threat, not ISIS.
ISIS can be defeated easily if it’s just them. They do not have planes. The US does not give them aerial cover. The US cannot be seen to openly helping them.
The SDF is different. The US can fly planes on their behalf and give air cover. The SAA has a lot to worry about when fighting the SDF. Fighting them is like fighting the USA.
One war at a time. Its clear to all Arabs in northern syria that they do not want to be occupied by the Kurds, and when ISIS is vanquished, the issue will be settled. There will be no partition as the US generals want, not a single country in the area will support it, and all kurds will return to their small cantons in the north. Arab lands will be returned, the US has no say in the matter its not their country, or the European trolls who post here thinking that some shit bird country like Norway or the UK will occupy parts of Syria forever.
The only option will be for the US NATO terror alliance to send large ground forces to occupy northern Syria, and face up to an alliance of every nation around Rojava. Is that what the US population wants? They can’t even tolerate their idiot orange dictator for long, so the strategy will fail as soon as trump is impeached, or ousted.
It wont be like fighting ISIS. the US will be in a conventional war with Turkey and every shia nation, thats the price for partition – are they willing to pay?
The zionist antisemites are as much US proxies as ISIS and the Saudi perverts.
PZIVJ, you are pro-Kurdish. That’s why you are bitter about the Turkish. The Turkish are good fighters. They are better at fighting than the Syrian Arabs. The Turkish kill many Kurds in this fight, and are successful in putting the Kurdish insurgency down. So the pro-Kurdish hate the Turkish, and fear them.
Let me put it this way:
The ISIS are not a balkanizing force. They cannot balkanize Syria. (They can temporarily hold parts of Syria but they will not be permanently able to keep these parts.)
The SDF are a balkanizing force. They can balkanize Syria.
Therefore, the SDF are a bigger threat to Assad than ISIS.
Yep all part of this plan https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/be78f409843113fbefe5e39668bc4789235c9ffe849564d808ed020121c60d6d.jpg
Maybe Baghdadi died. Syrian News.
Why doesn’t ISIS fight the Kurds and the FSA as hard as they fight the SAA and the Iraqi army. Have you ever wondered why?
Answer: They are in the same team and trying to fool us, and i guess this fact is obvious for many of us here.
No. 1) SAA are bigger having more confrontation zones 2) SAA are pumpted artificial up as they meet much, much more then they do, because they by incompetence loose much more.
Its again and again. They didnt take Al Tanf. They didnt defeat FSA`s even both got loses. They went to some nowhere part of they iraqi border telling they took this and that. What was the facts: Some few dots vehicles went to the border protected nothing behind where they drew. Not even a barbed wire.
Those troops were enogh to make the difference at Arak comming from south instead of the slow bad supported Tigers. More like elephans which even a trembling grandfather could hit close up with a shotgun.
Now those “Non Al Tanf and non etc. ” has had loses, are tired has lack of supply – for nothing, They even seems to have left againg helped by USA. 24 hours of honor. When Barbarossa could see Moscow and was stopped, at least the target was real.
THE Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Hezbollah and allied Iraqi paramilitary contingents dashed through southeastern Homs and reached an Iraqi border point, thus slicing adrift the frontline between rebel forces based in the Al-Tanf region and ISIS militants in the neighboring Deir Ezzor governorate.
Unopposed by the US Airforce and its vetted Syrian proxies, the SAA and its allies drove through over 40 kilometers of abandoned desert territory and managed to link up with an Iraqi garrison across the border.
The advance was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense and an Hezbollah-linked outlets.
If its not a real target, then there is no reason for you to continue your illegal invasion of the south, is there? the FSA are cutoff and they have been defeated in the south except for US strikes on 2 light technicals, which is nothing. They have been warned, and Russia will activate SAMs if the US backed terrorists air force (NATO) attack again.
“Pro opposition sources” , the tone of the article seems intent on suggesting the Syrian Kurds are in opposition to the SAA , which has not up to now been the case . The US seems to control the media of the SDF , which are an assortment of Kurdish PMU’s . The US created the false reports , and is trying to fracture the Kurdish – SAA unity , in expelling Al Qaeda and ISIS jihadists .
The PKK/PYD seem to be tied to the US at the hip these leftist Kurds are arresting any opposition to them for a Rojava .The announcement by the KRG is presumptuous the US is not likely to support them since it would show their bias behaviors towards Iraq and Syria . The US always stirs things up.
Beautiful timing SAA. The SDF ( KSA backed now ), is very busy with Raqqa. Peeling off units to match SAA advances will be difficult at the least. I suspect the Syrian government troops and supporters, will ring right around them now. Go SAA.
they can keep ISIS in with 5.000 and give You 15.000. SAA is so slow in all matters, so i would expect would hit them hard and agressive right away.
Why are you glad about that? Why do you support ISIS you dumb cunt. The SAA will cut off the southern corridor you opened to let your terror buddies flood south, because you cant fight 25,000 ISIS in Raqqa in spite of all your air power. The Russians have already vaporized retreating ISIS with air/ballistic missiles strikes, so send them south, and watch them burn. Then the SAA will send foreign Norwegian/German/Dutch whatever the fuck you are back to your country to cause havoc. I cant wait to see your women raped, and even more bombings in Northern Europe, you deserve it for sending them to Syria, now pay the price.
Lots of amateurs have swallowed post-war Blitzkrieg propaganda and think that any other form of warfare is inferior. That the Germans lost two world wars seems to have eluded them.
The Germans were the best but the enemies too much…
The Germans learned their lessons in fight against the Canadians in World War 1 how their Rolling thunder was effective combination of fire suppression and assault and flank and battle formations . The Germans called them the Storm Troopers only soldiers they feared on the battlefield .
Creeping barrages were invented by the British and French in late 1914.
The creeping barrage was actually first done by the Bulgarians in march 1913 at the siege of Adrianople ,it was re-invented about 1915-16 by the Commonwealth . Sir Henry Horne used it at the battle of the Somme the problem was there wasn’t any fire support for the infantry so it slowed down fell in behind the barrage . The Canadians used fire support as positioning the machine guns in order to support the advance on Vimy Ridge , the advent of the radio changed thatto allow precision strikes available when needed .
Combined arms attacks (Tanks, Arty and Infantry) was pioneered at the battle of Hamel by Australian general John Monash https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hamel
All armies tried to combine the various arms in attacks and all got better at it, Hill 70, Menin Road Ridge and Cambrai 1917 being a notable examples.
The first battle to use combined arms attacks (tanks ,arty,air,infantry ) was at the battle of Cambrai in 1917 by British General Douglas Haig .
I defer to you about the Bulgarians, it’s not my field but French and British gunners devised the same tactic during the First Battle of Flanders in 1914. It was a combination of the French rafale and British observed fire during an attack. The French used them at the Second Battle of Artois May-June 1915.
I don’t know, ISIS just took back the Division 17 Base. SDF to me is not the real deal. Just my take on things Jens. A good evening to you.
Kurdish bastard. You idiots will be betrayed by the US when there are no further interests in Syria for them. A NATO partner Turkey is closer to the fucken jewed US than some kurdish ground boots waiting for orders. Stay well in a foreign country with a name of them, you kurdish immigrant trash and wipe out the toilets of your european masters.
Most likely Im from the viking traels – same as slaves – and hardly have many kurdish genes. My ancisters were poor farmers hand and fishermen.
We are not betrayed by USA but join them with happiness in most matters being parts of the western economy, where many more parts are equal partners or almost equal partners as countries and regions.
We mainly dont like the Turkish moving away from EU as well as Nato and USA,. We really dont.
We dont have many kurdish refugees as well as emmigants here. But we do have 3-4.000 of 400.000 which are more or less muslims and mainly sunnies.
We are not there for having more family in that region incl. Turks. We already has 50.000 and half of them are doing fine.
It very strange so many muslims prefare living among sekular infidel kaffir christians then with You.
next time You make a selfportrit like this remember to include Your hate against jewes and hindus. A CV should be complete with no cheeting as allowed by Islam.
You are a funny guy. Hopefully your kurds will come back to the syrians and rest in a common state. Otherwise the Turks are very greedy to catch them while the syrians will look in another direction.
I agree. I almost only see none good solutions. Its only like taking the worst away and see whats happens, and then taking the next bad one away.
And that seemes to be very subjective. I dont see 1 state as it was ever again.
SAA and Tigers should move around the SDF to encircle them. Two benefits I can see: 1. closer to Raqqa to avoid a mass fleeing or release by Kurds of ISIS towards Deir Ezzor AND to fight back Kurds one day over the Euphrate to minimize their influence there. ISIS and SDF have the same paymasters. So far they are enemies to SAA.
Further north, al-Qods chief, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Syrian and Iraqi fronts, crossed into Syria from Iraq along with his operations staff. They joined the Palmyra-based command and control of the Syrian force, which is heading out of the town in two columns for two towns – Deir ez-Zor, which is surrounded by Islamic State forces, and Abu Kamal, which is under ISIS control. Elements of Russian elite forces and Hizballah are fighting along with the Syrian troops.
The in-gathering of major military forces in this part of Syria is ominous:
The deployment of a US forward base in the Syrian Desert, and the arrival of the most senior Iranian and Syrian commanders at the head of elite units augur the approach of a major showdown for control of southeastern Syria and its strategic multiple border assets.
I can’t see the NATO terror alliance with all their domestic chaos, willing to start a hot war with Turkey and surrounding shia nations, just to establish a base in partitioned Kurdistan…
To be truthful, I have no idea who is with who and who isn’t, but, for sure, I do know that soon every inch of syria will be reunited; Iraq too, then it will be time for Israel to start sweating. What goes around comes around. It is called the boomerang slap.
Does Assad want to give up parts of Syria to SDF-USA control because that looks like what he wants to do.
Does he see his mission as clearing out ISIS and then after that, he will negotiate for peace and give up parts of Syria to the Americans and their allies?
Assad should know that whatever land SDF-USA control, they are not going to give back.
So after fighting for 6 years, Assad is OK with the balkanization of Syria?
I don’t know what Assad has been doing for 6 years. He should have been replaced by his brother who would have known how to quickly put down the revolt and stop foreigners from entering the nation.
Now, Assad should give up his presidency (something the Americans want), and give it up to someone who has some military strategic sense (something the Americans do not want). In this way, Americans get the “change of regime” they wanted, so they can’t complain, but the new president won’t be the puppet they want in power.
I hope I am wrong and Assad knows what he’s doing and he has some plan up his sleeve, and this is just part of it.
But I don’t hold out much hope, seeing his past record. He dithered around for six years, and achieved very little in the way of results. His father would have quickly finished this war.
Assad is not suitable for the presidency. He’s not good at diplomacy. He’s not good at battle strategy. He gets politically out-maneuvered by the Israelis. He doesn’t protect his people. I do not know what he is good for.
The people’s patience is wearing thin. So many people have lost their lives, including many SAA personnel. Why have they sacrificed themselves in vain for this kind of result?
Assad should be playing to WIN but he doesn’t do that. He is timid, and he doesn’t defend his troops.
He has the Iranians, Hezbollah, PMU, and even the Turks now helping him clear out the rebels. Russia is helping with ISIS. Why hasn’t he finished the war already?
Is he planning on losing the war by slow attrition? His soldiers get killed little bit by little bit without really gaining that much –– Assad regains ISIS land, but so what? SDF gains more land than Assad gains and so the net gain is almost zero.
He made a mistake wasting the time when American troops were not on the ground and not so involved in the fighting. He should have completed the war while Obama was in office. Now that Trump, the Likud guy, is in office, he’s going to have a tough time –– more deaths involved. The US isn’t going to play nicely –– their mission is to take up as much Syrian land as they can, and KEEP IT. They will lie, they will say that they weren’t trying to bomb SAA, they will say that they were trying to protect SDF, and so on.
It’s obvious that Assad cannot win this war without clashing head on with SDF, and even if it comes to it, clashing with US troops. The more he dallies, the more the stakes rise. Before, it was just confronting SDF and FSA, now, it’s confronting the US.
The US is obviously fighting an undeclared war on Syria. What does Syria want to do? Keep putting its troops and allied troops in danger by putting them in the path of SDF and then doing nothing when the US attacks them? Just make statements denouncing it or get the Russians to put out strong statements?
The Russians aren’t going to risk World War III over Syria. It’s not important enough. The Russians were trying to help Assad, but Assad has done very little in the eight months or so that the Russians have been in Syria.
Assad has to decide whether he’s going to risk war with America and defend his country from the usurpers (SDF, FSA, ISIS, USA), or he’s going to keep on doing as he’s been doing, bleeding land here and there to the usurpers, and letting Americans balkanize his country, with only the Damascus area and surrounding towns the remaining part that can be called Syria left.
If that happens, America will be too strong in Syria to be stopped. They will make up some fake atrocity story about Assad, call for police action, drag his ass out of Damascus, and execute him, like they did Gaddafi.
Assad has to remember that not only is he responsible for himself and his circle of associates in government, he’s responsible for the people who risked their lives in this war. He has to make that sacrifice worth it. I don’t see how he can not go all the way out in this war.
If he continues seeing the ISIS as his main enemy, he will surely lose the war. When is he going to fight the real enemy, FSA and SDF?
Reply to tigbear: You may be a clever double-agent. Syria is tolerant towards the Kurds as it is to the Circassians, Assyrians, even Jews in Syria. Syria is not fanatically nationalistic like Turkey. It doesn’t have to make an enemy of Kurds simply because they are Kurds: they can’t help being born Kurds any more than anyone else can alter the nation they were born into. Why are you trying to stir up Syrian hatred against the Kurds? The Kurds are not stupid, either. They know the US only uses its vassals for realpolitik. They would be happy with autonomous cantons in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. The US want to use them and to do this encourages them with the mirage of independence but it would be a landlocked Kurdish nation surrounded by enemies
No one is stirring up hate against anyone except the Kurds and the Zionists, and they are trying to create hatred against Assad.
Kurds try and use “atrocity propaganda” against Assad. They whine about “bad treatment” by Assad to justify their betrayal of Syria. Assad didn’t treat them badly. They got treated like everybody else in Syria.
Atrocity propaganda. The Jews were the first to use it: the so-called Holocaust. https://papermacheworld.wordpress.com/debunking-the-holocaust-ii
The Kurdish have committed many terrorist acts against the Turkish people over the decades. Rightly the Turkish do not want the Kurdish to have any autonomous areas inside Syria, from which they can launch terrorist activities against the Turkish.
If the Kurdish have the right to declare autonomy for themselves, the Syrian state has got the right to stop them, using police action, that is, using the SAA to put down their acts of sedition against the state.
The US does not govern Syria; the Syrian government does. The USA has got no say in the matter. They do not have any right to arm Kurdish groups.
So the war is a matter of police action against the Kurds.
In the US, if a militia declared it wanted autonomy in some part of the US, and took over this region using military action, would the Syrian Government have any right to arm these people and support them by shooting and killing US military personnel if they tried to do police action on the militia?
Of course Syria wouldn’t. The USA would call this militia “domestic terrorists”, and unleash the full might of the US government against them. Look at what happened in Waco and Ruby Ridge. Look at what happened to the Move activists. The building housing the peaceful group of vegans and animal rights activists got bombed, resulting in the deaths of many people in the building, including young children. Well, that’s what the USA is doing in Syria.
Just as the militia would be a threat to the sovereignty of the US Government, the SDF and other militias are a threat to the Syrian Government. They usurp the authority of the Syrian Government. The Syrian Government should have done something about them fast. Taking no action made the government look weak. But it’s not too late to do something about the situation now.
Many things are favorable for Assad now. The front against Assad is starting to break down. There is internal fighting in the FSA. Only the Kurdish are fully committed to continuing the fight against Assad. The US Government promises them land. The US Government will back them with its military might. Only the Kurds can be relied on to help fulfill the plan of balkanization.
The Sunni militants are starting to waver in their loyalty. Qatar has stopped funding them, as the Qatari work in tandem with the Turkish. The Turkish have said “No more supporting the insurgency against Assad.” They have switched sides. So Qatar must also switch sides.
Besides, the Sunni militants don’t want to see the area taken over by the Kurds. This would be even worse than Assad in power. At least Assad was an Arab, and he left the Sunnis alone.
A US-backed Kurdish government would be pro-Zionist, and have elements of western liberalism in their constitution. (The Kurdish are a mixed bag unlike what the Zionist western media portrays them to be: some are religious Sunni fanatics; some are progressives like their western counterparts; and some are Marxists. However, the US supports the progressive secularist faction, and makes them the vanguard of the Kurdish insurgency.)
Assad’s pro-secular stance was bad enough, but at least he was an Arab and Muslim, even if he wasn’t a Sunni one.
So the Americans are depending on the Kurdish to work as their main proxy puppets to take over as much of Syria as they can. They don’t care what part of Syria it is. They tried to take over the northern part at first but the Turkish caused complications there. Unlike the Syrians, Turkey will risk facing the US in a war over the Kurdish issue.
So they decided to get their Kurdish proxies into the eastern part of Syria, near the border with Iraq, and work inland from this direction. Also, they are working on the Kurdish taking over Raqqa, and balkanizing that region.
It seems that Assad, with his sloppy war tactics and poor knowledge of war strategy, still has little idea about what he should do.
But since the Iraqi and Iranians have gotten involved in the latest offensives, the SAA is starting to make more correct moves. SAA moved toward Al Tanf to stop the SDF advancement. It looks as if the Iranians know that balkanization is the endgame.
The Turkish will work on the northern part and the PMU and IRG will work on the other areas.
So which is the bigger threat? ISIS or SDF? It’s got to be the SDF. The Zionists want to take over Syria and turn it over to be run by one of their puppets. Either they do that by overthrowing Assad, that is, government change, or they do that by balkanization –– what they did in the Balkan Wars recently.
The ISIS are not the real threat. They are a diversion. They distract from the main threat which is the SDF. While Assad was busy depleting his resources fighting this distraction, the US were training and building up the SDF.
So Assad made a big mistake. He should have concentrated on wiping out SDF and other anti-government militias these past six years, and ignored ISIS.
He shouldn’t have been distracted by the bogeymen, ISIS.
ISIS are not a balkanizing force. Whatever land ISIS get, they will not keep. The SDF are different. They ARE a balkanizing force. Whatever land the SDF get, they will keep (because Americans will help them to keep it). Therein lies the difference––a very crucial difference.
If Assad and the coalition on his side can reverse the balkanizing trend that is under way depends on several things:
– Assad recognizing how he’s been played and making the destruction of the anti-government militias a priority
– the relative strength of the arms of the two factions: Syria and allies vs USA
– battle strategies of the two factions
– the continued support of the allies (Turkey, Iran, and Iraq). I leave Russia out of this because Russia has said it is interested only in clearing out ISIS. It does not want to get involved in this other affair.)
Reply to PZIVJ:
Why do you think I work for the Deep State?
I support Assad.
The SDF works for Deep State. The Deep State is Israel, nothing more.
The USA is a colony of Israel.
Israel wants Syria balkanized and they want to do it with the SDF’s help.
ISIS is a fake group created by Israel. It was created to distract Assad while the US made SDF strong.
SDF are the real threat, not ISIS.
ISIS can be defeated easily if it’s just them. They do not have planes. The US does not give them aerial cover. The US cannot be seen to openly helping them.
The SDF is different. The US can fly planes on their behalf and give air cover. The SAA has a lot to worry about when fighting the SDF. Fighting them is like fighting the USA.
So your question makes no sense.
It is clear that the Deep State supports Assad’s ouster. It is clear that I support Assad, the Syrian government and Syrian sovereignty.
SDF is anti-Assad. That is the reason they were formed. They are against the legitimate government of Syria. Therefore, they are outlaws. They must be extinguished.
Assad must wage all-out war on them. He must remind everyone they are illegal. So what they fight ISIS? So do the US. Did Assad invite the US to come into his nation?
Anyone who takes up arms against the government’s position is doing so illegally.
The Syrian Government has outlawed SDF. Assad has called them terrorists in public. He does not make a distinction between ISIS and SDF.
Some people may say that the Syrian army worked with SDF. Yes, they did. Those occasions, they saw the ISIS as a bigger threat. The ISIS were killing SAA soldiers. The SDF offered to counter this. So the SAA accepted the help. On other occasions, the Syrian Government has worked with ISIS. These claims have less support than the other claims.
But the fact remains that the Syrian Government has never given SDF permission to arm themselves. And so they remain an illegal entity in Syria.
Assad has made many foolish mistakes in the past. He considered ISIS to be the number one threat to Syria. ISIS was a trap. It was created by the Israelis to trick Assad.
While Assad was madly pushing his army around, fighting ISIS, Israel was building up SDF and FSA, the real threats to the Syrian Government.
Assad’s military got exhausted, fighting this fake enemy. Israel made it seem as if ISIS were a priority by doing the beheadings. These were publicity stunts, done to put the focus on ISIS. The commanders were ordered to do this. The fake Mossad ISIS impersonators did the high-profile beheadings of journalists and so on. So Assad got fooled. He should have kept an eye on the SDF and FSA, on the rebel groups.
Now half of his planes are destroyed fighting ISIS. Half his tanks and munitions have been used up.
Now, he can’t fight SDF and FSA on his own.
Iran, Iraq and Turkey have offered their help. They have a common interest in defeating SDF and FSA too.
Qatar has withdrawn its support for ISIS, SDF and FSA and any other rebel groups. Qatar realized it was being used. Qatar gains nothing out of the Kurds ruling Syria. The Arabs do not like Kurds.
The Arabs are unifying against the Kurds. Turkey too. They are all against the Kurds. It took the US openly backing the Kurds and creating fighting units to finally make these Arabs and Turks see the light.
After this, it is time for Assad to step up and stop being a fool, stupidly chasing ISIS around. His main focus of attack must be SDF.
If he doesn’t do this, he will lose the war. The US will balkanize Syria. Assad will be finished. The US will gain control of Syria and build bases there. It wouldn’t matter if Assad runs a government in Damascus and controls that area. He won’t be able to do anything.
Assad was a fool. After looking into the Syrian conflict for a few days, it is obvious ISIS is a trap. It is clear that the ISIS were being played up. They are too cartoonish. How could Assad not see the truth for 6 years? How could he be so blind so as not to see that ISIS was a distraction.
The Israelis love to play sleight of hand games on people. ISIS was a diversion, to take the audience’s mind away from what the Israelis wanted to hide: FSA and SDF. That is what magicians do. They draw their marks’ attention away from what they are really doing … and voila! the magician pulls the rabbit out of the hat. And the SDF and FSA are the rabbit.
Now suddenly the SDF are a major contender in the battle for Syria. SAA is going to have a tough time defeating them. The SDF are backed by USA’s military might.
Silly Assad should have cleaned up ALL rebels including SDF and FSA while Obama was in power. He had six years to do it. Instead he wasted time and resources chasing after the distraction ISIS.
The Israelis must have had fun doing this, making all the ISIS videos, getting the Mossad agent Shimon Elliott, who is the religious leader of the dumb Sunni militants, to give speeches exhorting people to join this “jihad”.
Israelis got half the Sunni world to follow a Jewish person (“Al Baghdadi” he calls himself).
Smart Israelis got foolish wealthy Arab nations to fund a Jewish creation. Qatar idiotically spent billions funding Israel’s little band of Islamic Bad Boys. Dumb Arabs made their religion into a laughing stock. Makes their claim that Islam is a religion of peace look like a joke. Exposed to the world how gullible Sunnis are. They follow a mullah who comes from Israel. They follow orders that favor Israel. They fight their own Arab brothers to make Israel strong in the Middle East. And they pay for it too. Why should the IDF invade Syria when they have the half-wit Arabs do it for them? And pay for it too?
The Israelis have really done well, and have almost succeeded.
Qatar and Turkey have suddenly woken up. Now it’s up to Assad to change strategy and focus on the SDF as the REAL enemy.
I wonder if he’s up to it. Or whether he’s a coward who wasted his men’s lives for nothing.