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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army, Allies Setting Up Fortifications At Iraqi Border, North Of At Tanf (Videos)

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Syrian Army, Allies Setting Up Fortifications At Iraqi Border, North Of At Tanf (Videos)

A screenshot from the video of the Syrian Defense Ministry

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are setting up fortifications in the recently liberated area at the border with Iraq.

The Syrian Defense Ministry have released two videos showing SAA troops and fighters of other pro-government factions operating in the area north of the town of At Tanf occupied by the US-led coalition. Government forces are building fortifications in the area and there are little doubts that they are preparing for a possible attack of US-backed militant groups, supported by the coalition’s airpower.

If the SAA and its allies are able to secure this area, they will de-facto win the competition with the US-led block for the Syrian-Iraqi border area. (more about could be found here)

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andy l

The SAA should declare this a de confliction zone with a 50km perimeter. Thats only what the US has illegally done at Al Tanf

Solomon Krupacek



Alex Black

fake news, from jihadists like solomon.


He is an israeli troll all over this board, notice how he is actually happy that ISIS kill SAA troops, he sees the SAA more of a threat to him than ISIS, that tells you everything.



DJ Double D

They don’t have to. It’s their country. Doing so is giving the Yankees pretext to justify their action.


Effectively, the SAA is now able to reopen trade between Damascus and Baghdad. Government forces have not controlled any parts of the largely ISIS-controlled border with Iraq since 2014.

In addition, Hezbollah is now able to be supplied with weapons from Tehran via an all-important land route. Previously, the Lebanese group relied on complicated airlifts for new armaments.


Finally SAA with help of PMU should have enough men power to roll to Deir Ezzor and further!!!

John Brown

Now expect all ISIS near Palmeria and possibly the Kurds to be ordered by their master, racist supremacist Israel to attack Deir Azur and the link between Iraq and Syria at the border ASAP. The SAA in the Palmeria area should be ready to advance right behind them from Palmeria all the way to Deir Azur so ISIS and possibly the kurds don’t have time to overrun Deir Azur and the Iraq / Syria border link before the SAA can get there. It may be a good idea for the Iraqi PMU and Russian and Syrian paratroops to drop into the town of Al- Bukamal before ISIS can hand it over to its Israeli master and USSA ally.

Bill Wilson

The SAA is too scared to take on ISIS unless they’ve withdrawn from their positions and left a small rearguard to delay any advancing units. When the SAA does confront ISIS toe-to-toe, they either fail to make much progress or are forced to beat a hasty retreat after suffering heavy losses. The PMU will stay on the Iraqi side of the border if they expect to continue receiving supplies from Iraq/USA. Their dipshit counterparts in the Southern Syrian Desert turned out to be useless, since they were supposed to advance east against ISIS and chose to challenge the FSA instead since it was “safer”. A few aerial bombings brought those fools to Jesus and wised up Damascus. Nobody uses mass paratroop drops anymore, especially to seize urban areas held by large numbers of enemy fighters. The SDF probably will be forced to take control of the south bank of the river all the way down to Deir Azzor due to the SAA’s snail-paced offensives.


You tried to force yourself on a mule, and you got kicked in the head, since then your sensibilities have vanished. You say SAA is scared of ISIS, how about Deir Ezzor where ISIS is being mauled by a tenacious Stalingrad like defense? Why is ISIS withdrawing from all the major fronts in Syria? Because they are outnumbered, out maneuvered and outclassed. Sure, they can launch minor counterattacks, the reality it is THEY ARE LOOSING THE WAR and they will become extinct, regardless of how much US tries to save them. As far as the southern incursion that made US nervous, it was a coordinated move to identify drone activity and surveillance methods used by the US, Iranians and others are working in drone countermeasures to blind US surveilance. As far as SDF, they can jump in the Euphrates river and swim on the northern shore and stay there until the two pincers close in on them.

PS: if US does not do large paratroop drops, it is because of their doctrinal preference, other countries, Russia in particular has over 70,000 paratroops deployable by air with BMDs and all necessary equipment to conduct successful operations behind enemy lines.

Solomon Krupacek

the joker jesus :))


I take it you have a hard time accepting reality as Bill Wilson does? Why don’t you sit on your Polska dupa and see what happens?

Solomon Krupacek

” Russia in particular has over 70,000 paratroops deployable by air with BMDs and all necessary equipment to conduct successful operations behind enemy lines.”

never used. not in afghanistan. they will sure not be used in syria.


Russian doctrine has changed since Afghanistan, dropping behind enemy lines means the airborne troops will disrupt enemy supplies and logistics and eventually meet with the advancing forces. Mujahedeen irregulars in Afghanistan hardly needed to be attacked by airborne forces, being a guerrilla force. The airborne forces have to be used in conjunction with advancing forces approaching Deir Ezzor.

PS: Tell your Polska buddy who wanted to argue about the M1 and its prowess and the fact it did not need reactive armor, that Iraqi forces had a few earlier version Kornets and they scored decisively against the M1.

Solomon Krupacek

polska, polska, what is polska?

i see only less mone for army since afghanistan :P





Alex Black

They are both jihadist trolls.

Solomon Krupacek

hahaaaa, told alex, the black worm

Alex Black

How many times have i caught you lying just this week? Must really bother you that everyone pretty much on the internet knows you to be illiterate, jihadist who lies as often as he types.

Solomon Krupacek

haha, i was right, alwys.

Alex Black

Were you right when you lied about US airstrike on Syrian troops south east of Maskanah?

Alex Black

Were you right when you lied about having screen shots of me supporting the FSA?


He was referring to me. Solomon does not want to hear from me on this site. I prefer to turn the tables on all trolls. I find this battle of the keyboards to be quite fun ! Oh crap, here is more TIGER SPAM :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fd9199ccb3d84152fc1466e80d2e450b602af628842894aa6f2c8ac3f6adaed3.png

Alex Black

Were you right when you lied about not being a closet homo?

Alex Black

Were you right when you lied about 30k SDF liberating Maskanah?




Solomon the Jew troll, afraid of the fact that his country could not topple Assad, now Hezbollah are battle hardened with weapons from Iran and Russia, which will be aimed at his family in Israel. Karma



Once connected with their Iraqi brothers on the other side of the borders, whom also have achieved major gains against US sponsored ISIS, the plot to divide this region will be in history books forever. The separatist Kurds, however, must watch and understand the new balance in power and must not depend on the promises of their US and Israeli buddies of support in their quest to steal large lands in the north and northwest of Syria and connect it to the land they stole in Iraq and now want to carry out a referendum on ‘independence’ from the central state there. Kurds throughout their history have always taken wrong decisions and aligned themselves with the wrong powers, we hope this time they’ll realize their mistakes before it’s too late.


Alex Black

You are correct that the SAA plans to take the south/west bank of the euphrates. You are wrong about everything else. SAA flies reinforcements in deir ezzor all the time, and airdrops supplies. You analysis of PMU is misguided, as militias are known to be pro american in one region and pro saa in another.

John Brown


Bill Wilson your side ISIS Al -Qaeda the USSA Saudi and their racist supremacist master Israel is losing! You are either really dumb of bad liar. The PMU get nothing from the USSA and Israel. ISIS and Al-Qaeda are the ones who gets supplies from the USSA, Saudi Judea Wahabi Arabia and their master Israel. Even the regular Iraqi army has to get most of its supplies from Russia and Iran. It may be a good idea for the Iraqi PMU ground forces and Russian and Syrian paratroops to drop into the town of Al- Bukamal before ISIS can hand it over to its Israeli master and USSA ally.

They don’t have to take anything there dumb ass Bill they just have to be there so ISIS can’t give it to the USSA. They should use USSA and especially Israeli uniforms and USSA and Israeli flags when jumping so ISIS won’t fire on them until they realize it’s not their masters and it’s too late. Remember ISIS does not attack Israel its master and apologized for it the one time they did by mistake, so said the Israeli defense minister in The Times of Israel. http://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/ The Racist supremacist Jews always like to double down when only Goyims will die for them. Now Iran should send at least 30 k or more soldiers to Syria via this land route to help secure this border area ASAP. Expect all ISIS near Palmeria and possibly the Kurds to be ordered by their master, racist supremacist Israel to attack Deir Azur and the link between Iraq and Syria at the border ASAP. The SAA in the Palmeria area should be ready to advance right behind them from Palmeria all the way to Deir Azur so ISIS and possibly the kurds don’t have time to overrun Deir Azur and the Iraq / Syria border link before the SAA can get there. http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/israel-and-isis-are-allies-there-we-said-it/ri19708 http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/tacit-israeli-islamic-state-alliance-1912165008 http://russia-insider.com/en/just-some-photographs-israeli-soldiers-hanging-out-islamic-extremists-syria/ri19253 Israel and ISIS Are Allies. There. We Said It. When you bomb an ally, you apologize. When you bomb an enemy, you don’t. What does that make ISIS https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg to Israel?


More horse hockey from the horses’….’mouth’.


Sure thats why they have faced down ISIS in Palmyra. And in spite of having 3 to 1 superiority the SDF cant move an inch in Raqqa without the filthy yanky scum invaders supporting them. They will be evicted once the war is over, by the local arabs, thats what you dont understand, that this is not your land to steal or partition. This is not the early 20th century or Yugolslavia, you wont get to draw lines in the map that mean anything to the locals. The turks will obliterate the kurds if they dont withdraw to their cantons and live in their socialist paradise.

The regime of Donald Trump, following the steps of his predecessor the Nobel Peace Laureate and war criminal Barack Obama, was trying its best to isolate the Syrian forces and pushing them away from the borders with Iraq inside Syrian territories and against all international laws and in blunt violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic. The attempts of the US terro groups and their servants using ISIS and other terrorist groups was mainly to divide Syria into a number of religious and ethnic based entities fighting each other like what they’ve accomplished in Libya.

Syrians had other thoughts, enduring what no other nation can alone and by themselves for the first 3 years until their allies started to assist, they managed to regather their strength and turn the table on the evil powers, restoring and cleaning large areas and strategic cities and districts from the filth of ISIS and its likes.

Why are you occupying Al Tanf? Your terrorist base will be surrounded and under constant siege until you leave, stop dreaming of a jihadi state in Syria its over, and your moderate headchoppers will be the next target of the SAA, unless you want a hot war with every surrounding Shia nation + Turkey, now you’ve lost Qatar, no more supplies. There is no good outcome here for the US, Iraq does not need your garbage what matters more is the unity of Arab nations. No arab town is going to allow kurds to occupy them no matter how fast they move. Thats what CNN dont explain to you, you think this is WW2 and you will just occupy lands as you please, as you have always done. Wrong. Once ISIS is evicted, watch the kurds run back to their tiny socialist paradise in rojava and stay there, unless they want to be obliterated.

Use the same name, you coward troll. I see the same phrases used by you several times using different accounts. Fucking yanky troll, your country is a disaster, why not sort that out instead of “solving” the problems in the middle east, which are entirely of your making.


When will the US again forget what country they are in and bomb the SAA rather than ISIS in Iraq ?

I hope that air defences are in place to dissuade the US cowboys.


Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Syrian and Iraqi fronts, crossed into Syria from Iraq along with his operations staff. They joined the Palmyra-based command and control of the Syrian force, which is heading out of the town in two columns for two towns – Deir ez-Zor, which is surrounded by Islamic State forces, and Abu Kamal, which is under ISIS control. Elements of Russian elite forces and Hizballah are fighting along with the Syrian troops.

The ingathering of major military forces in this part of Syria is ominous: The deployment of a US forward base in the Syrian Desert, and the arrival of the most senior Iranian and Syrian commanders at the head of elite units augur the approach of a major showdown for control of southeastern Syria and its strategic multiple border assets.

Bill Wilson

What a load of baloney! Those losers are building dirt piles deep inside the desert no where near the border.

Robert Duran

ok bad Bill.relax..go back to playing video games


Bill had his strategic diploma from playing Civilization V.

Alex Black

Civ 5 is a Good game, but bill lacks strategic thinking to win, and he likely plays with himself a lot.

Daniel Castro

Syrian war is the proof muricans can do the unthinkable, completely lose a war they fight on all sides…


I agree but Civ series itself is grand strategy, i.e lacks many many essential real life details. Otherwise I like the series as well. Matrix Games does pretty good level and detailed strategic games, try something like “War In The East” for land or “War in the Pacific Admiral’s Edition” for more naval and air aspect :)

Alex Black

How is a person so ignorant and dishonest as you continues to spread this ridiculous fake news despite all the evidence to the contrary. C’mon man, you name isnt bill, is muhamad.


Trolling here feeds his family of camel fuck children, so let him spout bullshit, not a single person on this earth cares, nobody reads it and it has no effect on the war. Opinion is against the US not for it, and it will either perish in Syria or retreat in disgrace like in Vietnam. Fail. No regime change, not even partition, Turkey wont allow it, Shias wont allow it, Russia wont allow it, and the US has no allies left. Qatar/Turkey = gone, just SAUD scum left, but they are buckling under pressure and facing a hot war over Qatar. Its over, half a billion spent on jihadis for nothing, no ground gained. Just illegal kurdish incursions, but that will be sorted once the war is over.


seriously how much do you earn to troll sites which publish time and time again the failure of US backed terrorists in Syria?

You are surrounded and cut off, just as you are in Idlib, and massive firepower including armoured divisions are moving south. Either you chose a hot war for a piece of Syrian desert, or you retreat to Jordan and train more terrorists, those are your options, you dumb donkey fuck. Your president is a disgrace to humankind and a fool even in the eyes of your silent allies.

Hot war for a piece of dessert, you wont be able to just hold onto southern syria like you do elsewhere in the world.


That’s the thing with desert warfare, one day you’re surrounded, the next day you’re surrounding.

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