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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army And Russian Aerospace Force Respond To Militants’ Attacks In Aleppo And Lattakia

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Syrian Army And Russian Aerospace Force Respond To Militants' Attacks In Aleppo And Lattakia

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On June 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled several positions of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies in the town of Khirbat Marata in the southwestern Aleppo countryside and in the district of al-Zahra west of the city.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that the shelling was response to an attack of HTS on a position of the SAA in the area of Khan Touman on June 5. Back then, the attack failed and the SAA managed to kill and injure 15 fighters of HTS.

In related development, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on positions of the al-Qaeda-affiliated militant group Horas al-Din in the towns of Urum al-Jawz, Bsheiriyeh and Ariha in the northwestern Idlib countryside.

According to the SOHR, these airstrikes were a response to an attack of Horas al-Din on a position of the SAA in the area of Ard al-Wata in the northern Lattakia countryside on June 2. During the attack, Horas al-Din fighters killed two soldiers of the SAA.

Last month, HTS and several other militant groups stepped up their attacks on the SAA in the governorates of Aleppo and Lattakia. Local observers believe that the establishment of the Turkish observation posts there encouraged had these groups, as they viewed these posts as a cover for their actions.

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Murderers, yes use this shitty artillery to kill even more sunni people what a heroes. This is your “precision munition”. https://youtu.be/oNLJZgS1baU

And then you wonder why your support is so low worldwide: http://i.imgur.com/01KQyAd.jpg

You may win the war by killing all opponents (with help of Iranian Shiite rafidas and Russians) but you will never win hearts of the people. http://sn4hr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/1200xNxdeath-toll-en.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Qt96_WWQvT.jpg

Sunni people will never forget who helped them most, no matter how “sophisticated” your lies are: https://i.imgur.com/0PhTvVz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/vlz05Jj.png https://i.imgur.com/kLiBJfL.png

Feudalism Victory

Nice propoganda. I guess you can put lipstick on a pig after all. I suppose the millions of refugees and displaced people just couldnt see the benefits of isis rule or the hundreds of thousands returning after isis gets defeated must just be confused.

Or the israeli support of isis they must be sharia supporters too. Isnt there isis right on golan heights border?


You canno’t be serious, the people were displaced by Assad shelling of our cities of course nobody want to live under constant airstrikes and shelling. But before the offensive people live there peacefully after we driven out the kuffar. We even offered them to leave without killing them, how peaceful we are even if the islamic law clearly states that we can kill them: Those who refuse to pay jizyia and refuse to convert to islam should be killed we simply let them to leave you fail to realize that this is land of islam.

Feudalism Victory

“Our cities” “we can kill anybody” we dont deem islamic enough. Do you even see how casually horrific you are?

There is no “land of islam” unless murderous animals like yourself force it on people.

Freedom shall NOT be abridged. After reading this I give assad and allies extra points for blowing you isis fucks into vapour.

TRUMP 2020. you cant run far enough.


No you misinterpret it, i never said “we can kill anybody” instead that the islamic law permits the lSlS to kill the disbelievers (pegans, atheist…) but even knowing that they let most of them (unarmed civilians who never attacked them) leave instead of killing them which is proof of good morals of lSlS. Freedom? You actually believe such bullshit like “religious freedom”? Even in your western states you have no freedom to kill (as example) anybody so you have to stay within laws limiting your freedom. So this freedom talk is bullshit because our laws say that it is forbidden to worship any other god than Allah. And until you pay jyzia there is nothing left between them and killing.

Feudalism Victory

Yes western freedom has been lacking lately. Speaking of which wheres the NSA when you need them(too busy getting blackmail on the rich and powerful) and find this guy and send him to guantanamo. Outrageous to see an ISIS propagandist publicly posting.

Feudalism Victory

All deleted. Enjoy guanatanamo.

Concrete Mike

Fuck you whabbi peice of shit. Your not a real salafist muslim. Rodney is the real deal and wise, your just a mouthpeice of defeated losers


Im sunni and i guided many people into islam and after asking them how they like their religion most of them said they feel the connection to God and now they see higher purpose of their lives.

Luke Hemmming

Ahh Durka durka durka jihad mohammad…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OwFeYlY9GU





Val Shadowhawk

Exactly! I blocked the idiot. No sense in replying to it. We all know how ‘israel’ pays these freaks to post such absurd and riduculous bs online.

Concrete Mike

Im jusy trying to piss him off :)) but this mohammebot is following a script, but hey trucks are slow today so ican keep chirping the cockroach all day long if I want

John Whitehot

like you pieces of shit dont use grads.


Those Grads are fearsome weapons, the first 10 thousand Americans who cross Russia’s border will be well cooked, you can have a feast.


Don’t waste time with him. I blocked him.

Papo Machete

Are u lost ? or u r just another zioscum trolling on your multiple fake accounts ,you bastards dont give up ah , The Syrian people dont want you ,they despise you just as most here in the west and around the world. Russia MUST stop the BS and CARPET EVERY km2 in Syria that is controlled by terrorists

Toni Liu

Hell now we find another troll that directly supported isis in here, what kind sick ba*tard who agreed with unhumane monster who kill others with the way that never accepted in Islam, other than evil disguised with Islam identity that even so fake that they cant cover it cause they are not moslem at all


Said 200 comment troll drinking himself every second day to death? You are not funny at all.


ISIS people are Not terrorists, Caring brothers: Indian nurses said: https://youtu.be/OECszL0uIa8

viktor ziv

So why don’t you join them? I bet you could be sold for rumanian copy of ak-47 top.


Because the state lost its territory and shariah implementing institutions. The only thing we can do now is defending the truth and hope for new establishment of the Islamic state.

Tudor Miron

Hoping for some more head chopping and burning people alive? You’re insult to Allah.


Burning people alive? Are you talking about the jordanian pilot who deserved it after he bombed civilians with white phosporus or cluster bombs?

Shy Talk

Hoping for some more head chopping and burning people alive? You’re an insult to human race


Do you eat them after you have burnt them?



Val Shadowhawk

I figured as much.


Wow that’s a big BS pie, Muslims and Hindus are long time enemies. Get an education, then you will be able to lie more convincingly.


HERO Assad… What kind of leader destroys his cities like this, he doesn’t even try to prevent civilian death. https://youtu.be/rP5qBvb7J5w

Tudor Miron

Stop spreading BS snake. Israhelly slave dogs talking about civilian death? South front, why do you allow open daesh propaganda? What’s wrong with you?


What is BS on this? I don’t need to lie because i fear only Allah.

Toni Liu

You fear only to Israel not to Allah, if you afraid Allah then troll Israel forum then, and first maybe you can ask your ISIS friend who trapped near Israel border and they dont do anyhing when our Palestinian brother got murdered by that monster that name Israel


You pretend to fight Israel but your elites are puppets in the hand of zionist what a nice logic. Donald Trump is open zionist state supporter, Vladmir Putin is also zionist supporter and even if he isnt that open as DT he still supports them by playing his game to their plans and orders. So you have no right to ask them(lSlS) to do anything you cannot do. If these two “superpowers” in mass killing and spreading conflicts around world cannot fight the Israel how can the bare footed mujahideen fight them? You are fool.



John Mason

Photoshopped Twin Towers! At least be original, if you can.

John Whitehot

i don’t see dead civilians in the video, i see ragheads goats on israels paybook being grinded into fine dust by the forces of justice.


Any prime minister or president supporting the child butchers Netanyahu and Israel is in fact declaring himself the child butcher, oppressor and thief……


Israeli migrants should keep their forces 40 miles away from Golan Heights….


Any prime minister or president supporting the child butchers Netanyahu and Israel is in fact declaring himself the child butcher, oppressor and thief…….


This is a charity if somebody assassinate the child butcher Netanyahu and rescue Palestinian hostages…..

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