On Saturday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies captured al-Hissan village on the eastern bank of Euphrates river in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to pro-government sources.
Meanwhile, Syrian oppositions sources claimed that ISIS recaptured Kusham village in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside from the SAA. The sources added that the SAA shelled the positions of ISIS in Sheheel, Hawayej, Zaiban and Swedan Jazira villages south of Kusham after losing Kusham.
From its side, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that its fighters captured Sufirah al-Fawqaniyah, Sufira al-Tahtaniyah and Shuqrah villages on the eastern bank of Euphrates river in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside.
Thus, the SDF and the SAA recaptured all ISIS positions in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside.
Also on Saturday, pro-government activists claimed that the Tiger Forces redeployed its units from Mayadin city in the southwestern Deir Ezzor countryside to Saqr Island northeast of Deir Ezzor city. The activists claimed the Tiger Forces will launch a military operation to capture Saqr Island soon.
These claims are still not confirmed by any official sources. However, if it is confirmed, such move might give ISIS another opportunity to attack the SAA in Mayadin city, and would give the SDF a good chance to reach the strategic Omar oil fields before the SAA.
“Also on Saturday, pro-government activists claimed that the Tiger Forces redeployed its units from Mayadin city in the southwestern Deir Ezzor countryside to Saqr Island northeast of Deir Ezzor city. The activists claimed the Tiger Forces will launch a military operation to capture Saqr Island soon.
These claims are still not confirmed by any official sources. However, if it is confirmed, such move might give ISIS another opportunity to attack the SAA in Mayadin city, and would give the SDF a good chance to reach the strategic Omar oil fields before the SAA”
wishful thinking?
SAA reportedly lost another general on Saqr island. The successor of the first generl they lost there.
I can imagine they want to take it, having lost there already two of their top generals.
Sorry, the Colonel wasn’t a successor to Zahreddine.
Just reported the tweet. Cannot vouch for the veracity.
Tweet is hours old.
Correct. 8 hours.
Then kindly say that before you spread Twitter gossip then Dutch.
Gave the link.
If you did I apologise Dutch.
ok, no problem.
Dutch, your alter ego at the office is far better at writing the English language that you are :)
What do you expect? After all, I am a dutchnational.
” The sources said that the army men carried out heliborne operation in al-Amr oilfield ”
The link with this information was kindly posted by Shy Talk and the Tigers were likely airlifted from Deir Ezzor airport whilst en route to a feint operation on Saqr Island as you alluded to John.
Heliborn drops to take someplace can be very successful IF you get reinforcements within a short period.
If not, you are f*cked.
ye ye.
the only thing I ‘m alluding to is this speculation:
“However, if it is confirmed, such move might give ISIS another opportunity to attack the SAA in Mayadin city, and would give the SDF a good chance to reach the strategic Omar oil fields before the SAA”
I don’t argue with the data in itself but with the seemingly pro-SDF, pro-ISIS interpretation of it.
Strange that you are unable to separate the data from the “personal” judgement in the above and think I was arguing the data, your level normally seems higher than this.
If the Tigers get redeployed to Saqr island its almost like the SAA doesn’t want to grab the Omar oil fields. Either that or the SAA’s priorities are different and they value eliminating the SAA in Deir Ezzor a hell of a lot more. Maybe they made a deal with the SDF, letting them take the fields in exchange for the same kind of deal they have with the oil fields in Hasaka? After all, without a port the Kurds can’t export the oil themselves.
I’ve noticed that while there’s a lot of rhetoric being blasted by both sides regarding each other, locally in practice both sides seem perfectly willing to make mutually beneficial deals.
Fully agreed. A bit less posturing, less BS is what is needed.
First IS has to be destroyed and secondly, they must come to an agreement.
Both sides know this and both are posturing and trying for the best positions to start negotiating.
Less bullshit from you would be much appreciated Dutch Let us wait until facts on the ground are the judge.
I was not talking about facts.
I was talking about priorities. I was talking about less BS and more talking with eachother and less about eachother.
Saqr Island operations demand stolid infantry forces as defended the SAA positions there during the long years of siege. Tigers are primarily a fast moving force of infantry with strong armoured and artillery support. They are also an ideal ‘Fire Brigade’.
Redeploying to Saqr Island at this moment would be about as sensible as deploying them to Tartus to charge into the depths of the sea and conquer the sea floor… It has to be a deception. :D
Fars news reporting that SAA have captured Al-amr oilfield http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13960729001107
Fake news. They are close to the fields wich are extensive.
Let us hope that all goes well.
If true it would be good news for Syria and especially the Syrian people. I hope it is but I don’t know. We were in the same situation when the Tiger Forces arrived to just 40 km away from Deir Ezzur city and just 20 km from Raqqa city. And then they were stopped and re-deployed the Hama. Really I need to see video footage of this event.
“Syrian Troops Deploy at Al-Amr Oilfield in Eastern Deir Ezzur …
The sources said that the army units reached the regions near al-Amr oilfield just moments ago after they crossed the Euphrates River and moved to the Eastern bank of the river opposite the newly-freed town of al-Mayadeen after capturing the town of Zeiban earlier today.
They added that Syrian army forces have achieved fire control over the huge energy site, forcing the ISIL militants to fully withdraw from the region.”
Breaking :
SDF-press.com reports SDF has taken Omar fields.
Not confirmed elsewhere. It appears SDF had a news blackout on advances beyond the Khabur Valley, though there were unconfirmed tweets about them.
Huge news if correct.