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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army And Turkish Forces Clash In Northern Syria Amid Speculations On Upcoming Erdogan Push To Capture Ain Issa

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Syrian Army And Turkish Forces Clash In Northern Syria Amid Speculations On Upcoming Erdogan Push To Capture Ain Issa

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The situation in the northern Syrian provinces of Aleppo and al-Hasakah is once again escalating amid speculations on the upcoming Turkish advance in the area.

In recent weeks, the Turkish military and its proxies increased the intensity of strikes on positions of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and even on nearby positions of the Syrian Army along the contact line in the northeast of Syria. For example, in the evening of December 6, Turkish strikes hit a position of the Syrian Army near Tall Tamr destroying a BMP vehicle and reportedly injuring or killing several soldiers.

Meanwhile, units of the SDF (called by pro-Kurdish media ‘unidentified gunmen’) attacked a position of the Turkish Army near Bab al-Khayr. According to pro-Kurdish sources, 2 Turkish soldiers were allegedly killed or injured in the attack.

Syrian Army And Turkish Forces Clash In Northern Syria Amid Speculations On Upcoming Erdogan Push To Capture Ain Issa

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Arman Melkonyan

The Russians continue to cooperate with the Turks to enable the Turks to kill more Syrians and Kurds and invade more Syrian lands.

Putin for the Nobel Prize: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1


Any Turkish invaders caught without Covid-IDs will not be allowed to attack SAA! Only virus-free Turkish terrorists are allowed into the country to rape Syria! But only with FaceMasks!

Jens Holm

Turks dont have that many Covid IDs. They are so high in this, that they even falsify, what the doctors in Turkey says.

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back…

Jens Holm

Thats no cooperation at all. Its a try from both for stabilisation and get, what they both want.

Maybee You also think peace only can be possible among friends or what:)


Only because you and your dumb fake mates do such feats,well looks like you miss out too! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9964a7a134b7b2ecd74531a4da1456ab741e234619bba828c9bd6c1b16946147.jpg


Slight mistake in article title corrected: Syrian Army And Turkish Forces Clash In Northern Syria Amid Speculations On Upcoming Erdogan Push To Capture DAMASCUS!!


The Russians, Syria and Hezzbolah are waiting for them, to inflict some real pain and eventually clean up the Idlib plate once and forever. Russia will not go for Turkish empty promises to extend and secure their foothold in Idlib. Libya will be next where Turks are going to be whipped for good. Turkey is an unstable and dangerous partner to Russia, as a result it will suffer economic and military pain.

Arman Melkonyan

Erdogan and Putin are crypto-Zionist working hand in hand. Turkey=USA=Russia


No, you are mistaken.

Magnus Dracus

erdogan will sink Turkey for ever,


You allready sunk fascists https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e547e31d47cef50774d84f8a7eb0b16b1fc7f7f14d357b4dee0930b4fdae2fb3.jpg ,besides syrian democrapic force ain’t Assads,but like it or not anyone side with these traitorus assflogges will be eliminated by erdogan ,if not putin,so much about the failed narrative:

Kenny Jones ™

No, Putin isn’t like others, he’s our savior


Putin is perhaps the most corrupt and sell-out Russian “leader” so far.

Icarus Tanović

You’re extremely stupid troll.

Icarus Tanović

You’re extremely stupid troll.

Icarus Tanović

You’re extremely stupid troll.


Your totalled,seriously what I say goes down,not you assflogged! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4cc94adfe933479a3427c0f3dee0eda0924af19df75e4795761fb9d6a4802ae.jpg

Jens Holm


Thats what many learn in school today….

Jens Holm

So You have crusified him or what?

Concrete Mike

Go back to the closet with pashinyan!


Putin is indeed a Jew and has weakened Russia substantially.

Jens Holm

Well written by Your tail. Remember to clean it friday.

Ot seemes there are billions of Jews in Your world. Where is it:)


Are you gai dumb or both? You low iq degenerate gimps are finished,kepoot! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Arman Melkonyan

Ignorant fool,

That train was a SCANDAL. It returned back quietly to some station close to the one whence it was launched with great fanfare, before it even reached the next major city on its supposed route to China.

Jens Holm

So whats the trick? Will You trade Urigurs for Kurds or what and start with the PKKs? They are already Marxists and only need to learn https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab3dc6b14383ae6164edd2e07d2ab662b3b52f1cf97742f1efde4cf8c3f7298e.jpg

Jens Holm


Rhodium 10

They failed to capture Saraqib..imagine Damascus…

Graham Steinberg

Do not forget ! CONTINUED attacks to by the most BARBARIC, malicious ‘neighbour’ in the region.Tel Aviv Inc? IMPUNITY to weaken Syria more & more. These HABITUAL war criminals, just ‘kill for thrills’………..

The Objective

You forgot that the Mullahs are also great contributors to the current destabilization of the region.

Concrete Mike

ah yes blame iran of course.

Your objectivity is swirling around in circles… in the toilet!

Jens Holm

You really get nothing. Like hens and eggs there are many contributing to Your disputes since some Muhammed or Maybee Aisua arrived to battle in Basra – whatever.

So blaming just one or two makes no sense.

And the best of cpurse is blaming anybody else and unite in that. And You cant even unite in that, because thats a lie too.

Maybee You can learn by me. If here where I live and the world seemes dirty, I start cleaing MY OWN HOME FIRST.

Do that. You show NO objektivity Yourself. NONE. A start for You might be inventing taperecorders and mirrors….

You both throw around what comming from Your behinds and mouths about it. You even theiw it on Yourself – and blame others.

Its no wonder some few Israelians anytime can handle such a stinking dark quagmire in 100dreds and even use it for fertilzer for themself.

The Objective

If I’m not being objective, then name ONE country in this world that has militias in half a dozen countries apart from Iran. Please name just one.

Jim Allen

Iraq. Palestine. They don’t have militia in a half dozen countries, but neither does Iran Hezbollah is Lebanese, you dumbass. Oh, the last thing in the world you are is, “objective.” Quite the opposite, in real life.

The Objective

Hezbollah is made of Lebanese, but they are an Iranian army in disguise. I’ll give you a proof from Nasrallahs statement which clearly concludes this issue. This is what Nasrallah said: “We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, come from the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Check this link out. There are many others that reported it: https://english.alarabiya.net/en/features/2016/06/25/In-first-Hezbollah-s-Nasrallah-confirms-all-financial-support-comes-from-Iran

If that is not proof enough, then Study Hezbollah’s engagement in the Syrian war. That’s the easiest way to see Iran’s grip over Lebanon. Mind you, the Lebanese government has no interest getting involved in the war. In fact, that would be counterproductive for the government. That means they could not have ordered Hezbollah in. Neither could the government stop it.

I’m being objective. You are the biased dumbass hear and you know it. It’s either you aren’t capable of figuring out Iran’s grand strategy or you are deliberately hiding it. Being Iranian doesn’t mean you know more about Iran than non-Iranians.


That is a worn out hasbara brief, try updating!

Jens Holm

Never heard before,,,

The Objective

How would you like to know what happens when Khameini dies? From what I’m reading in America’s policy circles, lots of things being planned INSIDE Iran for when Khameini dies. The transition to a new supreme leader will likely lead to another massive revolt against the ruling regime.

johnny rotten

Turkeys are liars, Kurds are liars, Jews are more liars than anyone else, NATO people lie because they can’t do anything else, Americans lie, Gulf countries are delirious as well as lying, so why give them credit? it’s just wasted time, better let the facts speak for themselves

The Objective

You forgot to mention the Mullahs, Russians, and Chinese in your list of liars. They all lie.


You low iq insolent dumassed soros gimp just don’t get it do you,fk no! YOUR FINISHED P00F!So much to your objective,assflogged,asswhole,fascist gimp! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Jens Holm

What a joke. Turks finaly found out it ws there – or what https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/62692c9b4c366bab1780fdaf5780717bfa5742fe8befb5343ad96262421523fe.jpg


Frankly, Turkey is a fragile weak failed state and Russia has largely mishandled its approach in dealing with a demagogue like Erdogan. If Russia decides to put pressure on Turkey it will simply fold as its past several defeats at Russian handshave amply demonstrated.

Jens Holm

Turkey is no fragile weak state. AKP s just expand too much inside and outside.

I only relate a little to Germany, but Adolfs also expanded to much but collapsed. They could have seen better what they could keep.

I partly agree some. They have probpems and should make some stabilisation. Now USA has limited them in spareparts for their airforce too. Turks only get minus, where they are.


Insolent minions in mind control frenzys got no clue,fk no! Deadset it does not require rocket science to know infact how irrelevant usa are and will become in the forseeable future,The peoples are the wealth not gimp,nor flop nor dominion,nor the lgbtq,like I daid no future infascism/soros ideology (period) now is the time to give them accusers of peace a lesson!

Jens Holm

Hard to see any relevans inYour comment

Jens Holm

Hard ro see thats related to Turks and Assads slahing whatever in Northern Syria, if there is such a place:)

Rhodium 10

One Syrian soldiers was wounded in that attack….while Turkish and SDF fight between them in Northeast , Aleppo and Afrin its good for SAA.

The Objective

where did you get the info? post a link

Rhodium 10

The pro Israel syria.liveuamap web…



There you go,use you head is advised,not the fake mates stapon sofkok!

Jens Holm

2 ladies are trying to hide what they think from Allah.


Some of us have been saying for months it would happen,only thing i have to say if the SAA go on the attack against the Turds and their terrorists boyfriends Russia had better go all in with their airforce.

Jens Holm

I dont thinkthe Russains dare that as well as its nopart of their aganda. Their agenda is to keep Assads in the seats, so Russia can have its bases.

As I see it roght now, I even think it has become worse since US left half of SDF.


Your logistics lackeths the basic fundamentals of prospering civilisation,converselt lets see how your dominion partners fare as the higher courts establish felons!

Jens Holm

We already use, what China see as an invension and already as many ships in China every day as well. Our Maersk Line even administrate several of their harbours and has done that for years.

Today we export for about 3,8 bilion in 2019 it was

Denmark exports to China Value Meat and edible meat offal $903.66M Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $732.82M Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatics invertebrates $355.28M Electrical, electronic equipment $318.56M Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $313.13M Cereal, flour, starch, milk preparations and products $204.09M Furskins and artificial fur, manufactures $112.09M Pharmaceutical products $104.44M Miscellaneous chemical products $100.24M Dairy products, eggs, honey, edible products $ 81.00M

IMPORTS 7,07 BILLION in 2019 which says MINUS, but its not. Its very much what the chinese produce for us, where make the finish exporting it and make money there in stead – like a kind of outsourcing.

Denmark imports from China Value Electrical, electronic equipment $1.27B Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $ 885.19M Articles of apparel, not knit or crocheted $ 712.15M Furniture, lighting signs, prefabricated buildings $ 582.29M Articles of apparel, knit or crocheted $ 506.76M Ships, boats, and other floating structures $ 413.42M Articles of iron or steel $ 357.04M Toys, games, sports requisites $ 227.04M Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $ 198.16M Plastics $ 187.27M

We are in plus plus to USA as well…We have no worries and compete well in import and export with them and the world.

Others might have big problems and probatly Yours remaining the same complaints to the chinese as You do to us today. Be prepared as the Boy Scout Leader Robert Baden Powell said: Be prepared, because Your complaints in the future has to be in Chinese if You insist rremaining as non productive loosers.

In Your world it crime to go to school and learn something usefull. Education is not there or in a low level and You are nott even rewarded for using Your talent and paid well for it. Your women probatly are handcuffed to their stowes making children there as well.

That how I see.

The only excuse is You are infected by Your own Goverment nd by that are raised as unproductive sheep. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5ea47ea3da2c292c896f9a2794f234fc9ce12537face213fd269275ba9480ae.jpg

If it was australia, it would be like this – but it is like this the baha-bah-bah https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/54d5b0118c7c8e017a2b9d1e322608608653c71d44e9649fda0d1dc60857c9e6.jpg

cechas vodobenikov

“I don’t think” good quote from jens

Jens Holm


viktor ziv

Hmmm, SDF is siding with SAA after all. Believe SAA got rested well and is ready for another push. Search’n’destroy modus operandi.

The Objective

Search an destroy in an endless operation.

Kenny Jones ™

Make it their Stalinigrad, like Chechens did for Russians in Grozny, hide missiles in every building

Jens Holm

Well, the Checkens did very well – But they did loose. Try again.

Kenny Jones ™

If they lost with sticks and stones, then use heavier stuff

Jens Holm

I followed maps and Norbert strade every day. And as here I help You and others to regains their own history.

The Caucasion Kvallery in WW1 fighted agaist the Austrians and was very good attackers but not as good in organized defence, when okt 1917 and before that gave them no good weapons and supply.

Kenny Jones ™

That area needs some Iranian militias, send a few hundred from Idlib front

Jens Holm

Russians will bombarde them.

cechas vodobenikov

no CIA disassembling allowed Jenny; Russia cooperates w iran

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Reports that the Russian army is preparing to establish two more posts around Ayn Issa in the coming days.”

“Ain Issa: Military Source from Ain Issa Military Council: Russian forces requested the Syrian Democratic Forces, to hand over the town of Ain Issa to Damascus government.”


Is this the good cop bad cop routine from Russia and Turkey, it certainly looks like it. Scare the Kurds with the Turks so the Russian cavalry can save the day. If I was a Kurd I’d be rethinking this new Russian partnership, I’m getting mighty suspicious the Turks and Russians are cooperating again, and nothing good ever comes from Turkish Russian cooperation.


You forget bush is the war criminal,though,yet he failed to honour the turds no wonder they have no authority anywhere,go on then live on like the stooge in the end reason has substance you certainly don’t,like i said no future in fascism nor your lgbtq iq your shoesize! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7397838a39adcb2028e218ed681e0397745bcaedcfd59d75434d12ebea342b0e.jpg

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Apart from Trump every US president over the past 60 years has been a war criminal, what’s your point? Hopefully your hero Erdogan’s first shipment to China is a train full of terrorist Uighurs, all sent straight to a Chinese rehabilitation center as a thankyou to China, maybe you could go for a ride with them too. The LGBTQI movement are the modern left wing fascists, and now Trumps been booted out of power they’re in control of the US government, and soon they’ll dictate all the US school children have to use the same bathroom, and have sex changes if they think they might be gay, and then they’ll teach little school children things no little child should ever learn in school, so I’m going to really miss Trump, but I wont miss him as much as the innocent little American kids will.


Have a nice day intelligent folks,i certainly will,truth be known:

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