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Syrian Army Besieges Third Turkish Observation Post In Southern Greater Idlib

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On February 1, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) besieged a third observation post of the Turkish military in the southern part of Greater Idlib.

According to several sources, army troops besieged the post, which is located 7 km to the south of the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man, after capturing the nearby towns of Ma’ar Hattat‏ and Armanayya.

Syrian Army Besieges Third Turkish Observation Post In Southern Greater Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

By besieging the post, the army has secured a long strip of the strategic M5 highway, stretching between the cities of Khan Shaykhun and Ma`arat al-Nu`man.

Last August, the SAA besieged the first observation post, located near Murak in northern Hama, following a successful military operation. Three months later, a second post near the town of al-Surman in southeastern Idlib was besieged by the army.

Turkey is yet to explain why it is keeping its observation posts behind the SAA’s lines. Ankara may hope that this measure could give it some sort of influence in these areas.

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klove and light

bad News for iraq and the resistance after soleimani assassination…

new prime Minister for iraq is…..

Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi


Jens Holm

Tou do not know muich, do You. Even several 1000 km away I do know much more then You spoilers about his pat. 1) He is born in Bagdad 2) Why has he Brittish citizenship. Why, You spoiler ?


klove and light

it is all over the News… RT / Sputnik etc……

Allawi is a dual british/iraqi Citizen….he fled from Saddam to London..studied and worked in London…..

so FUCk OFFFFFFF german Zionist pig

Jens Holm

You only write that to miscredit. If Ypu dont know more, You are extrem illiterate too.

German zionists anytime are ranked above You. They work hard, creates jobs, makes a lot of money and pay a lot of tax.

Which part of UN feeds You. UNICEFF?

klove and light

ps.….. i just checked YOUR Wikipedia link….

YOU fucking idiot…learn to readddddd….. here from YOUR Wikipedia link….

“Education[edit] Allawi studied Architectural Engineering at Baghdad University, when he left mid-way through his studies as he was wanted by the government of Saddam Hussein. He went into exile and moved to Lebanon, where he completed his education and obtained a degree in Architecture from the American University of Beirut. He then moved to the United Kingdom and gained British citizenship. “

The Man

@kloveandlight:disqus – you lying f*ck… the last part of your quoted text i.e. and gained British citizenship… where the hell did you get that from? It’s not in the Wiki link… it’s not there you dumb f*ck! Your post is a load of bullshit and you have well and truly shown yourself for the Zionist lying scum you are. YOU ARE A JEW LIAR! You have proven that @Jens Holm is correct in that he doesn’t have British citizenship.

John Wallace

Agreed that link doesn’t stae that he is a British citizen but on other sites it does state that in fact he is .. Allawi, 65, studied architecture in Baghdad and Lebanon before moving to the U.K., where he became a British citizen. He is expected to renounce his British citizenship to take the job. https://www.npr.org/2020/02/01/801881999/incoming-iraqi-prime-minister-vows-support-to-protesters-who-demonstrate-against It appears he is backed by Al Sadr Also looks like many reject him as well . As long as they are divided they have little chance of telling their occupiers to leave.

Xoli Xoli

This is actually the intended USA British plan which resulted in two USA bases distruction by Iran.


It has nothing to do with the news on this article.

Jens Holm

Very good, I hope. I kid of dont like he has been connected to Maliki and Maliki is still free in the streets. How much corruption give 1 day in prison??? So thats what they have after 2 monts of negosiations.


Xoli Xoli

Bomb Turkeys terrorists observation post.

John Wallace

They are by agreement Off Limits . Why do you think the Russian MP’s sit outside the surrounded bases. To ensure the SAA don’t attack them. Technically only the original approved OP’s are off limits and the new ones can be challenged but the SAA are obviously observing their protected staus. Interesting point is go and hit a lone Policeman over the head and see how long before dozens more pop out of the woodwork and sit on you..

Xoli Xoli

I see this tipe of reasoning and explanation as mind stagnation without seeking alternative ways to outmaneuver the enemy.As long as we continue with fear of being attack with nuclear weapons.Both Israel and Turkey plus Saudi Arabia will see it as opportunity and instigating USA to suppress economic and military superiority of Iran and allies.

Just as Russia says not to apply nuclear first strike so does USA also out of fear for serious repercussions. Iran went on and to retaliate with or without nuclear response from USA and destroyed two USA bases in Iraq.Israel and Saudi Arabia is not unsafe their are safe it is a tactic of oppression and stealing neighbouring countries resources and wealth.

Yes of course if all USA,France,Britain attempts of causing chaose and steal failed then USA a will create suprise nuclear first strike.Therefore their had made a decision by convincing irresponsible none observant Trump to loaded sub marines and jets with low yield nuclear heads which is 500 times stronger then Horishima bombs.like it or not Israel through USA will cause nuclear war. Nuclear war will come even if we prevent to the best of human ability.


Turks can keep “observing” how the SAA crushes their Jihadis. I think Turkey keeps them, because a withdrawal from these posts would mean that they will abandon the Jihadis, which would anger them and makes them starting launching attacks against Turkey itself.


Yes great. This is getting funnier isn’t it? These observation posts can be easy targets for tigers and can be useful as a deterrent in the future if Turkey tries something stupid.


Methinks Erdogan is keeping his ‘observation posts’ there because to withdraw them would be to admit failure and defeat.

Jens Holm

Typical propaganda version. Its for blocking advance.

Secondly its very difficult to admit things, You never has denied. Very strange You dont know that, even they has been there for long time.

John Wallace

Dipshit. OP’s are too OBSERVE hence they are called Observation Posts. They are not capable of stopping a military advance. They relay information back as to what is happening in their field of observation, They can now relay back information that they are surrounded by SAA and not able to leave the base. Fukwit.

Jens Holm

Run for President of California. Arnold did.

John Wallace

The first and last words of my previous comment that you reply with this innane reply is all I have to say.

cechas vodobenikov

for Russians there is no shame in a strategic retreat; this is not true for Turks….perhaps this informs why they have been defeated in all wars w Russia


It’s actually good that they keep these outposts in SAA territory, so the SAA can threaten to destroy them if Erdogan ever decides to directly attack the SAA. Because eventually when the Idlib terrorists are wiped-out, the SAA will have to turn it’s attention to Afrin and other Turkish-backed terrorist-held regions – which will bring it into conflict with Turkey.

Mustafa Mehmet

What about the golan height.? Damn it how can you forget

Willing Conscience (The Truths

SUBVERSION. That’s what the intended purpose will be, they’ll be spy posts, propaganda/disinformation centres, refuge’s for spies/terrorists, logistics depots for spies/terrorists, and worst of all, a possible excuse for a Turkish inspired UN/US backed no fly zone. Assad can use the UN to get rid of those OB posts even more effectively than any Syrian or Russian bombs could, all he needs to do is give the UN a little now to gain a lot from them in 6 months time, and the only thing he needs to do for the UN is to MINIMISE CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, that’s not much to ask, but in 6 months time the UN will effectively help Assad boot the Turks out once and for all, which will be an excellent return on Assad’s investment. When all UN aid for the Idlib region is ended in LESS than 6 months time guess who’s pockets will be paying for the civilians, it’ll either be Assad’s or Erdogan’s, and since Assad’s already said he’s more than willing to pay for his own people but Erdogan said he wouldn’t, guess what’s going to happen in 6 months time, lol, bye bye OB posts.

James Kira

The big lesson in asymetric warfare is that groundforces, not scorched earth will overcome all.

Thats why stooges, mercenaries, and nationalists are destined to fail.

So southfront can enjoy its peak, but its destined to fall eventually, I say within 3 years to be conservative.

russia has become the mirror image of america and the jews, and so will it face the same destiny.


Keep those bastards hungry and thirsty.

John Wallace

Certainly restrict supplies to match the official count inside the base so that any extra’s cause a restriction on how much each man gets which will in time lead to , as you say , thirsty and more than a little peckish.


yes the higway M5 libered of south!!


yes the south higway M5 libered

John Wallace

I know many thought and hoped this would be the final year of war in Syria but in reality it is becoming more involved with too many nations wanting their piece of the pie making peace a forlorn hope in the near future. There is no chance the US , Israel or Turkey will leave Syria alone as like dogs in a pack they continue to bite onto anything in range.

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