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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Captured Saraqib. Netanyahu ‘N Erdogan To The Rescue

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Syrian Army Captured Saraqib. Netanyahu 'N Erdogan To The Rescue

In Greater Idlib the defences of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other favorites of the foreign powers supporting ‘Syrian democracy’ are collapsing.

On February 5, the Syrian Army, supported by Russian airpower, took control of a number of villages in southeastern Idlib and southwestern Aleppo including Resafa, al-Dhahabiyah, Ajlas, Talafih and Judiydat Talafih. They besieged a Turkish observation post established near Tal Toqan and reached another one, near al-Sheikh Mansur.

Late on the same day, the army’s Tiger Forces captured the eastern entrance to Saraqib and established fire control over the open roads leading from the town. According to local sources, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other al-Qaeda so-called freedom fighters started fleeing the town. The Turkish Army had stuck several observation posts right in the area, but these apparently did not help.

Early on February 6, pro-government forces seized the area of Duwayr, cutting off the M5 highway north of Saraqib. Thus, the road through Saramin remained the only way to flee for militants remaining in the town. However, it is under the fire control of the Syrian Army.

Several hours after this government forces took full control of Saraqib.

Saraqib Nahiyah is the largest subdistrict of the Idlib district of the province. The subdistrict is located on the crossroad of the M4 and M5 highways. Its pre-war population was approximately 88,000. The fall of Saraqib into the hands of Damascus and its allies will allow government troops to continue the operation clearing the entire M5 highway and open the road to Idlib city itself.

Right on cue, while the Syrian Army was storming Saraqib, the Israeli Air Force delivered a wide-scale strike on targets in the countryside of the Syrian capital, Damascus, and in the province of Daraa. The Al-Kiswa area, Marj al-Sultan, Baghdad Bridge and the area south of Izraa were among the confirmed targets of the attack.

Syria’s State media claimed that the Syrian Air Defense shot down most of the Israeli missiles before they were able to reach their targets. Pro-Israeli sources claim that the strikes successfully hit Iran-related targets destroying weapon depots and HQs of Iranian-backed forces. The Israeli leadership once again officially confirmed its participation in the club of terrorism supporters in Syria.

Another member of the al-Qaeda Rescue Rangers is Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

On February 5, he vowed that Turkey would deploy locally made air-defense systems along the border with Syria. The President did not provide many details on the matter, but the aforementioned systems were likely the HISAR-A low-altitude air-defense system which will be deployed along the border with Idlib.

Additionally, Erdogan delivered an ultimatum to Syria claiming that “if the Syrian regime will not retreat from Turkish observation posts in Idlib in February, Turkey itself will be obliged to make this happen.” In other words, the Turkish president threatened to declare war on Syria if the Syrian Army does not withdraw from the territory it liberated from terrorists.

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Does the SAA liberation force have the resources to Liberate all of Idlib now I wonder?

Or will a consolidation of gains and replenishment of men and equipment be necessary after regaining the M5 ?

IF the strategy is now to rout the US Coalition of Terror from Idlib, it is to be applauded. It would prevent the terror gangs and their NATO advisers from constructing a new defence line.

When I saw the liberated complex tunnel network last week that was constructed UNDER a large and ancient museum building, it seemed most unlikely to me that the captagon fuelled monsters would have had the engineering knowledge to do that without the ancient museum falling on their heads.

Cronos Sin Apellidos

Probably going for the M4. Linking latakia to their frontline directly, and to Aleppo.


My guess is the SAA will secure the M5 highway, after that the offensive will stop. Maybe, if they are smart they’ll create a bufferzone to the west of Aleppo, but they haven’t done that in years, so that doesn’t seem to be any priority.


The buffer zone West of Aleppo may be easier to liberate once this operation is in its final stages, I think. I hope so anyway.


Barba, stop guessing.


the progress by the saa and the russians is slow and careful and the jihadist or various kurdish factors won’t be able to stand against what they encounter in the form of syrian forces and a formidable russian air-force. once idlib is cleansed of jihadists and fighting kurds the war will go to the northeast to settle the kurdish issue – no way either assad or erdogan will allow the kurds any kind of freedom in the borderareas and thus it’s for them to take on syria and turkey hoping trump will join in the fray or make peace with assad/erdogan. I would think the latter.

the disunited states of A is obviously not interested in a major war in the middle east even if prime slime extraordinaire, jared kushner, is collaborating with prime slime netanyahu to start a war but father in law doesn’t seem to be much in favour. however his impotence as a president clearly show that it doesn’t matter who is president since orders are origination in the mic/fic groups

Bill Wilson

The SAA and Russians probably have been discussing that with the Kurds since the YPG and SDF units are with the two holding off the Turk proxies in Afrin, Aleppo and the northeast.


Look a little better, M5, M4, Idlib, Aleppo, Look to all the picture. And it’s cristal clear that there are plenty of reserves on men and equipment.


They have a huge momentum and some of the terrorist videos show deep depression due to a horrific lack of sleep for about 72 hours. One broke down crying in a twitter video saying that they got betrayed. His unit of 60 people all died and there were 3 left to defend a big spot. He really broke down. Right now the jihadists are fleeing just to get at least a good 3 hours sleep. Same thing happened in the battle of southern Damascus. The Jihadi gave up because they were mentally exhausted. They said the Russian and Syrian jets never stopped buzzing and it felt like they never stopped bombing for weeks to end.


Perhaps the NATO supported proxy terror gangs should all swallow a whole bottle of their Captagon pills to ease their pain :)

The US have just called a meeting in the UN to bemoan the SAA and allies advance to liberate Syrian towns and villages from a UN designated terror group in Idlib in Syrian territory. :)

The US ambassador to the UN was calling for a ceasefire, again. Perhaps she knows that the terrorist scum are tired.

The verbal shit that comes from the mouths of the US and UK representatives in particular , would not even be believed in a kids comic book.


They just can’t keep fighting. Turkey stopped supplying at some point and there were several defection between factions that created a mess between the Jihadists. Several among them lost faith in Turkey and they start seeing some favoritism between certain groups. They tried to please the Turks by doing some stupid stuff, but nothing can please the Turks enough, they are always demanding non stop.


That’s the best news I’ve heard all year


They never ha a chance. We all knew it. Adhoc training cannot match sophisticated military strategy and tactics. The SAA with the help of the Russians has become a master at it. Don’t forget that these Jihadist have been infiltrated by the SAA a few years ago, they know where they are, what they do and how they do it. Sometimes they post pictures of secret meeting with all the attendants right inside their stronghold. When they use the reconciliation in Ghouta some of the Jihadists didn’T qualify and went to jail because of some crimes they committed (they knew all about that)

This thing should have been over more than a year ago. All we see was political maneuvering between Russia-Turkey-Israel and The west. The real battle is to bring back the refugees to restart the Syrian economy. But bringing 5 millions back will devastate certain communities in EU and Turkey who have grown reliant on their consumption patterns for the last 9 years.


Are there really 5 million Syrian refugees in Europe if so I can see how bad this is for the Syrian economy as they must have lost a lot of skilled people who would be necessary to rebuild the place on another depressive note I’ve heard the sanctions are really biting food prices are through the roof I just hope that it doesn’t cause much internal political trouble for the government


People are fully aware, Al-Assad has now god status from what I hear among his people. He is unassailable. the 5 mil figure is a bit high in my opinion.

Cheryl Brandon


Christian S

Erdogan is and support muslim brotherhood, 4Rabia , takfiri and salafist ideology, all under supervision of ZOG entity using NATO networks to arm , finance and structure these terrorist movements. Their terrorist mercenaries of FSA, Deash , Al Nusra and all combined in different alliances failed to destroy Damascus and its allies. No more poker face for the sultan, will Turkish people and army give their blood for these terrorists in Idlib and Ankara? The fake coup gave the sultan a lot of power, a real one would make an end to the unlimited support of Turkey to salafist terrorist groups.


Yeah I reckon he’s bluffing. A war in Syria would not be popular with his largely-conscript army, nor with the voters.

Christian S

yea he prob is, do we should keep in mind that this army has witnessed a large purge only recently within its high ups in where many officers disapeared , i wonder how much power is really left to resist a wardeclaration and support for the Idlibstan cause.

Liberal guy

Ya so true

Smith Ricky

Rescue rangers… LoL


Nah, if we really wanted to help AQ then the SAA would feel it very painfuly on their skin. In other news, the IDF is preparing to crush the Palis – https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-sending-extra-combat-troops-to-west-bank-as-violence-surges/

Harry Smith

Some guys said that if Israel would give Syrians, who’s cars were blown at parking, the price of the missile blowed their cars, those Syrians would destroy their cars by themselves.


“We” don’t have enuf red heifers.


Haven’t you crushed the palestinians enough do you seriously believe they are a threat to you psycopaths I mean I gotta say you people do not behave like human beings


Someone refresh my memory, when did Turkey – AKA the Taycep Erdogan dictatorship first publicly announce they were supporting the “Free Syrian Army”? I remember Erdogan gave the FSA terrorists s command center in either Istanbul or Ankara sometime in 2012. When exactly was that and what were the other supporting actions of Erdogan-Turkey before that?

Christian S

yea FSA had training centers in Turkey, prior to the invasion, Turkey cleared the 50 year old NATO minefield between 2007-2010 that ”protected” Turkish borders from Syria, it gave terrorist a free card to roam into Syria.

colin adese

No Prisoners, inc., US terrorists.

Xoli Xoli

Satanyahu will push USANATO in big shit.Israel missiles are killing Syrian civilians indiscriminately. Israel just launch missiles and run away to Hellaviv.UN General just sit back and relax but if the terrorists in Syria are cornered then he is so concerned on behalf of USA and Erdogan.

Ishyrion Av

For anyone in doubt, Turkey and Israel are on the same side. Rhetoric is not match for real facts.


Once Erdogan began military adventurism in Libya, the Turk-Netanyahu Axis became apparent. This is no longer about Erdogan obeying Washington any more. Erdogan has set up Ankara as a new Washington DC in the Middle East, separate from Washington, but bullying neighbors like their father in Washington. Erdogan is the political son of trump and netanyahu. That is what is happening here. Erdogan has gone mad.


The Erdogan Muslim Brotherhood’s regime is over, bye bye.

Shlomo Shekelstein

Southfront, Syrian army did not “capture” Saraqib, it liberated Saraqib.

Rodney Loder

If the Brotherhood is Wahabbi what does that make KSA, and what does that make UAE a staunch US adversary ?.

All Assad had to do was recognize the threat of Saudi Arabia / UAE and Haftar and opt for a political settlement.

Pave Way IV

The Turkish Muslim Brotherhood supports their own flavor of radical Sunni salafism, not Wahhabism. Turkish MB are loyal to Erdogan. Wahhabis are loyal to the Saudi and Emirati rulers.

Saudi Arabia and UAE absolutely hate Muslim Brotherhood in any form – probably more than they hate Shia. They see Muslim Brotherhood as a direct threat to their monarchies and outlaw it in their countries. Wahhabism is Islam corrupted by the monarchies to keep them in power. I’m not sure about how MB and al Qaeda/Wahhabis tolerate each other in Idlib (sometimes they don’t). Marriage of convenience for now, though. Jihadis don’t seem to care, and move back and forth between groups depending on which one is paying more and has ammo.

Both groups threaten Syria and Assad – he recognizes both of them as such. Turkey already decided their only political settlement they’ll consider with Assad: four million refugees in a Turkish-occupied safe zone. Saudi Arabia and the UAE want to own eastern Syria, have a useless US-puppet government installed in Syria… and kill Assad. Not much ‘political’ bargaining room for Assad there. There will be no political settlement until the SAA reaches the Turkish borders and dead jihadi are stacked up like cordwood in liberated territory behind the SAA.

Rodney Loder

The defining difference between Wahabbi and Muslin Brotherhood is the US hegemony of the Middle East.

MB haven’t accepted US hegemony since Sisi’s coup d’etat, Tayyip Erdogen was woken up July 2016 by Gulen, the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood bare foot army dumped the idea of US helpful support when Haftar started killing them.

The Muslim Brotherhood dumped the belief that the US could help them against their “nearest enemy” a doctrine holding that the nearest enemy was also the weakest enemy.

That’s how the Muslim Brother came into the modern era a very painful awakening, learning the hard way that nothing had supplanted global geopolitical realities when the Muslim Brotherhood was sucker punched.

Assad is likely now learning the same lesson now.

KSA / UAE and “israel” could dominate the entire century if the rational alternate to the lunatic Trump is successful, and there will be a rational alternative the later the better.

At the moment Trump has pushed Russia and China to back Iran and Venezuela this will soon end as the US establishment is not that stupid any compromise after Trump will come up against entrenched israeli / KSA / UAE positions.

Russia and China will be bending over backwards to compromise.

Only one opportunity is available support Brother Erdogen wipe out Kurd YPG etc. and support GNA against Sisi / UAE.

The Syrian Refugees and Sunni idlib redidents are not about to support Assad, that is not possible the Syrian war is over as good as it can be unless Assad wants to fire on israel.

Netanyahu and Gantz aren’t aligned with Turkey they are supported by the US, Egypt, Greek Cypriots, KSA, UAE and Haftar.

It’s this alliance which could rule the World through israel for the entire present Century.

If Assad want to be tied to principle why not retaliate against israel and lock Trumps policies into the next decade that woudl be helpful ? .


Isreal and its co conspiritors have already dominated the last 70 odd years

Rodney Loder

What happened was the First WW was won for the British by the Arab Revolution against the Ottomans and the Indian Muslims were undermined and couldn’t oppose the British so the Crusaders took control of the Holy Land and everything is the result of that.

The Second WW Allah (swt) saved the Soviet Union for my Coming and the Messiah Event was set up for Christian and Communist dominance but the Christians didn’t want Communism so they said I had to be a Zionist, but Allah (swt) was prepared with the safety net Religion of Islam so now the World is screwed because the Christians betrayed me so it’s only personal Salvation left available unless I can start the Caliphate, that’s why I need to be in Damascus or at least Turkey but I’m not going unless I’m recognised as the Messiah,there is no point.


Would you happen to be the devil by any chance

Rodney Loder

The devil makes war only I can make peace, the counting thing is still with us P.K. David did one count too many I use Quantum Mechanics what I represent is scientifically proven I live on the Holy Mt.Skanzi already, all I have to do is offer and recriminations are somebody else’s business not mine.

The point is my Salafist Brothers have already accepted my claim the medium between Diviniy and man is already established.


What the fuck the medium between divinity and man is already established. Well who the fuck established it

Pave Way IV

Looks like your Holy Mt. Skanzi is for sale. 6 lots! 110 ha – WTF is a ha? Good luck getting $1.3m for that, Jesus of Kangaroo Valley. It is quite beautiful though. Maybe if I was an Australian-Jewish oligarch…


And if you are the Messiah hurry the fuck up and save us shits getting real bad

Rodney Loder

Your just talking to yourself in an eco chamber that is shrinking soon little boy you won’t be able to breathe , I am the Messiah because I was born the Messiah and the homosexual Freemason Grand Master formerly of 17 Blackwood Rd. Mitchelton Brisbane ( Sid Loder Park of same Location) used my being by torturing me till he realised his mistake and committed suicide 1983 , I was 33 years old.

The overriding assumption was known world wide that I would eventually give a Divine Sanction to israel after I succumbed such was the overwhelming proof of my Prophethood from the beginning when I spoke from the cradle..

However the entrapment Sid realised was in fact the purpose of life temptation, something you just fell into.


To tell you the truth I am getting sick of life’s temptation and I am getting sick of life in general in fact i look forward to the day I won’t be able to breathe you are welcome to this world you deserve it

Rodney Loder

Muslims believe you are only able to breathe spiritually once accepted into Paradise which is biological much the same as here but this is temporal not eternal so eternal is only partly spiritual, in Paradise you still die and when you are deceased in Paradise you become your memory which is spiritual then are able to do jobs for Allah (swt) until your again reborn in Paradise.

Jobs in this present Universe that is, mainly keeping things in the contemporary order of comprehensive idealistic determination, it’s only knowing you have this capability allows you to breathe.


Why is it so important that you are recognised as the Messiah I mean if you are the Messiah that should be enough shouldn’t it

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Saudis recently offered to spend over 1 billion to rebuild Syria and Assad refused the offer, so I’m not sure they still want to kill him anymore, they seem to be kissing his butt more than anything else lately.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Israel is condemning the Turkish invasion of Syria much more strongly than Russia is, THAT’S A FACT. And Erdogan is about the most anti Israel leader in the world, he even outdoes the Iranians in that department, THAT’S A FACT. Israel’s guilty of many things, but cooperating with Erdogan in Syria isn’t one of them, the Israelis and Turks are fast becoming mortal enemies now, not forming a new alliance to help overthrow Assad, the old Turkish Jewish alliance that once existed died a sudden death in June last year. Israel has been saying since June last year that Assad can remain in power, they are no longer calling for his removal from power, but Erdogan still is. Can anyone link me an article that claims the Israeli government is still calling for Assad to be removed from power, but post the June 2018 date, not before then, try your hardest, the only thing you’ll find is the Israelis saying Assad can remain in power, and them also saying Turkey has to get out of Syria altogether. The Israelis do bomb Syrian territory but the main targets are Iranian infrastructure not Syrian infrastructure, but sadly they do attack Syrian air defence systems regularly which does invariably harm the Syrians terribly, but there is no link to Turkey other than coincidence or opportunal advantage, there is no coordination or cooperation between the Israelis and the Turks, but this article wants us to believe there is, why? PURE MINDLESS PROPAGANDA FOR THE MINDLESS. This is pathetic SF, the worst of the worst, lift your game please you’re embarrassing yourselves. The real truth is that despite the fact the Israelis don’t like Assad, they and the Arab League would much rather have Assad stay in power than have him replaced by a Turkish backed Muslim Brotherhood puppet, THAT’S THE TRUTH, and that’s why no one but Erdogan is still calling for Assad’s removal. The Israelis may be arseholes for bombing Syria even if they’re doing it to mainly harm Iran and not Syria, it’s illegal and immoral and they shouldn’t be doing it, but they’re definitely not doing it to help Erdogan in any way, their agenda is not linked to Erdogan’s in any way, their agendas for Syria are diametrically opposed to each others, so don’t try and conflate them and give both parties common purpose. How about an honest and frank appraisal of the Israelis new diplomatic stance on both Turkey and Syria post June 2018, hows that for an idea SF, give us the truth warts and all, the good the bad and the ugly, that way we can better make up our own minds as to the truth, because this latest article is about as far from the truth as it can be. Erdogan is the only threat to Assad now, and his power to illicit Russian, US, EU, and NATO support is a way bigger threat to Assad than anything else, if he can get any or some of those parties to support him Assad will hobbled again, and Erdogan’s making demands on all of them, though luckily for Assad no one seems to be listening to him just yet, even Putin seems to be ignoring his pleas thank God. So this article is just pure BS.

But after saying all that I must admit I don’t blame SF for this article entirely, I actually blame the SF readers and commentators even more, because after publishing several very frank and honest articles recently, that sadly left the average SF readers dazed confused and very critical of the articles, I can understand why they reverted back to this mindless trash, telling the average SF the truth is actually bad for SF, they’re better off feeding the readers the lies and propaganda they’re used to, how sad. F–k the morons SF, stick to the truth, the good the bad and the ugly, the subscribers you lose will be replaced by smarter subscribers/donators, and you’ll be able to go to bed with clear consciences too, and you won’t have to put up with people like me calling you out when you publish trash like this article.


You are always playing down isreals role in this when isreal was and continues to be the greatest thorn in the Syrian people’s side who do think is forcing all western governments to put sanctions on Syria and also you seem to have swallowed the isreali lies about the targets of the missiles they are firing at Syria on a weekly basis the fact is the vast majority of the these attacks are aimed at Syrian civilians Syrian troops and Syrian government infrastructure and by the way which isreali person came out and said Assad can stay ?and another thing are you aware that those jihadist groups in Idlib were created and still are controlled by isreal so of course there would be some collusion between turkey and isreal regarding the fate of idlib

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL you stupid fuckhead, the Israeli government have been saying Assad can remain in power since June last year, so did the US and the Arab League at the same time. And do you read Syrian news at all FH, if you did you’d see that Erdogan’s currently Assad’s number one enemy, you have to stop living in the past and get with the times, things have changed since this war first started. …..

“On 11 May 2018, Israel urged Syria to reduce the level of Iranian military presence in the country, with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stating: “Throw the Iranians, Qassem Soleimani and the Quds forces out of your country! They are not acting in your interest, they are only hurting you. Their whole presence only brings problems and destruction.”[9]

On 10 July 2018, Lieberman did not rule out establishing “some kind of relationship” with Syria under Assad.[10]

On 11 July 2018, Netanyahu stated that Israel was not seeking to take action against Assad, but urged Russia to facilitate the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria.[11]

On 2 August 2018, Lieberman stated his belief that Syrian troops regaining control of the country’s border with Israel would reduce the chance of conflict in the Golan Heights by providing “a real address, someone responsible, and central rule”


If Assad suddenly removed all Iranian assets from Syrian territory the Israelis would probably stop bombing in Syria immediately, and then develop an entirely different relationship with Syria. ….

And try reading some of the enemies news news every now and again, I’m not going to bother spending time looking up and linking hundreds of related articles for you, you can do that yourself. here’s just one.

https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/.premium-syria-s-assad-has-become-israel-s-ally-1.6240499‘ … You must have missed what happened in Daraa and Quinetra when the SAA took back all the southern territories. Jordan closed its border to help Assad contain the rebels, King Abdullah also brokered a reconciliation settlement between the Syrian government and more than 50,000 Southern Front Alliance members as well as several other large Arab militias numbering more than 5,000, they’re the groups the Saudis, Jordanians and the Israelis were supporting, 10 of the 12 Druze militias that Israel supported also backed Assad fully in that campaign, only 2 of them sided with the rebels and they got minimal assistance from the Israelis, they got some but only enough to save their skins, And Trump announced via the media that the US and Israel wouldn’t be supporting the rebels with air support if they chose to fight against the SAA instead of reconciling with the Syrian government, And the biggest capitulation to Assad of all was this one, as part of the agreement to allow the SAA to take back all of the southern territories unopposed, the Israelis made one demand of Assad, they forbade any Iranian forces from participating in the fighting and stipulated that the Iranians must remain at least 60 km away from the Israeli border, the Syrians and Iranians agreed to this and the fighting began, but after just a few days the Israel’s announced they’d discovered that Iranian forces had broken the agreement and were indeed fighting in the exclusion zone, but they were doing it wearing SAA uniforms, and surprisingly to just about everyone, instead of Nutty Yahoo making a big deal about it and using it as an excuse to rescind the agreement, he simply just made a joke about how stupid the Iranians were, and the liberation of the southern territories continued without a problem.

The Syrian civil war ended in June 2018, the US and Israel and the EU all gave trying to get rid of Assad thanks to the Arab Leagues intervention, ONLY TURKEY was opposed to ending the war and still calls for Assad’s removal, this war is now a Erdogan/Turkish/Muslim Brotherhood inspired war, no one else at all wants to overthrow Assad anymore. The world had a choice, a moderate non sectarian Assad led government, or a Muslim Brotherhood led totally radical sectarian government under Erdogan’s control, the world rightly chose Assad. Syria’s the worst place for a sectarian government to be established, they chose the lesser of 2 evils from their perspectives.


Ok then why are the sanctions still on Syria why is America still withholding Syria’s oil from them and you actually have the hide to say the world chose Assad what planet are you living on you dumb cunt the only countries that chose Assad were Iran Russia and Lebanon the entire western world did everything they could to destroy the Syrian government and the Syrian people and still are just to a slightly lesser degree and they’ve only toned down their rhetoric since it became obvious that their little Isis darlings had no hope of winning

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Because the Israelis are using the US to try to force Assad into abandoning the Iranian cause, a carrot on a stick in one hand and a whip in the other, if Assad kicks the Iranians out the US give him the carrot, if he doesn’t they keep giving him the whip, it’s about as simple as it gets. It’s not fair but that’s what it is.


You seem to think Iran is a bad influence in Syria just because the Jews think so and you seem to think that the only reason Assad has won this war is because of the generosity of the isrealis and their allies when the reason Syria has won this war is solely down to the efforts of the SAA Russia and Iran and Hezbollah do realise that hezbollah was the main target of these jihadist terror groups the plan was to take out the Syrian government then take out Hezbollah the main prize

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think Iran’s become a burden in Syria, they were a help for many years but now they’re just a burden. And it has nothing to do with the Jewish opinion at all, I say what I say because I read Russian government announcements all the time, I also read what independent sources say, and I can see with my own eyes what’s been happening since June last year. Show me even one occasion where any of Iran’s militias or regular troops have assisted the SAA in any battles post June 2018 – and pre this latest assault, just one please, you won’t be able to because they haven’t. Now I used to say that was because the Iranians didn’t want to fight the Turks but have since found out the real reason is the Russians have been stopping them. And why have the Russians reorganized huge sections of the SAA dismissing many pro Iranian commanders and replacing them with commanders that are more loyal to the Syrian government. Assad sacked his own brother just recently due to Russian demands, he was the de facto leader of the SAA’s 7th division, and the SAA 7th division is more loyal to Iran than it is to the Syrian government, that’s no way to run an army, and I say that because that’s what the Russians are saying. And I thank the Arab League for ending the war against Assad, they switched sides in June and forced the Israelis and US to do the same.


It could be isreal influencing Russia to get the Iranians out there is a lot of wheeling and dealing behind the scenes that we don’t know about that’s what people have to realise everything happens under the table most of this shit you see in public is just for show.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Here’s a previous comment that has a few relevant links to show you what the Russians really think of Iranian influence in Syria. You can ignore my comments and just read what the Russians say and use the link to see who the Russians are that are actually saying it. They work for the Russian government and are among the smartest people in Russia, this is what they actually think, not what SF tells us. https://disqus.com/by/willingconsciencethetruths/

The Man

Like hell the AL forced the Yids and the Yanks for ending the war!!! ha ha… The Arab League is as impotent as your dick!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Arab League changed the course of this war, you don’t know that because you’re just ignorant of any real facts, you’re just a headline reader, anything more than that and it gets too complicated for you. You’re brain is pretty impotent I think.

The Man

…the Israeli government have been saying Assad can remain in power since June last year, so did the US and the Arab League at the same time…. WTF???

NO THEY HAVEN’T… The Israelis have NEVER said that. The US has NEVER said that. The Arab League has NEVER said that.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes they have, all 3 parties said it back in and even before June last year, you’re just so stupid you missed it. The Arab league fight harder to keep Assad in power than anyone else now, even harder than the Russians and Iranians, LOL, you’re so stupid you falsely believe the war is being won through military efforts, LOL, think again stupid, the war is being won by diplomatic efforts, and the most positive efforts so far have ALL been from the Arab league. This is no longer a Syrian civil war, it’s just Erdogan’s personal war now, thanks to the Arab League the Syrian civil war ended back in June, they convinced the Israelis and US to abandon the attempt to oust Assad and instead began focusing on removing Erdogan’s forces from both Iraq and Syria. I suggest you find out what the Arab League are saying about the situation before you say another thing about this war you know very little about.

The Man



Do you seriously believe that ergodon is most anti isreal leader in the world just because he said some negative things about isreal that means nothing actions speak louder than words if you want to look at someone who is a true anti isreal leader look at the leadership of Iran Syria or Hezbollah look at how much blood they have spilt fighting isreal and then look at the Turks they haven’t spent a single drop of blood fighting isreal .

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a very ignorant person aren’t you, so why don’t you have a look and see what the Israelis themselves say about Erdogan’s rhetoric, they’ve been saying it for nearly a decade now. “Erdogan negative rhetoric and policies are now Israel’s biggest threat to security and prosperity”. The only one thing that Erdogan does that I agree with and approve of, is make life hell for the Israelis, you may not have seen any of my previous comments where I say it but I have many many times on SF. Erdogan is Israels number one enemy, educate yourself and do some google searching, find out just how ignorant you really are. Iran has very little influence outside of the Shia crescent, Erdogan has immense influence over the whole Sunni world, and more importantly with the Muslims living in western democratic countries. So Iran influences just 15% of the Islamic world and Erdogan influences 85% of it, that’s a fact. And I always got taught the pen is mightier than the sword.


If ergodan is isreals number one enemy why arent there crippling sanctions on turkey or why aren’t they firing missiles into turkey as they do in Syria on a weekly basis I mean all you seem to have to back up your claims is a little bit of isreali rhetoric that means nothing cmon what has isreal been doing to fuck turkey up if turkey was such a threat to them they would have to at least tried to deal with them by now

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Because Israel doesn’t have a problem with Turkey, they have a problem with Erdogan and the AKP, before the Erdogan era the Turks and Israelis had an excellent relationship, the Israelis want that relationship back, they don’t want to harn Turkey, just Erdogan. Read some Israeli and Turkish news for Gods sake.


It sounds to me like it’s spat between old friends and nothing more than that


I think your overstating things here for a start not many people like ergodan I mean look at him he is a fucking mongrel so I don’t think he has the influence you claim he has

Willing Conscience (The Truths

He is a “fucking mongrel”, but he way more influence than you think he has, just find out what the English, French, and German governments think about the Muslim voting blocks that help sway election results in their countries, from local government policy all the way to the Federal or National level, they’re not Shia voting blocks, they’re Sunni voting blocks, and the persons rhetoric they follow is guess who, Erdogan. Do some research and find out what the English, French, and German governments think about the Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan’s meddling in their domestic and foreign policy outcomes, you say he has no influence do you, but ask the English what they think about English towns and suburbs establishing Sharia law due to Muslim voting blocks swaying political decisions in their favour. and they all hang on to every word Erdogan speaks, the Turkmen the Kurds and Arabs alike, find out what the Iraqis think about Erdogan’s influence on the Iraqi Kurds, the KDP are as influenced by Erdogan as they are anyone else, even Syrian Kurds are influenced by Erdogan, the SNC is totally pro Erdogan policies most of the time.


The English the German and the French government are entirely to blame for having Muslim voting blocks that are giving them such a headache and giving someone like ergodan such influence and I believe it is all part of a Grander plan

Willing Conscience (The Truths

For once I agree with you.


Your wrong about fucking everything dickhead all this article noted was the timing of the isreali attacks which does seem to be coordinated with what’s going on In Idlib

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The Israeli leadership once again officially confirmed its participation in the club of terrorism supporters in Syria.” “Another member of the al-Qaeda Rescue Rangers is Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan.” ….. Innuendo not facts, and as I said in my comment, “but there is no link to Turkey other than coincidence or opportunal advantage,”

The Man

Yes, absolutely. And did you notice how conniving these bastard Yids were when they struck a few days ago. The same time an Iranian-packed plane was approaching Damascus airport! These scum Zionists are worst shits. You can just see these hook-nosed f*ckers rubbing their hands together thinking that the Syrians would shoot down the plane and just see these Jew f*ckers’ faces when it just didn’t happen! When these Yids strike Damascus airport, the Syrians should strike their Hell Aviv airport. This is the only language that this scum Jew creature understands!


Have heart there are murmurs going round that isreal won’t exist in 20 years time and I tend to agree what they are doing just isn’t sustainable


It doesn’t matter what the isrealis say they are the worlds most accomplished liars

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I don’t believe their lies you dickhead because I don’t believe anyone’s lies, their lies ours lies or anyone else’s lies, it’s only mindless dickheads like you that believe the lies people tell you, this article is nothing but a pack of lies and innuendo, PURE PROPAGANDA so you’re a complete dickhead for believing it.


You obviously do believe their lies because you were banging on about isreal mainly targeting Iranians in Syria when that just isn’t the case I mean when they attacked the Damascus airport a civilian airport they claimed they were attacking Iranian assets so who’s the bigger dickhead

Willing Conscience (The Truths

This is what I said,

“The Israelis do bomb Syrian territory but the main targets are Iranian infrastructure not Syrian infrastructure, but sadly they do attack Syrian air defence systems regularly which does invariably harm the Syrians terribly,”

And the Iranians do have logistic assets located at the airport, and the Syrians have AA systems and radars, they’re the targets of Israeli airstrikes, you dickhead.

The Man

Can you be more concise? You can’t come out with a wild statement and then say “Can anyone link me an article that says the opposite” which is what you’ve done here… Quote “Israel has been saying since June last year that Assad can remain in power” and quote “Can anyone link me an article that claims the Israeli government is still calling for Assad to be removed from power” You need to provide a link yourself that says “Israel says that Assad can remain in power”, like it has anything to do with that filthy Zionist bastard state, but anyway. …

BTW, the Israelis have been bombing Syrian infrastructure for years, longer than the Iranians have been present, only now, the Yids bomb more. And… erDOGan is NO THREAT to Syria nor Assad. erDOGan is currently a minor irritation that will very soon go away.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“On 11 May 2018, Israel urged Syria to reduce the level of Iranian military presence in the country, with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stating: “Throw the Iranians, Qassem Soleimani and the Quds forces out of your country! They are not acting in your interest, they are only hurting you. Their whole presence only brings problems and destruction.”[9]

On 10 July 2018, Lieberman did not rule out establishing “some kind of relationship” with Syria under Assad.[10]

On 11 July 2018, Netanyahu stated that Israel was not seeking to take action against Assad, but urged Russia to facilitate the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria.[11]

On 2 August 2018, Lieberman stated his belief that Syrian troops regaining control of the country’s border with Israel would reduce the chance of conflict in the Golan Heights by providing “a real address, someone responsible, and central rule”


… https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.haaretz.com%2Fmiddle-east-news%2F.premium-syria-s-assad-has-become-israel-s-ally-1.6240499%27%3AacsJBprEqA-7TKrFXwWgo4saX0I&cuid=3606370 … Here’s and excerpt from my previous comment to help make my point,

“You must have missed what happened in Daraa and Quinetra when the SAA took back all the southern territories. Jordan closed its border to help Assad contain the rebels, King Abdullah also brokered a reconciliation settlement between the Syrian government and more than 50,000 Southern Front Alliance members as well as several other large Arab militias numbering more than 5,000, they’re the groups the Saudis, Jordanians and the Israelis were supporting, 10 of the 12 Druze militias that Israel supported also backed Assad fully in that campaign, only 2 of them sided with the rebels and they got minimal assistance from the Israelis, they got some but only enough to save their skins, And Trump announced via the media that the US and Israel wouldn’t be supporting the rebels with air support if they chose to fight against the SAA instead of reconciling with the Syrian government, And the biggest capitulation to Assad of all was this one, as part of the agreement to allow the SAA to take back all of the southern territories unopposed, the Israelis made one demand of Assad, they forbade any Iranian forces from participating in the fighting and stipulated that the Iranians must remain at least 60 km away from the Israeli border, the Syrians and Iranians agreed to this and the fighting began, but after just a few days the Israel’s announced they’d discovered that Iranian forces had broken the agreement and were indeed fighting in the exclusion zone, but they were doing it wearing SAA uniforms, and surprisingly to just about everyone, instead of Nutty Yahoo making a big deal about it and using it as an excuse to rescind the agreement, he simply just made a joke about how stupid the Iranians were, and the liberation of the southern territories continued without a problem.

The Syrian civil war ended in June 2018, the US and Israel and the EU all gave trying to get rid of Assad thanks to the Arab Leagues intervention, ONLY TURKEY was opposed to ending the war and still calls for Assad’s removal, this war is now a Erdogan/Turkish/Muslim Brotherhood inspired war, no one else at all wants to overthrow Assad anymore. The world had a choice, a moderate non sectarian Assad led government, or a Muslim Brotherhood led totally radical sectarian government under Erdogan’s control, the world rightly chose Assad. Syria’s the worst place for a sectarian government to be established, they chose the lesser of 2 evils from their perspectives.”

… And what you call a minor irritation is actually a force of thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of regular Turkish troops, and they’re growing in numbers every day, combined with their 65 to 90,000 proxy fighters, they’re anything but a minor irritant, nemesis comes to mind though.

The Man

Copy/paste is brilliant when you’re an ignorant lazy fuck! Anyway, what you’ve copy/pasted is irrelevant and doesn’t answer my points! When and where did these 3 entities, the US, the Zionist state, and the AL, say, specifically, and it’s what you wrote above… “that they will allow him to stay!”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a complete and utter MORON, WTF do you mean by,

“Copy/paste is brilliant when you’re an ignorant lazy fuck!”

Didn’t you ask this you fuckhead,

“You need to provide a link yourself that says “Israel says that Assad can remain in power”,

And then I linked you this from the Wiki, ……

On 10 July 2018, Lieberman did not rule out establishing “some kind of relationship” with Syria under Assad.[10]

On 11 July 2018, Netanyahu stated that Israel was not seeking to take action against Assad, but urged Russia to facilitate the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria.[11] …. WTF do you think the links say dickhead, exactly what I said they said, read it again fuckhead, it means ASSAD CAN STAY IN POWER, which is exactly the same thing the Israelis said but they said it like this MORON,

On 11 July 2018, Netanyahu stated that Israel was not seeking to take action against Assad, but urged Russia to facilitate the withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria.[11],

there were many other statements made at the time but I’m not going to bother looking them up and linking them, this one alone should’ve been enough to enlighten you but it didn’t, you’re too stupid to understand it. And the US said the same thing at the same time, and the impotent Arab league as you refer to them also said it but said it several months before June,in about feb/march. Apart from the headlines SF provides you’re totally oblivious to anything at all about the Syrian conflict, you’re an unintelligent moron that has nothing relevant to say.


Erdogan is bluffing, he can do nothing. He is spread too thin and needs more resources in north eastern Syria and northern Iraq. Not counting Libya.

Ron Demarco

Erdogan is such a fu*king joke it’s not funny.


russiais doing the job it set out to do in 2014, to keep syria and assad in place and while so engaged russia watches the various minions in the area and what they do – when the syrian op is done russia will take a hard look at the future of the middle east and a) russia might just agree that israel is a menace that needs to be discontinued and join up with iran/turkey/syria/iraq/hezbollah or b) come to the same conclusion but remain on the sidelines in the beliefs that the aforesaid group can finish off the illegal occupation of palestine all by themselves. russia like most other states in the west (except the disunited states of morons and the disunited kingdom) have come to the conclusion that israel is a terrible geopolitical solution, one that needs to be discontinued and the only way forward would be for the americans to open up some part of the country and welcome the jews there, preserving the race or they, the jews are likely to suffer another holocaust of their own making and the world will turn a blind eye.


I saw our friend Verner in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin protesting against Russia’s support to Al-Assad

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