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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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On Thursday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released a video showing of the weapons and ammunition captured by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces from ISIS in Mayadin city.

The video showed that the SAA has captured dozens of light, and heavy machine guns and sniper rifles. The SAA also captured several anti-tank weapons including at least 3 Russian-made RPG-29. In addition, 2 unidentified man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADs) were captured by the SAA. The SAA also seized more than 20 drones, and what appears to be some ISIS made DIY drones.

The SAA also captured the following heavy weapons:

  • 3 T-55 tanks one of them up-armored;
  • 1 T-62 tank;
  • 1 Humvee armored vehicle;
  • 1 VBIED;
  • 1 M-46 130 mm artillery pieces;
  • 2 D-20 152 mm artillery piece;
  • 1 D-30 122-mm artillery piece mounted on a truck.

A US-made M198 155mm artillery piece was also sized by the SAA. The piece was likely captured by ISIS from the Iraqi Army back in 2014. The ISIS serial number on the artillery is (008), which could mean that ISIS captured at least 8 of these US made artillery.

Syrian pro-government sources released another video that showed a communication center of ISIS. According to the sources, the SAA captured many US-made military radio systems inside the center.

An officer of the SAA told SANA that the weapons and ammunition that were displayed are only 25% of what the SAA sized inside Mayadin. The amount of the weapons captured by the SAA proves that ISIS didn’t expect the SAA could advance so rapidly towards this strategic city.

Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Syrian Army Captured Stunning Number Of ISIS Weapons And Military Equipment In Mayadin (Overview, Photos, Videos)

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Seimisi Robert Stone

Well done Syria Anda Russia. Keep cleaning out them out from Syria. ?✌✊

jerry hamilton

Guess the SAA will be seeing more Bedouin’s than normal.


Cool, they captured the actual depot. So used to seeing a small collection of misc being called a “large” seizure. :D

Deo Cass

It is the oil and gas fields especially the Omar fields they have to capture, sitting right there, just 10km away on the other side of the river. Why are they waiting for the Zio/American invaders to steal it from them and the Syrian people? I again smell Russian red herring here. Damn, Syria, Russia has its own agenda and interests. Put your own interest and that of your people first and reclaim your life line, the oil and gas fields NOW before it is too late. Or maybe you want your people to live in a perpetual state of poverty for the rest of their lives while the Western colonial imperialist invaders loot your natural resources and make their fat bellies fatter at your own expense?

Rodney Loder

al-Abadi has put paid to the Kurdish US alliance, the Syrian Kurds will abandon Trump and fall into line behind Assad, there is no need for the fight you talk about, al-Abadi is the new strong man of the ME like Sisi changed things considerably if only Soleimani and Abadi could patch up their working relationship Germany would be subordinate to him.

João Leston

First, consider that the SAA has to think about securing a safe line of suplies and avoid getting they’re people killed. That second part is actually very important because they are the ones fighting for they’re country. That said, you have to consider the population in the area, the possibility of a counter attack, control the fragile state of all theaters so they don’t have a bad surprise, and then make a move. For SDF you just have to go forward and that’s it, not even the suply line of weapons or ammo is controlled by them. Still it’s funny how they (SDF) don’t even bother to counquer major strongholds, they bypass most of them and claim they conquered the whole area without any signs of major clashes. That’s why civil (and now a mini total war scenario for other countries), is so hard. You have to fight your own people, the people that support them (US, NATO and Saudis in this scenario) and whatever comes from that mix. It takes a strong leader to take care of things like this.. And the help of an equal powerfull partner.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.


I am not agree with these just excuse for what they do not want to do right now because of different reasons…If SDF is able to block SAA for going Omar oil field…shame of Syria-Russia-Iran-Hezbolah. Their victory in Deir Ezzor and Mayadin will be totally overshadowed.

João Leston

The strategic value of those fields in now blocked for kurds. They just can’t sell it with the new aliance of Russia, Turkey and Iran + Syria). The only good thing is to have one more card to use in the upcoming political games (and even so, they will be a minor party in the negotiation table, unless the US put they’re weight as a major power, witch would create other backlashes).

All in all, i’m just glad that this war is finally coming to an end… Syria has suffered more than enough from the greed of others.

Vince Dhimos

I read somewhere just this am that the SDF have agreed to turn over the Uma oil field to the Syrian government.


Let’s hope so. Latest news from AMN: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-russian-troops-take-control-key-gas-field-kurdish-forces-deir-ezzor/

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

They can wait a week to get a better plan to have limited loses. The Oil always belongs to Syria anyway.


ISIS+US got caught with their pants down, the ill fated ISIS-US directed counterattack against positions along M20, ended a lot worse than expected, leaving limited ISIS resources in Mayadin vulnerable to advancing Tiger forces.

Tudor Miron

That would not teach our arm chair generals that jump at every ISIS trmporary “success”.


What’s really interesting is all of that US military radio gear. Now how would that get a hold of ALL of the US radios….. hmmmmmm.


US supplies ISIS with equipment, directly or indirectly.


Don’t forget Nusra.


Yes, it shows partly how they got their accurate intel. Btw some of the radio equipment had cyrillic markings, could be Bulgarian stuff (I doubt it’s Russian), or some other E-European – Ukraine?


The US has been buying arms and equipment from former Soviet countries to supply the “moderates” with weapons to fight the people of Syria with. I believe a Bulgarian reporter (I don’t remember which country for sure) presented the results of her investigation publicly. Ukraine also does what it can to help the cause.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Dilyana was fired for her investigation into the connections with the Bulgarian government and all the other connections to US government paid contractors.


Thanks. I was pretty sure it was Bulgarian, but I cover so much territory I tend to forget names, remembering primarily the result. Thanks once again.


ISIS also over ran all of the Syrian bases in the east. Which is more likely?


Old equipment would be loot from Syrian bases, but the stuff in the video is straight out of the box, shiny as new, so it is a recent import.


You must be right. So the brand new Russian made RPG-27s are conclusive proof that Russia is supporting ISIS. OR It is also proof that the Syrian army stored their equipment properly in a dry desert environment. PS : IF the US were going to support ISIS they wouldn’t send US made equipment that ties the US directly to ISIS. There is to much cheap Soviet era stuff laying around to take that kind of risk. Thoses radios were sold to Iraq straight from the factory.

Nationalist Globalist Oligarch

Have to be able to call in American air support somehow.


The same way ISIS got “several anti-tank weapons including at least 3 Russian-made RPG-29.” Clearly that is prof that Russia has been supporting ISIS along. Hummm?


More likely the proof is more like this:


i.e. direct support from the terrorist supporters, Israel and the ‘coalition’ rather than a few items obtained from overrunning this or that point….. hmmmmm! Isis is the best equipped terrorist group in history, outside of Israel of course.


Did you read the article? “The weapons were likely delivered to Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions in the Golan Heights and then driven to as Swaida’a through the Daraa governorate.” Assad and Iran have been supping a terrorist organization on Israel’s boarder for decades. Not sure why Israel can’t return the favor? Which begs the question how much Israeli produced equipment has been captured compared to Russian?


In case you hadn’t noticed, the Syrian people have a right for their country, Syria, to defend itself from mercenaries and other assorted terrorists, backed by foreign countries intent on destroying their country and way of life. As regards Israel, the link I sent to you is just one example of who supports head choppers in Syria. I wonder how Israel would respond if Iran, Iraq and Syria were sending truckloads of weapons to Israel to destroy it…… Oh and the link shows you that those weapons originate from the region controlled by Israel and it’s terrorists friends on the other side of the Golan and has nothing to do with ‘overrun’. Goes hand in hand with Israel bombing Syrians and treating terrorists in it’s hospital. But then I understand the reasons why, Israel is a terrorist state and has been since it’s inception. It’s difficult for a terrorist state not to support other terrorists!


Head choppers vs child gasers vs hospital bombers. Syria has been awash in the blood of innocents since Assad ordered his thugs to machine unarmed protesters. So I fail to the difference between Israel supporting Syrian Rebels as opposed to Syria and Iran supporting terrorist Hezbollah? Nor did you address the question of how much captured equipment has Russian labels on it’s significance?


I understand your leaning towards the terrorist side of the agenda; after all, it’s what MSM pushes to the addle minded. As for Russian labels, you might check out a report by a Bulgarian investigating reporter who confirmed that the US has been buying Russian weapons from former Soviet states for shipment to Syria. On top of that, you also have situations when Syrian forces are overrun.

“..fail to the difference between Israel supporting Syrian Rebels..”

Doesn’t surprise me one bit that those supporting terrorists would feel that way. This isn’t news to me or anyone. Even the US had a difficult time finding rebels to support, I believe the count was: “4 or 5”? As I said, Israel is a terrorist state!


I don’t favor either side except of the SDF. The Assad regime is the worst kind of secular dictatorship worthy of Hitler and Stalin who will gleefully use the most dispicable means to saty in power What ever merits the Rebels had when this war began has been lost along time ago. ISIS speaks for its self. Deader the better. You still haven’t figured out the universal reality of the Syrian Civil War THEY ARE ALL TERORISTS. There is no difference between the Assad regime and Al Quida. They are all blood splattered murders who will kill anyone for what ever manufactured ideology they feel like. An Assad victory will mean more religious toleration. which really means they will kill you for a dozen reasons than your faith. The rebels will include religion on their list of killable offences.


Go Syrian army and allies, return the country to your people. Kick out all the foreign funded and weaponized terrorists. Syria for Syrians and not a**holes who see only opportunity to push their hatred and intolerance.


Yep bleed so that Assad and his Alawite cronies can keep getting richer and can commit atrocities that not even Hitler would stoop to.


Yeah, it’s funny. The terrorists go to Israel for medical, The Syrian people head for government controlled areas. As for atrocities, even Hitler didn’t keep up his criminal activities as long as Israel has; what is it now…. 70 years and counting. Israel, a terrorists terrorist!

Keep it Real

They are running low on manpower! Great News!


Unfortunately there were no men to use them.:)


Surely you meant to say ‘ fortunately ‘ ?


Pete said it with a smile …


I did indeed :) :)


After just about every battle there are a number of ISIS arms captured. Which just shows the huge stockpile they amassed.

Brad Isherwood

A few years back. ….ISUS captured a huge arsenal in Dier Ezzor City. http://spioenkop.blogspot.ca/2016/03/islamic-state-captures-ayyash-weapons.html

Syria’s problem during this war was the numerous bases and arsenals with hundreds of Mechanized parked in various states of condition. When easily over ran….ISUS had instant military power….all they needed was to train up mechanics and welders to fit out Toyota’s with 23mm. Syrian Generals and Damascus Gov are to blame for the repeated fiasco and then the deaths of so many brave Syrians, Hezbollah and Iranian who got wasted by weapons from captured Syrian arsenals.

Syria will come thru this crisis…….yet it was a FUBAR war!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

All those Toyota pick ups were brand new and supplied to them by the US/Saudi/Qatar governments.

Brad Isherwood

Which is why I cringe when Putin calls US Partners. ..and then does trade deals with Miserable – Murdering ..House of Saud….Erdogan the Murderer.

Business does not care about the others guys character. … Business acts on opportunity ,….and deception is Reality at any moment for all parties concerned .

Syria….the FUBAR war.

Kira Binkley

You think you know what Putin is doing?


the amount of weapons is huge…enough for a small countrys army


It does not matter, if you haven’t any aircraft.


i disagree. you cant win a war only with airplanes. example.:&0 nation coolition fighting ISIS in Iraq and SYria for 3 years or more. what have they accomplished?zero, nothing total waste of ammo. on the other hand a small airforce (syrian, russian) at close support of brave soldiers and correct planning turned the tide in Syria

Dawn of Svarog

Not a good compare.. since that coalition actuelly didnt fight terorists at all.. Good example would be Hezballah vs Izrael war..


thank you very much…..that was a grat example indeed since the anti terrorist coalition only killed camels and destroyed abandoned buildings


So I guess the following represents “nothing” in the Russian World: Stopping the ISIS advance on Irbil. Retaking the Mosul Dam. Preventing the fall of Baghdad. Breaking the seige o Kobani. Retaking Baiji and it’s oil fields. Capturing Tel Abyad and cutting off ISIS from Turkey east of the Euphraties, Preventing the fall of Al Hashkah, Liberating Ramadi, Capturing the Trishin Dam. Liberating Fallujah. Liberating Sinjar. Capturing Manjib, Capturing Hit. The Tabaqq Dam, Mosul. one of the capitals of ISIS Raqqa. The other Tel afar Supported the SDF advance on Dier Ez Zor, which helped SAA in reliving of the city. Not mention literally thousands of towns and villages. Or the dozens of ISIS leaders killed in various operations.

On the other hand,Aside form Palmyra and Keiwrs Air base, what did Russia do to ISIS prior to the last six months?


well first of all if you cannot see the true role of US in Syria i dont think it has any meaning discussing. anyway…..all those liberation etc. were done by US airforce or by their allies on the ground?thats what i said initially. Furthermore all those isis operations were previously conducted with help from the US, so later they returned the favour by handing over territory to SdF. those isis leaders killed…..ok i think they are either previous assets that refused to follow orders any more and had their own agenda, or are now in a beach enjoying the sun with a different identity…..happened in the past why not now….so please enough wit the role of the superpower against terrorism….its a bad joke !


“Furthermore all those isis operations were previously conducted with help from the US,” Ahh typical Russian deflection. The US was fighting ISIS long before Russia. Putin was to busy invading his neighbor on the false accusation of genocide and Nazism to be bothered with fighting a true threat to the Federation. Share with the class your proof of US support for ISIS. Use only respectable sources (ie not Russian propaganda) and provide links if you please. And please answer this; IF the US was supporting a Al Qaeda branch terrorist organization to over throw Assad, and they were very close to doing just that, why did we stop? The goal was with in reach. On the other hand it seems like Assad abandoning his income producing regions was all the support ISIS needed? Huummm, why would he do that?


lets start from the end of your comment all the way up……it obvious that US failed to overthrow Assad. they came close but failed.why ?because at the crusial time Russia stepped in. Assad is not abandoning his oil areas. Us is stealing them from him by making deals with fellow isis members to dress as sdf and save their lives. By becoming sdf (a brilliant idea creating such a force that can include everyone) isis butchers cannt be harmed by saa. proof?see the map. sdf is in raqqa and a small force of 2 vehicles conquers almost entire SYria…who are they ?SUperman ,batman and captain america?more proof?the satellite images that saw US sof sunbathing in isis strongholds?or the satellite intel isis uses in many occasions? well i will emphasize on one thing….US wanted to overthrow Assad from the very start. so everyone willing to fight for that cause was ‘moderate opposition’. at this point the fight against terrorism was lost (if there was such a fight in the first place) . Then Us tried to saw its force to keep butchers from changing uniforms every day…..bombed ,killed etc rogue commanders…..

Kira Binkley

The U.S. never fought ISIS. The U.S. fought Assad (and is still fighting Assad) with criminal intent. The U.S. armed ISIS, (think McCain), most likely indirectly, but we don’t yet know, It wasn’t until Putin and the Russian Federation stepped in, at the end of September, 2015, at MY (KiraSEER) and President Assad’s request, that progress began to be made. And now things are changing: the enemy has become an ally. As were the Crusaders and Saracens became allies in the fight against the Seljuk Turks. I have been telling America and the Americans to get out of Syria for 6 years. And I am still telling them. You, Murf, are American-Stupid. An arrogant little man, an ugly American.


“The U.S. never fought ISIS.” I guess you call parking a B-1 bomber over Kobani 24/7 for months at the unbelievably low price of $20k AN HOUR nothing, then you are correct. Then there is the thousands of vehicles we supplied the Iraqi army, the Peshmerga. and SDF nothing. About 50,000 air strikes. 500 + special operators , an trainers. 2 million Rounds for the Peshmerga. And unlike Russia every bit of it has been used to fight ISIS and ISIS alone. Not prop up some tin horn dictator who was so incompetent as to loose 75% of his country and has to have 3 separate armies to keep from swinging from a lamp post. And you sir a an ugly Russia who mindlessly believes Putin that it’s a good thing to keep a leader who has turned half his people in to refugees and devastated country with everything form barrel bombs to WMDs.

Kira Binkley

You apparently missed this topic of CarolSeer2016 (began on 10-3-2015) in response to the chaos among Americans when Putin initiated a “no-fly zone”. Keep in mind that Vlad Putin intervened in Syria, not only at the request of President Assad, but at MY request. I told him “Go boldly, and you will not be contested”. And so he did.

The name of the topic is “The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling”:


“This past week I’ve looked around me and I see that Americans and American politicians are acting like chickens with their heads cut off.

Will Rogers said: “Every once in a while, the world needs someone to come along who knows things.”

Today, that person is Vladimir Putin. He will have access to information that no other person can, or will, have. And he will use the information correctly.

Information such as this: The extent of ISIS infiltration into the multi-factioned Syrian rebellion is greater than anyone in the West realizes, or cares to believe.

For seven years, Americans have allowed a traitor (a traitor to the U.S. Constitution) to sit in the White House. And for the last four years, they have allowed that person to violently usurp legitimate governments in the Middle East (what power gives America the authority to do that?) with the result that a military government presides in Egypt—needed in order to maintain stability in that country—and an uneasy and uncertain political situation still exists in Libya. Does anyone remember Libya?

A quarter of a million people have died in Syria, and that number does not reflect the number of maimed and injured, or the refugees. And now Rubio has seen fit to politicize the attempt by Putin to bring stability to Syria, and perhaps a lawful, and stable transition to a new government, or new type of government.

Rubio either has no knowledge of Middle Eastern history or Middle Eastern culture if he believes that an American type of democracy (I call it Americanism) can always work in that area. Or, if he is anti-Russia simply because of his Cuban background, he is sadly misinformed on current events.

Marco, there is one thing you CAN do—ask Putin what he is doing. Can you overcome your American arrogance in order to do that? Trump did.

To refresh the memory of those whose knowledge of American “intervention” in the Middle East is sadly lacking, I give you Project Ajax, the CIA-induced overthrow (1953) of the legitimate Iranian government, which led to the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the consequent taking of American hostages (who were housed in a hotel directly linked to Project Ajax), and that event, coupled with the CIA-provoked Soviet aggression in Afghanistan resulted in 9/11/2001.

Wake up, America. Your foreign policy stinks.

I turned my back on America; but I am doing this for the world. My loyalties lie with all the peoples of this planet.”

And by the way, I’ve just found out Marco Rubio is a neo-con.

Kira Binkley

Get lost, Murf. (Or is that Smurf). You are way behind the times. The American naïf: the newly-born. KiraSEER


Smurf. Wow! Had to stretch your comedic talents to the utmost to come up with that one, huh? I’ll bet that plays well when you are at recess? So how about you run along outside and play until mommy calls you for supper and let the adults talk, huh!

Kira Binkley

You are a neocon mouthpiece, aren’t you? Prove to me you’re not.


Why would I try to prove I am not. Your a paid Russian troll Prove me wrong.

Andrew Chmile

Again — “heh..heh…”

Ukraine to cut water supplies to rebel-held Luhansk

Ukraine to cut water supplies to rebel-held Luhansk Читайте більше тут: http://zik.ua/en/news/2017/11/06/ukraine_to_cut_water_supplies_to_rebelheld_luhansk_1200427


I am glad they are slowly starting to act like they are fighting a war.

Kira Binkley

I can’t. You are correct. I am a paid Russian troll. And if you believe that, I’ve got some ocean front property in Arizona I’d like to sell you real cheap. KiraSEER


Yep Russian Troll. Your phrasing and nuances are a bit better than average but in the end you all sound the same. Quoting the standard party line straight from Rt and Sputnik.

Kira Binkley

Oh, forgot to tell you, “we’re” coming after the neocons—you included—AND “we’re” not very nice!! Where you gonna run to? KiraSEER


What makes you think I would run? I am a gun toting Redneck with 20 years of military service and a well stocked gun safe. So when ever you are ready.

Kira Binkley

Oh, I’m SO scared. You forget who my friends are. Then you are also an “American Stupid.” Am I right. KiraSeer


If they they as lame as you, no worries. Well troll the American economy as grown more (from 16 T to 18T)since the 08 recession than the entire Russian economy in its entirety. At least it was before it Putin’s self inflicted depression. (from 2.2 trillion to 1,2 trillion in one year.) So it;s better to be American Stupid than Russian Smart. Am I right?

Kira Binkley

And how much has the debt grown in that time?

Andrew Chmile

“from 2.2 trillion to 1,2 trillion in one year.”

That IS — IMPRESSIVE!!!! DAM!!! Only Russians can do all THAT in one year!!! WoW!! —- REAL @ssholes!!

Kira Binkley

You are insanely jealous. Where do you get your lies, Chilli? Just wait until the U.S. perpetrators are in the dock at the ICC. Can’t wait to see what lies you will post them. Anything to make you feel better, right?

Andrew Chmile

“You are insanely jealous. Where do you get your lies, Chilli?”

Murf told me — STUPID! Can’t you read?

So ask him! Copy my post over to him AND ASK HIM! Are you AFRAID? ;)

Andrew Chmile

They are moving fast! — But not on MSM….


Andrew Chmile




Kira Binkley

Thought this was worth repeating. (For Americans, folks, the more often you tell them, the better they seem to retain information.)

Kira Binkley Murf • 2 minutes ago

You apparently missed this topic of CarolSeer2016 (began on 10-3-2015) in response to the chaos among Americans when Putin initiated a “no-fly zone”. Keep in mind that Vlad Putin intervened in Syria, not only at the request of President Assad, but at MY request. I told him “Go boldly, and you will not be contested”. And so he did.

The name of the topic is “The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling”:


“This past week I’ve looked around me and I see that Americans and American politicians are acting like chickens with their heads cut off.

Will Rogers said: “Every once in a while, the world needs someone to come along who knows things.”

Today, that person is Vladimir Putin. He will have access to information that no other person can, or will, have. And he will use the information correctly.

Information such as this: The extent of ISIS infiltration into the multi-factioned Syrian rebellion is greater than anyone in the West realizes, or cares to believe.

For seven years, Americans have allowed a traitor (a traitor to the U.S. Constitution) to sit in the White House. And for the last four years, they have allowed that person to violently usurp legitimate governments in the Middle East (what power gives America the authority to do that?) with the result that a military government presides in Egypt—needed in order to maintain stability in that country—and an uneasy and uncertain political situation still exists in Libya. Does anyone remember Libya?

A quarter of a million people have died in Syria, and that number does not reflect the number of maimed and injured, or the refugees. And now Rubio has seen fit to politicize the attempt by Putin to bring stability to Syria, and perhaps a lawful, and stable transition to a new government, or new type of government.

Rubio either has no knowledge of Middle Eastern history or Middle Eastern culture if he believes that an American type of democracy (I call it Americanism) can always work in that area. Or, if he is anti-Russia simply because of his Cuban background, he is sadly misinformed on current events.

Marco, there is one thing you CAN do—ask Putin what he is doing. Can you overcome your American arrogance in order to do that? Trump did.

To refresh the memory of those whose knowledge of American “intervention” in the Middle East is sadly lacking, I give you Project Ajax, the CIA-induced overthrow (1953) of the legitimate Iranian government, which led to the Iranian revolution of 1979 and the consequent taking of American hostages (who were housed in a hotel directly linked to Project Ajax), and that event, coupled with the CIA-provoked Soviet aggression in Afghanistan resulted in 9/11/2001.

Wake up, America. Your foreign policy stinks.

I turned my back on America; but I am doing this for the world. My loyalties lie with all the peoples of this planet.”

And by the way, I’ve just found out Marco Rubio is a neo-con.

Andrew Chmile

Bit of a change of topic Murf so I’m posting here (due to “cleverness” by “da boyz)) — it seems that Prof. Alex Motyl (Uke) agrees with you on ALL your points — though I can’t say the same as you know …. anyway — for you interest … http://www.ukrweekly.com/uwwp/prof-alexandr-motyl-on-ukraines-struggle-with-survival/


Andrew. Since to hear some one who agrees with me once in a while.

Andrew Chmile

I don’t entirely agree with Alex Motyl as you know Murf… I want the Ukes to (EVENTUALLY!!) take back the Donbas … But I can follow Moyl’s logic.

Rusky got greedy again… as “they” say … “Trump is NASH (ours)!”

Trump is STALLING here on Ukieland as you well know ….


I want them to get it back, just not right now. Definitely not before the next presidential election. Which is what Putin wants. That is why they have been acting all conciliatory. Remember in war never do what the enemy wants. And aways expect the worst possible intent from Russia.

Kira Binkley

Neocon mouthpiece. That was truth talking, not an ad hominem attack, by the way.


“ad hominem” Are getting momy to write you posts for you again. She is busy changing you dippers. so give her break.

Andrew Chmile

“That is why they have been acting all conciliatory. Remember in war never do what the enemy wants. And aways expect the worst possible intent from Russia.”

Oh? You suspect they are being disingenuous again? Maybe they have changed?

Kira Binkley

You think Putin is acting conciliatory because he believes he’s in trouble? Boy, you are naïve. American-Stupid. The newly born. Get educated. Putin is a master long term strategist, and he has me. KiraSeer

Andrew Chmile

Serbians are stupid mental cases on psych drugss like you are and just Ruski boot licking scum! As you also are!

— Try another identity — again! — That’s all you have to do anyway! — ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!



Kira Binkley


Andrew Chmile

Heh, heh… :)



it matters even more if you have antiaircraft manpads thow


We all know what i meant, ground forces is needed, but without aircraft ground forces does not mean anything, even if the number are greater than the enemy’s one who has aircraft also.


invasion of Israel in Lebanon (war with Hesbolah)…..who won who had massive air superiority without the threat of a single AA gun


Christmas came earlier, now time to kick some more ass with those toys SAA. That’s only 25%? I guess Santa does exists after all.

El Mashi

A tax refund to SAA from the US.


And now quickly get them out of there


Holy crap that’s a lot of weapons, and that’s only a quarter of it all. Looks like they caught ISIS with their pants down, as I’m betting that was probably their main weapons depot for the entire region.


This is the kind of progress that is as good as reclaiming territory, because

– all this equipment is no longer used by Daesh – it can be used by SAA against Daesh when needed, when they get shortage of supplies – it also a propaganda coup against Daesh and exposing how well the United States government was ‘fighting’ Daesh for the years before the Russian intervention.

That’s a huge ass load of weapons there.

Nema Mitkovich

You made a mistake with ID of the artillery pieces. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b3d5a90b218fdf39bbc987f35c3fdd2826a7aa958cfa7a1ad17cbe25ce3eabae.jpg


Thank you for the feedback. It’s a mistake of one of the designers. We will update the post soon.

Robert Duran


Kira Binkley

Have they taken the teeth out of ISIS?


Well, after losing so much arms to IS, FSA, HTS and even SDF, it is time SAA took some of IS.

John Brown

Great news

Solomon Krupacek

the government can send all of them to west ghouta. in one day lost 6 tanks :(



But HTS report only shows only 1 tank ! So now you are HTS / FSA fake news. Or should I say FSA fan? You are such the hypocrite !!!!

Solomon Krupacek

important is, how many told damascus; 6 pieces.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

ISIS has lost as evidence of this quick exit leaving many millions on equipment and ammo. They likely now only will hold small skirmishes.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

The SAA/Russian army has the biggest problem now of cleaning out all the bomb traps and feed the people.


Mayadin was probably not heavily mined or bobby trapped at all. They had no time for that. ISIS “capitol” City was behind the front lines and taken rather quickly by SAA. LEAPING TIGERS :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg

Brad Isherwood

Probably Alot of confusion with ISUS not knowing what to do or where to go. Some of the ISUS are residents of Deir Ezzor Province. …Maybe lots decided to bolt for Kurd/SDF region or Bukumal. The CIA/Pentagram screwed up…..chairs will be kicked accross the room after the conference call yelling : )

Richard Noel Hedditch

The Syrian Arab Army breaking up the NATO operation.

Mahmoud Larfi

More weapons than people to operate them… The empire went literally insane in weapon provision to those who were supposed to take care of Syria.

The Farney Fontenoy

Whoa! These guys were ready for a serious showdown! Thank the rapid advance of Syrian forces they never got a chance to use this stuff!


With the amount of air cover present, moving that stuff on the open road would have been suicidal.

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