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Syrian Army Captures Another Town In Southeast Idlib, Approaches Turkish Observation Post

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Late on December 21, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) captured the town of Qatrah in southeastern Idlib following heavy clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

The town is located only 4km to the northeast of the Turkish military’s main observation post in southeast Idlib. The post was established in the outskirt of the town of al-Surman in February of last year.

Syrian Army Captures Another Town In Southeast Idlib, Approaches Turkish Observation Post

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to pro-government activists, the SAA is now bracing to besiege Turkish troops inside al-Surman’s post if they refuse to withdraw. Earlier this year, a Turkish post in northern Hama was besieged for the same reason.

During the day, the army captured the towns of Umm Tinah, al-Ruffaha, Harran, Sarja Gharbuyaal-Sayyadi, Mudayisat and the key hilltop of Tell Damm. The army also repelled a counter-attack by HTS.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), at least 87 militants of HTS and its allies have been killed since the beginning of the SAA large-scale operation in southeast Idlib two days ago.

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J Roderet

Another great day for the Syrian army! The Neocons will be crying into their beers tonight.

Concrete Mike

Im lauhing into beer #8 :))) Joy3ux Noel buddy!!

Azriel Herskowitz

Rebels are in desperate need of US air support. The situation is getting worse. Freedom fighters are under constant regime attacks!

John Wallace

Well that is a total about face isn’t it. You have been screaming the SAA are not making any advance at all and now the terrorists need help from the US . Make up your mind , sorry forgot you don’t have one. Just repeatedly bullshiting and lying with your made up waffle. The US airforce is not going to save these Al Qaeda affiliates . Why would they afterall they were responsible for 9/11 or so the story goes. Or was that Israel who did that to get the US into the wars in the ME for the benefit of Israel. Don’t you think it is time for your aliyah seeing as you are a proud Zionist. You are nothing but a lying piece of dog shit.


But just yesterday you where saying: “and they still can’t make any advances! every advance is repelled by the moderate rebels!” What happened overnight Jacob Liarwitz? Did you take up map reading. :) Have some tiger spam: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg


Dude, you said it was all under control just 1 or 2 days ago? What happened???


Affected nerves? Constipated lately? Don’t read news it’ll get even much worse!

John Wallace

Azriel Herskowitz Butcher regime soldiers appear to be unable to fight a superior rebel force even with russkie air support. Moderate rebels aren’t backing down!

Chris P

John. What territory did the Turkish armed Jihdis capture this summer in Iblid? What territory did the SAA and Tiger Forces capture this summer? Why did they stop their advance too? The supply route is From Russia to Syria. Turkey causes a real problem for this. Thus we get breaks in their advances. Politics, Do you remember Dhouma? Who won and who lost? I’m not sure what your point is, nor Azriel. Are you stating that the SAA is useless? With the whole world against them, they managed to pull through. That is what I see. America is responsible for this war, and that is obvious. If you’re American, you should be ashamed of what your country is doing to the world. From huge refugees crisis in Europe to the new cold war, Shame.

John Wallace

Hey Mustafa I was showing what dickhead Azrile said yesterday and now he is crying they are losing. Shows he is full of shit. Nothing but lies and made up bullshit just like his brain.

John Wallace

Azriel Herskowitz and they still can’t make any advances! every advance is repelled by the moderate rebels!

John Wallace

Azriel Herskowitz Looks like the tiger forces are really just paper tigers. Moderate rebels put them in their place


THey’re as moderate as the Stern Gang

John Wallace

That is what Troll Azrile was saying today and yesterday before he was crying for the US airforce to save them..

Black Waters

Not rebels, MERCENARIES.

John Wallace

Where are you Az rile , away crying in your pretzels and it’s not even August. It’s alright , they will all be dead soon so no need to worry about them.

Ricky Miller

You mean jihadi street gangs, a majority of whom are not even Syrians.



Lazy Gamer

These so called rebels had the opportunity to take advantage of the amnesty and to participate in the drafting of a Constitution. They did not, so they have chosen how they die and can be considered terrorists who are holding a civilian population ransom. A lot of those soldiers anyway came from other countries. Israel is not thinking long term. You think if the rebels won, theyd be best friends with Israel? Who would be more reasonable to negotiate with? The multiculturalist or the fanatic? lol

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Freedom for whom?

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

It’s funny how you openly cheer on the side of terrorists


at least he is sincere

Abdul Wahib Al-Mahdi

no evidence of this

Black Waters


John Wallace

So where is the pic of you and the goat.. We have no evidence you are even real.


He is not real, the Guy in the picture is Omar Shafik Hammami, an American who was the leader in the Somali Islamist militant group al-Shabaab…He was killed in 2013.

John Wallace

Thanks Issam.

Hasbara Hunter

Thanks Brother…:)


Are you accusing FBI, CIA and NSA of doing their job sloppy? They had that photo in their archives…so they used it. How could they possibly know that there is somebody who can I.D. that guy?


It’s probably one of these zionist trolls who lurk around :D

Concrete Mike

Well done, thank you brother.


This picture taken today west of the stated town Qatrah. Tigers are still on the move as the Jihadist rats retreat. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4352f196820201d53bd3d151298e1e35c63be9985cd28798d7114d3b9d03d5cc.jpg

Liberal guy

Hey fool u coward no evidence is there that the so called moderate white helmets are the good guys and ur so called moderate in reality terrorist brothers in arms is out of question.

Hasbara Hunter

I know You are a Treacherous ZioNAZI you Filthy Abu Bakr Elliot Shimon al Hell Aviv…The Headchopping AngloZioNazi Parasite in your picture is already digested by the worms….


Merry Christmas for all those who celebrate!

And happy constipation to Azriel Herskowitz and his jihad friend Abdul.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Hahahahhhhaa merry xmas to u too :)

Hasbara Hunter

Happy New Year….Abdul is Fertilizing Idlibistan at the moment…he turned into Dogshit…

Liberal guy

Hey azriel u scum ur so called moderate rebels need help from whom? us air force? Hahahahaha u still don’t get it even they don’t want these scums to live.

Peter Jennings

The repatriation of Syria has begun along with the end of US/nato/isreali/suadi terror. Then onwards to the north to squeeze US/nato zits between the SAA and the Turkish border. The US are in the process of creating more nato outposts in the region at the same time forked tongues back in washingtub talk of withdrawal.

Once stability is achieved, the Damascus admin will have to retake the Golan at some point for the security and safety of Syria and its people. As a Brit, i wish the people of Syria, its President and First Lady, the SAA, all the best results for the new year.

Hasbara Hunter

Better warn them Turks to get their observation post out of the Friggin way….or it might get Steamrolled….


Why steamrolled when they can have TELEPORTATION?! I would dig tunnel under the post and place few tons of that American C4 they gave to ISIS and SAA has found later on.

Beam me up Scotty ! https://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2018/1/2/330973-15149413380899262.jpeg

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