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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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On January 13, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, captured the entire region of Mount al-Hass that includes dozens of villages in southwestern Aleppo, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria. The source added that the SAA also secured the Tell Daman-Khanasir-Jabal al-Arbain road.

Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Now, less than 6km separates SAA troops deployed in southwestern Aleppo from positions of the Tiger Forces east of Abu Duhur airbase in eastern Idlib.

Syrian pro-government sources reported that the SAA and its allies killed several fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) during their advance, including “Abu Qaswara Malahem” the commander of “Jund al-Malahem”, an elite force of HTS.

Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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From its side, the HTS-linked news agency Iba’a claims that HTS and its allies expanded their operations in the southeastern Idlib countryside and recaptured the villages of Khuwayn, Tell Maraq and Rubay’ah from the SAA.

Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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Syrian Army Captures Entire Area Of Mount Hass In Southern Aleppo (Photos, Map)

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However, Syrian pro-government activists denied Iba’a’s claims and claimed that the SAA didn’t lose any position in the northern Hama countryside or the southeastern Idlib countryside.

So far, the SAA backed by the Russian Aerospace Forces had repelled three counter attacks of HTS and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in southern Idlib. However, the radical groups appear to be desperate to achieve any victory what so ever to calm down the anger among their supporters.

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Gregory Louis

Well gg


Two pockets forming up. Excellent ! Keep up the great work SAA.

Trustin Judeau

Dutchnational right.This guy is more stupid than some rebel supporters which is pretty bad achievement.”SAA lost few villages , they are collapsing and crumbling” – this is his mentality I suppose

John Whitehot

“SAA lost few villages , they are collapsing and crumbling”

at this rate they’ll be soon collapsing and crumbling inside Idlib city, while the rebels perform “fierce attacks” in the direction of Turkey, if you know what I mean.


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Two? Don’t you mean one? The red marker around to southern Aleppo pocket is liberated right? Or that’s what’s being said. Am I wrong? Doesn’t the article state that?


The north side pocket is completely liberated and the South side pocket will be liberated in a matter of time.

Solomon Krupacek

not yet


I certainly hope so. Normally the map maker would paint the area red, and this may be the next map we see.:) Wikimapia is showing the road taken with a sealed pocket to be cleaned up. But they may not be up to date. GO TIGERS https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They have fire control over the area and many HTS and FSA(Al Qaeda linked group) will run in order to save manpower. The losses for HTS is huge and them reporting that many deaths would lead to morale being lowered drastically.

Be Happy the master mind of Harasta is dead and now Abu Qwasra Malahem, he was with the disbanded Al Qaeda group “Jund al Aq’aba” elite terror headchopping squad which went into the FSA.


it really made me happy to see that :)))

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The reason the HTS had captured those towns from the SAA was the use of Chlorine gas again supplied by the Turks. This was reported by the Commander of the Shaheen Brigade.


There is no use for Chlorine gas in open fields and villages. Not even that effective in urban areas unless mass quantities are used.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They had mass quantities supplied by Israel and driven by Turkish military trucks in munitions, this was a reprehensible action , by these Nations and those who condoned the action.


ah interesting, did SAA manage to take them back yet?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They were going to punish them first and take them back in the morning, AMN had the article. Found out on twitter as the Shaheen Brigade Commander Ali posts.

Solomon Krupacek

No. TF took the aea dotted south from red marked area. Thus PRIVJ was correct. The two yellow arrows mark two closing pockets.


I am “glad” you are making my comments for me.

As I see the map rebel positions are weakened and weakening.

SAA lossess are way higher than reported, both materiel and manpower.

Imo rebels are strategically lost unless they suck up to Turkey in the north. Even that might already be too late.

I do not really care for islamist rebels, but pity the trapped and bombed civillians.


Zioshill Alert

Their wouldn’t be a war without your Jew comrades fabricating and perpetuating it.

“Casualties of the Syrian Civil War”



Marvin Joel Zavala López

Well if you care too much about civilians just search the living conditions of poor people in Africa and Lating America and join a fundation or something like that. One last thing: Go cry somewhere else you bitch”.


Bullshit! You don’t give a damn about the civilians! I know this because u have openly war gamed on behalf of HTS and ISIS with the notion of them “working together” to defeat the SAA! If u gave a shit about civilians why would u war game for terrorists? Because as u well know, these terrorists chop off heads women and children! You know this! In 2014 they literally drove into towns and just started slaughtering people! so u dont give a shit about the people! You defend SDF whenever a report against them is made! So not only are u biased and full of shit, u do support terrorists when it comes to battles against the SAA! Stop bullshitting people! u will get more respect if u just be an honest asshole rather than a lying asshole! You are such scum u have even called Hezbollah “cowards”! Let me tell u something scumbag! If not for Hezbollah,Syria would be lost! and dont forget Hezbollah defeated Israel in 2006! So u might want to think again before u openly show who u truly support! U dont give a fuck about civilians! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d8d39cd5677e490d49c53e95eb79089315f907fc84044d94fc1598a7b348e788.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/975dfb45a23420201559d69f04e1578594c241f1021985543508cfd9282f10fd.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d7d0098f2958171538b9db7bea74e97260ceed12657da71500e6ec9df401b1a0.png


You’ve repeatedly made false accusations against me that I’m a Nazi to divert attention from and cover up Jew crime and evil. When the truth is that the Jews worked hand and glove with the Nazis, including insuring that many of their coreligionists perished so that this could be used to support the formation of your scofflaw crime state on stolen Palestinian land:

– The Zionist-Nazi Collaboration –



Toni Liu

Dont think if he use nazi tank pic means he nazi supporter, that kind tank pzkpfw IV use by syrian in the past against israel, even there are still somewhere in syria this tank sit in the garage waiting for its fate when movie producer pay crazy sum money for this intact tank



Baudouin Jérusalem


That Guy

I like this new encirclement tactic, it makes taking control over lands much faster. The idea here is to not completely encircle the lands, but rather forming multiple semi-pockets and start attacking from the other sides (which are not the exit from the pockets), while at the same time fire-controlling the supply roots to the semi pockets. This way the enemies inside the semi-pockets start to run away from the semi-pockets and the control over these lands becomes much faster.

Still, I don’t know what are they planning, it might be different from what i mentioned above.


Falaise a-go-go


its like how velociraptors attack, coordinated attack patterns, from the front, and from the left and right from raptors you didnt even know were there like dr. grant said in jurassic park :)))

Astar Roth

Only speculations. You could have used wolves tactics for better understanding. Not all of us have seen that film. Funny film, that, Spielberg directed. All of his films are, actually funny. Grandiose. Spectacular. That’s not how atrs works.


cmon who has not seen jurassic park? lol


Actually it was how Russia defeated the USA in Ukraine. The US sent in quite a few of its Nazi mercs and press ganged Ukrainians to attack Russians in the east of Ukraine, and every time the Russian backed troops encircled the enemy. The Russians call them cauldrons.


Yes I remember this, on 2015 or 14 I believe? Its a proven strategy :))

Richard M

It was used at least as early as Aleppo in 2016 in Syria’s war. Historically, of course we could look to Hannibal Barca. I love this tactic too because it is highly successful.


The village in the video looks pretty intact. I’m sure that a lot of the property owners will be grateful for that. These open areas and municipalities free of civilians are death zones for the regime change forces exposed to air strikes and government heavy weapons use. Once they’ve been deprived of civilian human shields and reinforcements. Their options are die, surrender, or leave. Most of them are probably choosing to retreat and cede the municipalities to the government. Which adds them to the land under it’s control and begins the re population and repair process.

The government and their coalition partners are doing a great job. This bodes well for the region and humanity. :)




– Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job Man who blew the whistle on Gladio tells Italy’s largest newspaper attacks were run by CIA, Mossad –




Fascist Jew War Mongers:





This is what happens when you’re being cooked by Jews with directed energy weapons:







Syrian and allied forces usually liberate 16 to 22 villages each day but today on 13th January, 2018 Syrian and allied forces have liberated 50 to 60 villages.

Baudouin Jérusalem


Jim Prendergast

HTS spray-paint has outlived them.


There should be a study on the non violent and violent dejudification of our planet. And the disarmament of the the Jew’s Samson nukes and other weapons on an as needed basis. To get our planet’s security situation stabilized for the safe and peaceful transition of our race into the interstellar community of civilizations.

The place to start is with the US and Palestine where 83% of the planet’s Jews live. Who are the planet’s two biggest trouble makers. As well as France, Canada and the UK where an additional 12% live. Approximately 95 out of our planet’s 193 nations are Jew free. And the remaining 93 sans the 5 listed above, only contain 5% of the planet’s Jews.


International Criminal Court:





Dejudification in Europe 1946 to 2010:



AMN is reporting a very large number of airstrikes on Idlib tonight. When the rats are on the move, that’s when you hit them ! https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/breaking-russian-jets-unleash-largest-air-attack-southern-idlib/

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes right where they had the chlorine gas attack 40 strikes in 1 hour nice:)


Your dam right this is positive news. And what chlorine gas attack are you revering to ? Usually is fake news. :/

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This happened at 2 villages near and in Khuwayn after that then the Russians decided to hit the area with airstrikes. They are hitting that especially hard.The commander of the Shaheen brigade confirmed it, Al Quds group.


did the Syrians ally with isis cell south of id lib?? they seem to not be fighting each other

Richard M

You seem to not be paying attention.


so update me…cause i only see both hitting the mediocore animals

Richard M

ISIS has had plenty of outside support. 18 months ago they controlled 40%+ of Syrian territory. ISIS allies have included US, NATO, Ottomans, Wahhabistan and Israel. As in any long war alliances shift and betrayals occur.


i am talking about the small isis cell in idlib not the whole isis fanatics in syria

Richard M

There’s no evidence they are working with SAA. They killed and captured SAA near Abu Duhur recently. They are like rabid dawgs. If they attack one person it is hardly evidence that they are working with another person. HTS is a more imminent threat to SAA at present, so the Daesh dawgs are largely ignored temporarily….Much more interesting to me is what the next phase of the Syrian war will be. Daesh is no longer a significant player. With Daesh and Free Salafist Army neutralized only the puppet masters can continue the aggression against Syria directly. Or else they must concede defeat.

John Whitehot

“not fighting” does not mean being allies.

Being “allies” is what happen tactically when FSA and Nusra fight against the SAA and strategically when ISIS conducts operations at the same time Nusra an FSA do in different parts of the country, like when the SAA was liberating Aleppo and ISIS was attacking Palmira.


Very good!

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