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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Captures Key Hills East Of Turkish Post In Northern Hama

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Late on August 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced further in the militants’ enclave in northern Hama, capturing two key hilltops east of the Turkish observation post.

Army units imposed control of the Huwayr and Syriatel hills, according to pro-government sources. Both hills overlook the Turkish observation post located south of the town of Murak.

Syrian Army Captures Key Hills East Of Turkish Post In Northern Hama

Click to see full-size map

The SAA began advancing inside the militants’ enclave a few hours ago only. The village of Sayyad and its hilltop were among the first positions to be captured by the army.

Opposition sources claim that most militants withdrew from the enclave earlier this week. However, a recent report by the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) revealed that up to 1,800 militants are still hiding in the enclave.

The army will likely neutralize all the remaining militants’ inside the northern Hama enclave within the upcoming few days.

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I hope the Turks have nice view of Jihadi rout. Maybe Erdogan can send some nice pics.

Xoli Xoli

Every Movement of Erdogan headchopers are under Syrian army surveillance.Every action are monitored and dismantled.Both USANATO and Russia are laughing at Erdogan arrogants,foolishness and isolation. Soon Erdogan headchopers and USA puppets will clashed and USA will instruct Israel to launch mysterious explosion on Turkey S-400 systems.Currently USA is exercising mysterious explosions on Russian and PMU missile depots and weapons site.

Icarus Tanović

He is American puppet, don’t fool you self. Turkey is America/Zioniststan or something. If punk make a wrong move, perhaps you know what goes next.

Zionism = EVIL

Turkey still has the largest MOSSAD station in the region in Ankara and Istanbul and also the third rate Turkish military has over 500 IDF advisers and they also host them at the Incirlik base which is totally controlled by Americunt masters. Turkey is a treacherous scum of a shithole.

Xoli Xoli

Guys you are more important and needed on this forum.Not like some of us who denied the reality and remains ignorant.You guys are representing speechless and most oppress people.Thumbs up.

Icarus Tanović

Turkey does what America wants and orders. This all bluff with that dissident Gulen is bluff and smoke screens.

MeMad Max

As was proven time and again, erDOGhan thinks for himself and is completely unpredictable unless you know what erDOGhan wants… he flips flops all the fucking time….

The first country that threatens him with nukes will be the first country that tames the DOG….

Xoli Xoli

Thank you so much to be more vigilant and put it straight forward who and what foolish Erdogan is and wants.

Icarus Tanović

All that bull with Qatar, such is we’re gonna protect you from Saudis is just nice play with stage actors. They’d run away sooner than they have came there, making sorta inflating ‘bases’. Treacherous coward, he is, but he plays his zionistic role well. Those things are just dust in the eyes. If he doesn’t obey, they can make coup d’etat right about now, and dog can end up like Gaddafi, with distinction that Gaddafi was a good guy, and this one is just waste. Don’t forget that Khasoggi was murdered by Saudis right in front of his eyes. That was all planed, perhaps you already know who is behind all that. But theirs evil politics and strategy is about to collapse. Patience is one of the greatest human’s characteristics.

Xoli Xoli

Point taken but remember USA is not in good talking terms with Erdogan since he bought S-400.Saddam,when he fought Iran was a USA darling but then later betrayed and killed by USA NATO. Gaddafi was a best investor and a USA darling when he abandoned nuclear weapons. But got killed by same USA NATO by passing on direct intelligence. Savimbi betrayed by USANATO. Idiamin betrayed by USANATO.Pakistan was good for USA during Afganistan USSR war but were marginalized and suppressed when refused to hide Osama. During gulf war Iran was USA partner but why is there a 90% degree U turn now.USA is no longer interested in Saudi Arabia because their oil wells are running dry.USA has other alternatives aiming to forcefully taking over Syrian, Iran,Venezuela,Libya and Iraqi oil.Where is USA NATO sweetheart Sakasvilli.Please continue criticizing me but look first in indebtedness.

Icarus Tanović

No I don’t, Iran after revolution was never with USA in anything, also who gave intel of whereabouts of Mandela to SAR police? Also stands for Patrice Lumumba, for Hammarskjold, who was assassinated too, and all that mess in Somalia, as mentioned, Kongo, because they’ve wanted to make socialist state, and to give all oil, and uranium, other resources to China. Before that not a single Wahhabi was ever seen in Somalia, but now they have and kinda control 30 or so percent of state. Same thing goes to Sudan, which also wanted to make socialist state, kinda like Libya or Venezuela, but they started civil War there, and now Saudi Arabia told Sudanese government that they will moderate that, so Americans will lift the sanctions, but only if Sudan sends theirs mercenaries to Yemen to fight freedom fighters, brave Yemenis. No, this time it won’t be going by theirs numbers.

MeMad Max

Erdogan is just plain retarded setting up “observation posts” in syria and being even more ridiculously stupid in trying to maintain these posts even after they are surrounded and cut off…

Besides that, all they are gonna “observe” is their terrorist buddies getting slaughtered right at their door steps…


It is in his best interest if these jihadis were indeed neutralized by the SAA, and Erdogan knows that. There will be no green buses to anywhere this time, and the puppet commanders of these jihadis will lead them to the slaughter.

stupid is as stupid does

green buses to hell

Zionism = EVIL

I am afraid Russia will cut another deal with the pimp coward ErDOGan instead of roasting the Turkeys and their terrorists. These localized “peace” deals only give the Turkeys more time to arm and train terrorists. Russia/USSR showed similar cowardice and hesitation in Afghanistan and we all know how well that played out. Turkey is now playing the same role treacherous Pakistan played during the USSR-Afghan conflict when the CIA created the biggest terrorist supply chain in the world and Pakistan, a real shithole was given total freedom to kill Russians at will. Unfortunately, the same in happening in Idlib where the Turkish military “intelligence” MIT is playing the role of Paki ISI as the sponsor and conduit for terror.

Pave Way IV

At least three more Turkish convoys seen in the last day.

1. North, border directly west of Aleppo – destination unknown. Turks shelling positions in Kurd-held territory north of Aleppo. Maybe supplies for head-choppers to attack Kurd at points northwest of Aleppo.

2. Saraqueb, heading south on M5 towards Maarat al Numan. The stalled convoy/new observation post about half-way further down M5 to Khan Shaykhun. Only other OP in that area is east of Maarat al Numan at Surman. Russia or Syria bombed the area just outside that OP perimeter earlier today. Wonder if Turks got the message?

3. Khirbet al Joz crossing north of Jisr ash Shugur, probably for the OP at lab-rat mount (Ishtabraq Mount). Jisr ash Shugur is the home base for Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) which pledged loyalty to the Afghani Taliban. Mostly Uyghurs, but lots of assorted head-choppers from all of Turkistan (the ‘stans NE and north of Afghanistan). Turks consider them the best fighters of all the Turk-supported factions in Syria. The Chinese Uyghurs came with their families through Turkey and were pretty much given (or have stolen) all the Syrian housing, livestock, crops and orchards in that region. They’ll probably fight to the death, so Turkey is eager to keep them happy. Turkey supposedly uses TIP to ‘guard’ the perimeters of its observation posts.

Pave Way IV

Tweet says TIP is NW of Khan Shaykhun with Ansar al Tawhid, implying that they are not in the cauldron.


@Syria_Rebel_Obs is clearly a supporter of the old-school Syrian rebellion – FSA before head-chopperism and the CIA took over. He does make a compelling argument for Turkey and Russia secretly cooperating now in N. Hama and S. Idlib. It goes something like this: Turkey’s original motivation was to weaken, but not destroy Assad’s Syria. Turkey wants to be top dog in the region, and Syria wasn’t playing that. On the other hand, Turkey doesn’t want any rebel group or jihadi faction to dominate occupied Syria. Turkey previously supported IS because they provided a powerful beat-down to Syria, jihadists and Kurds, weakening them all. Then Turkey supported al Nusra or anyone else fighting IS. Now Turkey is sitting back while the remains of the FSA and HTS are destroyed/weakened to insignificance by SAA/Russia. They will facilitate jihadi infighting while those groups weaken themselves. Turkey will eventually take care of the NE Syria ‘Kurd Problem’ in time. I don’t know if @Syria_Rebel_Obst got it 100%, but it just makes a lot of sense to me considering what has been/is going on now. This thread is relevant, but the few before this expand on his views.



Yes, he does have an interesting theory. The future will tell if he is right.


Thanks, and it is an interesting theory. But when looked at it closer, it falls apart as pure propaganda:

Erdogan is a loyal Muslim brother, and the major supporter of the Syrian revolution. His and the muslim brothers game plan was a caliphate, and to remove Assad by all means.

Only that way he could play out his Ottoman dream of being the Muslim political leader of the world umma.

That now pro Turkish Twitter propagandist claim, that Erdogan had no plan to remove Assad, or create a Caliphate, is only logical. The change the narrative, after that plan now is so unrealistic, that even the most brainwashed wont believe it would be possible.

Just like the west changes their narrative after the fact.

Pave Way IV

You’re using extremes as a counter-argument. That doesn’t make you wrong, but that’s a common propaganda technique! Example:

“Erdogan is a loyal Muslim brother, and the major supporter of the Syrian revolution” The major supporter? Certainly *a* major supporter, but the rebellion had several outside backers with many self-serving motives. The overall picture seems a little more complex. @Syria_Rebel_Obs points out Erdogan’s flip-flopping and back-stabbing, eventually providing major support to al Qaeda and ISIS – two forces which either usurped or replaced FSA and it’s goals. That, while he still supported FSA. So he played both sides for his own interests – that’s pretty typical of him.

“His and the muslim brothers game plan was a caliphate, and to remove Assad by all means.” Erdogan wants to be leader of a new Turkish empire, not a caliphate. Just like the al Sauds and Wahhabism, he uses MB to rally muslims for his own self-serving interests – not theirs.

Same with the ‘Assad must go’ BS. Erdogan’s attitude toward Assad seems to change like the weather. Correct me if I’m wrong, but he is no longer calling for Assad’s removal today. The Syrian state has been sufficiently weakened that Assad is no longer a threat to Erdogan. And now that Erdogan is hostile towards Israel (again), Assad might prove useful somehow. I can see Erdogan doing the same thing with rebels, jihadists and Kurds. Weaken them so they are no longer a threat and contain them.


Pave Way IV:

Erdogan at the moment indeed is the major supporter of the Syrian revolution.

Both the US and the Gulf States have stepped down their support some time ago, after Russian diplomatic initiatives. You are truly right, that this was different even a year back, but that is a different thing now enterily.

Erdogan was made the guranteer of the Idlib Jidhaidist for a reason by Russia. Because he is the one with the biggest influence. Putin would not have given Erdogan the political concessions of the Idlib deal, if Erdogan would have not the means to in turn pressure the Idlib Jihadists.

I would encourage you to read VoltaireNets latest series, with the most relevant parts of Thierry Meyssans new book.

It is a chronic of the Syrian “revolution”, and outlays all relevant actors.

The muslim brothers are central, as the organisation that took the initiative, and led the efforts in the war, ideologically and both logistically.

Erdogan as a professed Muslim brother was central to this, and it alinged with his plan to become the leader of the Arab world and sunna, just like the Ottoman empire.

Meyssan explains this in great detail, from the ottoman empire till today. The caliphate is also central to the Muslim brothers ideology, and the only difference in the definition of the calipahte between Muslim Brothers and ISIS was the definition, when to declare one.

Erdogans ambition to form an empire does not exclude him being the self professed polical leader of the Muslims, it is the same thing in the Muslim brothers ideology.

To discuss if he wants to serve Muslim interests or only his is of no relevance to me frankly. Religion and Polics in Islam can hardly be seperated, and him being a self serving and corrupt does not exclude him being seem as a leader by Muslim, as wealth and power are seen as Gods will, just like in some protestant sects.

And that Erdogan now does accept Assads stay is only a product of Russian diplomacy, and that even the most ideologically blinded shareholders of the “revolution” dont see a way to remove him.

“That now pro Turkish Twitter propagandist claim, that Erdogan had no plan to remove Assad, or create a Caliphate, is only logical. The change the narrative, after that plan now is so unrealistic, that even the most brainwashed wont believe it would be possible.”

Again, anyone interested in the deeper backgrounds of how the Muslim Brothers and NATO started the “revolution”, and the web of developments that connects all sides in this war, read Thierry Meyssans latest series on Voltrairenet. Its truly insightful, and goes much deeper than any reporting we had so far.

Pave Way IV

The first relevant article I see on the Voltairnet home page is

https://www.voltairenet.org/article207363.html Turkey gives up on the idea of a Caliphate for the second time by Thierry Meyssan 18 Aug 2019

That’s probably not the series your referring to though. Late here – I’ll look tomorrow.


Nice, that my reply has now been censored. You are one of those instead of discussion report comments when they have no anser?

Pave Way IV

Hah! You must not know how many times my comments were flagged and disappeared. Fortunately, South Front isn’t a big fan of malicious censorship by someone flagging a post for that reason – they will restore your reply as soon as they know about it. It’s just automatically moved into a ‘pending’ folder that the admins usually don’t need to check that often and don’t. They can also see who flagged it and why, and can take care of malicious ‘flaggers’.

Sorry your reply was flagged. By time we see it here again, many readers will have moved on to more recent articles. I post here to see what other people like you think is going on, not to look at or promote my own uneducated guesses based on questionable sources.

I sent the following email to info@southfront.org

User EveryoneIsBiased replied to me in this thread https://southfront.org/syrian-army-captures-key-hills-east-of-turkish-post-in-northern-hama/ and says their reply can no longer be seen. Can you check the folder for flagged posts to see if it’s there and release it? This is regarding an EveryoneIsBiased post – not mine Thanks for all your hard work on the site, SF.


Well, here is my comment that got censored. I luckily have a clipboard manager. :)

Pave Way IV:

Erdogan at the moment indeed is the major supporter of the Syrian revolution.

Both the US and the Gulf States have stepped down their support some time ago, after Russian diplomatic initiatives.

You are truly right, that this was different even a year back, but that is a different thing now enterily.

Erdogan was made the guranteer of the Idlib Jidhaidist for a reason by Russia. Because he is the one with the biggest influence. Putin would not have given Erdogan the political concessions of the Idlib deal, if Erdogan would have not the means to in turn pressure the Idlib Jihadists.

I would encourage you to read VoltaireNets latest series, with the most relevant parts of Thierry Meyssans new book.

It is a chronic of the Syrian “revolution”, and outlays all relevant actors.

The muslim brothers are central, as the organisation that took the initiative, and led the efforts in the war, ideologically and both logistically.

Erdogan as a professed Muslim brother was central to this, and it alinged with his plan to become the leader of the Arab world and sunna, just like the Ottoman empire.

Meyssan explains this in great detail, from the ottoman empire till today. Thecaliphate is also central to the Muslim brothers ideology, and the onlydifference in the definition of the calipahte between Muslim Brothers and ISIS was the definition, when to declare one.

Erdogans ambition to form an empire does not exclude him being the self professed polical leader of the Muslims, it is the same thing in the Muslim brothers ideology.

To discuss if he wants to serve Muslim interests or only his is of no relevance to me frankly. Religion and Polics in Islam can hardly be seperated, and him being a self serving and corrupt does not exclude him being seem as a leader by Muslim, as wealth and power are seen as Gods will, just like in some protestant sects.

And that Erdogan now does accept Assads stay is only a product of Russian diplomacy, and that even the most ideologically blinded shareholders of the “revolution” dont see a way to remove him.

“That now pro Turkish Twitter propagandist claim, that Erdogan had no plan to

remove Assad, or create a Caliphate, is only logical. The change the

narrative, after that plan now is so unrealistic, that even the most brainwashed wont believe it would be possible.”

Again, anyone interested in the deeper backgrounds of how the Muslim Brothers and NATO started the “revolution”, and the web of developments that connects all sides in this war, read Thierry Meyssans latest series on Voltrairenet. Its truly insightful, and goes much deeper than any reporting we had so far.

Zionism = EVIL

There 200 Turkeys and 30 vehicles trapped in the Morek pocket and I wonder how these retarded mongol scum will be allowed to leave the SAA cordon. I believe the best course is to disarm the Turkeys and let Russia which has been their protector escort them out after a 24 hour ultimatum. If the invading Turkey scum don’t leave on their own accord, the SyAAF should unleash hell on the scum. As the say, the only good Turkey is a cooked Turkey and Thanksgiving and X-mas are fast approaching.

MeMad Max

Much agreed. If the roches wont leave on their own then burn them out…

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, this terror war would have been over in 2016, after the fall of Darra and Aleppo later if the Russians had not cut deals and let thousands of these headchopping scum escape in Green Volvo buses, specially purchased with UN funds to help these losers set up in Idlib and Hama. The green buses should have been bombed and every one of these vermin killed so that they could join 72 virgin goats in Valhalla.

MeMad Max

I STILL dont get those moves to this day!!!


After idlib, the kurds would’ve been the next rock in the road too, I dunno…. the republican guard was at its peak back then and was on the road to being stronger… wtf… putin mustve made a deal with obammer…

Zionism = EVIL

Absolutely correct my friend, when I question that warped logic, the Ruskie fans all get upset. They did the same in Afghanistan in the Panjshir valley with Ahmad Shah Mossoud’s terrorists and paid the price in thousands of Russian lives.

Zionism = EVIL

The Putin fan club will be up in arms again, but I know Putin for what he really is, a corrupt Jew stooge and close friend of the Zionist war criminal Nutter Yahoo. Putin did not acknowledge the deaths of over 150 brave young Russians who have been killed by Americunts and Zionists in Syria. Instead he hosted Nutter Yahoo 14 times and gave some dead Jew fuck from the 1980’s Lebanon invasion a state funeral at the Kremlin.

MeMad Max

Also, I remember putin declaring that 150k troops were gonna be trained up and sent to syria. WTF happened with that plan? Obammer is the answer. Putin was only half stroking the syrian issue to play obama… Its almost clear as day… now we have trump who cant make up his fuckin mind about what to do…. fuck…..

MeMad Max

I remember, a putin that was ready to end this shit in syria in a month or so give or take then all of a sudden he acts like a fuckin pussy and now syria has become russias’ afghanistan part 2(aka: vietnam for russia).

Russia WAS starting to look like the last great haven for freedom in the world post USSR but now what? They act just the same as the NWO masters…

I have started plans to make my bunker even deeper than it has before/……

Zionism = EVIL

Remember that Putin is part and parcel of the corrupt Jew oligarchs that have bled Russian to death. In any case he was just a lowly KGB major in Dresden, his only overseas posting and even missed the obvious writing on the Berlin Wall when the whole Soviet system fell apart. One of the reasons for Russian intervention in Syria was to protect the Zionist entity and secondly to secure the only overseas Russian bases in Tartus and Latakia.


Hey that’s offensive to people. Who have sex with goats

Feudalism Victory

Ah so.they didn’t all leave the pocket. If the saa has any sense they’ll kill everyone inside there no matter if they say they’re civilian or not. Now is the time for a bloody purge


No mercy… kill them all… Because if you don’t they will kill later Sick fuck jihad Put them in a hole and put petrol over them to feel the pain which they creat

Jacob Wohl's Nose

do not fear muh moderate rebels, my nostrils will inhale and protect you all! the hurricane force winds of my exhales will blow the butcher regime away!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If we work out just how many passengers those Turkish apc’s and trucks can carry, we’ll also be able to work out just exactly how many terrorists are left near Murak. 1800 sounds way too many to me, the Turks don’t have enough vehicles available to carry them all, or are they going to pretend to be innocent civilians and camp all around that besieged OB post in an attempt to save it, we’ll find out as the SAA get closer and closer.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Look at the map and you’ll see just how easy it’ll be for the SAA to do exactly the same thing to the other OB post in Hama, even easier, just head east a couple of km’s above the OB post, and also head north from just to the east of it, and after just 2 or 3 km’s the second OB post suffers the same fate as the previous one did, soooo simple.


excellente news turkey crying lol! :)

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