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Syrian Army Captures New Town In Southeast Idlib, Reaches Ma`arat al-Nu`man Outskirt

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Late on January 25, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reached the outskirt of the city of Ma`arat al-Nu`man in southeast Idlib after capturing the nearby town of Talmenes.

The SAA stormed Talmenes in the afternoon and managed to secure the town following a few hours of clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

Syrian Army Captures New Town In Southeast Idlib, Reaches Ma`arat al-Nu`man Outskirt

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Army troops are now less than 4km away from Ma`arat al-Nu`man’s city center, the main target of the ongoing large-scale operation. The city is the biggest urban center in southeast Idlib.

The SAA resumed its ground operation in southeast Idlib a day earlier, capturing several towns, villages and hilltops to the east and southeast of Ma`arat al-Nu`man.

Syrian and Russian warplanes are now targeting the outskirt of Talmenes. This suggests that the army may advance further in the upcoming hours.

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Awesome! WHOOOHOOO!!


With the Russian Tu-214R, now patroling Syrian airspace it should make life much easier for the SAA to identify Rat-runs and rats running on the ground day or night and in all weather conditions.This may indeed prove to be the most decisive Hi-tech input of this phaze of the war against NATO Terrorists. Hope it helps bring a swift and crushing defeat over these headchopping vermin.Forward and onward the 4th, the 25th and all other SAA Battalions and Divisions who will bring another Great Victory on this Road to complete Liberation

Luke Hemmming

I’m looking at the Syrian maps and comparing them from 2, 4 and 6 years ago. What great progress the SAA, Russia and Iran with the help of Hama too. Thou the cost has been great the rewards are even greater, getting rid of the foreign backed cannon fodder mouth breathing idiots that will no longer be getting a pay packet anymore and now your wife and kids will starve. Stupid life choices for stupid people who got sucked in by the Zionist interests of the Rothschilds and Co. Hope you choke on your caviar and hors de’ores ya fucking saggy skinned bag of shit. I hope you die from a nasty infection at your next satanic human sacrafice meeting with all your other homosexual ball sucking parasites.

Gary Sellars

I’m glad I’m not a HTS recruitment officer these days…. That would be a tough sell… LOL!!!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Once this place falls all the south below it will too, and the 2 Turkish Ob posts will get the same treatment the other 2 did, thousands of SAA brown eyes looking at them, LOL. “Troops halt”, “about face”, “unbuckle trousers”, “drop pants”, “now bend over and wave to Turkey”.

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