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Syrian Army Captures Three Towns In Southeast Idlib After Killing Dozens Of Militants

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The Syria Arab Army (SAA) imposed control of three towns in southeast Idlib a few hours after resuming its ground operations in the region early on January 16.

Army troops stormed the towns of Tell Khatrah, Abu Jurayf and Khirbat Dawud in the morning. The three towns were secured following several hours of clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Haya’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

Syrian Army Captures Three Towns In Southeast Idlib After Killing Dozens Of Militants

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the attack was a response to the repeated violations by terrorists in southeast Idlib.

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) documented the death of 22 militants, including 16 Jihadists, during the clashes around Tell Khatrah, Abu Jurayf and Khirbat Dawud.

Last week, Russia and Turkey reached a ceasefire agreement on Greater Idlib. However, HTS and its allies sabotaged the agreement by launching a series of rocket attacks on military sites and urban areas around the region.

With the complete collapse of the new ceasefire, the SAA will likely advance further in southeast Idlib in the upcoming few days, if not hours.

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There will be setbacks during the liberation of Idlib from the US Coalition of Terror, BUT the flow of liberation is now unstoppable and any setback will only increase the power of the inevitable rush of liberation to all of Syria.

The SAA, all its allies and all the loyal Syrians who have suffered so much during the eight long and hard years of this terrible conflict.

They ALL deserve the accolade of courage from all of us.

Assad must stay

Well said mister Florian!


Thank you.

Concrete Mike

Here here!!!


Thanks mate.


“the death of 22 militants, including 16 Jihadists,” Here we go again! Russia offers them peace but they prefer to be killed by Tigers! Strange people?! I suppose it is great honor for those terrorist animals, those dogs to be killed by Tigers so they can’t resist…


Drinking too much American Koolade is so addictive and destroys all rational and logical thought.

Just a look at all to many Americans who also enjoy the fantasy world that Koolade provides them.



This is a strange reply xD


:) Its long been aparant that the US has been de facto supplying medieval terror gangs in Syria with the tools of war ,even before the war began in earnest in 2011.

Jim Bim

Ceasefire with the terrorists are a complete waste of time.


Go SAA and Co.!!!

Azriel Herskowitz

Three towns that were not defended by anyone. The real defense are in Maarat al-Numan.

Concrete Mike

Sure they are, would it be boogers dislodged from your large nose by any chance?

Zionist Internet Warrior

You could probably defend Idlib’s jihadis with your ugly face. Scaring away SAA forsure :)


Or his MASSIVE head could serve as a shield for the rats xD

Assad must stay

Yea that’s what I’m talking about!!!!!!! Keep kicking ass and taking rat names!

Zionist Internet Warrior

lol look at this retard MrJihadsky https://twitter.com/kyruer?lang=en he loves his Al-Qaeda just too much ?


Lol what a desperate Jihadi supporter.

Liberal guy

There will be only head for the wahhabis scums

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