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Syrian Army Captures Two New Towns Near Saraqib In Southeast Idlib

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Late on January 29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued its advance in the southeastern Idlib countryside, liberating two new towns.

According to pro-government sources, the army captured the towns of Maarrat Dibsah and Ain Halbane‏. Syrian and Russian warplanes provided the troops with close air support.

The SAA is now less than 7 km to the southeast of the city of Saraqib. The city, which is located on the M5 highway, is the army’s next target.

Syrian Army Captures Two New Towns Near Saraqib In Southeast Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, the army began its advance towards Saraqib, imposing control of the towns of al-Qahira, al-Jaradah and Khan Assubul.

Al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies are desperately attempting to hold onto their positions in southeast Idlib. While doing so, the terrorist groups are sustaining serious losses.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), HTS and its allies have lost more than 179 fighters, so far.

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Wow, Great progress SAA ! The HTS rats front is collapsing. :)))


The rats are counter attacking the 4th Armoured division in Aleppo tonight, thursday.


This SAA action in SW Aleppo may be meant to tie down Jihadist resources in the north. Tigers, on to Saraqib :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg

Jens Holm

There are no Tiger Forces in Syria anymore. The few from there still alive has joined other fighting units. But they do fight in Idlib for the moment.

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha ya ya only u and iron zion is there attacking those hts coward scums admit defeat Mr cynical

Jens Holm

Facts are, there are no Tiger forces in Syria any more. I just tell facts.

When You mother was pregnant, she carried You 9 months in a scumbag…

Liberal guy

Really their no tiger forces in Syria u fool u r over logical

Jens Holm


Liberal guy

Fact facts hahahahaha whole world knows the tigers are there in Syria u r to much logical u confused chaotic scum

Jens Holm

Correct, but almost all of them are in graves after good fighting

The leftovers are a part of the 25 division .

Liberal guy

U mean 25 tigers gutmys left rest are in graves hahahahaha

Jens Holm

Yes, Tigers figting hard doing good results has been decimated and then again is non independent in the 25 division. Sire, some superveterans are still alive still fighting well or baing traumatized.


we all know you’re a Jew now get the fk out and suck ur daddy like you always do :)

Jens Holm

https://international-review.org/the-25th-division-syrias-tiger-forces-get-rebranded/ ….

Jens Holm

You are probatly more jew then me.

Jens Holm

Aloha 4 little sheep. Even You put minus on my fact it remain as fact. There are no more tigerfarces in Syria.


No, its a general ground attack, even the west fronts will be activate.


Yes, that would make tactical sense. And then to take advantage of any weak spots.


Hmmm….the ‘Butcher Regime’ under the evil gas monster, Animal Assad seems to be getting almost no local reistance from those local populations previously acquainted with those moderate HTS chaps and their similarly oriented associates. Its almost as if the whole rebellion in NW Syria has merely been a product of armed military intervention by foreign forces.


I think a few Syrians are longing for the good ole days. And a few Libyans. And a few Ukrainians. And a few South Africans. And a few Zimbabweans…. the list goes on. The myth of colour revolution and regime change.


Yes, global events in the past travelled at the pace of the communications of the time.

Today it is instant and today the collective hatred of the oppressors is instant.

Jens Holm

Those few are the ones which systematicly has been stealing from the rest.


Make it almost all Libyans. 100% of my Libyan friends in any case. You should have seen how it was in the 90s. Good memories on an important project for Libyan society. https://www.water-technology.net/projects/gmr/


Everything we were fed about Gaddafi was lies, basically. If you extrapolate from that, what other things have we been lied to about?


“Animal Assad” would make a great title for a heavy metal band

Jens Holm

I already has listen to it and named it as Arap-music. Much is reproduced on ducktape.

Its a kind of remix from Lebanon they tryed to copy Freddy Mercury.



dont bring Freddie into this, he has nothing to do with this


Just look into the western provided story how the “animal” was created. It is fiction, not facts.

Jens Holm

Yeeerh, We westerns invent things. You invent nothing apart from the Baktrian camel by fat people of Yours :)


I am totally shocked :)

Jens Holm

We all have our wishes. Mine is him being dentist for Kremlins.

Jens Holm

It was a joke. I know he was an eye doctor. It dont like Putins and therefore wish Assad treat their teath i Moscow.

You might find that not funny at all.

Jens Holm

Thats the usual wet dreams from someone like You. Let me remind You 10 million Syrians are not in their homes. Thats half of their population. More then 5 millions are not even i Syria.

So telling me that illusion like no one left Assads making same kind of emptyness and even assuming almost foreign Jihadist Mercenaies are there is far far out.

It only tryes You for free can kill anyone, You wish – And do. 400.000 extra now at the Turkish border makes no impressions.

Its only true so many joined the Jihadists because there was no toher strong structure agains Assads.

And Yea, isnt it strange so many right away joined Jihadists inclusive ISIS and not many did to Assads.

You seemes to forget, that so many countries in ME even before any real fightings began hated Assads.

Kurds wasnt there as any military force at all. Even so they are blamed too for everything even figting ISIS as well as the FSA quagmire. They didnt uprise against Assads but asked for more local selfrule and by hard work taking up their loving standards.

But OH NO for that too.

Assad is dirt in own nest and now the leftover of Syria from Tuyrkey is a Russian Oblast.

Hip hip

Gary Sellars

Gong for Saraqib? Oh yeah… very nice :-P

I think we are looking at a systemic collapse of Jiahdi defenses throughout Idlib, and that the goat-fuckers have finally gotten to the point where the years of pressure and attrition are breaking their backs in terms of equipment, supplies, mnapower and most importantly, morale.

Theirs is a HOPELESS CASE and even the most die-hard Wahabbi primitive is finally getting a sniff of the coffee, and now they are waking the fuck up to the reality around them…


but their zionist.murican masters are very worried. they might order a chemical false flag to justify more tomahawk strikes

Gary Sellars

I wouldn’t put it past these dirty snakes. They have done it repeatedly, and each time our feckless corrupt media whores broadcast the CW attack narratives without a hint of scepticism.

The OPCW should be have able to counter this kind of BS, but they they have been near-mortally wounded by the recent revelations of fakery under political duress and they are hopelessly compromised.

Even if they resort to false flag CW attacks it won’t make a real difference. Syria isn’t about to fold if the Seppostanis get their rocks off with another unjustified cruise misisle strike.

Jens Holm

Its about paint. Assads imported many tons of red paint and no green :)

When assad finally reached DEZ from Palmyra it was 400 meters a day. This is less.

Some Assads didnt like I told my Old Grandmother could advance faster even with some smaller RPGs in her bag.

I also wondered why Assads used Tanks for it.


Modernized S-125 can take care of such obsolete missiles.

Jens Holm

Yerrh, Chemicals has hit You hard – again.

Soon You will be usefull being converted into an appletree:)


It’s very disturbing how Pompeo’s tweets against Russia/SAA are eerily similar to Rocket Nose Wohlstein/Moshe/Nozenfeld comments on here. It means jihadi terrorists might use chemical weapons to blame SAA. Hopefully Russia will use those S-400’s this time and down any aircraft flying within 400km of Hmeimim. And if US navy is used, Russia can test out their Zicron and sink them to the bottom

Jens Holm

It was hormones. Soon You will get leaves and become an apple tree.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

get used to it. The civilized world will NEVER TOLERATE chemical weapons again. butcher regime is on notice. If the russians dare try to interfere and shoot down US/NATO aircraft striking the barbaric assad regime, then hmeimmim airbase will be destroyed and US will sink all russian ships in the Mediterranean sea

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

But biological weapons are ok (and conventional is fine too, like in Raqqa, and sicking psychopathic criminals on the innocent civilians is also kosher, right)


Hey man, it’s no use to engage the toothless moron, rumor has it he hasn’t been mentally the same ever since 2006 Lebanon War ??


They will need a 2nd hit on Khan Touman as the rats have retaken the area, hopefully the SAA & allies are sucking them in for maximum KIA & WIA.


They only retook some dirt patches and sand around Khan Touman, but the not the locality itself, no?


Suheil, can I get a lift to your wonderful fight? Militarily speaking.


Lets go to Syria.

Liberal guy

If sohr scum reports 179 than in reality its many times greater the number of cowards death then what is reported from London underground zio wahhabi coward outlet


excellente very good news SAA at 7klm of saraquib city key for control highway M5!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9b970b03a5b49656a7511226b9a071ebea2b2be4a06b7eee5f27946b2aafca6b.gif

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

it will be short lived victory for you pro-regime lot. US Military will destroy the assad regime very soon if chemical weapons are used. so tread carefully or else the the russian airbase will be flattened along with all the butcher regime’s illegal airfields and chemical weapons manufacturing centers

Toni Liu

Hah what a bollock, they already had every chance to did that before, yet they just shit from their mouth like yours for a years without anything happened, just be a good shit, shut up and got flushed through the hole, no one care about shit like you unless they are shit like you

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

with a name like that you must be a chinese antisemite who lives in bangkok!


and with a horrible face and name like that you must be a dirty zionist kike ?

Toni Liu

Hah what ever people you called original semite already killed by you in gaza, you just a liar who take their identities, just die in gas you fake semite


I’m an American antisemite that lives in New Mexico… and proud to be one.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

Soon the US military will destroy the assad regime to save the innocent civilians of the idlib country. no chemical weapons will ever be tolerated and usage will mean destruction for the user. all russian and regime airbases are fair game for the US Airforce, France and Britain. the next retaliatory strikes will be even bigger than in April 2018. We promise that!

Toni Liu

They already waiting, so what shit like you doing all this time, maybe all your shit army just rotting like shit now without doing anything because afraid real army like russia and saa burn and flush your rotten shit force out of this world

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

try it if you are brave. but your Chinese military is scrap metal trash wont do anything! u are antisemitic chinese


my god you’re one BUTT-UGLY toothless motherfucker XD

Toni Liu

Yeah fake semite, so what, you even can beat hizbollah and gaza, and you want to try the bigger one, fake semite like you belong to gas chamber


a gas chamber specially designed for ugliest toothless kikes


I’m antisemitic American…

Jens Holm

No, You are not


It is good of you to promise. And if you break your promise you pay me $100,000US, so keep it! That’s a deal!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re back Mustafa, did you have a break did you.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You are, have you forgotten your own name, it’s Mustafa, and I know you want all the MUSLIM ARAB SONS OF BEETCHES annihilated, it’s just the Turkmen population that you don’t want harmed, and you also want them left in charge too, don’t you Mustafa.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

piece of shet i hate turkey scumbag arabs

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ll bet you don’t hate them at all, I’ll bet that apart from your bathroom you probably have a picture of Erdogan in every room in your house, in the bathroom you probably have a pinup of Turkey’s miss February.

Avraham Goodman ✡✡✡✡✡✡

i bet u have hitler and rufolf hess himmler in all ur room to except u are homeless person who have no room!


ladies n gentlemen! please welcome Mr Avraham Shitman to Southfront everyone! our newest edition to the Zionist jew trolls but this time we have an ugly toothless kike ?

Toni Liu

Damn they breed fast like a virus, maybe a gas is goodway to clear them

Jens Holm

People like him are not many and dont breed like virus.

Jens Holm

As long as You is allowed, he is too.


go back to your mental institution, the Danish police are looking for an escaped mental patient whose with a hook nose! :D


I thought I would post some of the statements displayed on active maps. These announcements are exciting news of how courageous and brave the Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies are. They are pushing forward with great might. They must keep up the stamina – KEEP POUNDING, KEEP POUNDING, KEEP POUNDING, KEEP POUNDING, KEEP POUNDING, KEEP POUNDING 24/7 until they reach Turkey’s border. Syria’s land mass of 185,180 sq km must be under very strict law enforcement; and Syria’s “whole border length” must have military presence securing and stopping everyone trying enter into Syria (all persons must be checked). I send more prayers to the Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies for your continued winnings to liberate Syria.

Jan. 29, 2020 – Government forces targeted a Turkish convoy heading to the observation point in Khan Touman. One of the convoy vehicles was destroyed.

Jan. 29, 2020 – Tel Tamr: SAA attempted to shoot down Turkish reconnaissance aircraft after it entered the airspace of Tell Tamr Syria. SAA forced it to withdraw back to Turkish-controlled areas near Ras al-Ain.

Jan. 29, 2020 – The Syrian Arab Army captured Khirbat Khirs and surrounded the Turkish observation point number 5 in Syria.

You guys are doing an excellent job !!!


Xoli Xoli

The Tigers have systematic and asymmetric warfare tactic.Every tactical assault is agressive ,sophisticated and formidable. Fighting formation of Hisbollah,Iran alquds,Yemeni Huthis,Cuba and Venezuela. Finest fighters on planet earth.

Jens Holm

Tigers in Syria is no more. They almost erased themselves and became very few. The last ones of them are now in another unit fighting in Idlib.

Xoli Xoli

You are dreaming nicely.

Jens Holm


Xoli Xoli

Thanks Jens for you effort I appreciate my opponent in comments and opinion.

Jens Holm

Why dont You look it up. My link here was removed.

Xoli Xoli

Thanks Mr.Jens.But remember due to the fact that all newly trained troop could not come up with busy advance skills.Tigers were renamed and joint with other units for knowledge and skills transfer.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It looks like the SAA want the M4 highway too, they’re making an all out effort to capture the junction just north of Saraqib and they’re getting close already. In stark contrast to yesterday when there was minimal close air support, today the aircraft are doing most of the hard work, which means the fighting must’ve been much more intense today, so unlike yesterday there were no easy wins today, everything was hard fought for and well earned, the SAA, SAAF and the Russians earned their pays today that’s for sure. I don’t like the fact that the rest of southern Idlib seems to be ignored, I’m worried the terrorists will consolidare their positions there if the SAA give them a break, but in saying that the SAA might already be aware of things we don’t know yet, like the possibility the terrorists are already packing up and heading north before the SAA even get there, and if they’re smart that exactly what they should be doing.

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