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Syrian Army Clashed With Greater Idlib Militants After Turkish Shelling

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Syrian Army Clashed With Greater Idlib Militants After Turkish Shelling

Image: aa.com.tr

On September 5, heavy clashes broke out between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in the northwestern region of Greater Idlib.

The clashes started when the Turkish military shelled SAA positions in the outskirt of Saraqib city in southern Idlib. No losses were reported.

SAA troops clashed with HTS and its allies around Saraqib and the nearby town of Fleifel. Clashes also broke out near the town of al-Enkawi in northwestern Hama and Kafr Taal in western Aleppo.

“There is no information about any human losses [in the clashes],” the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said in a report.

Russia and Turkey reached a ceasefire agreement in Greater Idlib on March 5. However, the situation in the region is slowly spinning out of control.

Turkey, which deployed thousands of troops in Greater Idlib in the last few months, is supporting and cooperating with the region’s militants, including those allied to terrorist groups like HTS. Ankara’s support is encouraging the hostile behavior of the militants.


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Obviously Putin doesn’t let SAA to directly hit at least one of those artiley pieces Erdogan shoved in Idlib.


Russia, Turkey and Iran are on the same page in Syria now as UAE, Saudis and Zionists are training and arming the Kurds and other terrorists. Iran is about to go nuclear soon.


Turkey and Iran know very well on which pages they are in Syria. For me it looks like Russia can’t make her mind.


Russia was always on her own page you cunt! But since that page is never on CNN, than how would you know anything about that ?! Just do yourself favor and try to concentrate how to survive in that US shit hole


An American lives with aproximately 6 years more than a Russian. Including the gettho ppl.


There’ll be 50 million HUNGRY AmeriCunts by next year at the latest !!!!

Now fuck off!!!


Wishful thinking. Russia had even canibalism in the past 100 years.


Finally you’ll have that back what have you been packing to Russian’s all these last few centuries!

I wish you happy civil war as soon as possible!


Let me guess, Russian famine was caused by CIA


“The Richest Country’s Empty Plates. 50 Million Hungry Americans”



Stop spreading viruses


The US Regime IS a virus.


Then count me in.

Jim Allen

The famine being created in US right now is, and Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Venezuela, Sudan, Senegal, Somaliqa, Libya, and a shitload of other countries. Bet you’re so proud of of your Government. Be sure to be first in line for the vaccinations.


I think you’ll vaccinate before me, I work from home :) happy famine, in your shithole, wherever it is!

Jim Allen

Each knows the page they’re on. For you, you’ve no idea what page numbers they’re on, or what verse, and chapter.


Such poetic, much expertize


It would appear to be endgame in Syria soon as IAEA has concluded that Iran has enriched enough uranium to develop at least two 10-20kt nuclear weapons and has the missile delivery systems.

Nuclear experts predict that Iran is now just 3.5 months away from the “breakout time,” a measurement of how close the country is to having the technology and materials to construct a nuclear weapon. It also now has the fuel to potentially construct two separate bombs.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) disclosed on Friday that Iran has nearly doubled its stockpiles of enriched uranium, generating concerns about the country’s continued progress on a nuclear weapon. Iran granted the IAEA access to several contested nuclear sites that had previously been off limits. A report on Tehran’s nuclear activities was shared with the United States and other United Nations members.

Fog of War

So the IAEA stabbed Iran in the back again ? Even after being allowed in to inspect ?

Jim Allen

Pure speculation. Also rather presumptuous that Iran would just have to build just two 10-20 kiloton yield bombs. Why wouldn’t Iran built 6 kiloton yield tactical nukes instead ? Low radiation, just think Palestinians could move back into the stolen lands much sooner.

Lazy Gamer

Turkey has made its position known. Good luck to the SAA.


That’s why Erdogan has to be pissed of… World star terrorism support


The SAA took that village of saraqib just beforrthe stupid ceasefire after a hard fight yet they are still coming under fire.


Idlib south of the M4 should be cleared of terrorists that won’t reconcile with the government. And then the front lines pushed up north west of Idlib city. Once that’s done I’d leave a Turk bracketing force along the Turkish border in place for now to contain the zioKurds in Afrin and north east Syria. Until the SDF is cleared to the Iraqi border and the US is gone.

Once that done the zioKurd threat will be greatly reduced to Turkey with the US and Mossad gone. And a negotiated withdrawal by the Turkish military from the Syrian side of the border can be handled within the Adana agreement. And hopefully redeployed to Russian facilities further south in Syria for use as part of a regional coalition to clear the IDF and Israeli government out of the occupied territories. And police the implementation of UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of.

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