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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is conducting a combing operation in the district of al-Rashidin 4 to the west of Aleppo’s city center, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) announced on February 14.

Thus far, army units have uncovered weapons, equipment, fortifications as well as tunnel networks, which were being used by radical militants.

Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Syrian Army Conducts Combing Operation In Aleppo’s Rashidin 4 (Photos)

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Al-Rashidin 4 was liberated by the SAA’s 4th Division earlier this month following a fierce battle with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its Turkish-backed allies.

The district occupies an important position overlooking the M5 highway that links the capital, Damascus, with Aleppo city. The SAA secured the entire strategic highway earlier this week.

The SAA and its allies are now advancing north of the highway. HTS and other Idlib groups are desperately attempting to slow the army down.

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I don’t see the point in separating al-qaeda / HTS and the so called Turkish-backed allies. They are one and the same. They are all backed by Turkey. The number one terrorist sponsoring state on the planet. With European Union’s money and NATO’s weapons by the way!


“The number one terrorist sponsoring state on the planet.” you’re blind, or you’re trying to comfort yourself when you know the truth.


YES Turkeys supplies terrorists with weapons, took Syrian land illegally. And YES it receives money from the EU and still belon to NATO. Just but your glasses, and learn to be honest for once in your life.


All this is empty unless you show me your evidence.I think you were blindsided when America sent in millions of tons of ammunition.


Well, ISIS was both supported by the US and Turkey. Why the hell Erdogan feel free to train “Syrian rebels” in Turkey??By the way don’t you see Erdog is sending troops and artillery to “protect” his lovely head choppers…? Come on…Stop kidding

Concrete Mike

You kidding me? It all goes through turkey. Millions on tons of goods just waltz through turkey , delivered to al nusrah.


And the payment of the terrorists is also going through Turkey. If the liberation had been finished, it would be time to go through the found evidence and affidavits of captured terrorists to make a case at the Hague courts.


This is possibly an issue that Erdo is worried about. His money is in EU banks etc and the US would be salivating at the thought of Erdo in the dock at the Hague :)

Joe Doe

Putin should never trust Erdogan. Now Syria and SAA paying the price. Now Putin have even higher obligation help Syria with more modern weapons such as SU-30, MIG29, S-400, Attack helicopters, missile launchers ad MANPAD for SAA be able face Turkey army aggression. For SAA, they should advance till and capture AL Atarib, maybe go as far as Kafr Nasih, than go North-East towards Qubtan Al Jabal and clear the packet. Than move south towards Kafr Nuran and Maarat an-nassan, and the same time Sarmin and go along M4 West and close the SOuth packet. This will shorten SAA front line and those additional troops could be deploy to front line. Than SAA should take break to rest and rearm After accomplish that, SAA will be in stronger to fight ISIS and Turkey troops


excellente news!! and good photos!

Cheryl Brandon

THE LIONS OF Syria are fighting back with every ounce of vitality. We admire your awesome response. Kaboom/kaboom/kabbom to all EU/NATO FUNDED head choppers illegally imported into Syria by Turkey. Turks terrorists go back home. more operations to clear up Idlib please. thanks.

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