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Syrian Army Deploys Reinforcements Along Separation Line With Israeli-Occupied Golan

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Syrian Army Deploys Reinforcements Along Separation Line With Israeli-Occupied Golan

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The Syria Arab Army (SAA) has deployed several additional units along the separation line with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

A military source told the al-Masdar News late on September 21 that the reinforcements were mainly deployed in key observation posts in the governorates of Daraa and al-Quneitra.

Earlier, the SAA brought down an armed and booby-trapped unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that approached the town of Erneh in al-Qunitra. Prior to that, a larger UAV was shot down south of the country’s capital, Damascus

“This is a precautionary move by the Syrian Armed Forces as both suspected Israeli drones that were shot down this week had entered Syria from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights region,” the pro-government blog quoted the source as saying.

Last year, the Syrian military restored control of all villages and towns along the separation line with the occupied area following a large-scale military operation.

The motives behind the recent Israeli violations remain unclear. The Israeli military could be collecting information in preparation of another aerial attack on the SAA and its allies.

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Tiresia Branding

good move, a direct or indirect Israeli offensive can be possible at the state of the things

Saso Mange

Another Israeli apologist. This one is no different than those before.

Tiresia Branding



No other type is allowed. This is democracy after all – lol.


Another Zionist witch.


This is what the average American thinks of the Israeli government that this Zionist witch is shilling for:


– Young adults less likely than older people to have a favorable view of the Israeli government –


Zionism = EVIL

Iraq, Iran and Hezbollah have now increased presence in eastern Syria and western Iraq and have reinforced regional commands with mostly captured Americunt weapons. Here is a latest photo of combined Iraqi military and Hezbollah unit fanning out near Eastern Euphrates.

According to western intelligence sources, the Iraqi PMU’s and Hezbollah have taken over security of all border crossings from Iran to Lebanon. The coordinated Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Hezbollah operation began on Sept 18 and was in place by Saturday. Sept. 21. The operation was set up by the Al Qods chief, Iran’s Middle East commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who spent part of last week in Baghdad in conference with PMU leaders. Another Iraqi officer Col. Qassem Masliyah was appointed to lead Iran’s control of the two key borders. The operation was codenamed “The Will of Victory. This move in line with Iran’s strategy of dispersing its elite units into regional asymmetrical commands to fight a protracted conflict without relying on supply lines.


Combined Iraqi and Hezbollah units in US supplied Humvees and Abrams tanks secure borders


Looks good. Adding Iraq to a regional coalition to clear the IDF and Israeli government out of the occupied territories would be a great addition. This should be next on the list after getting the US out of Syria. It would be another nail in the coffin of the Yinon plan reign of terror to keep the region divided and fighting against each other. So that they don’t unite and solve the region’s Jew problem.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the sheer scale of Americunt savagery in Iraq that has killed over a MILLION civilians, mostly women and children has made a lot of enemies till eternity. The dumbass Americunts are so full of hubris that they forget that Iraqi Shia insurgency from 2005-2009 made the Americunts cry uncle. Any suicidal war with Iran will be over a 2.8 million square kms zone with over 170 million people and will cause thousands of Americunt and Zionist casualties. Iran is hardly going to oblige the morons into set piece mass battles like the idiot Saddam. The Americunts will face a Hezbollah/Ansarallah style Yemen quagmire multiplied by a factor of thousand. The IRGC and even regular Iranian special forces are now dispersed with localized ammo dumps and no set chain of command, but intiative is left to the local commanders who can act at will. Americunts and their Zionist masters need lavish supplies to fight wars, and will be exposed daily. No pizzas and donuts for the lardass cowards.



I completely agree. Multiply that by a factor of several and you get what the US is up against with a regional coalition. Supported by SCO supply lines, weapons and satcom/nav capability that will make Afghanistan look like a cake walk.

Zionism = EVIL

The sheer FACT is that the Americunts are in much weaker position. Sadly, they took advantage of the post USSR power vacuum as both Russia and China were relatively weak and did not veto the UNSC farce that authorized the war based on WMD lies. Iran is not Iraq and is 4 times the size with a military that has honed its asymmetrical warfare skills all over the region. This time Russia and China are both supporting Iran and would not mind inflicting a death of thousand cuts to the delusional Americunts. The Zionist rats are keeping a low profile as they internally fall apart and Russia humiliated them in Sochi when Putin kept the parasite Nutter Yahoo waiting with peons outside his office for 3 hours and then palmed him off to Shoigu who in no uncertain terms read him the riot act that any more aggression on Syria will have consequences. The SAA and Hezbollah have moved into Golan with full Russian approval.


The regional coalition that I started suggesting a couple of years ago is probably starting to form up. And the Zionist bombast and belligerence is being tempered by the realization that what’s coming into being is more than they or their American backers want to deal with. And they really have no realistic defense against it other than to deal with it within the structure of international law that they’ve spent their entire existence thumbing their noses at.

Zionism = EVIL

Another reality is the whole west is bankrupt and a war with Iran will be the swan song and they know it. The Pentagon even is keeping a low profile. The Americunt population is in a economic mess, no health care, millions of homeless and a fake gig economy. The lost Zionist wars have already cost the deadbeat taxpayers over $14 TRILLION.



You’re absolutely correct about the economic impact of another major war in the middle east. 2008 was a deliberate economic take down to put exactly that structure in place. And it has worked. Now it needs to be built on by eliminating Israel and Judaism which are the root cause of the problem.

This doesn’t require genociding Jews or violating their human and civil rights. It can be done by replacing Israel with a unified Palestine at the UN and abolishing Judaism and allowing former Jews to go about their lives without it and assimilate into a Jew free society that will be better for everyone.

Judaism without the Talmudic and related insanity is essentially just an early form of Christianity.


Dream on…it was the racist jew that made israel. they will never give up on their choseness. they are so adamant that they have infested governments to make sure that happens. good luck and wake up from that dream.


It’s a plan, and it’s implementable.


I have a hard time feeling pity for someone who had a hand in making millions of Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Afghanis, Iraqis, Yemenis et all….homeless, fatherless, motherless, childless and whole families wiped out. In fact I have no pity.

Jens Holm

They can be building constructers and resettle again. They will love to, nut most one already did not prefare being Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Afghanis, Iraqis, Yemenis at all….

Jens Holm

We can buy You all and send You on retirement anywhere in the world, we want. Unfortunatly no one will have You.


“The Zionist rats are keeping a low profile as they internally fall apart and Russia humiliated them in Sochi when Putin kept the parasite Nutter Yahoo waiting with peons outside his office for 3 hours and then palmed him off to Shoigu who in no uncertain terms read him the riot act that any more aggression on Syria will have consequences.”

I hope that you’re right. I don’t agree with Putin’s Jew tolerance:

“Vladimir Putin spoke at the annual conference of Keren Hayesod International Jewish Charitable Foundation.”

– Keren Hayesod Foundation conference –

I think that he’s feeding something that is detrimental to Russia and has been for centuries. Culminating with the Bolshevik Jew genocide of Russians and Soviets last century that reduced Russia’s current population by up to 50% by killing off so many Russians last century. 20 million by conservative estimates.

I recognize the enormous contribution that Putin has made to Russia’s and humanity’s benefit. But I think that his Jew tolerance is a mistake. For reasons that I’ve outlined here for years that you’re familiar with. I hope that he’s changing his mind on that. The same goes for Trump.

Many Russians are glad that 95% of Russia’s Jews are gone. And wish that they all were gone. If this poll is genuine and accurate, it’s a reflection of that:

“In recent years, Jews around the world have been voicing anxious concern over the specter of anti-Semitism in the lands of the former Soviet Union. In this new and uncertain era, we are told, suppressed feelings of hatred and rage against Jews are once again being expressed. According to one public opinion survey conducted in 1991, for example, most Russians wanted all Jews to leave the country.4”

– The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia’s Early Soviet Regime –


As an American I have similar sentiments and wish that all American Jews were gone and America was Jew free. The whole planet should be. A UN convention similar to the one abolishing slavery and the resolution declaring Zionism racist should be passed and ratified abolishing Judaism. To create a Jew free world that will be much better for humanity.


One thing is for sure…you can’t legislate morality nor a chosenite state of mind. Many leaders in the past tried and are now being persecuted even after their death. When a jew is so arrogant to change history, replace a people, and believe in some kind of higher meaning to God need to be judged for being anti Christ, anti Almighty and the satanic mockery of it. The world will never have peace with them.


They’re collectively the biggest problem facing humanity at this time. The best solution for everyone is just to outlaw Judaism and close and demolish the synagogues and yeshivas and leave Judaism behind us a mistake not to repeat and a lesson learned.


anyone surprised? Let this lying bitch share nikki’s fate and all the rest of these jew killers. I’m surprised the video didn’t blow up from her nuclear lies.

Jens Holm

Far out again. Israel again has no Goverment and certainly no plans for any attacks apart from Iranian and Hesbollah activities.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Russia has prevented 4 IDF strikes on Syria so far this month. where you at White_Fat_Jew? https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Russia-downs-Israeli-drone-attempting-to-attack-in-Syria-Russian-media-602362

Jacob Wohl

again, this is completely false. fake news at its best. IDF F-35s could detect the russkie su35 flankers as SOON as they took off from 250km away! meanwhile the flanker could only detect the F-35 from 10-20km! do the math. russkies better not get in the way of the IDF, otherwise all their s-400 and su35 will be turned to scrap metal. Look up Operation Rimon during the 1973 war :-]

Jacob Wohl's Nose

go away Rocket Nose, no one like you and you have zero friends :======D

Rhodium 10

All Israeli air defense are useless in case of massive cruise missile drones attacks!…Iron Dome always failed vs Irani fajr5 ( as we seen when palestines have lauched this type of Rockets vs tel Aviv) and always when massive rockets attacks( as we seen in Ashkelon)…of course Patriot cannot intercept drones and cruise missile and failed in Saudi Arabia…for other side if Russia send SU 35 is because they can intercept F-35 and fight vs every IAF jet like F-16/15….


You, are going to be speechless at some point.


You like to boast Operation Rimon ? look up The Al-Mansourah battle from the same October War then, it was a humiliation of an incomparable magnitude for the Israeli Air Force against the Egyptian air force.

Back on topic : first off, Flankers would detect them at 80-100km, the fact is commonly admitted by NATO generals, so you should inform yourself better before talking here and I won’t do research for you. Same with the S-400 surveillance AESA radars.

Plus, you do not even realize that the F-35 would have to engage Flankers within territory covered by a dense network of their friendly ground-based sensors, including but not limited to long range surveillance radars using Ku and S band named the Nebo SVU, specially designed to beat X-band American stealth design. There are also Kasta radars, Infrared sensors, optical sensors, and finally engagement radars using phased-arrays with directed illumination capability, that will help them concentrate to a given quadrant once cued to the F-35’s general location by the VHF radars. Did you know ANY of these before posting in here ?

Russian CGI would use data fusion to relay position of the F-35 by several separated detection nodes and give an absolute edge to the Su-30s that would then turn fire their long-range ARH AAM in Lock On After Launch mode, and let the missile acquire the bird itself once close enough. Serbs used that method to take down a F-117 (much more stealthy than the F-35, ore on par with an F-22) in 1999 already !! and so with much-less advanced equipment (tweaked 70s era S-175 VHF surveillance radars).

Indeed the F-35 would be picked up wayyyyy before the Su-30’s sensors would even have to try. There are just so many detection assets in Syria right now, the S-400 alone is enough for the job, but you factor in VHF radars and the Flankers themselves… man I wouldn’t wanna be a US/ISraeli F-35 pilots wandering like this in such a hostile environment with murderous intent on me.

Those interception have most likely happened, and the double drone take-down that the Syrian air defense force have score in a row in 2 days thanks to direct cuing from Russian radar date from their S-400 shows that something is seriously changing in rules of engagement and Russian policy towards Israeli having their ways with Syrian sovereign airspace.

Peter Jennings

That’s quite an answer. What you say Mr Nose?


Yes, the SU-35s have satcom integration and are networked into the entire detection grid that extends far beyond their on board detection systems. The same goes for the BVR missiles once they’re launched.

25% of the Zionist population in Israel is of Russian descent. So you can add human intelligence to all of the technology.

The Syrian government coalition knows where most of the IAF is from take off to landing. And can hit them on the ground and almost anywhere in their flight path that they want. Israel is practically a suburb of Damascus. The SADF is well aware of where the baby raper’s planes are. The Egyptians and Jordanians are also watching the Jews closely and have intel links with the Syrians, Turks and Iranians.


This isn’t fake news and it shows what your average American thinks of the Zionist land thieves. Your type aren’t real popular with your generation.


– Young adults less likely than older people to have a favorable view of the Israeli government –



Even if the chicken hawks and Zionist Israel firster anti American traitors in the US legislature pass a mutual defense treaty with the baby rapers that Trump approves. And with a growing generational sea change tidal wave of opposition against the Israeli government by the American public, that’s a big if. What is the net result in terms of a regional coalition armed with nuclear weapons involved in clearing operations to remove the IDF and Israeli government from occupied territories?

Well for starters any coalition of the willing window dressing in support of US intervention on Israel’s behalf based on a bilateral mutual defense treaty is probably going to get zero support from US allies or anybody else:

“The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said that “the status of Golan has not changed,”[4][11] and the US’s move resulted in condemnation, criticism or rejection from the European Union,[12][13][14] United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, Egypt, the Arab League, Russia,[4][15][16] Ireland,[17] Saudi Arabia,[18] Oman,[19] the United Arab Emirates,[20] Bahrain,[21] Qatar,[22] Kuwait,[23], Jordan,[24] Iraq,[25] Iran,[26], Mauritania,[27] Morocco,[28] Tunisia,[29] Somalia,[30] Lebanon,[31] Japan,[32] Cuba,[33] Venezuela,[34] Indonesia,[35] Canada,[36] Pakistan,[37] Sudan,[38] Malaysia,[39] Vietnam,[40] and China.[41]”

– United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel –


And this is before the US probably loses the ICJ Jerusalem case. Which will make the prospect for any foreign support for US military intervention in the occupied territories even less.

And then there’s the issues of even if a mutual defense treaty is gotten in place, exactly what does it commit the US to and will the US honor it? The last thing that most Americans want is to get involved in another quagmire in the middle east. And if the opposition isn’t some isolated small victim state that the US can bomb back to the stone age with little risk to it’s own military. But a robust regional coalition that is essentially a US peer force armed with advanced nuclear weapons that out mans and out guns the IDF 10 to 1. That will go toe to toe with both the IDF and US military in a conventional conflict that risks turning into a nuclear conflict. My guess is that the US will start looking for reasons not to honor the pact.

The case can be made that NATO is a similar situation. Legally it is similar. But politically and militarily it is much different. Europe is the ancestral homeland for most Americans with a peer military and economic base with a substantial land mass that can be expected to contribute substantially to any conflict. Israel is a tiny land mass with the conflict quickly spreading into hostile neighbors where the US would be viewed as an unwelcome invader and occupier.

The logistics are much different. And US vulnerability is much higher. The US has extensive basing in Europe. Middle east basing for a conflict in support of Israel when most of the neighbors are against Israel is much less certain. The US backed down in the Syrian chemical weapons attacks and Iranian drone shoot down and Saudi oil field attack because any escalation would begin to result in substantial US losses of equipment and personnel. That would be no different in an Israeli intervention. An argument could be made that it would actually be worse.

If the US starts attacking Israel’s neighbors to prevent clearing operations of internationally recognized occupied territories within the perimeters of international law. They’re probably going to defend themselves. And a number of them are quite capable of doing that. Even against US forces in theater. Once the US starts losing ships and planes. The vulnerability of US equipment and forces will be clear. This will translate into widespread domestic opposition in the US to military action in support of Israel.

Trump is already very unpopular. Approving a mutual defense treaty with Israel and getting involved in a middle east war for Israel that risks going nuclear would probably result in his removal from office.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, gee you have a twisted take on things, Trumps doing the exact opposite of what you think he is. You do know Bolton was one of Likud’s most valuable assets and Trump sacked him just a week before the Israeli election, you know the one Netanyahu and Likud were supposed to win but didn’t due to a sudden loss of support. And now Benji’s going to jail, his party’s dead in the water and only acting as an interim government, and the Arabs will most likely help form the opposition government, making them privy to a lot of information the elected government is holding secret, and now possibly a real physical counter to Zionist interventionism in the Israeli government. And none of this could have happened if Netanyahu got back into power, and he most likely would have been returned if Trump hadn’t sacked Bolton when he did, despite the pending corruption allegations. As an anti Zionist you should be happy with what Trumps done just recently, don’t get me wrong, he’s still your enemy, a die hard pro Zionist, but at least now he has a better chance of getting Benny Gantz, the most likely new PM, to sit down and work out a deal with Iran, because the new coalition government will be made up of more moderate Zionist groups than they were before [better than nothing], and the Arabs for the first time ever will get a real chance of having a voice in government, [being in opposition is still good], so the stage is set for a new beginning I’d say. Trumps sacking the most vocal Zionist warhawks and leaving the Zionist dealmakers alone, so maybe he’s got something other than military plans on his mind. Real anti Zionists are all ecstatically happy about recent events, aren’t you? if you’re not just tune in to Israeli news and see how badly the Zionists are taking the news, that should make you feel good. Weakening the Zionists at home helps Trump do a deal with Iran and avoids a war if anything, not makes it more likely. But I’m pretty sure you’ll disagree with everything I just said, so if you’ve read it all and got to here, sorry about that Richard.


Trump is trying to swing back to his base after throwing them under the bus for the Jews. Because he’s losing in every pole to every major democratic candidate. That’s why he sacked Bolton. What Trump has done recently has been to talk up his Israel joint defense pact. What exactly have I’ve written that is twisted?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Trumps only motivation was to swing voters back to his base he would’ve postponed Blotons sacking until after the Israeli election, harming his most avid supporters in Israel wasn’t something he had to do to win back his US voting base, he could have kept both parties happy if he wanted to, but he instead shafted his old mate Benji and hasn’t even bothered to apologize for it yet. Benny Gantz is probably a real good deal maker I suspect, and I’ll bet he and Trump have been colluding behind Benji’s back for quite a while now. He may be trying to win back his own voting base and also talking up a joint defence pact to also keep the Zionists on side, but he’s also given the Iranians and the Israelis the best chance they have of ever sitting back down at the table and renegotiating a new security and nuclear deal between them, which I suspect both Russia and the US will offer to guarantee, Trump won’t be able to do that with Benji still in power, and Benji would most likely still be in power now if hadn’t timed Boltons sacking so well, practically perfectly. You didn’t write anything twisted, that was probably all accurate, it’s your take on Trump’s real motivations and recent actions that I think are off the mark. He could’ve both won back his base and kept the Zionist on side with Lukud in power, but he could never make a deal with Iran with Benji still in power, but now there’s at least a chance he can. Sacking Bolton when he did was a dead give away for his real motivations.


Exactly how did sacking Bolton have any effect on the Israeli election? Bolton was a Zionist asset, he didn’t belong to Likud. He would have served the exact same role for Blue and White. A notorious flip flopper like Trump has to be judged on what he does, not what he says. He got rid of Jew Goldman Sachs CEO Cohn. Did that mean that anti Judaics should expect Trump to become an anti Judaic like Jesus Christ and Henry Ford? It sounds like from your logic they should of. They would have been disappointed if they did.

The current Prime Minister of Palestine describes the difference between Likud and Blue and White as the difference between Pepsi and Coke. I give his assessment more weight than yours

The Arab parties supported Rabin. Which did nothing to halt the settlements. It was Sharon who proposed and enacted the pull out from Gaza ending the settlement enterprise there. Not Rabin. What is Gantz doing that’s any different than Netanyahu? I don’t see a lot of difference:

“If he becomes prime minister, ex-military chief pledges less-divisive politics at home while fostering U.S. alliance and countering Iran”

– Israel’s Gantz Would Likely Maintain Netanyahu’s Foreign-Policy Stance – https://www.wsj.com/articles/israels-gantz-would-likely-maintain-netanyahus-foreign-policy-stance-11568935060

“In a speech to the US pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, Gantz also spelled out further his views on peace prospects with the Palestinians, insisting that Israel’s military will always control security in the West Bank.

The centrist former military chief showed no daylight with Netanyahu on peace and security matters”

– Israel candidate Gantz says willing to use force on Iran –


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re right Bolton would have helped the white and blues as much as he did Likud, there’s no disputing that, but his sacking not only meant a slap in the face for Likud just before a knife’s edge election, it also denied the white and blues any support they were hoping for if they did win, and now they have to deal with Trump virtually alone without Boltons arse licking help, and Bolton before he was sacked was Iran’s most vocal opponent and antagonist, and any deal between the Iranians and the Israeli’s was impossible with him around. And you’re right about the white and blues, they are really bad, perhaps only 1% less evil than Likud was, but to form a government that doesn’t involve Likud in the coalition [and they’ve already said no to Likud], they have to enter an alliance with at least one or more of the more moderate parties, and that’s the silver lining for the anti Zionists. The white and blues will now have to negotiate with the other coalition members to make some of the important decisions in government, which slows things down politically no end [passing legislation, authorizing attacks against Syria], and sometimes they’ll also be blocked by their coalition partners who won’t always agree to some of the more extreme proposals, and that’s a whole lot better situation than we had with Likud in majority government, they had no brakes on them whatsoever, just Bolton with his foot pressed down hard against the accelerator. But the best part of this carefully orchestrated [I believe] outcome is this, the anti Zionist parties and the Arab bloc of parties are expected to form the official Israeli opposition party if Gantz wins but doesn’t enter a coalition with Likud, and Gantz has just said he won’t be doing that, and further added Benji should face court as soon as possible, LOL, no W+B and Likud coalition. The official Israeli opposition party is privy to a lot of secret government info, it also has some privileges in administering bureaucratic departments, and is also included in some very sensitive decision making processes the elected government has to involve them in, and that’s the best news any anti Zionist could ever hope for isn’t it, I think it is [Australia has a similar system for its official opposition party]. They also get funding too I’m pretty sure. But from what I’ve read so far if that does happen, the Zionists may try to block it with some legal BS, so an Arab bloc/anti Zionist opposition isn’t a guaranteed outcome, even if they do have the ability to do it. And I don’t think that any of this could have happened unless Bolton was sacked just before the election, Likud was predicted to win despite all the corruption allegations against Benji, so this loss has to be attributed to something, losing their most vocal and most powerful ally in the US government just before an election must have had at least some effect on the election results, but I’m pretty sure it had a dramatic effect. Now Iran has lost one of its most vocal opponents, Bolton, and Israel has lost one of it’s most powerful and supportive allies, Bolton, and since Trump and Putin have demonstrated they’re both more inclined to work out deals instead of coming to blows, I think this is about the best opportunity we’ve ever had to negotiate a new regional security pact that will also involve a nuclear treaty with Iran. Just this morning I watched Trump playing the peace dove routine again when talking about Iran, he wants a deal and he’s letting them know it, perhaps if Bolton had been sacked at any other time rather than right before a very crucial election, I may not have thought too much of it, but the timing of his sacking and Trump’s subsequent toned down rhetoric towards Iran now, makes me more than just suspect his motivating factor for it all this was his desire to make a regional security and nuclear deal with Iran. Even Pompeo sounded like a peace dove this morning when he was talking about Iran. As always it’s only my opinion, but if he keeps up this new let’s be friends routine the way he has been this morning on the news, I’m leaning towards Iran being Trump’s primary motivating factor for Boltons sacking.


I read the first few sentences. Did you explain how firing Bolton cost Likud the election anywhere in your book?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

At least I don’t copy and paste half of everything I say when I write a book, but you do when you write one.


My comments make sense, yours don’t, that’s why I don’t waste my time reading them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

When I read the news and see what both Trump and Pompeo have been saying for the last 2 days it make 100 time more sense than you do, everything Trump and Pompeo have been saying about Iran straight after the Israeli election and Bolton’s sacking backs everything I asserted, what have they said in the last 2 days that confirms your assertions, I must have missed them, because all I’ve seen either of them say for the last 2 days is the same thing I told you would happen, and you’re still arguing with me you simpleton, read the news, the US wants to make a deal with Iran, you’re even dumber than I thought you were. I predicted that this would happen, it happened, and you still say I was wrong, re-read my comments to you again, you should be saying to me, “maybe you were right”. How about you try it Richard, :]


You never proved that I had a twisted take on anything. Changing the subject to talk about Iran, which I never even addressed in my comment that you criticized disproves nothing that I’ve written.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yes you never addressed Iran and that’s why you had a twisted take on things, you missed the most important contributing factor for the BS explanation you gave. And I’ve already said this to you but here’s a reminder, “You didn’t write anything twisted, that was probably all accurate, it’s your take on Trump’s real motivations and recent actions that I think are off the mark”.


You’re an imbecile wasting my time talking out of both sides of your mouth:

“you have a twisted take on things

You didn’t write anything twisted”

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Go copy and paste some more totally irrelevant info to prove how stupid you are. I did write something twisted, I wrote to you, that was twisted, and I should have known better.


You’re a headcase writing nonsense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m a headcase because I’m responding to you.


You’re a head case because your comments are nonsensical.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

And yours make sense, GPS Russian’s, Iranians, new missiles, MRBM don’t have max velocity of mach 20+, LOL. You couldn’t even understand a simple story in the news and misunderstood it entirely, and ranted off a BS comment that was totally irrelevant, sure you make sense, LOL.


I’m not going to waste my time trying to engage in rational debate with an irrational idiot talking out of both sides of his mouth writing drug fueled obfuscated rants lacking evidence proving your points that are easily disproven by judicial quality evidence used in courts of law every day.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Drug fueled rant, reread your own comment, I think you’ve accidentally taken two doses of your prescribed anti psychotic medication, or was it the hormones you use to help you transition to the other sex you’ve overdosed on. Be careful Richard, those prescribed poisons can do more harm than good sometimes, maybe you should take up smoking pot instead, its way safer and healthier for you than the other stuff is.


You’re a liar making false accusations to try to detract attention from your insanity. If you want to provide more proof of how sick in the head that you are. Just keep typing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Ok I will keep typing. happy now.


Why don’t you just admit that you’re a doper talking about out of both sides of your mouth making ludicrous false accusations with zero proof because you’re a headcase?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Because I disagree with just about everything you say full stop Richard.


That’s because you hate truth. Which is why you talk out of both sides of your mouth.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m a truth hater am I, is that why I’ve been the only one commenting on the fact Assad’s just accepted the new UN [US backed] amended and better version of the old Russian/Turkish/Iranian 2015 UN resolution 2254. I was commenting on it 3 days before SF or any other Russian media outlets even reported about it, and also proposed some reasons why Assad accepted their proposal over the old Russian/Turkish/Iranian version, and also gave some details about the new changes and what they would mean for Assad now. What have you read so far that informs you of anything at all about the startling new development in the Syrian war, sorry I should’ve said end of the war, the one they wanted to end back in june last year but Erdogan refused to comply. I always tell the truth Richard, just like I’m trying to tell you the truth right now, but I know you’ll just say I’m making all this up again and there is no evidence to back up what I just assert, but that’s because you couldn’t recognize the truth if it jumped up and bit you right on the face, you seem to be only capable of believing the lies you want to believe. Ok I’ve had enough again for the fourth time, now you can get the last word in again, say what you want in your next reply, I won’t bother to defend myself with another reply, so you can say anything you want, I couldn’t care less what you think of my opinions.


“I always tell the truth

you have a twisted take on things

You didn’t write anything twisted”


The US swamp traitors are unlikely to get the support of most Americans for defending Israel to the last drop of American blood. American support for the Zionist squatter government is quickly falling off a cliff as the legacy msm is replaced by the much less Jew monopolized internet and the brainwashed generations die off and younger generations with much better access to truth about Jew crime and evil surge:


– Young adults less likely than older people to have a favorable view of the Israeli government –

https://www.people-press.org/2019/04/24/u-s-public-has-favorable-view-of-israels-people-but-is-less-positive-toward-its-government/pp_2019-04-24_views-on-isreal_0-05/ –

Zionism = EVIL

I wrote almost a couple of years ago that Golan is the next flashpoint as SAA, Iran and Hezbollah have every intention of liberating it. Russia is even quite comfortable with that idea and for that reason gave SAA the green light to use the S-300 at its discretion. The Iranians have wisely dispersed, diversified and spread their forces all over the region from Tehran to Beirut and created independent regional commands to fight asymmetrical wars, it goes back to the Persian Empire with dispersed garrisons with Javidan or the Immortals. The Roman Legions were also self sustaining with similar characteristics and could live off the land with very limited supplies, the Ansarallah Houthis are the modern day example of totally localized warriors who get almost all their weapons and supplies from their enemies. No amount of pathetic airstrikes can do fuckall in such a set up. The Zionist filthy cowards will soon learn what real war is like.


The IAF isn’t going to have air superiority. The S-300/400s are dual use. They can take out the IAF planes on the ground at their bases and the baby rapers have nothing to stop them with. Even if the SADF loses some launchers. They can be replaced.

Zionism = EVIL

I would agree. The S-300 and the newly introduced Iranian Bavar 373 can shut the Palestine coast down. Keep in mind the Zionist pathetic cowards have only 9 operational airbases and all can be shut down by swarms of drones and cruise missiles using cratering, delayed fuse and parachute ordinance as their Saudi arselickers have lately learnt the lesson.


The big issue is US intervention. The Euros will stay out of it with Russia involved. A better option is a regional coalition including Israel’s neighbors and other regional governments like Turkey, Russia and Iran. To address all of the occupied territories, not just the Golan. Then the US will be much less inclined to get involved besides resupply and some limited personnel presence. Which isn’t going to do much good.


Iran isn’t alone in looking to the SCO as an alternative to the Zionist, NATO, GCC triad of terror. Part of putting a regional coalition together needs to include economic and political alternatives to insulate coalition members from Zionist JewS$ economic terrorism.

“”I proposed a 25-year roadmap to consolidate the comprehensive strategic partnership between Iran and China and to make a positive contribution to the “Belt and Road” initiative, Zarif reiterated.”

– China: Iran should enjoy JCPOA implementation reward – https://en.irna.ir/news/83453072/China-Iran-should-enjoy-JCPOA-implementation-reward


“China has taken a major step to upset the United States in its efforts to isolate Iran economically by committing to several hundred billions of dollars in investment in the Islamic Republic, says an analytic report.

The analysis published on the website of the Forbes magazine said that reports about China’s growing economic activity in Iran, which is estimated to be nearly $400 billion for the next 25 years, shows that Beijing is determined to use the gaps created between Iran and the US to further undermine US global clout.

“Amidst historic US-Iran tensions, Beijing is doubling-down on its strategic partnership with Tehran, ignoring US efforts to isolate the Islamic Republic from global markets,””

– China $400bn-investment in Iran blow to US pressure policy –



I have my doubts about IDFs abilitys and ISISraels intentions, apart from shooting Children and civilians inside Gaza they have little else to brag about and even less to do. And their military is 100% depending on the stupid Wankees to do their fights, and even that, is dvindling because of the ramifications have changed, the world, aka Arabian isnt what it was just an decade ago, and that is what the IDF is facing, they “invented” asymetirc war fare and now that have kicked back on them, and the war senarious have also changed, the IDF/USarmy isnt superiour anymore, every year that gows by they loose, and is now, an massive medivial armed force, where as their weapon platforms are begining to be more and more obsolite, airforce isnt an nessesety anymore, infact it worked as long they attacked 3 world countrys with little or no standing army and if they had an amry that alone was more to defend the Gov not fight wars, this days are slowly going down the drain, and the Syrian war was the game changer. I wrote about it years ago, misiles are the future, plains just relay stations of information, and needs only to be kept local, enganging in foreign territory is also going out of the question, since the misile tech is ascelerating and will be just better and better, an replace what the Impisses airforce once was and have rammed them into be an costly platform. I hope the Iranians will go even further to make state of the art, MANPADs, versitile ones and so simple even idiots can use them.

Hell even tanks are old fasion and is more or less reduced to be Howitsers. The second thing is, ISISrael as an country, is smal and packed, their airfields in the open, and whatever systems they have is also exposed, and they havent won jack shit, and the wars they brag about was due to UssA, nothing they would do alone, this days are gone, and will never come back. In an sense their own arrogance and ignorance/greed have made this happen, instead of going for peace they chouse wars, and just remind people about Cast Lead, the attack on Gaza, witch Hamas forces kicked them out within 3 days, not years, months but days. The Lebanon was due to election, and now they have fled the area. The day the war on Iran starts is the day ISISrael will be hinstory, an cancer to the world will be gone. I dont doubt that at all.

There is of course some obstacles or maybes, they rest on the fact the Jews have total hegmony on the news, and the politicians they have corrupted, but that will not change the realitys of war, but alter the time line and extent of it, like the european vassals, like the Nordicks, whom is spitliking the Jews. And then we have Russia, witch I consider to be an joker, and we cant even by now be certain what they will do in the future. I dont bit on the hurra patriots whom claims Russia will be backing anyone, but ISISrael witch they was behind and the force for its creation. I simply dont trust them. Sorry for popping the bubble. But for ISISrael the days are numbered, that, I am certain, and what can USSA do, basically nothing, when they have just crap gear, and never forget this, war are stil won by foot, and just that makes the outcome ceratin. Not what F35s can do or not, fly into an region packed with misiles will be highly risky, and stealth is just an sales pitch, like AI. The world starts to look like a book I read decades ago, Herberts Dune. Read it, you may even learn something.


Zionism = EVIL

Just that people keep perspective, the Americunts assembled a deadbeat coalition of over ONE MILLION NATO faggots and assorted arselickers like Australia and even tiny lapdog NZ to fight a battered fragmented Iraq of only 22 million (1991) and even then lost. Iran is unified nation of over 84 million people and a Shia and other Muslim allies (including Taliban and other Sunni resistance groups from Hamas to Pakistan) of over 400 million people. The Americunts have barely 25,000 lardass faggot troops in the whole region, mostly protecting the Saudi and UAE pimps and they would not last a week as the Axis of Resistance strategy would be strike all over the region and then go to ground and then repeat the attacks daily. Iranian general Salami made no bones about the Salami tactics (no pun intended:)


Syria decided to become a p*ssy and does not respond to aggression like Hizb. Therefore, more aggression from terrorist southern neighbor is expected


Put yourself in Syria’s current situation and repeat your statement………………I’d call it crass………….and I’m being polite.

Jens Holm

But there is no attack there. The reinforcemenets probatly are 4 milisia wife widows and a dog with big ears.

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