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Syrian Army Eliminated Elite Ansar al-Tawhid Unit While Repelling Recent Southern Idlib Attack

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) eliminated an elite unit of al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al-Tawhid, while the SAA was repelling a large-scale attack on its positions in southern Idlib on February 6.

According to opposition activists, the unit consisted of eight militants led by a prominent field commander known as Obada Abu Jafar. None of them survived the clashes with the Syrian military.

Syrian Army Eliminated Elite Ansar al-Tawhid Unit While Repelling Recent Southern Idlib Attack

Obada Abu Jafar

Ansar al-Tawhid played a key role in the attack that was led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), another al-Qaeda-affiliated group. The attack targeted the towns of Dadik and Nayrab northwest of Saraqib city.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled the large attack within a few hours, killing dozens of militants and destroying their equipment. Moreover, Syrian and Russian warplanes chased the militants who fled toward Idlib city.

HTS and its allies launch such attacks to drain the army resources and slow down its advance. However, in most cases they end up sustaining heavy losses or even withdrawing from key areas.

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Another one bites the dust.


It looks like the Turks will have to decide whether to fight openly against the SAA IF the Turks wish to try and save their terrorist brothers in arms from total defeat in Idlib.

If that scenario were to become reality, the Russian’s would also have to decide whether to fight openly against the Turks in order to further support the SAA and allies.

There are many serious ramifications to the success or defeat of either side in this most complicated conflict.

We have Trump playing 3d Tiddlywinks, Erdogan playing Snakes and Ladders, and President Putin playing six games of chess simultaneously.


IF Putin wanted he could drive the Syrian army inside the Turkish terrorist state’s borders… The moral is there the guns are there the experience is also there …its a matter of Putin making up his mind and how eager is he to sell those S400 to the Turks and pull them further away from NATO.


There is also the gas pipeline to consider and that is arguably worth more to Turkey than Russia. I realise that the Turks have an eye on oil and gas in Libya and in the waters of Cyprus, but that Turkish goal will likely be a step too far for NATO and also Israel.


Spot on !


Nothing is away for NATO until there is a real quit, and this does not looks in a short time yet.

Damien C

Hi Florian you forgot about the Israelis playing silly buggers!


I did, that is always a sign that the US terror gangs are in disarray.

Karen Bartlett

I don’t think Putin will fight openly against the Turks. Their agreement with Syria only included fighting terrorists. True, Turkey had/has a big hand in supporting terrorism in Syria,but they are a NATO country and if Russia went against Turkey then Russia would have to fight NATO as well. That would get the US involved, and the US is just looking for an excuse to nuke somebody. I think Mr. Putin and Russian MoD are trying to prevent all-out nuclear war started by the US.

Wolfgang Wolf

BS. article 5 Nato is only valid if Turkey would be fought on its on soil. and this is Syria.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

And it is highly doubtful that Europeans would come to Turkey’s aid if they were called to (article 5 or not). What the hell is wrong with Washington? Guess it won’t learn until it gets a bloody nose (everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face)?

Zionism = EVIL

Exactly. Turkey is involved in a illegal occupation and war on the soil of a peaceful Arab neighbor and NATO fucks have nothing to do with how Syria responds in liberating its lands.

Karen Bartlett

Ok, good.


Agreements get made and agreements get broken…

”everything moves and nothing stays the same”

said my fellow Greek Heraclitos c. 535 – c. 475 BC

((«τα πάντα ρει, μηδέποτε κατά τ’ αυτό μένειν»))


I agree, yet a great problem would arrise for Russia if the SAA was routed and the terrorists renewed the assault to take Damascus.


don’t think turkey can or will attempt to stop the liberation of syria presently being carried out by syria and russia – too many negative consequences to calculate with. however and since a) erdogan hates netanyahu and b) he considers the plain from syria all the way to iran’s border a prerogative of turkey and it’s not something that will ever be given to the jews. erdogan is prepared to make alliances with anyone who is prepared to put paid to the jews’ ambitions in this regard, such as Iran, and I think he can probably make russia sign up on the side of the alliance since even putin can see that the jews spout nothing but misery and murder and mayhem in the middles east and that no peace is achievable with the jews in palestine.

Karen Bartlett

Thanks. I would say “Zionists”, of course. Not every Jew is a Zionist.


sure you’re free to call them whatever you want – jew, hymie, kike, squatter and so on – once when I visited a jewish colleagues mother down in brighton beach, n.y. (100 pct jewish neighbourhood) the mother went to collect the next door neighbour, a jewish woman as well, and when they returned my colleague’s mother said to the other jewish woman – look a real goy – and beat that for a fact.

Karen Bartlett

Pretty rude. I reckon they’d seen few non-Jews.


technically no because turkey invaded syria so nato not triggered, other way around with syria or russia invading then yes but pompeo and company have no regard for law or agreements so who knows

Zionism = EVIL

NATO’s main mission was to protect Europe from the USSR, not sponsor Turkeys terrorism and occupation of Arab lands.

Liberal guy

Ya right

Zionism = EVIL

NATO was formed to justify Americunt occupation of Europe post WW2 and create a “red peril” and scare the dumbass Euro-trash into a anti Soviet paranoia. There was no truth to it, but Hollywood and Jew media turned NATO into a full time anti-Soviet obsession, similar to today’s one dimensional Sino-phobia, Russo-phobia and Iranophobia. Bunch of Jew liars and dumbass Euro sheep.

Liberal guy

BT they are zio scums working on behalf of babil (babylon) conglomerate

Harry Smith

The situation is more complicated, I think. The USA govt debt market gone down when Iran used missiles against USA. The treasuries returned to their previous values only when Trump said he will not response on the Iranian strike. Imagine what will be with the USA debt if Russia will sink even 1 carrier. On other hand, USA can not function without loans because most of govt incomes goes to the previous debt payments. It’s was a really stupid bluff when USA thought it still can make ones fight for peanuts and others sit quietly in fear. So now USA elites are kinda blade runners.

Karen Bartlett

Oh, I didn’t think about the market. No wonder Trump quickly back-peddled on his threats.

Simon Ndiritu

They can’t nuke a country that can nuke them back, plain simple!!

Tudor Miron

Russia would not have to openly fight the Turks to dish them a heavy defeat. Erdogan will most definately jerk a little more here and there but he will soon realise that he lost this war.


I worry about the SAA soldiers and their allies. Thay have all lived and fought for nearly 10 years now. To be killed by the Turks is a step too far and its also in Russian interests that this is thwarted.

I am confident though that the Russian military and Government ‘have a plan’.


The one thing we know about Erdogan is his treachery knows no bounds. But then again so does everyone else. He has a huge well equipped army and a fairly decent Air Force. Syria would need 10 to 12 Battalions of S 300s in order to cope with an all out conflict against with Turkey, which they don’t have. However, we see what the Houthis have accomplished against a well equipped army. Hopefully it is only sabre rattling as I have to believe the sultans troops would be better trained and more capable than those of the RSA


They decided long ago, nothing they have done recently has materially slowed down the defeat of the HTS islamic state. The Turks are fully on board with returning Idlib to Syria, but appearances must be kept, and the Turks can’t be humiliated openly, however wrong they are. Putin knows this, and is the only leader who can safely play with them. You will see that they won’t do anything much for the jihadists.

Karen Bartlett

I hope ’tis true.


I hope you are correct. A lot could depend on what sort of bribe that Pompous Pompeo offered Erdo last week I suppose.

Zionism = EVIL

I hope they shaved this stupid looking punks beard and shoved it up his dumb Wahhabi arse :)

Karen Bartlett

Um, eeyoo.


Turks are in a tough position, they can’t win in Idlib. It’s too late. They should have armed the Jihadis with better weapons and better training and they couldn’t. They can’t risk defeat directly, it’s bad for their poker face. Everybody will then assume they’re bluffing. They will need a face saving event and I am not sure how they will get it.

After the negotiation with Russia, something might happen, or not. Depending on who is going to be the Russian delegation that will meet with Turks today


Regimes that employ local levy’s and mercenaries all create the same problem, of what to arm their proxies with , in the knowledge that those weapons may one day be turned on the Regime.

The British had the same issue in their colonies and during the ‘Indian Mutiny’ , the Sepoys who were local levy’s.

The answer was to arm them with weapons that had been superseded in the British Army.

In the case of the sepoy’s, they were armed with the brown bess musket when the British troops were issued toth Martini Henry Rifles that were breach loaders with a one piece bullet and cartridge. They were also ‘rifled’ for accuracy.

During the mutiny many thousands of sepoys did rebel against British rule in India.


good news preminant commander djihadist kill!!

Liberal guy

Ur so called jihad over u scums


syria and russia will slowly and surely liberate syria from foreign invaders including the disunited states of A. it will take time but it will be completed however much the hymies/jews/squatters/thieves/murderers/liars from the illegally occupied palestine try to stop it. and once there, focus will change for turkey, for iran, for iraq and for syria and for hezbollah and the ultimate end of this story is the complete annihilation of all jews in palestine, once and for all and personally I wouldn’t be surprised if Russia teams up with this alliance of enemies of the illegal settlement in palestine, realizing that the end of the illegal settlement called israel is precondition for a lasting peace in the middle east – in fact no one needs the illegal settlement called israel so it might just be made into rubble.


and when idiot joke321 turns up, ignore ignore since he’s not worth the trouble- just a plain idiot probably paid by the guys in tel aviv.

Cheryl Brandon


Karen Bartlett

Very interesting.

James Kira

In Iran people would brag about how Imam Ali(as) was so great that he would allow the enemy to flee.

So its obvious that the axis doesnt gaf about Imam Ali(as).

Really, its Rebels who love Imam Ali(as), Rebels are from Imam Ali(as) and Imam Ali(as) is from Rebels.

assheadists are from zios and zios are from assheadists.

Turkey has a big decision to make, which could lead to world war.

I went to iran and Turkey in order to unite the sects, but snakes like soleimani made sure that didnt happen and became the new shia Zarqawi.

And khamenei that sectarian geezer became the new bagdadi.

nato minus Turkey is the greater dajjal, and axis is the lesser sufyani.

Luke Hemmming

I switched off from your comment after the word “James kira”. On both comments. :-D

James Kira

Yes, I will always be your worst nightmare, no matter which cuntry you live or ninja culture you adopt.

You will always be that cucked up white boy in hiding and never a Samurai.

Gary Sellars

Nipponese jap-fag comprador, sucking GI cock just like his mother did.

James Kira

kikes = americunts = assheadists

You phags are the plague.

Fortunately plagues die in the end.

Liberal guy

He is more like a deceiver

James Kira

southfront is a zionist psyop to infiltrate the Axis movement and turn it into an antiMuslim movement and turn Shias against Sunnis, and turn Sunnis against their own Brothers.

And russia like china has no interest in AlQuran, except for political reasons, just like how iran invested in Gaza, but never for Sunnis elsewhere, to steal the ProPali movement, like how zios stole the name of Prophet Isreal(as), and how bagdadi tried to steal Khilafah.

Zionism = EVIL

No shit Sherlock :)

James Kira

^kike exposed again

Tudor Miron

More dead rats. Very good.

Gary Sellars

More to come. Even better.

James Kira

The sufyani(nato & axis) will kill anyone named Hassan(as) or Hussayn(as).


you are member of dying civilisation

James Kira

ok kike

Zionism = EVIL

“civilization”? more like cave dwellers :)

Oscar Silva Martinez

Nobody will miss these cowards!

Luke Hemmming

The Hasbara trolls are quiet on this article.

Gary Sellars

Syrian goats will be able to sleep a little sounder tonight.

James Kira

at least Japan got Martyrdom fighting the kikeraeli oppressor at pearl harbor unlike those iranian pussies who can only fight the each other.

Did you know that modern day iranians are such pussies theyve never gone to war against their enemy ever, but they yap whine and bitch like jews.

Iran is so useless even if Imam Khomeini(rh) built an army for them, and tonnes of missiles, they would rather go to war against their Brothers in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria instead of americunt or kikerael. And theyd rather make friends with commies even though Imam Khomeini(rh) explicitly forbid it.

Because iranians are such pussies.

Zionism = EVIL

haha you are Paki, I have heard that anti-Iran rhetoric before :)

James Kira

Most of AlQaeda and Taliban are Pashtunwali and from the Tribe of Prophet Joseph(as), and Men are handsome, and Women are skinny and beautiful, and their Children are cute.

Unlike you fugly R1a and R1b uncircumcised rednecks.

Im Samurai blood, cousin to Afro Samurai.


And that’s the least of your congenital problems.

James Kira

ok r1b japheth.

Haplo D is closer to Samaritan Levite E.


It’s far from your Haplogroup that is your congenital problem.

Assad must stay

Very good SAA great work :))))

Bill Wilson

Nice. HTS is down to using suicide squads to halt the SAA advance.

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