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Syrian Army Eliminates Turkish-Affiliated Field Commander In Southeast Idlib

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has eliminated a military commander of the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation (NFL), opposition sources revealed on February 15.

The commander, identified by his nom de guerre “Abu Muslim Taoum,” was killed on February 9 in clashes with army units in the town of al-Taliyah in the southeastern Idlib countryside.

Abu Muslim was reportedly the commander of Jaysh al-Ahrar’s Special Forces. The group is one of the key parts of the NFL.

Syrian Army Eliminates Turkish-Affiliated Field Commander In Southeast Idlib

Abu Muslim Taoum

Several militants were killed alongside Abu Muslim, three of them were identified by local activists as Abu Mohamad al-Sham, Abu Mohamad al-Hamui and Abu Adana Taftanaz.

Earlier this week, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) neutralized a senior al-Qaeda commander, who was taking part in a Turkish-led attack on SAA positions in western Aleppo.

Turkish-backed militants and al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Greater Idlib have been fighting side by side against the SAA for more than a year now. Turkey is now reportedly providing all of them with military support.

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Liberal guy

Ciao bastard

Hanny Benny

rest in piiss

Azriel Herskowitz

This man right here is what I call a hero. He fought to the death in defense of the people of Idlib.

Jim Bim

you are what I call a disgusting creep

Josiah Isaboke

A rat is more like it…I hope he is burning in rat hell with no pen ‘is to satisfy his 72 goats


That is a mis-translation about the 72 goats… What it really says is he will be confined with 72 billy goats and he will be the only nanny goat… for eternity…

Gary Sellars

“billy goats” is a euphemism for his own buddies.

The title of “nanny goat” rotates among all pack members, they keep it for 1,000 years, and then they pass the baton so to speak…

Gary Sellars

Don’t feed the jew troll… unless you’re force-feeding him his own guts.




Man you gotta dread the awakening and the people of the world learning that the Jewish Talmud classes them as Goys and animals in human skins… The next thing you know they will realize the Hollowco$t was a hoax… bing the timer just went off on that one too


L O L ……… yeah right skeeter.


When his life left the body, he was pissing and shitting himself, as everyone else would do. Nothing heroic about that.

John Wallace

So if he is a hero I guess that makes you a coward. Go back and try again until you succed. Good to see you again Azriel , you look so much like your twin.

Brother Ma

You need to seek med help and recant your conversion to Islam. I know you weren’t born into a Moslem family.

Josiah Isaboke

I would’t name my kid “ABU” because i know he is going to be a rat and die like a rat …GOD HELP ME!!!

Islamic Power

Abu is not a name

Josiah Isaboke

Read the article :)

Islamic Power

Do you know Arabic?

Brother Ma


Islamic Power

Abu means “father of” Ibn means “son of”

Gospodin Sveti

I remember before few years when iraqi isis hunters get alive jihadi pricks posted on social media to vote kill or let it live I allways vote for kill :D

Islamic Power

You got blood on your hands


You have bullshit on your hands.

Gospodin Sveti

those rats dont deserve to live :D

Gary Sellars

Begone, Wahhabi faggot.

Islamic Power

Ahaha come up with a new insult, weak

Islamic Power

you can have your safe space with your little friends, bye

Islamic Power

Is this site bias or are the rebels not making any gains?

Pave Way IV

The rebels are making plenty of gains… fleeing towards the Turkish border. Hope they remembered to arm their suicide vests.


With 5 second fuses :)

Pave Way IV

Normally, I would argue for superquick action fuzes for any head-chopper pink mist magical transformation operations. In this case, though, I kind of like your suggestion, Florian. Five terminal seconds is just about enough time for a head-chopper to 1) begin to lose bowel and bladder control while 2) simultaneously realizing that either the al Sauds or Erdogan have just conned him out of his entire life fighting for their fake version of Islam.

I understand that such deluded souls are destined to be reincarnated as attractive goats somewhere deep inside caliphate territory. And you damn sure don’t want to be a goat on head-chopper ‘date night’. Snackbar!

John Wallace

Talking of shit , I scroll down and there is Azriel my friend.. Never know when the flush button is not going to work.

John Wallace

The rebels are taking big steps , just not the ones you would like. No bias on here until the Trolls arrive.. They have been strangely quiet recently. Bit hard to claim SAA losses when they are making sweeping gains I guess.

Toni Liu

Just go to your syrianliveua map they are more bias to your terrorist, but somehow they slowing down the update because how the shame they are just putting more saa taking your terrorist territory than what your terrorist can

Pave Way IV

Jaysh al-WHO?

Oh… head-chopper.


Erdo is digging his hole deeper. Al Masdar News has just reported that he will not wait until the end of the month for the SAA and allies to withdraw BEHIND all the Turk observation posts.

The next few days will be pivotal. I have trust in President Putin that he will stand firm now. He has to really.

Is all of this a trap by the US I wonder to escalate things with promises to Erdo? If so, Erdo should remember who saved his sorry arse when the Yanks tried to assassinate him.



Lavrov made Russian intentions clear; no mercy for terrorists. Now Russia is bombing closer and close to the Turkish border. There is no confusion here my friend. :)


Another possibility is that Pompous Pompeo send ambassador Jeffry to see Erdo in order to blackmail him and to offer him a US plan that he cannot refuse. :)


Erdo has also dressed his jihadi’s in Turkish uniforms to further muddy the waters.

Brother Ma

Especially mr Abu Adana! Lol

Pave Way IV

I love the superb clarity of Russian intentions. Anyone who claims to be confused is either a dimwit or they work for the U.S. State Department.

Gary Sellars

“either a dimwit or they work for the U.S. State Department”

There is plenty of overlap in that Venn diagram…

John Wallace

I think when the US pulled back in SDF areas was an invitation to Turkey too confront the SAA and maybe Russia, That didn’t workout so well so this could very well be plan No 67 . I see something yesterday about the EU telling Syria and allies to stop their illegal attacks in Idlib ??. Yes something could very well be brewing and all hell break loose. I hope not because it will or can become very messy very quickly. I have been saying for sometime the war will not be over this year . Israel wants their oil pipeline from the SDF oil area to Israel , The US has no intentions of pulling out and Turkey now getting in deeper does not bode well.


well, just raid these observation posts and get the Turks captured as POW. If there in no observation post left, there is no place to pull back behind.


The commander, identified by his nom de guerre “Abu Muslim Taoum,”

Several militants were killed alongside Abu Muslim, three of them were identified by local activists as Abu Mohamad al-Sham, Abu Mohamad al-Hamui and Abu Adana Taftanaz.

Lots of Abu’s died that day. Either the Russians have perfected the Abu seeking bomb or it’s a very popular name with headchoppers.

‘We are ALL Abu?’

John Wallace

:-)) Guess they are going to start a new movement .. ” Where is Abu ? ” . ” He is with Allah ” . ” Which one ” ” All of them “

Joel Robinson

They didn’t go to paradise they went to hell ….shirk


It’s just the arabic way of honoring their fathers by naming the first born son after its father. Abu Muslim is therefore the son of Muslim and so on.

Brother Ma

No moslem is caled Adana, but I agree you are right . Abu does mean that.


Not to be confused with Apu from The Simpsons?


or Abba


though Idlib is going to be Turkey’s Waterloo !

Assad must stay



Turkish Backed

MeMad Max

Religious fanatics make for shitty war and great cannon fodder….

Gary Sellars

One more maggot, roasted until he popped.

More pls :-P

Gary Sellars

Abu Muslim Taoum became Abu Muslim BOOOOOM!

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