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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Enters Deep Inside ISIS-held Part Of Deir Ezzor City (Map)

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Syrian Army Enters Deep Inside ISIS-held Part Of Deir Ezzor City (Map)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and their allies have entered deep inside the ISIS-held area in the city of Deir Ezzor.

According to pro-government sources, government troops reached the Khadijah School area in the disctrict of Hamidiyah in the northern part of the city.

Previously, the SAA liberated Arfi district, the workers aera and the nearby stadium.

In coming days, the Tiger Forces supported by Russian military advisers will likely increase pressure on ISIS terrorists inside Deir Ezzor. The SAA seeks to liberate the entire city as soon as possible to redeploy the elite forces for an advance towards al-Bukamal.

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You can call me Al

Well I got that one wrong.

Yet again, the fantastic strategy of “divide and conquer” ….

On the left hand side of the map, that area seems scaresly populated if at all, surely that could also be taken relatively easily …..

It really does put the Yank gung-ho way of fighting a war in a laughing box.

Bravo SAA and allies; may God’s speed and protective hand be with you.


Who cares…They lost Omar- and other oil fields. A fight for a village that does not make any profit and forfeits the country’s main oil fields. I don’t understand the Syrian army leadership any more.

Deo Cass

Me neither. How will they feed the inhabitants and give them work? By collecting and selling sand?! At this rate the Deir Ezzur inhabitants will also be cut off from the only potential life supply line from neighbouring Iraq at al-Bukamal. But for Russia everything is fine. With 65% of Syria’s entire population having to feed itself on barely 5% of Syria’s natural resources while an alien invading Kurdish population amounting to barely 1.8% of Syria’s toatal population and their illegal foreign US masters possessing more than 80% of Syria’s oil, gas and water resources, and if this procrastination continues, also the vital link to neighbouring Iraq.

Wagner schmit

“1.8% of Syria’s toatal population” Propaganda lies come on face facts)) Kurds are the largest ethnic minority in Syria, and make up between 7 and 15 percent of the Syrian population as of 2011—between 1.6 and 2.5 million people.


And that discounting the half a million “stateless” kurds, descending from the 120.000 that has their papers taken away in 1961, now some half a million.

Deo Cass

The Kurds have never had any roots in Syria. They came to Syrian fleeing from Turkish persecutions during the 1960’s and settled in the Qamishli region. They were given shelter and refuge by Hafez al-Assad. His son, Bashar al-Assad upon his inauguration as the new Syrian president granted them full Syrian citizenship, together with ethnic, cultural and linguistic rights and a de-facto limited autonomy.


a 5th column for imperial powers now anyhow


1.8% of the remaining 16 million or so Syrians would be something like 300k.

That is less then the number of kurds living in Qamishlo, less then the number of kurds having fled Aleppo city, less then the number of (partly arabized) kurds living in Damascus, less then the number of kurds having fled Kobane in 2014 (now almost all returned), which shows that either you should give a bit more attention to research of you are trolling.

DeZ countryside, btw, is largely rural and not depending on a life supply line out of Iraq. Iraq has hardly any real food production, hardly any industry. So what is so vital being imported from there. They only have oil and gas to export. And IS of course.

Deo Cass

Yep. The rest of the Kurds and their families crossed into Syria from Iraq and Turkey from 2012 on. Prior to the war, only round 350,000 Kurish inhabitants lived at the tip of Qamshli, bordering Iraq/Turkey.

Deo Cass

Kobani is an artificial fabrication. Kurds never inhabited Ajn al-Arab. That is the real nane of the so called Kobane for your information. That town was an Arab town before all of its Arab inhabitants were ethnically cleansed and replaced with alien Kurdish invaders and settlers. The same now will happen to Raqqa, an excusively Arab city, which has been completely depopulated of its indigenous Arab population, a whole 270,000 of them. Soon the Kurds will start inventing the story tht actually Raqqa had always been a Kurdish city!

You can call me Al

But the oil fields produce diddly, there is no rush to take them + where can the SDF supply he scrapings of oil to ?.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

” The SAA seeks to liberate the entire city as soon as possible to redeploy the elite forces for an advance towards al-Bukamal.” Hope it will not be too late at the end when they decide the SAA and allies to go for al-Bukamal, another major prize in the reach of the SDF rats at the service of their evil American sponsors.

Wagner schmit

They could be already near abo kamal if they weren’t fighting HTS in hama right now.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

The question is not with whom they are fighting SAA now but for what goals at all, my friend. Because the most strategic ang important one a this time is al-Bukamal and SAA, allies and ennemies know that and very well.

You can call me Al

But so do the PMU assuming they are true to their word; which to date I have no reason to doubt. Whilst I understand you view and it would be ideal, to attack from two fronts – Syria one side / Iraq the other, I have shifted my view (it seems an ongoing shift) in that the SAA should drive the SDF to where they came from….and to me that is more important than the crossing, that can be taken by friends. just my view.


I have a feeling they have a trick up their sleeve!

Besides, I think the SAA and PMU will go for Al-Tanf instead! I have a feeling about this!

You can call me Al

But that holds a US base doesn’t it ?..

If so, I would leave the beauty until “right at the end” and when they run into Jordon with their adult nappies full; thousands of Syrians and all militaries should be there and wave them good bye.

PS God I hop I have my geography right.


lol its right!

Not a US base at Al-Tanf but its got coalition forces there! Norwegian special forces i think! But it wouldnt surprise me if they took that! Yes it means Israel and the US would come in and bomb them but this is where i would hope SyAf and Russian airforce would come in to fend off such attacks! Its Syrian land, isis is not there! They have no excuse to be there other than Israel saying they dont want it! lol, isreal says what land the SAA can have and cant have! Unbelievable!

Solomon Krupacek

ha. ha. ha.

You can call me Al

I don’t think they need to worry about that, let the PMU get that one, they’ll all be together shortly; maybe jointly fighting the SDF (is Syria), if the SDF are silly enough to carry on listening to the Yanks.

My gut view, not being military, would be to also (somehow) clear the remaining, relatively small pockets in the west of Syria dependant on No. of forces available…


They should just ask the Iraqi mobilization to move into Syria with some Iraqis military personnel,If the U.S.,Turkey can ridiculous claim they in Syria to fight they creation why can’t the Iraqi.

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