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Syrian Army Enters New Town In Western Aleppo

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Late on February 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) advanced further in western Aleppo, liberating a new town from al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir (HTS) and Turkish-backed factions.

According to pro-government sources, army units stormed the town, Urm al-Kubra, and manged to secure it within a few hours.

Syrian Army Enters New Town In Western Aleppo

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

Earlier today, the SAA and its allies secured the area of al-Muhandisin 2, the Regiment 46 Base and the town of Urm al-Sughra.

The army also repelled yet another Turkish-led attack on its newly-established positions in the towns of Kafr Halab and Miznaz. Turkish-backed militants sustained heavy losses in the failed attack.

The SAA is now working to secure the vicinity of Aleppo city. The town of al-Atarib, one of the biggest urban centers in western Aleppo, could be the main target of the operation.

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good news! ;)

Tim Williams

Turk forces have pulled out al – Atarib about 5 hours ago … do not know how many rats they left behind as cannon fodder

Read from bottom up


Tim Williams

SAA forces will be operating non stop until the cease fire kicks in … word has come down to terminate every rat you can … we have them on the run … get them .. get them now

Cheryl Brandon

WE THANK YOU LIONS OF Syria. wE THAN YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE IN LIBERATING AND fighting back with every ounce of vitality IN YOUR BODY. We admire your awesome response. Kaboom/kaboom/kabbom to all EU/NATO FUNDED head choppers illegally imported into Syria by Turkey. Turks terrorists go back home. more operations to clear up Idlib please. thanks.


Turkish position on its illegal intervention and support for terrorism is quite incredulous to say the least. Turkey is playing a spoiler role by just prolonging the agony of the Syrian civilians in Idlib who just want to get on with their lives. Syria and its allies must adamantly push on to liberate all of Syrian Arab Republic’s territory.


The advance goes really fast now. And the Turks have learned that the SAA won’t back down from taking a few artillery rounds. And that when they are inside Syria they run the risk of receiving some artillery rounds themselves. I reckon the advance will go on now until they approach the Turkish border, at which point the Turks will use the safety of Turkish soil to place their artillery there to fire at advancing SAA troops with impunity. As happened in 2015 when the SAA was very close to pushing the Jihadi’s out of Latakia and Kabani. Until Turkish artillery opened fire at them from inside Turkey.

A cowardly tactic, but a shit army has to use the cards it has been dealt with. The question will be, how will the SAA deal with this? In 2015 they had little choice but to halt, as the SAA was fighting on so many fronts it couldn’t afford to enter in open hostilities with the Turks. Now might be different. Or not. It will be interesting to see.

Tim Williams

at that point … NATO will put a halt to the madman of Ankara … or put a bullet in him ..the west wants to end this madness


The removal of the megalomaniac Erdogan is perhaps the best option as he has brought misery and terrorism in the region. Turkey was on a very progressive trajectory before the Saudi, UAE and Qatari funded AKP Wahhabists grabbed power with CIA blessings.

good american

Does the west want to end it? It was my impression they keep nurturing this monster baby.

Tim Williams

when the USA decides it’s fruitless … it’s over … this is why not a single country joined Turkey … it’s over

good american

That would be good.

You can call me Al

We will pray that you are correct.


The US/NATO has been in Afghanistan for 30 years though.

Such US aggression is fruitless, except for the US arms manufacturers and the politicians and generals they ‘donate’ to. :)

You can call me Al

Are you sure, I would think the opposite.


IF Erdo flees with his money, who would replace him I wonder. Gulen would be the US choice I suppose.

Arguably ,the EU do not want to see a destabilised Turkey, although the UIsrael would like that I think.

With a bit of luck the jihadi shit that Turkey allowed to flow into Syria will soon be backing up into Turkey , as the SAA sanitation experts ‘put stoppers’ into the Turkish sewer pipelines.

Bobo Voxar

really?.. big smile… ERDO is a tool of West … one try of coup-d-etat was not enought-it was just a cover for reprograming his madness … let him do what he want -it leads into his destruction …

Alex Cabrera

The turks cannot fight a war

if the SAA comes near the turkish border

the SDF should prepare to attack the turks in afrin

turkey wont be able yo handle simultaneous attack on different fronts

when turkish bodybags pile up

that will convince turkish poeople to boot out erdogan

keep those encircled turkish soldiers as hostage in case ankara attacks


Yes, I think the Turks stuck in Syria will make very good hostages


It’s funny how you keep Turkey and Syria together. No soldiers of a NATO country can be taken hostage.Syria knows this very well, if it does not, Turkey will teach it very well.Syria has no power to fight against Turkey. Turkey is Syria’s neighbor and the biggest power. Turkey’s position is very strong militarily.


When we cut off Syria’s trade and pipes, Syria dies of starvation and cooling.


International Law allows for reciprocal attacks on a neighbouring country, such as Turkey, that hides behind their borders whilst attacking their neighbour.

good american

IF any of the bulliesb still had respect for international law. I wonder if the US would use an attack on Turkey as a convenient excuse to attack Syria in ‘defense’ of their ally. Is that the reason why Syria doesn’t respond Israel after all those missile attacks?


Any NATO nation who came to Turkey’s rescue in such a situation would be in uncharted waters, domestically and politically , but as you say its a risk, as we can see with Israels aggressions in Syria.

It would be rather amusing though to adopt the US and Turkish policy of ‘persueing terrorists’ across borders, and in the Syrian case, Al Nusra are officially a UN designated terror organisation :)


I theory you’re right. But we have certain NATO countries, cough, FUKUS, cough, who have done some shady shit inside Syria and who still have troops and sour grapes present. I wouldn’t be surprised if Syria were to counterattack Turkish artillery inside Turkey that piece utter shit Erdogan, no insults intended against utter pieces of shit, will clamor for Article 5 of NATO to be enacted. And FUKUS will probably agree. So I reckon it will have to be clear to everyone that Russia has Syria’s back so things won’t escalate into stupid territory. Cause after all, this is where the Crazy One from Ankara resides.


Russia is the key, I agree. I sense though that Russian planners have planned for this, as without it the conflict in Syria will drag on.

It’s well nigh impossible to have a rational debate with a sociopath like Erdo, and with dillusional actors within NATO.

The alternative is a potential another 30 or 100 years war.

“Though war may expose man at his most barbaric, it’s also the summation of his civilization. War isn’t won through base instincts, but vast planning, mastery of technology and mass discipline, based on a shared philosophy. That’s why savages don’t win wars. Engineers do.”


I think that a substantial number of Syrians trapped in Idlib would be only too happy to return to the protection of Bashar. Trouble is the headchoppers are more keen on being police than soldiers, so it is difficult for the civilians to escape. If Erdo pisses them off enough they may start to attack the Turks too, them and the 10 moderate rebels left in Idlib

Tim Williams

I’d agree … they have no knowledge of the reforms made, no knowledge of the rebuilding going on in free areas …

Toni Liu

The problem is many of real civilian already gone long time ago, only jihadist family or anti assad remain if they are real civilian the number are too small, so better screen them first then kick all jihadist and anti assad one to make sure not many suicide bombing happen in the future

You can call me Al

I unfortunately have to agree with you there.

Tim Williams

major thrust of SAA & HEZ forces moving due west of Aleppo City on road 62 towards Mansoura


Earlier today Erdoghan sent hundreds of Turkish military to al Atarib in order to establish a base there to support their terrorists. However, RUAF have been intensively bombing al qaeda bases west of Atarib and very close to the Turkish border (for the first time) … if this was a Russian message to Turkey it was received loud & clear … this afternoon the Turkish military seem to have departed Atarib leaving it’s terrorists to their unpleasant (and well-deserved) fate. All Erdoghan can do now is minimise the humiliation of his military.

Tim Williams

TURK forces are the new French


The surrounded Turkish OP are the new Maginot line as the Syrians just by-pass them.


ISIS has been weakened in the north thanks to the operations of the Turkish military.The YPG and PYD are also operating with terrorist groups.The Turkish army has shown the power and function of the Turkish army to the world with excellent success with its operations.

good american

‘ISIS has been weakened by the turks’

bwahahahahaha! Whew, that was one of the funniest comments all week!

Tim Williams

it appears everyone in Syria has a sweet tooth



it is pişmaniye and It belongs to the Turks.


Most Arab food belongs to the Turks.


CIA already tried to get rid of Erdogan, so Putin may just help them


Maybe I am wrong but, it looks like the SAA and Co. are going for the throat here. They have made an art form of repositioning head chopper resources while they obliterate their support. Right now, from this map, it looks like they intend to start sealing the border with Turkey in this part of the country. With all the criticism about delays, it appears that the SAA and Co. knew exactly what they were doing. I tip my hat to them. Free you country ladies and gentlemen. Godspeed to all.


no boy, they simply secure the M5. Next target kafr niah, then masoura, maybe layramun, and the full gaziantep road (aleppo – anadan).


Hello Kananda. I understand all of that but, they are heading right toward the border crossing. What better way to cut off support than to seize the crossing? I am not saying how long it may take. However, it looks like it is right on the menu.


What better way to cut off support than to seize the crossing?

You are right with this step. ut i doubt that just now russians allow such movement. Until today russians block the liberetion of northern Latakia. Putin does not want battles between SAA an TA.


Israeli police stormed East Jerusalem’s AlAqsa Mosque on Friday, during prayer, and forcibly engaged with worshippers (Israeli police shoving worshippers). Israeli police was prevented Palestinian activist Nizam Abu al-Ramuz (who was expelled from Al-Aqsa mosque for six months) from distributing cakes and falafel to worshippers and fined him $140.



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