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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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On March 8, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) expanded its security zone around the town of al-Qaryatayn in southern Homs and the regions of East Qalamun and East Ghouta in Damascus governorate to 80km, according to Syrian pro-government sources.

The sources said that the SAA had expanded the security zone in order to prevent terrorists stationed around the US-led coalition base in al-the Tanaf area, near the Syrian-Iraqi border, from infiltrating its positions in southern Homs and eastern Damascus.

ISIS cells and fighters of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) temporarily captured al-Qaryatayn town on September 29 after they had successfully infiltrated the SAA defense lines, according to a report of the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Moreover, pro-government activists believe that many weapons were smuggled from the al-Tanaf area to the besieged militants in the East Ghouta region and the East Qalamun region. These weapons reportedly included even US-made TOW anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs).

Right after establishing the new security zone, the Syrian Military Intelligence intercepted and seized a weapons shipment, which was on its way to Eastern Ghouta. Locals from Eastern Ghouta informed the Syrian Military Intelligence about the shipment, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

The shipment included US-made weapons like M16 rifles and LAW anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades along with UK-made smoke hand grenades. Satellite communication systems and drugs were also a part of the shipment.

The new security zone will likely allow to improve the security situation around the Syrian capital of Damascus and limit the US-led coalition capability to support its militants in central Syria.

Photos of the SAA security zone:

Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Syrian Army Expands Security Zone Around al-Qaryatayn, East Qalamun And Eastern Ghouta (Photos, Video)

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Nice capture


I hope that the Syrian troops know to move positions after dark to avoid surprise attacks.

Claire Langoulant

Boris Johnson and the deep state are crying tonight !


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Franchoulliards Traitors alike Kouchner, Sarkosette, Pedalo, Tete d’Oeuf(Fabius) Le Drian and Macaron with other MSM Zionists will have to play Equilibrist’s to avoid an Nuremberg Suite for Genocide !


Try to steal a Predator, put on it an israeli flag and shoot Al Tanf.

Politolog Externista

it should be possible to mine them from underground with a long enough tunnel. Might take a month to dig that from a long enough distance, then bam. That base harbors terrorists so a big crater would work, SInce there are lots of armaments I suppose some plausible deniability could be there :P


Also can send a group of brainwashed FSA and make them explode there.

Rüdiger Preiss

Don’t need to search long for such. There are plenty :D

andy l

The US have imposed a 35 mile exclusion zone around Al Tanf – that would need to be a long tunnel but I like the idea


Perhaps an Iskander could be sent to Al Tanf for the US military to inspect close up and personal :)

Henk Poell

Let a truck with medical supplies for some needy children go though Al Tanf. Have the US/FSA stop and plunder it. Send footage all over the world.


Russia is with Syrian government and of course on a very strong authoritative position and in fact have full legal right to defend Syrian aerospace and land from illegal intruders and occupiers by use of air strikes and missiles with full blow. Let the Washington cry. Legally US cannot do any thing because Russia defending Syria and Washington is destabilizing it by own machinery and by own blood thirsty, rapist terrorists.


Imagine if Russia and US both swap for example, US allied with Assad government and Russia with terrorists in Syria.

Then can Russia dare to step into Syria across Syrian border or can Russia would be able to transfer weapons to Israel, ISIS, FSA, SDF and to other terrorist groups in Syria. What would be the reaction of Trump administration?

Then can Russian aerospace forces dare to airstrike Syrian government forces? Would Washington listen to Russia?

But now Russia is with Syrian government and of course on a very strong authoritative position and in fact have full legal right to defend Syrian aerospace and land from illegal intruders and occupiers by use of air strikes and missiles. Let the Washington cry. Legally US cannot do anything because Russia defending Syria and Washington is destabilizing it.

Ryan Law

the thing is america wants a war with Russia and china as soon as possible because every day Russia and china’s conventional weapons capability surpasses USA further wheres Russia and china want to wait till they have overwhelming superiority so its a swifter safer victory. so if their roles where reversed in Syria Russia and China would still be avoiding making or responding to provocations


Great pictures, very informative. I hope that they can get cleaned up as needed.


I would hope that battlefield radars are also employed as well .


Related news from AMN Leb.:


Don't read butthurt replies

I see, the terrorist get drugged before doing all of their crazy stuff.


Probably amphetamines, street name, speed. There is no such thing as fear or pain when your on the goey. lol, misspent youth.


Carefully does not onterfer with Yabjee nogo/nofly zone.

Rex drabble

Bomb them right up to the base.Say 2 miles,and then you will have the terrorists that the US help living together.Nothing in or out.Let it fester like the filthy wound it really is.USA funding ISIS yet not a peep from the American people,cunts.

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