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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos)

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) captured Beer Hafna, Arak Dam, and the northern Palmyra mountain range in the eastern Arak gas field area.

Syrian and Russian Air Force warplanes destroyed ISIS command centers and dozens of ISIS armored vehicles in the eastern Arak gas field area, the vicinity of the T3 pumping station and Al-Taybah al-Gharbiah in the Palmyra countryside.

On Saturday, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian Air Force killed ISIS commanders “Abu Yasin al-Masri” and “Abu Omar al-Baljiki” along with 180 ISIS fighters in Syria and destroyed 16 armor and vehicles on June 6 and June 8.

ISIS released photos showing strikes on 4 battle tanks and a BMP-1 and a vehicle belonging to the SAA in the vicinity of Palmyra. The terrorists used Konkurs anti-tank guided missiles as well as American-made TOW missiles.

Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos) Syrian Army Further Advances East Of Palmyra. 180 ISIS Members Killed (Video, Photos)

Thanks to the recent SAA advance in the east and north of Palmyra, a major part of the Sukhna-Palmyra road is now under the fire control of the SAA.

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All those tow missiles and us/saudi support and yet: STILL LOSING, BADLY…


No matter what ISIS does now, it can’t stop the SAA/allied advance coming from the Raqqa and Palmyra directions. Its stretched thin, and can only conduct delaying actions through fighting retreats and commando style raids. Should the PMU (in northern Iraq) and SAA/allies (in southern Syria) advance simultaneously and meet at the border town of Al Bukamal, its game over. Question remains, if the Kurds and Syria opposition (backers included) would allow it to happen?

John Whitehot

none of the hits on the MBTs show the aftermath, only the moment of the ATGM exploding. it’s typical of when ragheads hit targets but they are not destroyed.

Gary Sellars

Yep, they show the BMP-1 afterwards with its clear signs of a smoke trail, yet not the MBTs? If these tanks were wrecked & burning or cooking off their ammo, you would definitely see pics, so in the absence of such, i’d say the tanks likely damaged but recoverable and repairable

Wolfgang Wolf

why are you publishing all that ISIS propaganda shit? did you ever verify this? or this site gets paid for supportung the IS propaganda? every line and every photo published is terrorist support!!!!

Solomon Krupacek

stop your repeated bullshit here!

Julius Meinel

Wolfgang is right. I never quite got it why SF gets to publish pictures/video shot by the jihadist forces. We all know what they are capable of and I personally do not need to be remembered of the viciousness of their warfare ;It SF so strapped to the point that is has to accept funds from the filthy jihadist to publish their propaganda pictures?!

Gary Sellars

Hang on a second…. showing pics is one thing (which IS publish free of charge as propaganda) but accusing SF of talking IS money????? Nah, you’re talking from yer arse….

Solomon Krupacek

this is the normal information. to be informed is over the problem youboth meant.


Clearly am going to have to repeat my comment: All intelligence and diplomatic corps encourage viewing from as many information sources as possible both ‘enemy’ and ‘ally’ on a given issue – it’s what they teach, as means access to more data – it’s their job to then filter the data. Filter and glean. In the case above, the images released from ISIS clearly indicate they have abundant TOW missiles and launchers – captured, bought, or illicitly supplied to known listed terrorists. That is rich vein of inquiry – now or in future – should any quality investigative journalist, public policy review or international arms observation body be interested in pursuing it.


Being impartial is vital to the credibility of Southfront. Notice that they report claims as claims from either side? They use the term “unconfirmed reports” when they should write “rumour” and “strike” when they mean “bombing” but apart from that, I have no complaints about integrity or accuracy.

Hisham Saber

Shut up, no one is talking to you and no one likes you.


Hisham Saber But you are the hit and run idiot troll and will not respond to any post. You are pathetic for sure. Quite the Libyan/US coward.

Hisham Saber

Don’t you have a gay pride parade to go to in Tel-Aviv? There is no place for you here.


So you do respond ! 911 is blamed on Israel to divert attention from Saudi Arabia, which is US #1 terror supporter in the region (they threw Qatar under the bus), so you buy into this propaganda because it is anti-Jewish.

Solomon Krupacek

:DD also you talked tome, gayboy!


What are you on about? All intelligence and diplomatic corps encourage viewing from as many information sources as possible both ‘enemy’ and ‘ally’ on a given issue – it’s what they teach, as means access to more data – it’s their job to then filter the data. In the case above, the images released from ISIS clearly indicate they have abundant TOW missiles and launchers – captured, bought, or illicitly supplied to known listed terrorists. That is rich vein of inquiry – now or in future – should any quality investigative journalist, public policy review or international arms observation body be interested in pursuing it.

gfsdyughjgd .

Who cares what FSA=ISIS does it is USA and Saudi Terorist organization which cause instability.Syria has the legitimate right to protect any single area in Syria just like USA,British,France,Israel or Turkey.Any movement of FSA is seen via satellite or drones destroy this untrust worthy pain and suffering causing disease which is even written in the Bible six seals.As long as FSA exist there will be no peace.

gfsdyughjgd .

Wolfgang this site is open and transparent.It shows us every hidden truth.The point should be trace and destroy FSA.

Julius Meinel

It certainly looks like SAA need to 1) do a better job of concealing its armor, which I have to admit is not an easy task to accomplish in desert warfare. And 1) it needs to more thoroughly survey with drones the 3-5 km per minter from their they station their units. For some reason it seems like SAA tank crews have still not learned after 6 years of war that a tank is not an observation post and it is never to be used in isolation from supporting infantry units or in very small tank groups, like they seem to be employing them.. The tank needs to move larger battle formations, stop very briefly for target acquisition and shot then them move again till it overwhelms the enemy defenses; only then with proper infantry support can they afford to become static, rest and resupply.

Alex Black

SAA is advancing rapidly over very large portions of the front. AT squads are easy to conceal, and they are highly mobile. I am sure the armor losses are regrettable, but the long term implications of this are minimal as the rate of the SAA advance results in forced retreats against DAESH and massive losses in both man power and equipment.


How many of the Syrian armoured vehicles hit by missiles etc are decoys?

Alex Black

I think those are real vehicles

Solomon Krupacek

you are right. this was always the problem of arab armies. look at war in 1973. syria had the largest tank army in ME, lost most of them, egypt completely lost the tanks. saddam the same pathological example, and now the turks.. similar pathetic beginners.

YOU, GERMANS should teach them :)


!967 was the real turkey shot.

Solomon Krupacek

you are right, i mixed the years.


Youre still retarded i see lol


Now now, children.


Yeah 1967 lopsided losses were in aircraft not tanks. Israel had half their tanks destroyed, while arab forces only lost cpl hundred out of 3k. He is right about garbage merkada tank and the asskicking they got from hzb, thats why they cried to uncle sam for ceasefire! Only propaganda is israeli one. Dont lick zionist boot.

Wahid Algiers

Well spoken.

Gary Sellars

Only aircraft, and that was because of the Zionist premeditated attack catching Egypt unwares.

FFS, if Egypt really was planning to attack Israel, why were they not on a state of alert, and at least watching the Zios carefully. They had shifted some troops into the Sinai simply as a show of strength. Nasser was in no way wanting to actually fight a war, it was more for domestic political purposes as it was to show Ziostan they were not be be trifled with…

Why is that you guys recognise the BS and lies in our current mediasphere, yet you remain faithful to the lies of yesteryear???


Because some of these guys are incognito zio lickers thats why. The only arab israeli war where there were huge tank losses … on both sides nonetheless … was yom kippur, not 6day war

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

1967 actually had the US and British air support in the beginning using unmarked planes and lying Israeli planes , should have been a turkey shoot Israel didn’t have some of the aircraft . The secrets of those wars are old news ,was surprised they were able to have so much naval bombardment at the time .

Hisham Saber

Ya, just like the shredding MBT crews of the Israeli Zionist army suffered in 2000, and recently in 2006. Only this time, U.S., France and England were not there to save the pathetic Israeli armored columns. After the 2006 ass whipping they got from Hezbollah, Israel discontinued the Merkava(Chariot of God) MBT.

Btw, Egypt destroyed the same amount of tanks on the Israeli Zionist side. The only reason Egypt didn’t totally defeat Israel, is because France, Britian and the U.S. insisted on a cease fire, of which the Egyptians honored. That stopped their offensive. Israel broke the cease fire and went on the offensive, with enormous help from the French, U,S, and British.

If Israel


Please do not try try to rewrite history. In all these conflicts Egypt was preparing for aggressive war against Israel and got their ass kicked !

Real Anti-Racist Action

Actually it was Israel preparing for aggressive war. They even had all necessary plans to sing US navy ships such as the USS Liberty to prevent the intelligence gathering of Israel genocide thousands of captured Egyptian solders. You have to understand that Zionist-supremacist have been wiping out Christians by the millions starting with the murder of Christ-Immanuel. Jews have no worse enemy in this world then followers of Immanuel the living Christ!

Israel is pathological liars, they play innocent with the left hand while striking with the right hand. Thus the ancient proverb… “The Jew shrieks in pain as he strikes you, blaming you for his pain”

Hisham Saber

This is what the Messiah Jesus said to them, among other indictments ;

Ezekiel 36 31-32 New International Version (NIV)

31- Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices. 32- I want you to know that I am not doing this for your sake, declares the Sovereign Lord. Be ashamed and disgraced for your conduct, people of Israel!

John 8:44 New International Version (NIV)

44- You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Gary Sellars

Its NOT true that Egypt was preparing for war.

“The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war,” declared Gen. Matituahu Peled, chief of logistical command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff, in March 1972.

“in June 1967 we had a choice. The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.” Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, 1982

“This whole story about the threat of extermination was totally contrived, and then elaborated upon, a posteriori, to justify the annexation of new Arab territories,” Mordechai Bentov, April 1971, a member of the wartime government and one of 37 people to sign Israel’s Declaration of Independence.


According to Israel every nation is preparing for aggressive war against the Jews, and must be attacked in some manner. Such lunacy is the nature of paranoid psychopaths. Or perhaps the Jews understand that they richly deserve what they are about to receive.

Hisham Saber

Very well said. Yes, they are eternal whiners and crybabies. Always victims, yet somehow always perpetrators of crimes against humanity throughout the ages and when the rest of humanity rises up against this menace, they act like victims.

Jews have been expelled, and /or exiled 109 times from 84 different places since 250 A.D. Carthage, all the way to Arab countries in 1948.

Soon, my friend, it will be 110 and 111 times when they are kicked out of Palestine and the U.S., where they have overstayed their welcome.

Here’s a joke for you :

Q – What do you call 40 Jews in a basement?

A – A whine cellar !!

cheers, keep up the good fight.

Wahid Algiers

Germany showed us how to handle problems with these liars and crybabes.


Zionists aren’t Jews.


All Jews are not necessarily Zionists, but almost all Zionists are Jews. That’s sort of like all rapists are not necessarily child molesters, but all almost all child molesters are rapists.


Noooo you ignorant peasant; you cannot be both because zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemite ideology. You can’t be Jewish and secular, you can’t be Jewish and fascist and you certainly can’t be Jewish and antisemite. What you can be is an apostate, a liar and a hypocrite.


attrition, dont make excuses for the evil of your zionist masters. Repent, worm.

Hisham Saber

Rewrite history? You mean like the Holocaust hoax? Or that Khazarian Talmudic Jews are actually semitic and belong in Israel? Or 9-11 that was a Jewish crime from A-Z? I could go on.


well said!

Solomon Krupacek


death to islam!

Hisham Saber

Very intelligent of you. Did you use all 3 of your brain cells to come up with that?

Solomon Krupacek

death for islam!

Hisham Saber

Death ‘to’ or ‘for’ , make up ur mind, you jewish pathetic, miserable whiner.

Btw, is that the best you can come up with? Sad.


Solomon is the house fly of the forum: He eats s**t, bothers people, and leaves dropping. I keep hoping he’ll go away, but such is not the nature of flies.

Solomon Krupacek

jew is your real father :DDDD


Lay off the antisemitic crap, you sad git.


Hisham is an Arab, and Arabs are a Semitic people. Almost all of those who say they are Jews, but are not are Khazars not Semites. Ergo, Hisham is not antisemitic.


Don’t strain yourself with sophistry, you aren’t clever enough. Where did you go to school?

Aldrin Hamka


The majority in SAA army are muslims, Islam!

Solomon Krupacek

they can convert.

Solomon Krupacek

Btw, Egypt destroyed the same amount of tanks on the Israeli Zionist side.



Do the Houthis really chant anything when they’re busy not being butchered by the Saudi head-choppers? That rhyme looks suspiciously like a haSSbara plant to me.

Hisham Saber

Everything to you is a hasbara this or that. Come on .


No it isn’t.

paolo duchateau

You forget “fu.. MI 6, boss of “the Muslim brotherhood” at least since 1951

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That war in 73 had interference like every war Israel got themselves into for land grabs .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These attacks are being done Special forces style behind the lines and withdrawing after they shoot , their have been known to special forces operating in those areas . Them trying to look like Arabs is a joke they really don’t pass that well .


Always ISIS is a distraction. The Syrian army is winning the battle (these skirmishes with ISIS) but is losing the overall war. While the Syrian army is fighting and using up its resources confronting ISIS, the SDF (Kurds) are grabbing a town here and there. They have most of the oil-rich north. They took ownership of this territory because Assad was sleeping. Now they are extending their territory so that it cuts a broad swathe from the west to the east of Syria.

The Zionists’operation is planned like this. Get the ISIS to do blitzkrieg occupation of towns. Concentrate operations near Damascus. While the Syrian army tries to take back Aleppo and the area near the capital, ISIS starts moving into the center and eastern regions. And the Kurds consolidate their hold on the north.

Next stage of operations: Train the SDF army, and arm them. After that, get them to move into the ISIS-occupied towns. If the SAA gets too near to the SDF, get the US to bomb them from the skies.

The SDF take over the ISIS towns in a strategic way. They concentrate on Raqqa early. Raqqa links up with the northern part, which is already under Kurdish control.

After the fighting ends, the end result will be the SAA owning 50% of the ISIS-held towns, and the SDF holding the other 50% of the ISIS towns. The SDF occupying these towns is the same as the US in control of these towns.

The next step is the building of US bases in these SDF-held towns. Syria will have a northern zone that is under the control of the US, with lots of bases built there. Additionally, in the center, east and northwest, the US will also establish bases.

The Syrian government will end up holding only the western part of Syria, and some spots here and there in the center and east.

The US will make the Kurds hold an election, and some puppet Kurd will become the president of Syrian Kurdistan, now 50% of Syria.

The Kurds will pay back the US for supporting them by shipping the oil from the northern oil fields to America at good prices.

The US will maintain a permanent presence there, like they do in Saudi Arabia and Jordan etc.

Syria will be split in half: the non-Kurdish part will be 50%, and the Kurdish part will be 50%. The UN, being a puppet of the USA and Zionists, will vote to maintain a divided Syria.

Assad, and of course, the non-Kurdish Arab Syrians, won’t like this result, but they can’t do anything about it. If they failed to take back the Golan Heights from Israel all these years, and lost a couple of wars with Israel in the past, it’s unlikely they will be able to take back any land from the US-occupied parts, or win any wars with the US.

Russia will whine and say that the US shouldn’t be doing this. The US won’t say anything, but the message will be clear: Might makes right. Russia will go home with its tail between legs because Russia doesn’t want to have a war with the USA. Russia will continue to protect Assad’s government though, by vetoing resolutions made by the US against Assad in the UN. Russia’s new mission would be to make sure that Assad hangs onto the part of the Syria that he’s got.

Iran and Iraq will have to live with a divided Syria. If a war breaks out against Iran, Iran won’t get any help from Syria. Assad has been effectively muzzled, with the division of the land. Just hanging onto his half of Syria will take up all his efforts. He won’t have room to help anyone else.

Russia will have to accept that they got the ports to the Mediterranean and that that’s all they are going to be able to achieve in this war.

Essentially, I believe Assad has lost the war. The USA’s mission was to topple Syria and get one of their puppets ruling the whole of Syria. This was not possible for various reasons, and Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Turkey helped Syria get some towns back. However, the US succeeding in getting half of Syria is not a bad result at all.

If the US really wanted to, it might take over more towns, using some BS excuse, and do land creep, making Assad’s part smaller and smaller until it disappears, but at this stage, this is probably not necessary. This can be done later after things have settled down.

This kind of result they are getting is quite satisfactory. Controlling 50% of Syria will help them with their other geopolitical missions.

If Israel ever has a war with Hezbollah, after the division of Syria, this country won’t be a factor in the war.

This will increase the chances that Israel can defeat Hezbollah. If it does that, that will be another domino knocked over. This will make fighting Iran easier.

If they get Iraq out of the picture by keeping it busy chasing after ISIS, Iran will be isolated if it’s attacked.

Russia is betting that the S-400s will keep it protected, and so sells those to Iran. Russia doesn’t have a good record with protecting its allies. Its timid strategy means that it will back down whenever the US enters the picture.

Attacking Iran though won’t be easy. The people there, unlike Syria, are united. It will be a tougher nut to crack. If they can get the Saudis to do the attacking for them, it would be very good for them. Even if the Saudis aren’t able to defeat the Iranians, both the Saudis and the Iranians will be weakened from the war, and this will be good for Israel, whose star will rise even more in the region.

Israel will keep up the pressure on the Palestinians, hoping more and more of them will leave, until practically all have migrated elsewhere and the Israelis will finally occupy all of Palestine.

Israel will have control of oil-rich Golan Heights, and they will have their puppets installed in northern and eastern Syria, which Israel will control behind the scenes.

Israel will do something to break the budding relationship between Qatar and Turkey and Iran, and it looks as if it’s made progress so far, with Qatar reported to have made an arms deal with the US recently. Qatar is essentially paying protection money to the US. Qatar pays a large sum to the US, and the US won’t attack Qatar. Qatar has got no interest in breaking out of the Arab league; it got its nose bloodied––in the future, it won’t make waves.

Israel rules the roost.

Geys Home

How dare you insult my trans-gender zaynist BFF Solomon????????


Just to explain: 1 TANK: 9 x 4 meters, 46 tons. 1 Anti-Tank weapon: 1,2 meter, 6 t 10 kilos…

This was a problem since the invention of the Tank at WWI. And the capacity of the reactive armor / reinforced steel to absorb such impacts are very desproportional. Each ton of “defense” you add to a tank causes it: a) to costs A LOT more, b) makes it slower, c) harder to transport / logistics.

Thats why ISIS had a great advantage in the beggining. Moving fastly with VBIED or in 23mm HMG mounted in Trucks, they were able to defeat extremelly strong divisions.

That proves that strategy is more important than numbers or pure force.

In fact, due the ineherent problem of the tanks (size/cost/lack of agility), its paper in a hibrid war is of secondary importance. A well trained light division backed by mortars and well hidden howitzers are much more able to withstand a typical “ISIS attack” than a heavy armor division.

By other hand, you’ll suffer more human losses in such approach, but thats the only way to win.

Solomon Krupacek

or in 23mm HMG mounted in Trucks, they were able to defeat extremelly strong divisions.

like Brusilov offensive in WW1

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