Sputnik/ Mikhail Voskresenskiy
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has captured Tal Hweimel, east of Tel Dakwa, in the desert of Damascus, after clashes with the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups. According to the Hezbollah media wing, clashes resulted in the killing and wounding of a large number of FSA fighters.
From its side, the US-led coalition denied that it had transferred troops from Jaysh Maghawir al-Thawra from At Tanf to Al-Shadadi north of Deir Ezzor. The US-led coalition also announced that At Tanf is the basic base to defeat ISIS in the Syrian Desert and that it will be very important for the future of fighting terrorism in Syria.
It’s worth mentioning that the US-led coalition and the FSA have no front lines with ISIS in southeastern Syria because their forces are surround by the Syrian Army from all sides. It is believed that the US maintains its presence there only in order to threaten the capital Damascus as well as to keep control over a part of the Syrian-Iraqi border and use these issues later for a political pressure on the Syrian government.
However, the US-backed FSA groups have proved they are useless in a real battle. They have not succeeded in any mission assigned to them so far, and dozens of them have been killed in failed attacks against the Syrian Army.
It will be interesting to watch Trump’s reaction to the chemical attack claims by the al-Rahman group, 3 rd. strongest FSA affiliated rebels allied with HTS in Qalamoun and East Ghouta, Trump will do nothing and his chest thumping will have to be disguised as brow beating, as the one that went over the top, which doesn’t have to rise high to get above Trump’s mental capacity.
He is certainly no genius, nore are the people behind him. Also Israel is acting in a panic mode right now. If the SAA is capable to maintain the current pace of their advance, I do not see much light for what they call the “new middle East”. The crucial question remains wheteher it will be possible to reconcile with the Kurds and how and in which terms regional autonomies in post-war Syria will be negotiated between the parties.
Trump really wants a detente where US remains unquestionably the master supervising the children in the playground, without war somewhere, the US Financial Institutions would collapse overnight, the Kurds are extremely vulnerable much more so than Israel and Saudi Arabia, Trump wants small wars but the war in Syria is about ME leadership, Salman is only half as smart as Trump, these are the people that the Syrian Kurds are pinning their aspirations for autonomy on, if Israel is not the singular issue, Religion has no meaning, that’s what I’ve been telling my Salafist Brothers all along Allah is weakening the US so Israel can be deleted.
they will pretty much have to negotiate with SAA i think, seeing as how they are the number one most effective fighting force in syria and all of it combined can crush the SDF
American trained troops rarely do well. Partly because US troops use tactics of overwhelming force on far weaker opponents and their proxies do not have that luxury. In the parlance of the unique Presidential language of Trump, ‘ The US Military are not very smart ‘.
They are however very dangerous as they behave like a ‘ Bull in a china shop ‘. However all is not lost as Russia and China have abattoir’s ready and waiting to dispatch the bull if it goes completely mad.
“Tactics of overwhelming force”
That’s not worthy to be called a “tactic”. Even a zergling rush has more brains behind.
I was trying to be polite :)
Oh uh, I get it. Like an euphemism.
“a euphemism,” not “an euphemism.”
Thanks for that.
Adult Education is just that-an education for Adults.
We both realise that :)
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)))), I guess the average American soldier is not precisely a genius. I doubt they are capable of fighting properly anyways without overwhelming state of the art technology, heavy air support and what not. I mean the whole governance and education system in America is built on the idea of spreading ignorance, so how should they be able to properly train a bunch of equally retarded terrorists?. The political elites and high-Level Military decision-makers, on the other hand, seem to live in a parallel universe and apparently completely lost touch with reality. Precisely the same type of game has been played multiple times throughout history. It usually means that the US is on the verge of losing its Military and economic hegemony on a global scale, and I absolutely celebrate that upcoming demise. It´s just a matter of time.
true, they have not had to really use their brains to think of brilliant military strategies because they just rely on sheer numbers. oh well lmao sucks for them. i have absolutely no desire to celebrate fourth of july this year because of what we are doing around the world
Good for you. The majority of the US people are not duplicitous, however the majority of their leaders are. Its a sad state of affairs.
Yes it sure is and the MSM isn’t helping much
The US screws up training of any foreign national troops , Peshmerga Forces had their special forces and their military trained by the Canadians and now they are training the Iraqi Army and their special forces . The Canadians are generally never inclined to train them to Standards of the Canadian Army , but will give them enough in small arms training to operate in platoons and smaller formations .
It seems the SAA is trying to push attention from Al-Tanf, where the US Coalition is fortified, to other areas like in east Sweida. Brilliant strategy!
Also, rumors spreading that a “gas attack” was conducted in East Ghouta.
We shall see if the US and European media will use this chance to discredit the government with no evidence at hand.
I am nearly feeling sorry for the USA right now. It seems they will leave the region without having gained anything economically or strategically. The Kurds should be quite aware of the fact that US strategists are literally crazy, following a Chicago-School chaos Approach that will finally lead to the inevitable demise of the empire.
No. The long standing prediction is that after raqqa is “liberated” or “occupied” (depending on your point of view), trump will pull out, and declare victory over isis. Only one general has mentioned ongoing weapons support beyond raqqa changing hands, and trump has only mentioned the kurds once “they are great fighters”… Politically, it is within trumps’ best interests to leave syria after raqqa, otherwise it could be used against him in the future(re-election perhaps).
Big losers in what’s coming down: 1) Israel. Its 40 year plan of “divide and conquer” down the tubes; 2) the Kurds. They picked the wrong allies. They are about to get pulverized. 3) the US. Too bad. Out of the Middle East and, much more importantly, out of the petrodollar. It’s happening. With the collapse of the Saudis by 2020 the petrodollar will be no more.
“The US-led coalition also announced that At Tanf is the basic base to defeat ISIS in the Syrian Desert and that it will be very important for the future of fighting terrorism in Syria.” Very important for future of fighting terrorism in Syria??? ISIS is on the verge of collapse in Syria and Iraq due to Iran and Russia’s successful military strikes killing many ISIS commanders and the command centres that coordinated the ISIS units within Syria and Iran. Now that these have been destroyed, the ISIS units on the ground have no more direction or command to coordinate their attacks anymore. So basically the loss of the command structure has rendered ISIS a useless headless chicken with ISIS mercenaries running around shooting at anything but not knowing what they are shooting at because they have no more leaders to relay commands or access to intelligence to coordinate their attacks anymore. I have noticed the sudden and sharp increase of regaining ISIS held territory coincides with the recent successful strikes on the ISIS command structure. Well done to Syria, Iran and Russia! Hence now the White House has upped the rhetoric and propaganda with silly statements like Assad is planning a chemical attack and distracting the American sheeple with daily reports on the congressional committee hearings into the false allegations of Russian interference in the US elections. So when I read that the US finds At Tanf is important to fight terrorism in Syria I laugh at that ridiculous stupid statement because where the US is located in that part it is completely surrounded by the SAA and the ISIS threat is growing smaller everyday and is virtually gone from that area. Deir Azzor is on the brink of collapse too now with fast gains of ISIS held territory.
On a different note, the conflict in the north with Turkey and the Kurdish forces could be a help for Assad to regain the territory claimed by the YPG. Letting Turkey attack the YPG forces is helping Assad clear out the US backed Kurds that wanted to control the territory in that area which as we know the US wanted to balkanize Syria. So Turkey is helping to dash the plans for that to happen so I must commend the Turks for this. Lets hope that the Kurds start to collapse too.
As for the Golan Heights conflict this seems to be a bit of a quagmire, but the SAA seems to have the upperhand here. It seems now that Israel has shown that it is not serious about defeating terrorists but defeating the legitimate Syrian government. This is quite obvious now as it is having daily skirmishes with the SAA in the area. Why Israel thinks it has the god given right to do this inside a soveriegn state I don’t know, but again we have a typical thing here where it is ‘one rule for them and one rule for us’ mentality. I can only hope that once the SAA has mopped up the last of the ISIS idiots that they then turn their attention to the Golan Heights and strengthening their postions and defenses there and getting ridding of the Israel forces and the US backed so called moderate terrorists in that area too. God speed to Syria, Russia and Iran. Oh and for a final note there is a lot of westerners that are ‘awake’ to the lies and propaganda of the US and it’s allies of terror including Israel and Saudi Arabia and the gulf states. There are more of us that are well informed of how the world works and we are not easily fooled by the controlled mass media propaganda.
Once the war has been decided for good, the U.S. will attack. Damascus a ruinous heap. Russia/Iran (and China) knows this, so they will attack first. Good luck.
The war has already been decided: Once isis and the so called “fsa” have been vanquished, the kurds will be next.
Hes talking of biblical prophecy.
Theres a Southfront article in the background I thought ive seen him post here, although im often critical of the machinations of jews and israel I find his voice of reason very refreshing.
Well…. the prophecy is obviously false…
Yes very possibly although it doesnt matter what we think, if powerful elements either belive this or are trying to make it happen for some greater global machination then its good to be aware of.
Maybe they should update the prophecy to include some pipeline running from qatar to turkey lol
Yeah its in Revelations in the Bible, im not a churchie so dont really know but aparently its in there.
“The US-led coalition also announced that At Tanf is the basic base to defeat SAA in the Syrian Desert and that it will be very important for the future of fighting the SAA in Syria.”
There, fixed it for ya.