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Syrian Army Gains More Ground In Southwest Aleppo. Militants’ Defense Collapsing

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On January 29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) liberated several areas in the southwestern Aleppo countryside amid the ongoing collapse of militants’ defense in the region.

According to the Military Media, the army advanced in the region, capturing the areas of Tell Maher, Tell Abiad, Tell al-Zaitoun, Tell al-Mahruqat, Jurf al-Sakhr and Khan Tuman depots.

Syrian Army Gains More Ground In Southwest Aleppo. Militants’ Defense Collapsing

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

In the last 24 hours, southwest Aleppo witnessed fierce clashes, with the army securing the Rashidin 5 neighborhood and the town of Maratah.

The operation around Aleppo city, which was launched last week, is led by the SAA’s elite 4th Division. Several units of Lebanon’s Hezbollah have joined the attack too.

The SAA may advance further in southwest Aleppo in the upcoming few hours. Turkish-backed militants and al-Qaeda groups supporting them are under a harsh pressure because of the army’s successful advance in southeast Idlib.

Syrian Army Gains More Ground In Southwest Aleppo. Militants’ Defense Collapsing

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The Man

Excellent maps, Southfront… Concrete Mike: “STFU!”

northerntruthseeker .

Bravo to the brave and good soldiers of the SAA…. On to victory and the defeat of the US/Isra-hell backed scum in Idlib! Syria deserves to be a whole nation once again and free from outside interference and scourge!


They have had their chance in the past, now this is our time comrades! Move forward, kill all these diseases once and for all.


yes! djihadist from north west alep futher collapsing!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33a66229e342c20105de03cdd64c4b356b003727bac2ad7d2775af20935dd4f6.jpg

Christian S

SAA we support and salute you!

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