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Syrian Army Imposes Control Over Hawsh al-Dawahirah, Advance North Of It (Video, Maps)

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Syrian Army Imposes Control Over Hawsh al-Dawahirah, Advance North Of It (Video, Maps)

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On February 28, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces captured the entire town of Hawsh al-Dawahirah and the al-Shaffoniya roundabout north of it in the eastern part of the East Ghouta pocket, according to Syrian pro-government sources. Earlier, the SAA and its allies captured a number of key buildings and an underground tunnels network in Hawsh al-Dawahirah.

Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) backed the SAA attack and targeted several positions of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and Jaysh al-Islam around Hawsh al-Dawahirah and inside al-Shaffoniya, 2km northwest of it.

Meanwhile, the Jaysh al-Islam-linked news agency Kumait reported that Jaysh al-Islam fighters had killed 40 SAA soldiers and injured 50 others in East Ghouta during the last 24 hours. However, the news agency didn’t provide any evidence supporting its claims.

Syrian Army Imposes Control Over Hawsh al-Dawahirah, Advance North Of It (Video, Maps)

Click to see the full-size map

In a related development, Major General Vladimir Zolotukhin, a spokesman for the Russian center for reconciliation of opposing sides in Syria said that militants had sabotaged the humanitarian pause in East Ghouta for the second day in a row and had not allowed any civilian to leave the pocket, according to the Russian news agency TASS.

Observers believe that the SAA and its allies will expand their ground operations in the East Ghouta in the upcoming days as the ceasefire has proven to be a failure. The key town of al-Shaffoniya will likely be the next target of the SAA.

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Great job SAA, :) Hitting the Jihads from the east now, and next from the south. Keep them off balance.


Syria and Russia should takeout all terrorist hideouts in Syria to bring law and order to all pockets in Syria as soon as possible. They should ignore the US and UK propaganda that they use for hindering Syrian led coalition advance against US backed terrorists because US and UK brutal regimes want to hostage Syrian nation.


Expect NO ceasefire, to many varied combatants who do not agree with each other. When ANY news media claims there will be a ceasefire , Know in your heart it is a ‘false flag’.

leon mc pilibin

These scumbags are the terrorists that Nikki Hately and her zionist allies support in the discredited UN.What a sick joke on Humanity.


The Trump brutal regime have hostage the Syrian nation in North, South and East Syria. The US bases in Syria are illegal and serve for the US occupation on Syrian land. The Syria and Russia should retaliate with S-400 when their fighter planes violate the Syrian aerospace and eliminate their bases by use of Iskander missiles because US arming and training terrorists in these bases.

Malith David Maluk

Love this your piece.


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er- you do know that Putin voted for BOTH of the Deep State resolutions at the UNSC recently? Thje first to prevent a full on blitzkreig of East Ghouta (result- massive numbers of Assad’s conscripts have died there over the last two days). The second to deny weapons to the people of Yemen, and to authorise continuing weapon sales to the Saudi invaders.

So what is Putin’s excuse? The West boasts about deeper sanctions on Russia, bans Russia from the olympics, and Putin kneels down and votes for two more Deep State resolutions at the UNSC.


About “Both deep Sate resolutions”, thank you for your concern, I was not aware :) ..But where did you get the info?…

Tudor Miron

If you watch this starlight guy other posts he’s only aim is accusing Putin, regardless what he does and doesn’t do.

leon mc pilibin

Putin and the Russian military are nobodys fool.Putin knows exactly what he is doing and the zionists dont like it,,thats why they are hopping mad because their regime change agenda is destroyed.Putin is playing Chess,while trump and his zionist buddies are playing checkers.


Remember the resolution does not cover the “rebels” in East Ghouta because they are Al Qaeda affiliates. It also serves to quieten down the MSM propaganda about Ghouta being “hell on earth” even if its only for a few days while the SA continues making progress on the ground.

“result- massive numbers of Assad’s conscripts have died there over the last two days” The only reports of “massive” SAA casualties has been terror groups in East Ghouta. Now look If I can make stories about chemical weapons then I can exaggerate casualties too.

Russia is doing its best at the UN to protect countries like Iran and Syria . Its China that worries me. China seem to be fully in bed with the US, France and the UK even supporting first drafts of choking sanction resolutions on NK. Its literally China’s job to protect NK at the UNSC and thats not happening.


it covers


Greedy troll bastard that don’t donates. Particularities: it’s a contra information, or a desinformation officer, and here, cannon fodder (information given by the pellory of the trolls). Lets donate, guys, only $105 missing.

Wahid Algiers

I hope as many as possible members of SRG, Tigers and SAA will survive this battle for the Syrian capital and motherland.


Al-Hassan is an excellent soldier, be sure that the Syrian losses will be at the minimum possible. And the same about the syrian civilians.

Steven Fay

They are advancing across the farmland area to surround the main town. Good work TIGER FORCES, SAA.


yes the SAA pince begin at formed!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

DON’T take prisoners. Make sure none of them escape and live to fight against you again.


By not taking prisoners the opposition is more likely to fight harder and prisoners are useful after the war to demonstrate to the world who employs them. In this case, the US Coalition of Terror.

I am sure there is a desolate place on earth where they can be detained :)

Promitheas Apollonious

I do respect your view my friend, but let me ask you a simple question, actually two.

One, have you ever been to war fighting for your life?

Two. Have you ever fight against this kind of animals, the Syrians are forced to fight all this years?

I have. And yes we all know that among this nato created and promoted animals are also europeans and american soldiers or mercenaries, same shit different name. Same as we knew that also in Ukraine was same as every where else the private armies of the NWO are there fighting against the legitimate governments of the corresponding countries.

You think if they take them prisoners, will make any difference to the bigger picture? You can not take them to court, you can not do absolutely nothing but arrange a meeting with their creator and let them sort it out with him.

Now if you in my place will not kill them and do something else, i respect it but is what you do and not me. Especially with the foreigners. Because at the end of the day what you achieve leaving them alive is to free them after. They dont deserve that.


“You can not take them to court”

Taking them to court is what should be done to prevent them from relocating to another conflict, and to get them into the system to monitor them after release, and to discourage others from this type of illicit activity.

This should be done in conjunction with identifying their pay masters and going after the war criminals who fabricated this war in violation of international and national law.



I agree with much of what you say and I agree that the totally deranged are irredeemable and probably taking captigon as well. However there will be a substantial number of terrorists who are only fighting for what they can steal and are paid by the US Coalition. In addition to the opportunities of rape and slavery.

It is the second category that could be forced to surrender. As for the foreigners, they are from both categories and those of them who only fight for wealth to be spent ‘in the sun’ when they retire , I would suggest that they would supply a plentiful supply of evidence to embarrass the US Coalition.

As for me, I am fortunate enough to be of a a fighting age that has lived ‘ between most wars’ and I have not had to fight for my life but if I had I would like to think that behaving like ISIS etc , would not have been acceptable to me. I am not against the Death Sentence though for thugs that have committed heinous acts. Preferably a quick death by shooting.

Promitheas Apollonious

Then my wish for you, is never to experience it my friend.

Unlike the movies, in war, if you dont understand fast enough that you are there to kill or be killed, then you will not survive the first hour. If you lucky enough because as a green horn in war, you never prepared for it, no matter what training you get and you survive the 3 first days, then you may consider your self a soldier. Surviving the next few months, a veteran. Then come and tell me again what you think, and I will respect it.

For the moment my respect for you is I have seen that your heart is in the right place and you are a common sense person. This people you want to take prisoners and not kill them all, have seen their whole life destroyed, along with the future of their country, mothers daughters and family been butchered and worst and been fighting for 7 years. Imagine how many of the people who fight with them, shoulder to shoulder have die and their lost. Because a friend you make during war you make special for life bond with them.

Just close your eyes visualize that and though is not your experience, try and feel how they feel. Then you understand in theory what I said and you disagree with. And one question.

To whom they will want to prove, what you saying? All know and they know that all know it. And UK/Usrael and allies have not been embarrassed, for starving and killing 500.000 children and few million Iraqis alone, not to mention how many they killed in Afghanistan to keep the opium road open , in Libya, in Syria to name a few and you think they get embarrassed now, when they play everything or nothing ?

Stop be innocent to the real way of the NWO and the rulers of the western world my friend.


I agree with what you say and I am ashamed of what the British leaders do in my name. I have been ashamed for a long time and that is why I stopped wearing a uniform.

Promitheas Apollonious

we are not responsible for stupid sold out politicians that chose money and servitude, selling out, what they given an oath to serve and protect against all enemies, which is the population of the motherland who entrusted them, to protect them and make sure, they have a future with their families.

And you not alone been ashamed of what represent you. Our politicians are the worst traitors to their motherland from all EE has to show for herself. But dont feel shame. It is ok to be angry and is ok to think and react to what is happening, to all of us and our families. Because at the end of the day, our children is our continuation and future and this we can never allow it, to be destroyed, for them..

It is time we fight back intelligently and most of all to try and know each other and unite. Guns are never been an answer to the problems, we are facing today and since 1990, that the globalists believed they won. What they have done to the world, now we face it outside our door and front yards. If we who have nothing to lose any more, dont react then who will?

This is a fight not for us to survive, but for our families to have a future.


The Graveyard for Traitors and Foreign Vermin. That sounds desolate enough to me


Perhaps incarceration in a lead or salt mine that is very deep :)


Florian, do you know the name of the prison where the takfiris have thousands of prisoners? Where is that on the map?


Sadly I do not. It could easily be underground as the Orcs seem to like digging rats nests.


The takfiris have thousands of governmental prisoners inside the pocket.

Promitheas Apollonious

talking of the terrorist in the pocket not the innocent civilians that are there by force prisoners.


There’s a small pocket formed in the SE where they’re probably negotiating the surrender of the remaining terrorists. And it looks like a drive has started to separate the contained area into northern and southern pockets. If that progresses and is successful. The contained areas will transfer from clearing to mopping up and evacuating civilians. In a classic military success of how to run these types of operations that will go down in history to be studied by tactitions.


Well done them Syrians.


SAA cannon fodder are dying like flies in East Ghouta- poorly supported conscripts with terrible training and support are forced to the front line to die. And WHY? Cos Putin has sabotaged the neccessary blitzkreig that is the ONLY proper military tactic to finish off the NATIVE wahhabi fanatics in this pocket.

The zionist controlled mainstream media is running day-and-night demonising copy about East Ghouta with only one intent. To discourage Putin from doing the right thing, going in as hard and fast as possible. The tip-toe approach serves the interests of the British, American, and french led terror gangs in the region- allowing the special forces of the West to identify continuous weaknesses in Assad’s front, so hit-n-run strikes can wipe out vast numbers of Assad’s conscripts. The embedded special forces units of the West in East Ghouta are careful to not directly participate in the violence, but they take minute-by-minute satellite intelligence, combine it with on the ground intelligence gathering, and then direct the wahhabi forces of when and how to strike.

Why do you have to go in hard and fast? To give the defenders TWO options. Rush to the front to stop the region you control shrinking or being sub-divided. Or to cower and hide, which means the defenders are then left with smaller divided pockets that are now even harder to defend. This method also gives the civilians trapped in the region the greatest chance as well.

But Putin BETRAYED everyone. On his knees at the UNSC, he voted for Britain’s consistent ‘ceasefires’ in East Ghouta, so any operation by Assad is constantly disrupted every day several times a day. Then again a day later Putin, on his knees, voted for Saudi Arabia’s resolution at the UNSC, that BANNED weapon supplies to the people of Yemen, and guaranteed continuing weapon supplies to the Saudi invaders.


Your Jew world order zioshilling in the face of the non stop success of the Syrian government coalition is increasing your credibility deficit every day. http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/hamal_B.jpg


What blitzkrieg, lol, the enemies are dug in very well, the tunnels and houses are rigged to blow, a blitzkrieg in this case would cause massive casualties among SAA, imagine running on a minefield, lol, plus this battle is just a part of the fight, the other part is in UN and media, western block has to be defeated on those fields too.


20 km diameter. the wehrmacht would take between 8 and 11 p.m.


Not when it is so fortified.


This is nothing for normal army. Primitive trenches, several thosand fightes. Not regular army. Whrmacht overran hudreds of such pockets within 1 day. Only brest was problem for them, but there were elite and enough soldiers in really fortress.

If i were assad, i would give to soldiers masks and intesivle shell jjihadists with tear gas. They would have no chance.


Those are well trained fighters, NATO really invested time and money in to those, they know every corner of that pocket, they have been preparing with nato’s help, it would be stupid to charge them straight on without checking it first.


Tear gas would make the Jihadist cry even harder. And the west would claim it’s chlorine gas attack. No wait, I think this has all ready happened on several occasions. Hmm


west had no chance. tear gas is optimal.


Guy, here it’s you that are desinformation cannon fodder. More 105 bullets, pardon, more $105 to exterminate the minimum enemy of South Front. And remember once for all: troll bastards don’t donate!

klove and light

people here cursing and making fun of others..just for writing their point of view…and by the way…starlight never said that SAA should loose this war…just the opposite…only he sees the latest doings of putin very curious….. point 1. starlight is saying just like I, enough is enough with this bullshit ceasefires…this bullshit ohh wait there r civilians in east ghouta lets take care while waging war lol point 2. what the hell do u people think is happening in east ghouta right now, when it comes to casualtie numbers???the syrians CANNOT ( i repeat CANNOT) tell the world that they r suffering mass casualties there..r u folks nuts?and OFCOURSE they r suffering high number of casualties because the fucking bastard takfiri terrorists had years to dig.in…this is THEIR TERRAIN!!anybody with the slightest military experience will tell you that mass casualties are UNAVOIDABLE in city warfare!I would love the SAA loose 0 men…but thats a fucking christmas wish…so stop acting like kids here!!! point 3. who would dare in his right mind not to take actions of russia curious when it comes to yemen UNSC vote lets take this points 1 by 1…. first maybe that evrybody understand where I stand……Fuck the United States of America(zionist bastards)..fuck Israel(zionist bastards) fuck the EU(zionist usa slaves) point 1. east ghouta terrorist scum should get OBLITERATED…..is war brutal YES…will civilians die YES….the russians could if they wanted, bomb east ghouta in 3 days flat!that doesnt mean that each and every house is flattened…but the infantry going in afterwards will have no mass casualties.they (SAA) will suffer casualties but not of the scale they do now.and stop with this civilians bullshit…civilians will die and continue dying till the last meter of syria is freed of this takfiri scum.They(us/zionist takfiri bastards) want this war to continue…the longer this war continues the better for them..each day, each week.. each month….every day civilians get killed by those bastards in deire zoor..each day they get bombed…just like in 100 other places in syria from afrin down to dara to al tanf area and all the way to the border by deir e zoor. point 2. everybody here who believes that the SAA dont suffer MASS CASUALTIES in east ghouta is either very naive, fake or simple in a state of denial…..it is IMPOSSIBLE not to suffer these casualties in city warfare..IMPOSSIBLE..ask the iraqis about mosul..or the russians in berlin. point 3. yemen unsc vote of russia.so nobody is curious about russias yes vote???seriously? well Iam….thats all.. iam curious..why…whats the big picture? why sanction yemen?a country on the brink of starvation?and if one puts into context east ghouta in this equation one should become even more curious?are their no civilians in yemen?are they not gettind A.butcherd B. starved ???so all I´m saying and I presume thats what starlight was writing about..why?why vote yes on yemen…butcher and starve civilians there…but in east ghouta…lets have a ceasefire.(one-sided.)..fighting break(one-sided) lets take care as not to bomb to much…..thats all ..just curious….and by the way…the SAA is an army with a minium amount of soldiers..meaning as others have pointed out..the tiger forces are truly the only REAL power units….now having this ARMY fight in urban warfare is pretty dangerous when it comes to mass casualties….just to make u people think about something…ALEPPO….aleppo was so brutal in mass casualties..that even hezbollah backed out after 2 weeks there…because of high casualties… now again fuck the us zionist takfiri bastards…..but personally me as someone who was involved in the yugoslav war……urban warfare conducted with infantry will always produce mass casulaties for the incoming forces…which is totally logical…but then again for people in a state of denial… and who never were involved in urban warfare(house to house fighting) well what can I say……book a flight…go to east ghouta…and help the SAA…by the way good luck and dont forget to make a last will.

may the us zionist takfiri bastards die..not just in syria but all around planet earth!!


The embedded video in the article is an excellent documentary on what is happening in this clearing operation.


what about the people in the cages on trucks?


I don’t understand your question.


sorry…..if you watch the video there are people in cages women-men in trucks…..i cant understand what are they?human shields?


Yes, they’re human shields. It says that in the English captions.


didnt notice that…….anyway a big shame….and a war crime i believe.


i had the captions off….


This is happening much quicker than I expected, which is great. Dual effect, it boosts SAA morale while diminishing the terrorists. They now know they were living on borrowed time Time to pray to Allah for forgiveness for their crimes, paradise awaits….

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