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Syrian Army Imposes Control Of 4 Other Towns In Southeast Idlib

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continued its advance in southeastern Idlib in the afternoon of December 20, capturing four new towns.

According to pro-government sources, the army secured the towns of Farjah, Sihal, Braysah and Abu Habbah following heavy clashes with al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies.

Syrian Army Imposes Control Of 4 Other Towns In Southeast Idlib

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The four towns are located to the north and northeast of the town of Umm Jalal, which was captured by the army a day earlier. Between 29-60 militants were reportedly killed in the town.

In the early morning, the SAA opened a second front west of Abu Duhur airbase in southeast Idlib. Army units imposed control of the towns of alShaera, Rabia, al-Khuraiba and Barnan.

The SAA will likely make a fresh push in southeastern Idlib at night. The first target of the ongoing large-scale military operation in the region appears to be the town of Jarjanaz, which is located a few kilometers to the south of the strategic M5 highway.

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The cost could be high but every inch of Syria is with fighting for.. GO SAA AND RUSKIE FRIENDS!!


Time to bypass and surround another Turkish ‘observation’ post.


Man what a beautiful day! Today my holiday began and the SAA started the offensive!

Kenny Jones ™

Good day indeed for both the SAA + LNA!


Red is colour of the good sides. SAA: Red LNA: RED Houthis: Red Iraqi Army, PMU: Red

Azriel Herskowitz

only beautiful if you support the butcher regime

Hasbara Hunter

You support the Fascist Khazarian Kidkilling & Terrorist Supporting ZioNazi Butcher Regime in ISISraHell

Little Women-Terrorizing convict Azrael Wohlkowitz…

John Wallace

Oh no and I was just getting to like Jacob thinking he was a nice boy. No wonder Azriel is here working overtime spreading propaganda to help pay for the defense lawyers.


Keep crying. What do you recently say? SAA can’t advance 1 inch into Idlib?

John Wallace

Buggar , I thought I had stepped in dog shit the stench was overpowering then I saw Azriel was here .. Not dog shit afterall. Do you orgasm after each return comment or do you need multiple replies Azriel . Have you tried self flagellation as I have lots of barbed wire whips you can borrow.

Simon Bernstein

US Military on high alert to strike the butcher regime in case chemical weapons are used again


ahah Don’t rage and…. Merry Xmas??

Concrete Mike

Yup all he is getting is a lump of coal to warm his ice cold heart.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

I’m one of the nicest most down to earth people on the earth. I just dislike antisemites


You pathetic imbecile see antisemites everywhere there is the slightest mention or criticism of your sick ideology and crimes man, you miss the point. Sometimes you see antisemites out of the blue where someone merely hinted at Jews not celebrating Christmas. Not my fault if it’s that way for you guys. Your absurd Godwin parallel and fixation of some Christian revenge over Jews involving Nazis and Hitler, and unbelievably childish knee-jerk reaction speaks volumes as to your lamentable level of intellect. Mediocrity seems to be your creed. I pity you.


Well then you should hate Palestinian murdering Israelis, they are the ultimate anti-Semite you dirty Polack.

J Ramirez

Anti-Semitism or a justifiable demand that Israelis stop persecuting Palestinians? The reality is that by simply asking such a valid question innocent people can become targets for unjustified accusations of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial which together have become the most powerful weapon — by conflating Zionism with Judaism — for silencing criticism of, or preventing activism against Israeli violations of international law including a barbarous disregard for human rights. Maintaining this effective Zionist policy has required the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Jewish groups to covertly contribute vast sums, to politically coerce, and to calculatingly con the mainstream media into perpetuating the totally false premise that only Jews are semites. This appropriation of the word “semite” and the subsequent evolvement of the term “anti-Semitism” has with irresponsible impunity facilitated the silencing of Israel’s critics even to the extent of wrecking their careers, their social standing, and their lives. Consequently people in politics, the media, and other public service professions cringe at at the thought of being labeled, “anti-semitic” and unfortunately — even against the better judgment of their conscience — succumb to Zionist blackmail, bribery, or bullying and publicly present themselves as being diehard supporters of Israel.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

shutup, ya antisemite! You should remember HITLER also celebrated Christmas, as the nazis were christian.


Fist off, get back to school you uneducated moron , Hitler, as many of his Nazi followers, was an anti-religion atheist extremist and attacked the religious establishment and pious individuals wherever he could, Christians included. And only occasionally tolerated them in specific contexts where it suited their interests, like in Italy.

But the most interesting part of the story here is that you just managed to achieve the impossible and reached a Godwin troll based on SANTA man. I mean this is the pinnacle of absolute mediocrity, I don’t know if you realize.

“HITLER” also believed that the Earth was round, should I be shamed as an antisemite for thinking the same ? “HITLER” liked it better when the sky was blue and sunny, the weather warm and pleasant. Should I stop feeling the same because of him and only preach cold, thick clouds and storms ? do you realize the bankruptcy of your broken joke of a pseudo-rationale, you stupid clown ?

What exactly makes me an antisemite here in your lamentably weak intellect ? the fact that I know your religion better than yourself and simply implied that you do not celebrate Christmas ?

You’re pathetic, bearded imbecile, a small person with a weak mind and no dignity. I do not care whether your are Christian, Muslim, Jews or Buddhist for that matter. Religion is a belief. Being an asshole nonetheless, is a way of life, that you seem to be excelling at following.

Sage Durham

ouch. No wonder it didn’t reply


Fuck off about Nazi’s you Israelis are Jewish version of Nazi’s, you also support Nazi’s in Ukraine, and in Latin American countries like Bolivia. You pathetic scammer Jacob.

J Ramirez

Nice people don’t say shut up. Me, I’m an ashole. Shut the fuck up ;}

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

people tell me to shut the f*** up all the time, all I do is look at them and smile. May Hashem be with you.

Derek Johnson

Happy CHRISTMAS! Sorry i forgot your type killed Jesus (ʿĪsā ibn Maryam) P.B.U.H

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

That’s why the holocaust happened – it was the nazi’s way of getting revenge on the Jews for crucifying Jesus. Not surprised seeing the nazi aspect of Christianity still prevails in antisemites today


Fuck off your are not Semite, you are not who you claim you fake scam artist formally known as Jacob Wohl.

Lazy Gamer

Jews werent the only ones who were lined up. Germany always had pogroms but the unfortunate mix of a populist leader riding on the hate of a defeated state and a very low hanging scapegoat of traitors contributed to the systematic persecution. Hitlers grasp on power was not secure so he did what other tyrants did. He projected abuse and killings. It also did not help that jews were not integrated to society. Conclusion-it is not all “his blood be on our heads” Also Palestinians are semites. Even if they may be mixed with Arab blood, their lineage might be stronger than yours.


He doesn’t look Italian…

And you might try Happy Chanukah…

Karen Bartlett

The “butcher regime”-you must mean Israel.


Still not tired of using your fake accounts Jacob Wohl?

Kenny Jones ™

He’s using VPN so you can’t ban his IP unfortunately, so our weapon would be just to ignore him, don’t reply to his comments as much as before.


I know ignoring him would be the best thing, but I love joking about these MASSIVE foreheads and his hell cannon nose, along with other users, this already triggered him several times xD For example he once said: GET LOST

Ceasar Polar

New record in thumbs down. Go away zioNazi troll.


What’s up weasel face, or is it Jacob Jackass? :)


Again fuck off Jacob Wuhl Wohl or whatever the fuck you are you unemployable loser.


Fuck off Israeli sewer rat.

Kenny Jones ™

Aah yes, alert number 150 it is


Meanwhile, Daesh have recaptured an oil field east of Homs province from pro-Assad forces (apparently)

Karen Bartlett

Go, SAA and God goes with you!

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Mrs. Karen supporting the butcher regime as usual


Jacob Liarwitz using his other accounts today?


Shut the fuck up Jacob Wohl, your a pathetic scam artist.


and “Dr.” Rabinowhatever sympathizing with Al-Qaeda linked Islamist militias, pretty much as usual.

J Ramirez

Death to the Jews…. I mean terrorist ;}

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

Ok, whatever you say. Latino Nazi. Francisco Franco would be pride of you.

J Ramirez

Thank Jew, but the word your looking for is proud.

J Ramirez

I heard a rather interesting story about your peoples history and was hoping you can shed some light on the matter. Is it true your people wandered the desert for 40 yrs? Did they ever find that quarter?

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

shutup, antisemite

Hasbara Hunter

Jacob “The Nose” Wohl is a filthy little Chickenshit Parasite…Terrorizing women & Children…he made a deal with the Mossad to escape prison & thus became a HasbaRat with multiple accounts…



John Wallace

Larry the bum buddy of Azriel or is it twin dickhead. Don’t like what people say then try another station. Your choice so either accept it or fuck off.

Azriel Herskowitz

Really Karen? The butcher assad and his gangs are losing as we speak.

John Wallace

Inveterate LIAR . Your mouth needs washing out with soap. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/859b41962e27e26de9cd3300eff8667c2d73d966262805455b7b645590f1c6aa.jpg

Ceasar Polar

Time to clean Idlib of dirty Turkish backed terrorists! Go SAA, go Tigers, Go Russia!

Abdul Wahib Al-Mahdi

this is completely fake news. assad thugs are running


Sure Abdul. We all see it right now.

Larry Rabinowitz, Ph.D

I hope IDF and USAF give the freedom fighters of Idlib much needed air support. Idlib must never fall or else the entire Syrian Revolution is over!


Said the Rabbi doctor to a Salafist sympathizer. Your avatars are a good match. And the beards are cool.


Get a life and real job there Jacob.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

diry dirty rat your days are numbered


Pathetic Jacob.

Icarus Tanović

You’re dirtiest scum of the Earth.

Clyde Cash

So this is where the fun begins.


What’s that stink, its troll Jacob whul and new aliases. The Israeli troll farm is at it again.

Kenny Jones ™

There are more Jacob Wohl accounts than there were Jews in Poland before WW2

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