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Syrian Army, Intelligence Are Preparing Major Security Operation In Daraa: Monitoring Group

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Syrian Army, Intelligence Are Preparing Major Security Operation In Daraa: Monitoring Group

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Syrian government forces were preparing to launch a large-scale security operation in the western Daraa countryside, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on August 22.

According to the UK-based monitoring group, the operation will be carried out by the Syrian Arab Army’s 4th Division and the Military Intelligence Directorate (MID).

“A campaign of raids will take place in [the towns of] Muzayrib, al-Yadudah and Tal Shihab in Daraa countryside,” the SOHR’s report reads.

The 4th Division and the MID are now amassing their forces in the area of al-Rai and the town of Zaizoun near Muzayrib. Reinforcements are still arriving.

In the last few months, a number of attacks targeted Syrian troops and local fighters in the western Daraa countryside. ISIS claimed responsibility for some of the attacks, confirming its presence in the region.

Government forces were reportedly planning to launch a security operation in western Daraa earlier this year. However, the operation was postponed in order to facilitate talks with local fighters. Now, an operation appears to be more likely.


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Servet Köseoğlu

You can not just erase peoples feelings(opposition),its as if their emotions were lost somewhere hundreds miles of away.Assad the animal really think his sins will disappear when he lies..How weak the mind when it wants to forget.if you dont want to be betrayed anymore,then start by doubting the person,cells,organisation etc you want the doubt the least.


It is the language of blind hate that you speak like you have been fathered by Zionist Jew. Assad was very tolerant with those (ex-rebels = terrorists) and all who wanted to stay were reintegrated back into the Syrian society. It is obvious that their Israeli Zionist-US masters want them to start “rebellion”= terrorism again to keep permanent conflicts and dissaray in country. The way Turkey, US, Israel and many other terrorism supporting countries like it to be.


Thats the problem Assad was too tolerant,this should be total war on those bastards,he should have kept some alive on chain gangs helping to rebuild some o the damage others should have been executed for treason,and any foreign Terrorists should have been shot on the spot.


One doesn’t fight fire with fire Appeasement is also needed .. On top Assad is NOT SUNNI so he can not possibly become slayer of Sunni’s in the eyes of the Sunni population.

You are general who speaks after the battle and “knows” all the answers. Each approach has its strengths and its weaknesses.

The wisdom in life is to choose always right proportion of violence in every given situation Yes he might be wrong or Israel MIGHT be trying harder than usual to ruin peace in Syria

Jens Holm

It makes no sense ot to divide Sunnis.


Shut up NATO terrorist you are the last one to talk about Sunni “rights”! Israel+NATO+Saudi-UAE did everything to ruin their lives with Caliphate and “jihad” bollocks!


Most of Assads army are Sunni,but first they are Syrians.


So, many people keep saying that.

Sunnis are majority and it is excellent news if they are (still) majority in the army.

In real life it is impossible to have such long war that is among other things multi religious war and to the extent even civil war and that – multi ethnic, multi religious relations stay in perfect condition without scratch. Syria is passing extremely difficult times and for very long time.

(That doesn’t mean that I am against unity of the SECULAR multi ethnic, multi religious Syria and Assad ). I just try to be a realist in life and I am asking myself for how long they can continue like this?.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right.

Fog of War

” Thats the problem Assad was too tolerant,this should be total war on those bastards ” Relocation and reconciliation were Putin’s ideas forced upon Assad.

Jim Allen

Were they ?

Jens Holm

Assads has made the problems by n needed reforms for decades trying hard to keep the ones, which are not Baathists down.

That not even a country but a private property.

And yes, they for good reasons are equality and they should not be dominated by bajonets and fear but by trust, making wellfare and by that supporting the Goverment by more tax and support with a smile for more freedom an d respnsability.

Syria was meant as a v´country and not a tribe land with some artificial biggest trine. That never can fit into Syria, which always has been very mixted and by that hardly ever has been united apart from the version version, where You all were united as Osmans.

You even tell Kurds never has their own country. They had. It was the same as Yours. Syria as today hardky has been a country since 1258. And was that Khalifat live in peace inside it self.

No it did not. They killed any oppisition against what Bagdad(and Damaskus) ordered.

Most living there as well as other parts of Osmans never has dreamed about this as better then Osmans. West never expected that a big old rat shoud be replaced by many mice pretending they were rats and doing that well – hrrrm bad.

Jens Holm

Its not about being tolerant at all. Tempting to read loud for Yourself or somebosy else do, that Syria is an ARABIC republik even 30% are not arabs.

Thats intollarence for against 305%of the citicens. Names has been eroded away as well. How comes Kobani is renamed as Ras El Ain. Not even the old Osman version is respected and kept.

And Golan is taken away because it only was used to attack another country from a 2 year older country with 100.ooo soldiers as allied. Thats as unclever sountry building by the socalled Syrians as it can be.


The only animals are your head hacking friends,in fact they are lower than animals,most animals have some feelings,now fuck off.

Servet Köseoğlu

dont just folllow orders..you are man??? not machine..By exposing a child to excessive stress from anger or sadness,that child will manifest different personality.Children will be exceptionally wild creatures.Almost all of them took their own lives.

Jim Allen

From the idiot that would have worse visited upon these same children.

Servet Köseoğlu

jeez..Do you have any idea how terrible the things you did really mean? Do you understand what it means to destroy a human being’s sense of good and evil? Can you even begin to comprehend what happens when you awaken the monster inside each us? People should know in their hearts that food tastes good. They should always look forward to having picnics and wonderful places on their weekends. They should think that beer tastes good after a hard day’s work. People should know how they should feel, that they’re supposed to grieve, from the bottom of their hearts when they have to bury their own child

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. We do farming here.

We slaughter almost all the noisy roosers as fresh food and keep the hens, because they lay eggs and are very good for soup as well.

Thats shiuld be the bance here. There are too many little barking roosters here. I we took pictures, we only would see big mouths and if we looked behind the big mouth, there was a very small almost unused brain meant for organ transplants for goats, sheep and even camels and horses.

Fog of War

” You can not just erase peoples feelings(opposition),its as if their emotions were lost somewhere hundreds miles of away. ” Yes you can. I heard a bullet to the head does wonders for Jihadis.

Servet Köseoğlu

so this is what true sadness looks like..The sitiuation at Syria just as a tiny snow ball picks up momentum and grows larger,evil sets off chain reactions. All actors just set loose a bit of evil in the country,and it turned into an uncontrollable monster. and the way you are responsing is a solid proof which giant snowball of evil is still rolling even larger elsewhere..

Jens Holm

Thats right. The base is how Muhammed united arabs in Islam. It was being rich by war, plundring, murdering and head of and no head on again.

Muhammed knew nothing about production but just taxed the people, which did.

And when there was no more Young wifes, slaves, gold, amber and silver to take, they as the Romans gave stolen land to their soldiers.

Fog of War

First, lets not be disingenuous here. The Jihadis would put a bullet in my brain just as quickly , if not quicker. Second, as a Turk, you know exactly what your government did in Syria and who they supported and support still. So once again, a bullet to the head is the best cure for Jihadis.

Servet Köseoğlu

assad co. should think twice when he was building his castle brick by bloody brick,when Countless little lives struggling and dying together.. he should feel it a mighty river…a river of death which will come for him. Eh karma,The dead is dancing all over the country right now.

Fog of War

You don’t like Assad, I get it, but how does that disprove Turkey’s past and present actions ?

Servet Köseoğlu

please be specific..which actions?

Jens Holm

I have told Yiou and other so many times, that a lot of Your feelings are based on historical lies and constructions. I even has given many linksd to sites, which tell something else.

And You have in common You Youself has erased all the bad things Your own grand-grand has done.

You all decriebe Yourself as peacefull teadrinkers being attacked, killed and robbed. You even descriebe the late days of the Osmans as a period of peace. It wasnt. You demand freedom by Balfour two. But who liberated You. You did not.

And what happens next ? I see the result right here people know nothing about making peace for real. Its not even in the vocabulary.

And when I propose all should have influence by active parlamentarisme, You only look at it from Your own perspective and non advancd level, where You of course gets not working anarchy, because You have no responsability in Your own.

Even women are half of the population, they hardly count and are kept een mpre down and stupid then Yourslef. I again and again are told by many of Your kind, that western women are whores and free to take if they are free in the streets or not married. But You deny we mainly are doing fine and most countries or country parts seemes to have less crime. I will remind You that 2/3 of all crimes are between families and hard affiliated.

So the more the family is closed(in Islam with a wallmaround it too), the more crime can be made for free. Its ironi people prefare rapes and other crimes are made by family instead of strangers:(


How does some retard in his bedroom in a house in Coventry know any of this?


There are many possible answers to that question. I’ll give you one of possible answer:

He is contractor that works for MI6.

Jens Holm

Wiki dont say so. You probatly pay for writing here as well:)


If that is an offer from Danemark I am available :)

Jens Holm

The strange part is You dont know the world has been like that for many years.

You are the retard in this. You can do the same from most parts of the world.


You’re a retard cunt Ziowahhabi ISIS lover like the Coventry guy so don’t go pretending otherwise.

Jens Holm

If You used all that comming from Your mouth and behind as fertilizer and sold it, You would be very rich.


He knows alot more than you, he has his accurate sources and he doesn’t rely on SF lies.

johnny rotten

As long as Syria is illegally occupied by the three states that promote terrorism, the U$ empire outlaws, israhell and the nostalgic dictatorship of the Ottoman empire, Syria will have to fight terrorism.


Putin hasn’t realised this. Too busy with partnership and business with the global Ziocorporate terrorists.

Jens Holm

After years nd being told 1000 times in big letters and posters, You still dont deny to understand, that Assads ar not commanders of the Russian army and Russia has its own dirty agenda as well.

It makes no sense to write here if You just contnue to build deep dark sate based on, You are not even able to learn as well as random oppinions made under bed blankets.

So much You say are secrets are not even that. But You do no even seach for them even they are free and open information.


Fuck off and eat a pile of shit. Too bad the world’s state of affairs is that you can support ISIS and the global Ziocorporate terrorists from wherever you are.

Join Rojava, both ISIS and US/ISrael will be your allies automatically.

Jens Holm

I make more response talking to my TV.

Jens Holm

Assads only represent very few millions of the, which live or lived there.

You should wonder if things are not terible wrong, whan so many very different countries says so and even put in money and soldiers for it. After all they are addictions to the local ones in the private property.

Servet Köseoğlu

Assad is a corrupted,nihilist animal just like his father.When people gather together hatred is born. Assad family was always acting like:There’s nothing special about being born. Not a thing. Most of the universe is just death, nothing more. In this country of ours, the birth of a new life on some corner of our Syria is nothing but a tiny, insignificant flash. Death is a normal thing. So why live? Nihilist,stupid animal…well he is already dead man walking now..


Rabid animals in need to be put down is what the Muslim Brotherhood is made of.

Servet Köseoğlu

cliches doesnt work on me….stop trying these stuff…tell me some ideas…Killing’s easier than you think; you just have to forget how sweet the sugar is..


You’re the cliche, only thing you’re missing is a superman costume with an ISIS flag cape and a loudspeaker blaring how evil the “barrel bombs” are. They’d hire you at CNN and Fox.

Servet Köseoğlu

finally a sentence,phrase where there is no zio-wahhabi stuff …you have a progress..keep the good work…do ı look like ı give a shit to jihadis,hezb or whatever..


Erdowank had a coup after him a few yrs ago, and the Ziowahhabis were quite alright with it. Now go repeat how evil Assad, clueless motherfucker.

Servet Köseoğlu

We are such strange beings. The sad memories seem to just fade away, until all a person is left with are the happier ones. People are certainly designed so conveniently..admit it…

Jens Holm

At least You ciuld remove Your glued unglasses from Your niqab Yourself.

Jens Holm

Yes, but the contrast is self created letting every other ways of doing things out. Assads makes Jihadists just as Russia and others in the Neigborhood makes nazis or fascists – EEL MADE.

And when I tell you and others most of the rest of the world s not like that and You could learn about them and copy in the good parts of ours, I get laughed at even TV, Radio, Internet and Homocomming Emmigrants see it works.

And we dont see we pay a price. The price is being kept as so many millions are lower then the UN basic rights and even are declined and lowered.

And I have written it many times and many reasons. I have seen no responce about school apart from the critisme, where SDFs has removed old infected crap and the teachers as well.

NO CHANGE. Hard to see the great succes. So far 5500.000 is dead and 5 millions in Syria is not even in the country.

Jens Holm

I understand that very well. But thank You.

I several times has asked for a wall around people like that, so we, which are not like that at all, has to do it in Our way.

I think we are blamed for everything there, which dont work, and thats a lot. I cpuld understand if they wrre/are happy about it. I dont see that.

If I as many try to help telling they fx could educate themself or loose less water in irrigation, there is no reaction. If I say how to create jobs, whcih at least gives enough food every year and womewn should not only be in the kitchen making babies, thats even Haram.

But motherfucker, rapist and incest are word among the fisnest.

I also see the limited english here many times a day. How can people understand our part, if they not even has it in language and knowledge level.

Its tsrange for them most here in Denmark and West are working for others and actually are paid for what we actually do.

And we do know those traditions well because we have refugees and emmigrants comming here. We do understand the refugee part, but emmigrants doing a lot to make bad systems as them, they came from here, should go home and be unhappy or even staving there.

We has changed oru country not – partly – to be as them. We dont want to pay for unneeded incommers behaving as we were 100 years ago and has solved a little by litle mainly by consencus and reforms.


” Assad is a corrupted,nihilist animal”

And what is Georgian / Afghan Erdogan ??? He is not even a Turk by origin !!

Servet Köseoğlu

do you have a chance to choose your family,colour of your eyes,you cant even choose your name…plese be reasonable…ethnicity is nothing..ı feel you have more than that…dont give in…


Of course I can choose! Some souls before they come here in the world, before they are born, choose their way of life, their parents, and even what they will do. But not all souls have this possibility … read Plato the myth of Hros and you will understand.

Servet Köseoğlu

you have spirit at least.. polite,reasonable arguments..not like the stupid racist russians..fyi:“Everyone in this world carries around their own sins, and they never go away…but that doesn’t change the fact that we do what we must.” let time and history judge the people…ı think ı am honest ı dont hide our aims like russians and iraninas..they are the one who are greedy...read plutarch ”Alexander wept when he heard Anaxarchus discourse about an infinite number of worlds, and when his friends inquired what ailed him, “Is it not worthy of tears,” he said, “that, when the number of worlds is infinite, we have not yet become lords of a single one?” But Crates, though he had but a wallet and a threadbare cloak, passed his whole life jesting and laughing as though at a festival...excellent example for this imperialist states..nothing changed under the blue sky…


Who is the 3rd one? illegal ones are Turkey, US, who else did i miss?

Jens Holm

Thats Assads…

If the Russians love them so much, they could make cars for them for Sibiria in Sibiria. The y already has much space there for parking and fuel as well.


Assad is not a foreign power tho


Video allegedly of Vyacheslav Gladkihd’s death. Doesn’t look like IED, seems like a drone strike. https://t.me/NovostiDamask/11607


Syria will never have stability in the Daraa area as long as Iranian / Hezbollah forces are there. You can count on it.


Still don’t know who the “SOHR” is… trustworthy? For Southfront it seems so, where as a few years ago it was pure western propaganda.

Jens Holm

They are almost the best You can get from there. In think they cover things they know about very well.

But as for all sources, You have to use filter and more then one source as well as factcheking by internet.

You might read again that SF bring articles but bring them being not responsible for, whats in them. They makes own articles and maps. They are responsible for that part.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s an opposition site run by one man, he has more than 2,000 sources of intel in Syria, opposition fighters/UN observers/opposition media/political activists, and a lot more, but he’s about as biased as anyone can be and not trustworthy at all, not if you’re looking for the truth that is, but every now and again you do get the truth from his lying biased news outlet, and it’s usually the truth no one else will tell you, so as much as I think it’s poisonous to even visit the site I’d still have to say it does have some useful info every now and again, but it’s only once in a blue moon, and remember they don’t come around too often.


That was my suspicion, thx.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Government forces were reportedly planning to launch a security operation in western Daraa earlier this year. However, the operation was postponed in order to facilitate talks with local fighters.”

LOL, what they mean to say is the Russians tried to intervene with some common sense initiatives but due to some underhand actions they were hamstrung in their approach, so now we’re back to the Iranian way of doing things, smash them into submission with the 4th division, but Assad’s making a big mistake doing things the Iranian way, eventually they’re going to start smashing back . The campaign to take back Darra/Quneitra/as Suwayda wasn’t won in august 2018 when 50,000 SAA defeated 30,000 FSA fighters/10,000 HTS fighters/2,000 Isis fighters, it was won when the Arab League got the 60,000 strong Southern Front Alliance to sign a reconciliation agreement with the Syrian Government way back in mid 2017, but that agreement let the Southern Front Alliance keep all their weapons both light and heavy, and even though they’re not cooperating with the people [ex FSA] who are in dispute with the government, it won’t take much more pressure from Iran to give them a good reason to ally themselves to these ex 5th corps SAA/ex FSA. Assad has to listen to his own people if he want’s to survive, they don’t want Iran starting a war from their own backyards, they know if a war starts they’ll be stuck in the middle of it and their children will die, so they simply want Assad to tell the Iranians to go elsewhere to start a war. But sadly Iran won’t listen, they just caught another ex 5th corp soldier and chopped his head off leaving his corpse in the street, which obviously sent the protesters an even stronger message, if it works for the terrorists it’ll work for Iran too seems to be the logic, way to go Iran. :[ If you’d read any of my earlier posts concerning Iran you’d find I had nothing but praise for the Iranian Government, 9.5 years of saying good things about them and nothing bad, but for the last 12 months or more I can’t find anything good to say about them, just bad.

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