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Syrian Army Is Expanding T4 Airbase In Central Region

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The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is expanding the strategic T4 airbase in the country’s central region, satellite images released by Israeli defense observer Observer IL on September 3 revealed.

The images show that the length of the airbase’s southern runway is being expanded from 3,200 m to 3,750 m. A third runway is also apparently being built.

The T4 is one of the biggest airbases of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF). The airbase is hosting Iranian and Russian forces.

Earlier this year, Iranian forces moved their main supply center from Damascus International Airport to the T4 airbase. The Russian Aerospace Forces also deployed four Su-25 warplanes, helicopters and drones in the airbase.

The expansion of the T4 airbase is a sign of the increasing activity there. Israel targeted the airbase many time in the last few years.

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Zionism = EVIL

Unlike the Zionist child killing filth rats who even left their soiled mattresses behind at the dumpy looking Avivam base after the textbook Hezbollah Kornet strike, Iran, Syria and Iraq are building an integrated defence infrastructure and the chickenshit Zionist cowards can do fuckall about it. Hezbollah exposed the frightened cowards who crapped in their in their filthy kippas and ran, even leaving behind rusted M-113 APC. The “mighty” IDF scum turned out to be less scary than mighty mouse.

BTW, looks like besides the ranting embarrassed hasbara arsehole “RichardD” the rest of the hasbara trolls seem to have ran off with the IDF :)


You’re a head case and a truth hater whose been talking out of both sides of your mouth for as long as you’ve been here. The first missile detonated in front of the vehicle making it impossible for the second operator to see the vehicle to stay on target.

Direct crop of the miss:



Zionism = EVIL

Jew fuck embarrassed dimwit loser quit spamming arsehole ROFLMAO…..no wonder you shat in your kippa and ran off……


Being a truther does make me a liar and an idiot like you. It also doesn’t make me a hasbara troll. Of course trying to conduct a rational debate of the issues with someone as sick and twisted as you is a waste of time.

Zionism = EVIL



Most people don’t find your insanity funny.


I’ve proven my points, you haven’t even tried to prove yours. You’re a disgusting fool mouthed habitual lying fool.


Kike trolling ……


You’re a truth hater.


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed, you lose.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ,


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 25


The vehicle drove by the next settlement a mile down the road with bothering vehicle and the detonation being caught on a CCTV camera according to the available evidence which no one has disproved that I’m aware of.


Zionism = EVIL

Quit spamming Jew fuck :)


If it was spam you could disprove it. You haven’t even tried. Because you’re a moron.

Zionism = EVIL

Arsehole, you are dumbass and a hasbara laughing stock and I exposed your lies ages go, now fuck off inbred Jew moron…ROLMAO…


Really, where’s the proof that you’ve disproven anything? You’re a liar wasting thread space with your insanity

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck off IDIOT, embarrassed moron. I have fun with you Jew fuck liars. Pathetic weasel.


Spewing filth instead of proof means that you have none.

Zionism = EVIL

ROFLMAO…pathetic idiot.


The only thing pathetic is your incessant filth and inability to prove your points.


repeating it over and over again doesn’t make it true.


Then disprove it.

Zionism = EVIL

The Jew fucks are really butthurt. this moron is paid to post repetitive BS and we all are having a ball with his stupidity. Hasbara retards like the mighty IDF has sunk into the gutter of desperation.


You’re making a fool out of yourself with your incessant lies.

I don’t think he is stating it as fact. I think he is saying that all information must be analyzed so we can reach the truth. Israel is clearly the bad guys here, and they do engage in elaborate lying. However occasionally also something happens in their favor. The video may be a production by Israels IDF-media wing. Or it may be what really happened. Hez is by no means liars. They are truth tellers. However they are not God and can occasionally make mistakes and miss calculate.


The judicial quality evidence from the CCTV security camera makes it true. Until it’s disproven, it’s superior to the Hez propaganda video showing the gang that couldn’t shoot straight missing their target.

The first shot was an obvious miss. And the second shot into a cloud making the target invisible turned a long shot into a pot shot.


what does the video suppose to show? An explosion clearly seen developing smoke, suddenly a car out of nowhere, jumping a cars length forward and then rolling normal as it should be. Could be a doctored video overlaying an old video with the recent one, where the old video had the car moving. as a video it should have all frames, no missing ones, and should have uninterrupted movements of objects visible.


It was a mile down the road when the detonation occurred. They cut out the blank part. The smoke cloud can be seen dissapating in the background. If it’s photoshopped then prove it. I haven’t seen anyone disprove it yet.


I’m assuming that it does and that they cut out the dead time between the detonation a half mile away and the drive by. It all adds up.


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed, you lose.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ‘,


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 27


Even if the vehicle survived hezboulla attacked Israel in a coordinated attack that has deeply shaken the IDF to the point where they evacuated personel from vulnerable bases. It wasn’t the case of some suicide bomber or someone taking a pot shot at a vehicle but a double tap from a coordinated team in defended Israeli space. It’s not whether or not anyone was killed in the attack but that hezboulla is a much different force than what Israel faced in 2006. This time if the IDF invades Israel they face a professional army with seven years of combat experience under the tutelage of the Russians and armed with AGMT’s, manpads. rocket artillery and guided missiles. IDF soldiers have every right to be scared shitless of what’s to come.


The IDF is already in Israel. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight is a lot less scary than one that hits it’s targets.


Pull up this video on the YouTube site and tap on the screen. Go to the 3 dot settings icon in the upper right hand corner of the video and tap on it. Tap on play back speed and choose .25 and watch the video in slow motion. Both misses are clear as day. The first missile detonated to the left front of the vehicle and the second detonation is to the right rear of the vehicle. Case closed.

https://youtu.be/PQ20ZuVNQrY ,,


Again so what? It seems to me every time that the IAF launches an attack from Lebanon and most of their missiles get shot down but one or two sneak by it’s a great victory for israel and questions are raised about the quality of the SAA and Russian air defences. I say smart tactics on the part of Israel because they use the SAA’s rules of engagement which won’t allow them to attack IAF planes over Lebanon.

So now Hezboulla launches a double tap assault on an IDF vehicle in Israeli territory. You say they missed however the video is inconclusive and the Israeli’s haven’t produced any proof the vehicle survived … which you would think they would simply for the propaganda bump. I say good tactics and the attack shows a high degree of professionalism whether they hit the vehicle or not.


You’re ignoring that the slow motion of the video is conclusive proof that both missiles missed. Did you even watch it? You’re also ignoring the CCTV security camera drive by video which would be admissible in any court of law that the Wolf and it’s crew survived the attack intact.


Have you ever tried hitting something 1 to 2 miles away, which is what these shots were, with optics and manual targeting? Let alone a moving target. These were hail Mary shots. It’s not surprising that they both missed. If that’s your idea of professionalism. I wouldn’t want you providing security for anything that I was involved with.


“Have you ever tried hitting something 1 to 2 miles away, which is what these shots were, with optics and manual targeting?”

Nope. That’s beyond the range of both my rifles neither of which have scopes.

“These were hail Mary shots. It’s not surprising that they both missed.”

You don’t aim and shoot these weapons like a rifle …. they are called ‘guided missiles’ for a reason.

I believe they were using Kornet ATGM’s. Kornet is a beam riding SALCOS guided weapon so as long as the operator had the vehicle in it’s sights the vehicle was in range of the missile. I read recently that Israel has added soft kill anti-missile protection on MRAPs so if the missile was diverted at the last moment that’s the most likely reason.

“If that’s your idea of professionalism.”

Yea …… I’ll resist the urge to make fun of this one and answer this as if you wrote a coherent sentence. Attacking a vehicle carrying an Israeli general in Israeli territory with a double tap hit …. Yes I think it’s professional.

“I wouldn’t want you providing security for anything that I was involved with.”

LOL … Good Lord, I wouldn’t hire me for security either. not my line of work.


You aim them like a rifle with a scope and target laser. Try it sometime on a moving target 1 to 2 miles away and see how you do.


This is a screenshot from the video played at .25 speed showing the center of the fireball as it was contracting to the left front of the vehicle about a second after the detonation as the flash was dying down and the vehicle was entering the cloud of smoke. The armored truck had traveled about 1 vehicle length by this time towards the detonation. The first missile clearly missed, as did the second which detonated a considerable distance behind the vehicle.


Copy 5


Kikers spamming…………alert!


You’re the truth hater, not me. I call it as I see it.

Tiresia Branding

uhm… ready for heavy bombers? In any case good news, Syria will not stop to regain all of its original territories. And Russia approve. The double faced kurds are alerted

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The airbase is hosting Iranian and Russian forces”, “Israel targeted the airbase many time in the last few years”, I would have thought those two sentences were incompatible.

Tiresia Branding

then, from when the US attack it with Tomahawks, the T4 airbase(like near all the SAA bases) is presided by Russian troops for deterrence. No more attacks from anyone

Xoli Xoli

Usa,france,british, Israel are so concerned about other countries development.

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