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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Is In About 30km Away From Deir Ezzor City

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Syrian Army Is In About 30km Away From Deir Ezzor City

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On Saturday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have captured Rajm al-Hajanah village and the Safiah mount near the Bishri mount in the northwestern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

The SAA also captured Tal Abid and al-Hirah villages in the southeastern Raqqa countryside.

Moreover, the al-Masdar News website claimed that the SAA captured Jabal Nazerat, Jabal Nairaman, and Jabal Admah north of al-Sukhnah-Dier Ezzor highway. If this is true, the SAA is now less than 30km away from the ISIS-besieged city of Deir Ezzor.

If the SAA continues this speed of the advance, it may reach Deir Ezzor city within a week.

However, the SAA faces problems in the southern Raqqa countryside. ISIS is still capable of launching successful counter attacks.

The SAA and its allies also advanced in the eastern Hama countryside and captured al-Mukymen al-Janubi, Rasm al-Ahmar, Nua’aimah and jididah villages, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Furthermore, the SAA captured Tanahig and al-Seeb areas in the eastern Hama countryside.

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The main goal now is not even liberation of Deir Ezzor. It can be postponed. Reaching and besieging of the city from south and west is enough for now. Because the main goal now is crossing the Euphrates river and taking the gas fields north of the river before SDF. That’s pretty hard I should say.


I agree

Daniel Castro

Right, forget about the people starving there and go after the oil… that’s an excelent way of rewarding loyalty…


Some people ( eg. IFFighter ) do not realize that Dier Ezzor is held by Syrian Arab Army , and is besieged by ISIS , breaking the siege is about to finally happen , Godspeed SAA.


What are you talking about guys? I said reaching that means linking with SAA troops there, but not fully liberations of parts of the city holded by ISIS. It will take weeks.


Never get sucked into urban combat in a major city with ISIS. That way only leads to months of urban combat hell, as proven by Mosul and Raqqa. Surround and bypass is the best option. Far better to pocket and destroy the ISIS mobile forces in the Southern Raqqa country side after linking up with the defenders of Deir Ezzor. Once are destroyed life will be a lot easier.


Once they’re contained, they’re longer much of a threat, except to the unfortunate civilians living there. And they’re probably less of a threat contained where the government has more leverage on them, then running around doing whatever they want with no fear of retribution.


Woops! Yes the ISIS garrison within their part of the city would become isolated with the Euphrates river to their rear. No rush to take that. :)

Jens Holm

You dont “just” take things like towns of that seize from ISIS. Its same seize as Raqqa. The worst case is that they have to take 1/2 Raqqa being fortified & populated.

When SAA opens up they cant just evacuate so many people, but they can send trucks and busses in and out.


“Parts of the city holded by ISIS . It will take weeks “. As far as I know , the only parts of the city held by ISIS are industrial areas , (mostly on the north shore of the river) , these areas house no civilian population . At any rate , breaking the siege of this city of 100, 000 plus citizens , as well as five to ten thousand SAA , must be the priority . After the mop-up around the city and across the river ,the next goal , I agree , should be to reclaim the oil fields on the north shore , along the river valley .

Graeme Rymill


ISIS holds about 20% or 30% of the city on the south side (the right bank) judging by the SouthFront map. Not much city at all on the north side (left bank).


Why do you say this?! Linking up with the defenders of DZ would form an ISIS pocket around Maadan. This would be EXCELLENT. GO TIGERS GO! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a3d2c0e48c9c1ee5bfdb12b30df04a9226016649f3d09fa6f16c6984267ec197.jpg


They’re lifting the siege, the government already controls much of the city, and they’re probably already on the other side of the river. If the Kurds were going to seize the gas fields, they wouldn’t have waited until the Syrian government coalition was at DE.

Jens Holm

ok, but they cant be on the other side of the river.


Totally in agreement, I hope Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia army can do this, bu they do not need to take the city, SAA is already in the city. With this movement, SAA will be able to come out of the city and destroy the terrorists. In addition, SAA needs to cross Euphrates river mainly to stop SDF (USA), they need to stop these USA puppets to avoid USA continue helping the terrorirsts with weapons and logistic.

Jens Holm

Shit again. SDF has no intensions in taking those gasfields at all.


The SAA and civilians in Deir Ezzor should be able to hear the guns of their rescuers now.


yes, they do :)


Maybe they are now in a position to call in long range artillery support?


Perhaps such as the TOS-1 and Gvozdika , but they have around 20-30km max distance I think so probably none right now but in 1-3 days yes if they keep progressing like this

Jens Holm

ordinary 155 mm has a range of 20-30 km and are much cheeper in use. At that range they are not quite accurate, but can fire many rounds for the same price.

The 2 villages close to, would be fine targets. I would assume they are fortified some.

Politolog Externista

TOS-1 range is comparable to WW2 BM-13. You have to use it in some hole or it gets sniped with ATGM. Old T-72 so-called Ural chassis that it is based on cant really do that much today … as for soviet 152 caliber, not that strong, but at least you dont need replacment guns due to lower pressure maximum chargé. 122 mm is not very long range either. The longest range old guns in M-46 130 mm has 27.5 km range, Akatsiya 2S3 18.5 km, Gvozdika 122 mm 15.3 km. Without rocket assist ammunition.


The Russia air support is right now extremely important, and I hope Russia realizes about this and provides the necessary support to ground army. I means, I do want to see one helicopter with night vision and one plane making this support. I want to see 20 helicopters and 100 planes making this support.

Jens Holm

Fine, if there are any targets.


Yes indeed. The long range Russian MLRS systems have a range of about 60k I think.

Solomon Krupacek

also shorter. they do not need to attack the city. it is enough, when shall the isis units between city and front.


They should join the chorus of the cannonade raining death on ISIS.

Daniel Castro

If the city is above the landscape they can even see the battles.


A major obstacle will of course be Thardah Mountain that was garrisoned by the SAA and ‘accidentally’ bombed by the US coalition last year . This was amazingly minutes before a major ISIS attack that succeeded in taking the heights.

I am confident that the Russian planners have a strategy to retake this crucial strong point. It would be an ideal place to use the Russian Father of All Bombs :)


For all practical purposes the Syrian government coalition is now directly engaged in lifting the siege of DE. The Jew proxies have to come out into the open desert and confront them now, where they’re being exterminated, or they’l roll right up to the outskirts of the city. The battle for DE has started. The regime change invaders are now getting hammered around the clock from the air, from the government advance, and probably from the government forces in the city.

It wouldn’t surprise me if fighting is going on on the other side of the river as well where commandos have infiltrated and are attacking supply lines and rear support elements. And reinforcements are being sent into the city itself to help the defenders.

Jens Holm

Some inflation in Your comment. I HOPE You are right.


The DE airport: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/512/1*yFkJstVIVT1dUCTMF1CHmw.jpeg

dirty mark

isis will retreat maybe put up a token fight near Deir Ezzor, cross the Euphrates then be airlifted by unknown aircraft to Afghanistan or the Philippines

John Brown

Yes but you forgot North Africa, Kazakhstan Uzbekistan etc.


Philippines is difficult. arab-looking people can easily be identified.

Jens Holm

Haha. Ballons driven by 7 armed candles according to the usual arabic logistics….

Jens Holm

If they parashute them over North Korea, they will never come back.


What happens to the Jew world order invaders in the open desert: http://www.islamedianalysis.info/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dead-isis.jpg

Jens Holm

idiot. Some jews living and schratcíng inside Your behind.

Very good actors.


Please don’t harass me with your lies, nonsense and stupidity.


Retard alert. Not again with your some New World Order and Masons and all kind of stupid, racist, neo-nazi, basic conspiracy theories. Give us a break


Search Jew neocons and see whose not to bright, or just look in the mirror.


Mate the majority of the information online comes from jobless, bored of life, paranoid losers like yourself. Don’t need to”search” or ‘google” anything in order to shape my opinion or knowledge on any subject. Imbeciles do. Don’t let others form your vision how anything functions. Google “negative effects of chronic masturbation habits” that will be more beneficial and related to matters that you are first handed familiar with . LOL


You’re a head case.


Syrian Army howitzers:http://media.farsnews.com/media/Uploaded/Files/Images/1396/03/24/13960324000932_PhotoI.jpg


That’s a nice pix. Let the Daesh dogs around Deir Ezzor eat steel! :D


This looks fine to me. For the first time I see a Syria artillery like this. If they can multiply the number of artillery by 5, that would be the best defense and attack requierement.


It’s a layered capability. Multiple rocket launchers, howitzers, mortars, tanks, air craft, it all adds up. And is being coordinated effectively. They’re having a lot of success.

Jens Holm

If they can give 4 grenades each the first minut its fine to me.

Graeme Rymill

Your first time seeing it like this because it isn’t Syrian artillery….

Graeme Rymill

This is the British L118 light gun or the American version of the L118…. the M119. Woolpuller will no doubt say the serial number shows it came from Outer Mongolia :-)


Iran air power: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QB_oea5fG4E/maxresdefault.jpg


And you post a US drone..


The Iranians have repeatedly taken them down and are manufacturing copies of them according to reports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98BArXW_QvU


Nose looks like a smiley face!

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They reversed engineered all the ones they shot down and have gifted them to the Russians.

Solomon Krupacek

does not help. the technology is important, not the design.

russia and china until today can not utulize the f-117 shot down in serbia.


If you remember , the first one , the RQ170 , they took over control of the drone from its American “pilots” , and landed it intact . Likewise the (above) non-stealth drones . That is why the Americans were so upset , the Iranians know how to over-ride America’s own weapons !


Livemap has the Tigers now 25km away from Deir Ezzor. Relief is at hand!


Artillery range!


This is moving like lightning. The SAA will be through DE and across the Euphrates River before the SDF is done in Raqqa. I am wondering how long they have been working on getting the bridging gear ready. It won’t take long to get it there once the word is given.


Probably they’ve got everything ready and more since they’ve prepared for this offensive for months


Yes, this is running way too much like clockwork.


And what’ happening in southern Raqqa/ Euphrates/ Maadan front? SAA loosing ground so we don’t here any news from there? Maybe they are killing 800 IS fighters daily, and we’ll hear about it later.


It appears that you are really ignorant. Sorry, no time to explain the situation to you. Where is your hat? :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/526096b41459bf57b9042d647df136a82c56339efb4bc4aa03669c2073db231b.jpg

Jens Holm

Its not an unintelligent question. ISIS saved Maadan and closed their western entrence to Deir El Zor, which SAA has been shouting about for months by very much rhetoric incl. attacking SDF troops, blaming SDF for blocking and stacks of far out assumptions.


But it’s not a real question. Daqiri is a new troll on this site. I also do not listen to Turkish/FSA BS, I call a spade a spade.

Jens Holm

I would give a guess. ISIS had the plan to go vertical south from there cutting SAA lines, but they lost too many soldiers and are now only able to keep the line.

If it was different we have seen attacks yeaterday.


If Russia aerospase forces give the right support, Syria-Iran-hezbolah-Russia ground force will reach Deir Ezzor city tomorrow ! They can do it, there is not question about it. Just do it.


Not sure why some journalists are saying that the most gruesome battles are to be in Deir-Ezzor governorate. With the Central Syrian pockets disappearing and Mt Bishri in SAA hands ISUS tactical options just went from “terrible” to “hopeless”. In the next day or two SAA advance will join hands with D-E defenders and that will be the beginning of splitting the rest of the ISUS occupation in D-E in two. I am confident we will see the area split into smaller and smaller pockets, some of which will collapse within days (DE city may even be the last pocket!). The SAA is no longer fighting with one arm tied behind the back, because of the very long and complicated front line. Everything is going to happen much faster now. Happy fathers’ day to all, but particularly Syrian fathers who are right now fighting for the future of their children.


And thanks to South Front for great reporting! “Poehali!”

Papo Machete

taking Deir Ezzor will be like when the Leningrad siege was broken .it will be the beginning of the end of alCIAda in Syria, I hope the SAA protect their skies with everything ,not sure why they have those S400 for.

Jens Holm

It wont be anything like Leningrad at all. Shame on You. No respect.

Deir El Zor is a hobby compared to.

Papo Machete

notice any comment you disagree is met with your arrogance ,Typical zionazi behavior.you wrote “we are billions of yous” r u impaired ? ROLF !.not even your pathetic hasbara use that statement .allegedly finally there are 6 millions numbers that some scholars argue was impossible in 1942 and btw ,thanks the Soviets WHOM rise their flag in Berlin and were the ones that LIBERATE most camps.Also maybe people in Deir Ezzor did not eat meat from the corpses like in Leningrad ,i meant stratega…I thing is for sure your TERRORISTS BUDDIES are been WIPED i also wish to see gone ,BIBI,PERES and all that entourage that think can keep bombing countries how ever they,also i am very glad my COUNTRY USA finally is waking UP and soon or later the CORPORATOCRACY AND THEIR FAKE NEWS WILL BE HISTORY, MY kids eat crap and the education is mediocre and indoctrinated at school while ISRAHELL receive more that 8 BILLIONS annually… Unacceptable

Papo Machete

i did not said deir ezzor siege was like leningrad ,in leningrad they had to eat their own buddies/friends or family meat and while in deir ezzor AID was PARACHUTED all the time they ate their horses ,two very different situations in two different times .my point was in the SPIRIT .the moral of the soldier that defended with his life the motherland and the knowing of total victory around the corner

Giovanni Netto

gli assedianti che diventano ASSEDIATI..

a volte il destino gioca brutti scherzi………..

As soon as you catch a whiff of the enemy, burn it and blow them all to kingdom come.

They will all be glowing in the dark in the end.

László Hentes

Very good job SAA and Friends! Terror state k.o.,how much to end?


There are a lot of maps showing that Isis controls all wast spaces like desert and mountain ridges. If those maps were accurate you will see that they control almost nothing. They stick around towns and roads. There is unpractical to hold deserts right now. Even drive around them is dangerous because of SAA air superiority. There can’t be alot of Isis left in Syria. And they are lacking ammunition and weapons. We can confirm that with looking at their propaganda. Raids are done because they need supplies. Every thing else is only a propaganda. Moving around large units right now will be a suicide.

eric zweistein

Prediction: ISIS is on its last legs. The battle for Deir Ezzor will be (comparably) short and swift.





Solomon Krupacek

poor guy on the back. first hole on the road, and he will leran to flight. :)


Iran 65th Airborne Special Forces https://www.armyrecognition.com/images/stories/news/2014/december/Iran_plans_to_send_Special_Airborne_Troops_to_high_seas_to_fight_against_piracy_640_001.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

shrinking, shrinking … :))


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