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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Is In Only 2km From ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin In Euphrates Valley

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Syrian Army Is In Only 2km From ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin In Euphrates Valley

Sputnik/ Michael Alaeddin

On Thursday, government forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces, reached the al-Ba’um village 2km north of the ISIS stronghold of Mayadin city in the southeastern Deir Ezzor countryside, according to pro-government sources.

It’s still unknown if the SAA is planning to storm Mayadin city right away, or if it is planning to besiege the city first. It’s also possible that the SAA might cross the Euphrates to capture the strategic al-Omar oil filed before storming Mayadin.

Syrian Army Is In Only 2km From ISIS Stronghold Of Mayadin In Euphrates Valley

Click to see the full-size map

From its side, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq claimed that ISIS fighters repelled an attack of “the Russian Army” and SAA on its positions in Hatlah village on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. Amaq claimed that the advanced SAA units were targeted by a VBIED that destroyed a tank and killed several soldiers.

Meanwhile in the eastern Homs countryside, the SAA and its allies captured al-Wadihi, Salam Sharqi and Um Tweineh village east of Jubb al-Jarrah town, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Earlier the source reported that the SAA killed 20 ISIS fighters, and injured 13 others during clashes in ISIS pocket in the eastern Homs countryside.

The SAA and its allies will likely capture ISIS pocket east of Jubb al-Jarrah town in coming days, as ISIS units inside the pocket completely collapsed.

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ok this is good but situation in Suknah and DeZ airport still worries me.

Jens Holm

Acoording to the hooligans here incl some above SAA hardly has any losses out there and are in a kind of vacation mode. It was raining the other day. Those troops are not fighting. They take swimming lessons.


Everybody can notice the critical situation in Suknah now.

andy l

I would cross the river & secure the Omar oil fields while they still have time. That will prevent the SDF moving south to capture them. Also set uf an exclusion zone around their position like the US did at Al Tanf.


The nice thing about time is that it will tell all. Likely within the next week it will be all clear to us.

Valery Grigoryev

Agree with you.


you would, but assad is not as stupid as you

Solomon Krupacek

more stupid

Jens Holm


andy l

How is it stupid to allow the Omar fields to fall into SDF hands?? give us your strategic insight


well, as everybody sees, assad and the kurds are not fighting eachother since 2011, in fact they work togheter in some way. Unlike most simple minds on this comment section, ALL players on the board use politrics, wich in some cases means cooperation with opponents, enemies and rivals.

Kira Binkley

What insane asylum are you posting from? I have forgotten.


it is well in the top 10 most happy asylums on the planet ;)

Tom Tom

we can’t be like you, matt.

andy l

Talk about naivety The Kurds & SAA may have avoided each other for the larger part but they are not allies working together for the good of Syria. Kurds are clearly on a land grab to seize as much oil fields as they can. Do you think they will simply give these up after ISIS is no more.


you must read more carefully, i never said allies

RTA (Bob or Al)

Omar field will not fall – mark my words.

Kira Binkley

It is true that Assad should also be fighting to retain the parts of Syria that the SDF seems to want to possess.


SAA in fighting against Pentagon, they make strategy, ISIS are only the meat for slaughter.


its too dangerous to bypass Mayadin for omar oilfield. the best is to capture mayadin first to secure flank and setup major defend and support/supply position

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are on their way to capturing Mayadin since, ISIS wasted too much manpower in their bid to attack Sukhna to DE highway. There are more SyAN Marines are being called up, they say to help push ISIS back at Sukhna, but once that’s cleared they could be used to secure the Euphrates East bank. These troops were used the last time to secure that side near DE.

RTA (Bob or Al)

In an idea World I would agree.

However there have been 2 or 3 instances when The SAA ++, have taken over the important parts of a territory and then moved on, leaving small pockets of the baddies that has then been reinforced by the Yanks and retaken the area…. the most famous was probably Palmyra.

I believe in advance, consolidate and then advance. Many of the SAA are still fighting these pockets near Damascus of all places.

Allegedly the SAA special forces are already in the East making slow but effective progress against the vermin and I believe this is the correct way. If the US becomes they usual gung-ho selves and ventures South towards he Omar field, I have all faith that the Russian airforce will take them out.

My gut view is that the US want as much as they can get without a major conflict, but I think they are going to be in for a hiding soon; as long as the Omar field and the whole surrounding area is taken; then the SAA ++ can move Northwards (whilst joining with the PMU) and push the SDF back up North.

My view only.

Ahmed Benmansour

I really dont understand why Russian special forces dont launch an air landing after mass bombings around before the us ???

Solomon Krupacek

because russia will not let fight ground forces.


When I look at the map re Mayadin, I think : flanks.

Are SAA and Russians going to be outflanked again?

Valery Grigoryev

You’ve forgotten about aircrafts.

Solomon Krupacek

like at suknah

Valery Grigoryev

I really don’t understand the situation there. Looks like a total interruption of the main supply road…

Solomon Krupacek

unfortunately this happened. with 30 planes raussia can not support effectively the syrians. 70 would be good.

Jens Holm

That the point,but they do have a suppply line Homs/Hama – Tabqa – DEZ. It longer but ok.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They control 3 of 4 supply routes and have ISIS between two forces South around As Sukhna is cleared , just clearing the area of ISIS. They gave ISIS an ultimatum in Qaratayn to surrender or be killed to the man, Russia special forces and Syrian special forces are there.


They’re aware of this and are putting strong units on defending against raids from the desert. The eastern front is secure as it’s a cliff running all the way from Thurdah to al-Bukamal (both sides of the Euphrates has this cliff.)


A rather daring move I think, to move towards Mayadin while ISIS is attacking to the west. Next SAA move may be secure the north flank by taking the river line. Looks like Muhassan area is just about cut off against the river. Meanwhile SDF is kept busy up north. GOOD NEWS :)

Jens Holm

The worst case would be ISIS cut all the supply west and north of DEZ. I dont think they can, but they do delay the SAA advances by cutting trúcks.


And what about T2? Attack collapsed the third time as far as I can see…


The SAA is using the t2 pumping station as a decoy to draw Isis fighters to withdraw from other areas to the pumping station. For instance, the SAA launched an attack in T2 which forced Isis to redeploy from deir ezzor which made these gains possible. Isis knows that if t2 station is captured, the SAA would likely capture the entire province surrounding it.


Good point, let’s not forget that the US head-chopping, heart-eating rapers are overstretched too.

Solomon Krupacek

stupid saa. t2 blocks the way to abu kamal.

Manuel Flores Escobar

we dont need abu kamal…we need Omar oilfields!..it doesnt matter ISIS at sukna..they cannot survive there for many time!

Solomon Krupacek

yes, you latinos dont need anything. abu kamal is key city.


Yes it is , but taking the Omar oilfields first , enables SAA to come at Mayadin and Al Bukamal from east and west , they will both be siege situations , the jihadists are entrenched there .

Solomon Krupacek

In omar fields you both are right. But! I am sure, we will see this: saa within 1 days came to mayadan, and sdf in 1 day will come to the opposite site of euphrates. so, the east side is now lost. tha saa has overslept the godd time in summer. now must take bukamal and swiftly clera all packets + idlib and daraa. then we will see. :(


You spread BS trash just like Dutch National for SDF (actually worse than him and Jens combined!) YOUR TAKE ON THE SITUATION IS PURE FRICKING GARBAGE, SIR :D

Solomon Krupacek


Jens Holm

You not even know where Omar oilfield and town is ….

Jens Holm

Far out in almost all matters.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US can’t even launch an attack on Abukamal yet they have failed time and time again to capture it.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Either You take it hard or You leave to ISIS.

Jens Holm

Hard to believe at all. Its a stupidity.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Don’t like strategy this is how your people were freed from Nazi Germany , you would be surprised how wars are fought.

Valery Grigoryev

I am not a strategist, while imho it would be better not to besiege the city first, but to cross the Euphrate asap, to create a strong bridgehead near Omar oilfields.


This may well be the plan, to take the west bank around Muhassan. This may allow the current bridge head on the east bank to start moving SE towards Omar oilfields.I think any move closer to Mayadan is just an SAA feint (to screw with current ISIS plans at Sukhna area, etc). Daesh may be bleeding badly due to air activity. :)

Solomon Krupacek

we will see until now no one of your prediction was true :)


This coming from a guy who thinks Al Bukamal is the #1 priority. OH LOOK, SAA is within 5 km of Mayadin! :DDDDD GO TIGERS GO https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2d710672b7557a9673c3aaeaf356dd439480e47eb5d0a2fb8ce56d9e0f2c457d.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

you dont think this. until today you think, the jordan border is not important. ;)

Solomon Krupacek

a little bit wider wedge, please.


At some point, it is inevitable that SAA with have to meet face to face with SDF while advancing in a parallel. Maybe if the river is crossed fast, the confrontation could be really soon. I understand SAA’s wish to destroy ISIS completely, but this can be postponed in order to secure important future gains.

Wahid Algiers

Absolutely right.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Doubt that they will be able to advance in some regions as they are not being bought off this time, this will go hard on the SDF. They think that the US will be able to keep them from harm but that won’t happen as they haven’t been in a real fight so far, the US has done all the bribing and fighting.

Kira Binkley

They will not find him.


he is drinking tea with the secret sect that created leftism…..


He is probably back in Israel now eating some bagels and playing wit little boys .


Cross the river first and eventually besiege the terrorists. Is Baghdadi in Mayadin?,Bukamal? or Qaim? or did he leave all together?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He is dead not sure who killed him even Joulani is dead, they lost another commander in trying to attack in the Idlib region again and lost more terrorists in the attack. They sent NDF reinforcements to help with the defense and recapture of checkpoints.

Kira Binkley

When did he die? Do you have a date?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He disappeared months ago and there has been many claims as to who killed him , I would like to think he died from the venom of the smallest spider while being covered under the rubble from a bombing. Rather than instantaneous death from above by a large pillar which crushed him instantly.

Kira Binkley

So who do you suppose is running ISIS?

Elider Barrientos



I wonder why the SAA don’t neutralize the pomp station 2 (T2)? And advance to Al Bukamal in the south nearby the Iraki border and secure a passage trough the Euphrates’river . Any clues anybody?

Solomon Krupacek

me too


So U 2 stupido ? :DD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2322cbd49ca5e7b7e2d2dddb8a38acf3015cc26d7a71d7b661d691dc0da151e.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

i see, you was kicked out by your girlfriend :DDDDDD

Jens Holm

They have spread troops out. You see how easy ISIS still are able to cut Palmyra-DEZ.


In map above can see that southern-most flank line of SAA pincer is basically mirroring a long raised-ground ridge-line right in front of them. They have a tactical disadvantage in that terrain at present. The other thing to bear in mind, is that ISIS have actually always had considerable support in lower-most Euphrates valley area – this is the rural eastern edges of Syrian state and Syria’s Islamic conservatives are strongest in these remote rural zones.

Wahid Algiers

The regions around al Bukamal (Syria) and Al Qaim (Iraq) are very strong fortified by ISIS. That wouldn’ t be the problem as elite troops would manage it to crush down the ISIS lines. The main problem is the very strong support of the population there (about 100k) for ISIS. So it needs to take these regions from both sides Syria and Iraq. Unfortunately the gypsy kurdish land grabbers in Iraq wrap the Iraqi forces and PMU into activities nobody really needs.

Wahid Algiers

On Fars News Agency: “Sheikh Mohammad Amlah al-Daham, the leader of al-Akidat tribe, as saying that the US and Kurdish forces entered talks with the ISIL to let them capture the town of al-Basireh following the Syrian Army troops’ advances towards the town of al-Mayadeen in Southeastern Deir Ezzur. He told al-Watan that the Kurdish forces demanded the ISIL to retreat from al-Basireh region and join the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hasaka province. Al-Daham further told the paper that a large number of ISIL terrorists deployed in al-Basireh accepted the Kurd’s offer and joined the SDF, but, a number of them refused and stayed in the region to continue battle, pushing the initial agreement into failure. Reports said earlier this month that almost 500 ISIL joined the Kurdish forces in the town of al-Shaddadi in Southern Hasaka. Al-Daham said (…) that almost 500 ISIL gunmen that had fled the battlefields joined the SDF in the town of al-Shaddadi in Southern Hasaka amid the Syrian Army troops’ rapid advances in Deir Ezzur. Al-Daham said that the SDF in cooperation with Washington were to take control over Syria’s oil and other resources, adding, “We, Syrian tribe-men, do not believe in the SDF and the US as they just want to hoist SDF’s flag in the country.” Zio pack.

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