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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Is Training On Newly-Supplied Russian Weapons Ahead Of Upcoming Operation In Idlib – Report

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Syrian Army Is Training On Newly-Supplied Russian Weapons Ahead Of Upcoming Operation In Idlib – Report

Illustrative image, by the SANA

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is currently training on advanced weapon systems and equipment which were recently supplied by Russia, the Russian news agency Sputnik reported on April 8, citing Syrian sources.

“Units of the Syrian military are currently being trained by Russian advisors on the use of advanced weapons and systems that could counter … Special weapons, which terrorist groups in Idlib received from their foreign backers in the last few months,” Sputnik quoted one of the sources as saying.

According to the sources, Russia supplied the SAA with advanced anti-tank missiles, anti-drone systems, surveillance systems and engineering equipment. These weapons and equipment will be used in any future anti-terror operation in Idlib.

The demilitarized zone around Idlib, which was established last September, is witnessing daily violations by terrorist groups, such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Last week, the terrorists launched several rockets from within the zone at the town of Masyaf in eastern Hama. The attack killed seven civilians and injured many others.

The use of advanced weapons systems could deter the terrorists and help enforce the Russian-Turkish agreement. In the last few months, the agreement faced several major setbacks due to the terrorists’ hostile behavior.

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Hm, so i guess the deal is likely how others have expected already last year: SAA gets Idlib, and Erdogan uses his idlib proxys and moves them over to take north-east Syria for annexing (sorry, i meant **temporary** safe zone, lol). Erdogan will of course have given his “word” that this will only be temporary, and the territory will not become a part of neo-ottoman turkey like he promised so many times to his followers. Okay.

Saddam Hussein

Good. The Idlib terrorists and kurdish terrorists have to be cleared as soon as possible.

Cedric Hunter

I would agree.


You mean the turkish terrorists

Saddam Hussein

No…I mean kurdish terrorists like YPG, PKK, SDF and all the other names (((kurds))) use to betray their countries.


Forget Idlib : Putin gave it to Erdogan for the selling of S400, nuclear power plant, south stream pipeline. Later 20 miles safe zone for Turkey if they buy a few S35


That was my fear for at least some months too. But it seems now at least some limited operation will happen. To give Assad at least something.. At least for PR/Propaganda. But then maybe only a small op so the current Idlib deal can life on till eternity. Though i hope we are wrong and at least Idlib will finally be totally cleared. I guess we will finally find out soon.


Agree. Big questions remains what will the Kurds do when the US will sell their asses out to the Turks?


Putin does not work like that. Why would he bothered saving Syria and then giving it to NATO? Learn more about Putin

Cedric Hunter

What? Where did you read that?


Disagree – by necessity Russia playing long game. The problem is previous US threats to intervene to save Idlib based militants if SAA moves north – but time is on Syrian/Russian side – as the longer the terror factions cooped up together in Idlib, more they divide and fight for the limited localized control they still exert, over crime proceeds and resources. It is clear HTS, ie, al-Qeiada, are dominating and expanding over other factions – this has implications for the future of US ability to intervene with any public credibility intact (domestically and internationally). As for Erdogan, he actually needs a way out of Idlib in long term – endlessly financing and supporting terror factions, including remnants of Gulf backed factions, that have no offensive or strategic capacity to impact on Damascus is a pointless waste of Turkish resources. Notably Erdogan is not stopping HTS from displacing even Turkish backed militants across Idlib. Why, because he needs a way out without appearing to publicly abandon the Sunni factions he has long sponsored – as that would tarnish his claims to the regional Sunni leadership role. For Erdogan is easier and more opportune to allow HTS – international terror faction – to take control as he has no obligations to defend them – he can then horse trade over territory with Syria/Russia from that position.

Cedric Hunter

I agree to this. The rebels are running out of room to rebel within and the Turks are running out of rebels to support. The War is won for the Assad government, except for the death and dieing to be done in Idlib. If the Assad government is bold, it will take Idlib and mount a general offensive towards parts unknown, like Lebenon of Al Tanf. Force the Americans to sit up and take notice without any potential physical interaction .


Cool should be ready in 20 years like that Shit-300


Better than any American junk

Real Anti-Racist Action

Oh https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7f3bf64ba45cf4a93687a21b4144816440e3949add2ed3dc77f0093018b5cac2.jpg


there is NO proof of mass conversion and even if they did, most changed after the empire fell, like humans do anywhere anytime in history. just count the amount of religions that once were the main religion in the ME for example.


Talking about Shit…

…I heard the F35 is not only stealthy but it can turn into a submarine…at least the Japanese version can….

[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/xmDn534.jpg) hahahaha



and Russians try to compare their flying lunchboxes to an F22



Accidents do happen. But the F35’s arent accidents hahahah its a BIG BIG FAIL the whole design and everything about the F35 Flying patato is a joke !

And dont get me started on your ridiculous navy and its failures !



Russian planes have collided, the american f 35 fell by itself, lol, pretty sure f22 is more of the same garbage )))


The mighty Russian Air Force, shot down and humiliated by Israel many times hahahaha


You low level israfucky troll hahaha


“Up coming operations” do not mean and offensive operation, right ? I do not think Russia wants to bother Turkey with an offensive on Idlib.

Cedric Hunter

Erdogan’s balls will drop soon enough. His 20 miles buffer zone is a joke and will be just as worthless as his failing political career. Erdogan never had the supplies or manpower to hold jack shit in Syria, no matter his bluster. Now, his proxy armies in Syria will stir up trouble that only Assad and Putin can tamp down. What a mess. He will back down t>

Mustafa Mehmet

ok anything more ?try try harder speedy .when our borders save then we we think about it

Cedric Hunter

That’s just about it,sir.


Maybe they should complete S300 training first. Meh

Hisham Saber

That training has been completed for years now. Syrian officers spent time in Russia years ago learning the S-300. But its a risky venture to use them on Israeli pilots who use mountains and civilian aircraft as cover during their cowardly attacks.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Syria can live without Idlib for the time being. It is the massive terrorist buildup in the Golan that overlooks the road to Damascus that is going to be the Achilles hill that ends Syria. The life or death of the Syrian people lays in the Golan, not in Idlib.

S Melanson

Very good comment. I made a comment above and paste it below and would appreciate your thoughts.

———————— Russia sending signal to Turkey that Idlib agreement is not a blank check and violations killing civilians will prompt retaliation and the retaliation will get nasty. However, patience is due to Russia long game to pull Turkey away from US orbit and similarly long objective to pull the EU away from the US orbit (NATO) – this is why Putin actually supported an EU army as it would undermine NATO and weaken US influence in Europe.

I see Russian foreign policy to be consistent with a strategic vision based on a multi-polar world with Russia dominating along three axis – Europe/Eurasia, Middle East and the East (Chinese intentions will be important given alliance). This is based on the new ideology rooted in Eurasian theoretical framework which is filling the ideological vacuum left in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. This new ideology is discussed by a Zbig speech at the Wilson Centre in summer 2014 – link below.


Since 2014, the Russian military has increased influence in foreign policy while Medvedev pro-Western faction increasingly challenged. This is important for the methods to be used to achieve objectives which will be more confrontational and use of military intervention like Syria and sending troops to Venezuela are examples – Venezuela is Russia tit for tat on Ukraine meddling by US. The current Eisenhower-Dulles roll-back/brinksmanship foreign policy approach exemplified by Bolton and Pompeo is dangerous and is why the doomsday clock is at its closest – 2 minutes to midnight.

Note it was at 2 minutes to midnight once before and that was 1955 when Eisenhower and Dulles had abandoned Kennan’s Policy of containment for aggressive policy of rollback and use of brinkmanship but staying short of hot war. Well brinksmanship brought us the Cuban Missile Crisis and is that what it will take today to smarten people up? Do people appreciate how close we were in 1961?

The Doomsday clock is where it is because the conditions of 1955 are the conditions of today. The Cuban Missile Crisis was caused by Dulles style brinkmanship (threat and ultimatums) based on faulty intelligence that greatly amplified the danger of nuclear war. Faulty intelligence… sound familiar?

These are the conditions under which the chess game in the Middle East are being played out and the Turkish question is just one component of the strategy. It is the resolution of the question of the Golan that is shaping up to be a very dangerous flashpoint and I have commented previously on the coming war over the Golan. Israel will go Samson Option before they give up the Golan. Russia integrated air defence command and control with Syrian will mean that when Syria goes to war with Israel to take back the Golan, Russia is de facto at war with Israel and in my opinion, this was the intent of the Russian military when they sent the S300 to Syria in October 2018. The advanced weapons systems training is consistent with this as well.

The war over the Golan, should it happen, will be a far greater risk for nuclear war than the Cuban Missile Crisis. We need to avert this scenario from happening.

Hisham Saber

Bullshit. Israel would certainly not use any nukes just to hold on to the Golan. It would be a conventional contest. And one Syria and her allies would win hands down. Israeli’s are crazy sonbitches, but the aint suicidal ones.


I would say first clear Idlib from the Al-Qaeda terrorists before anything else. It is very crucial to Syria and its allies to liberate Idlib first and celebrate complete victory over the terrorists and their allies!

Mustafa Mehmet

Well said

S Melanson

Russia sending signal to Turkey that Idlib agreement is not a blank check and violations killing civilians will prompt retaliation and the retaliation will get nasty. Russia is long game to pull Turkey away from US orbit and similarly long objective to pull the EU away from the US orbit (NATO) – this is why Putin actually supported an EU army as it would undermine NATO and weaken US influence in Europe.

I see Russian foreign policy to be consistent with a strategic vision based on a multi-polar world with Russia dominating along three axis – Europe/Eurasia, Middle East and the East (Chinese intentions will be important given alliance). This is based on the new ideology rooted in Eurasian theoretical framework which is filling the ideological vacuum left in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. This new ideology is discussed by a Zbig speech at the Wilson Centre in summer 2014 – link below.


Since 2014, the Russian military has increased influence in foreign policy while Medvedev pro-Western faction increasingly challenged. This is important for the methods to be used to achieve objectives which will be more confrontational and use of military intervention like Syria and sending troops to Venezuela are examples – Venezuela is Russia tit for tat on Ukraine meddling by US. The current Eisenhower-Dulles roll-back/brinksmanship foreign policy approach exemplified by Bolton and Pompeo is dangerous and is why the doomsday clock is at its closest – 2 minutes to midnight.

Note it was at 2 minutes to midnight once before and that was 1955 when Eisenhower and Dulles had abandoned Kennan’s Policy of containment for aggressive policy of rollback and use of brinkmanship but staying short of hot war. Well brinksmanship brought us the Cuban Missile Crisis and is that what it will take today to smarten people up? Do people appreciate how close we were in 1961?

The Doomsday clock is where it is because the conditions of 1955 are the conditions of today. The Cuban Missile Crisis was caused by Dulles style brinkmanship (threat and ultimatums) based on faulty intelligence that greatly amplified the danger of nuclear war. Faulty intelligence… sound familiar?

These are the conditions under which the chess game in the Middle East are being played out and the Turkish question is just one component of the strategy. It is the resolution of the question of the Golan that is shaping up to be a very dangerous flashpoint and I have commented previously on the coming war over the Golan. Israel will go Samson Option before they give up the Golan. Russia integrated air defence command and control with Syrian will mean that when Syria goes to war with Israel to take back the Golan, Russia is de facto at war with Israel and in my opinion, this was the intent of the Russian military when they sent the S300 to Syria in October 2018.

The war over the Golan, should it happen, will be a far greater risk for nuclear war than the Cuban Missile Crisis. We need to avert this scenario from happening.

Hisham Saber

Sampson Option is sheer fantasy. Not going to happen. Its Israeli , Jewish propaganda.

The Mighty Tshahal bullshit.


Well done SAA – train well, strike hard, take Idlib.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Better supply them with some super effective MANPADS too, there’s heaps of Turkish jets flying around over Idlib nowadays.

Hisham Saber

Those jets mean absolutely nothing. What is Turkey going to do, use them against the Syrian Arab Army and allies? In effect go to war against Syria, which also then means Iran and Iraq too? Then Syria, Iraq and Iran will just round up their Kurdish populations and drop them off at Turkey’s borders. Or maybe even heavily arm the PKK and other Kurdish groups that would give Turkey hell.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Too be honest there’s more chance those Turkish jets will be bombing HTS alongside friendly Russian jets, softening up southern Idlib ready for the SAA to just come in and just mop up what remains of HTS. It’s the Kurds who really need the MANPADS to protect themselves from the Turks, if you’re not aware already, US jets have just semi confronted Turkish jets that were trying to enter US controlled Syrian airspace. check syrialiveuamaps Putin’s going to sell the Kurds out in Tal Rifaat soon in exchange for southern Idlib, that’s what it looks like.

Albert Pike

The waiting around before the Idlib confrontation seams not to have payed of, and just gave the enemy time for training and re-supply, and stole the momentum of the Syrian advance. Since this was clear from the onset – so why did they do it? Maybe everybody wants/needs a bigger battle?

Or is it a bigger script, a bigger theater production?

cechas vodobenikov

the restoration of Syrian sovereignty progresses gradually; it is imperative that civilian populations r protected…they r often used as human shields by the amerikan trained and funded terrorists

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