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Syrian Army Kicked Off New Anti-ISIS Operation In Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa Triangle

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Syrian Army Kicked Off New Anti-ISIS Operation In Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa Triangle

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On December 22, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies kicked off a new operation against ISIS cells in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle in the country’s central region.

The Russian Aerospace Forces supports the operation. Russian warplanes are carrying out airstrikes on ISIS terrorists and their hideouts in the region.

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), army troops are combing the Ithriyah-Tabqah road that links Hama and Raqqa. In the last few months, ISIS terrorists carried out a series of attacks along the road.

As of December 23, heavy clashes between the SAA and ISIS cells are still ongoing in the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle. Casualties were reported on both sides.

“Five service members of regime forces and loyal gunmen lost their lives, while nine of the Islamic State [ISIS] organization were killed,” the SOHR said in a report. “The death toll will likely rise because many of the wounded are in a critical condition.”

ISIS cells expanded their influence from the Homs desert, between eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor, to the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle earlier this year following a series of hit-and-run attacks on Syrian government troops.

The terrorists in central Syria are reportedly buying supplies, including weapons, from U.S.-backed fighters based at the southeastern area of al-Tanf.

The new operation will likely restrict terrorists access to the Hama-Aleppo-Raqqa triangle. However, it will not end ISIS’ growing threat in the central region.


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Combating a sea of roaches flowing out of wall cracks with a simple broom.

Jens Holm

Nothing there is that simple at all. If so there was a winner.

Potato Man

It is good to hear and see Wahhabi+Zion dogs dying…each one die is next step to a better world without Zion and Wahhabi :) God speed.

Jens Holm

So what about the rest:)


Just hit the area with the father of all bombs.

Arman Melkonyan

Russia won’t do that because Russia is ruled by Jews like Putin. A few fuel-air bombs would have sufficed. http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2018/02/trump-putin-kosher-nostra.html?m=1

Rhodium 10

Meanwhile Armenia has a large comunity in Israel…surely many of them helped to load Harop drones inside AZ cargo planes to send it to AZ during NK war…

Arman Melkonyan

I know many Armenians working for Jews in the States, true. I don’t think Jews in the Israeli arms industry would hire them though. Enjoy the demise of the Armenians.

Jens Holm

Signs for that to You must be have been teleported from Allah by Qaum to You.

It seemes Allah is not in contact with other muslims and translation might be a kind of transplantation.


If we see him Ali, the problem is we’d be looking at a camel jockey. That’s my worst fear. We’d reject him outright, and he knows it. Malakhor……sosk mar khor…..en hamarzoodeh shotor.

Jens Holm

As a sekuilar I can only see Allah must be many Gods even muslis says there is ony one.

Its much as humans runs Allah in stead of the opposit.


keep quiet, daeshi terrorist.

Jens Holm

Daeshes are muslims too even they only read the bad parts.

Jens Holm

I look atYour supporters.Lebanon, Assad Syria and for that matter Turkey and Russia.

Their currencies all are declining and some of them hardly worth the paper, they are printed on.

Iran inflation rate for 2019 was 39.91%, a 21.89% increase from 2018. Iran inflation rate for 2018 was 18.01%, a 9.97% increase from 2017. Iran inflation rate for 2017 was 8.04%, a 0.8% increase from 2016.

Inflation can be fine, if the pay goes up and fx a lot more get a job. There is none of that.

So who told You not to relate to, what they can effort or not.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

More of the usual SF propaganda, is it any wonder most of my fellow SF readers are left in the dark and blindly parrot the latest mantra they’re all being fed, which is, THE US IS HELPING ISIS VIA THE BASE AT Al TANF, despite the fact there hasn’t been one single piece of ACTUAL evidence to support that claim, NOT ONE, but there is a growing mountain of evidence to suggest Turkey and it’s terrorist proxies are helping Isis. How many times have I seen photos of moderate FSA fighters carrying Isis flags and wearing Isis emblems on their brand new Turkish supplied uniforms, perhaps a dozen time on SF over the last 12 months, but the Turks are never accused of assisting Isis despite the fact they recruit Isis fighters into their moderate opposition army. Isis has become Turkey’s new special forces in Syria that’s the truth, they don’t work for the US at all, they work for Erdogan and Turkey. But Russia will never admit that to you, it’s way less problematic for Russia to just keep blaming the US, and while they are wrongfully blaming the US, Isis is growing stronger and stronger every day.

Jens Holm

I partly agree. There is no sig for USA support ISIS and Turks doing it makes sense.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Gee Jens, if only your responses were as civilized when you disagree with me.

Jens Holm

I need real proof. So I agree in You have the best guess.

Maybee I will find a school for good manners. Others says Im no nice person too.

Its hard for me to see the Turk-ISIS suplly lines.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s hard for me to see the Turk supply lines too, but bit by bit they’re becoming more and more obvious, and eventually they’ll become virtually impossible to miss.

I’m not a nice person either, all my friends [not many] and even my girlfriend of 16 years always tell me I’m horrible grumpy old man, but at least I try to be civilized, I only turn into an ogre after someone’s been obnoxious to me, then I try to give them an even harder time than they gave me, try it Jens and see if it improves your likability, it hasn’t worked for me yet but you never know it may work for you.

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