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Syrian Army Killed Dozens Of Militants In Umm Jalal Battle (Video, Photos)

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29 militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies were killed during an attempt to repel the recent Syrian Arab Army (SAA) attack on the town of Umm Jalal in southeast Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on December 20.

Army units captured the town late on December 19 in the framework of the ongoing large-scale military operation in southeast Idlib. The successful attack reportedly last for two hours only.

SOHR’s claims were rejected by pro-government activists, who said that more than 60 militants were killed by the SAA inside Umm Jalal.

Pro-government activists also released a video showing some of the SAA’s preparations before storming Umm Jalal.

The Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) released several photos of the night attack, showing SAA troops and battle tanks advancing towards the town.

Syrian Army Killed Dozens Of Militants In Umm Jalal Battle (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Killed Dozens Of Militants In Umm Jalal Battle (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Killed Dozens Of Militants In Umm Jalal Battle (Video, Photos)

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Syrian Army Killed Dozens Of Militants In Umm Jalal Battle (Video, Photos)

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After capturing Umm Jalal, the SAA advanced from two directions capturing other towns in southeastern Idlib. The army will likely make more gains in the near future.

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At last a serious break through, which hopefully will lead to the beginning of the end for HTS and it’s head chopping gangsta’s. Forward and Onward for the Syrian Arab Army


Onwards to another victory in 2019 that will celebrate the tremendous bravery of all the Syrian Government allies involved with the eradication of the US Coalition of Terror from the sovereign lands of Syria.

You can call me Al

They should wear Father Christmas hats as they fire and eliminate more vermin. Christmas presents for every Syrian citizen.


Well spoken Florian. Sounds like the rats took a real beating at Umm Jalal. :)

Rhodium 10

Terrorist have no chance to defeat SAA and Keep Idlib!..among other reasons Russia and China ( 2 Military superpower) support Assad and they consider these terrorist groups just NATO puppets useful to attack Russian and China interest zones!

Hasbara Hunter

Congratulations…SAA & Allies…

Ps I think it is pretty relevant whether there are 29 Killed or 60…29 AngloZioNazi Headchoppers killed is around 2 Tons of Dogchow….60 will make approximately 4 tons of Dogchow….that’s more than double…Either way them dogs will have their bellies filled…

Azriel Herskowitz

Dozens of moderate rebels fighting for a Syria free of the butcher regime

Hasbara Hunter


Dozens of Foreign AngloZioNazi Al-CIAeda, ISISrael, Wahhabi & Muslimbrotherhood Headchopping Mercenaries fighting for a Greater ISraHell of the Khazarian ZioNazi regime

Grim Reaper WickedFury


Ceasar Polar

Just go away zioNazi-demon troll

Liberal guy

Ur so called moderate rebels men’s sex ratio as declined very much since March 2011 and it’s increasing every day.u fool saa is doing a great job for humanity by killing the worst coward monster’s.

Alejandro Bonifacio

do you still believe that propaganda? “moderate rebles”?


Uplifting news! Keep them coming!

Liberal guy

Around 70 scums must have died.this pro scum outlet sohr shows maximum of 20 to 30 dead if it’s over hundred almost everytime.Am surprised scum showed 29 when actual dead cowards are nearly around 70.


Hah, well these are not National Defense Forces, the ones that RUN and get shot in the back- IDIOTS. This is the Tiger Forces (SAA) and 30-60 dead Al-Nusras oh, that’s hah, a lot tho. Usually HTS has 3-5 casualties in some of these battles. But for 2hrs to Al-Nusra to lose 30-60 of their terrorist is NICE.

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