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Syrian Army Kills Another Turkish Soldier In Greater Idlib

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The Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced on February 22 that another service member was killed in Syria’s Greater Idlib.

The ministry said the service member, Mecit Demir, was killed in a strike carried out by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). The ministry claimed that its forces responded by shelling 21 Syrian military positions. However, field sources didn’t report any significant strikes by Turkish forces.

Demir, a tank crewman, may have been killed in a series of Syrian and Russian airstrikes, which targeted southern Idlib late on February 21. The airstrikes reportedly destroyed nine vehicles, including battle tanks, of Turkish forces and their local proxies.

Syrian Army Kills Another Turkish Soldier In Greater Idlib

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Two days ago, two Turkish service members were killed and five others were injured in a failed attack by Turkish forces and their proxies on SAA positions in southern Idlib. The SAA, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, repelled the attack within a few hours. Four battle tanks of the Turkish Armed Forces were destroyed.

The Turkish military lost 17 service members in Greater Idlib in the last few weeks. Despite this, Ankara appears to be still determined to support its proxies there.

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who is more retarted? akar or erdogan? stupid and stupidest?

Tim Williams

They are both inbred imbeciles

Hanny Benny

sends the dumbest/couragious men to death and erdoKhans family get rich..

John Wallace

Did you mean Cheney

Lone Ranger

How long till Turkish military topples erdogan? Defending your country and ally is one thing, arming and funding terrorists and invading a Sovereign nation is another. Glory to the SAA.

Tim Williams

all it takes is one Colonel with a pen zip gun to end the madness once and for all.


He purged his military. Only loyal but incompetent islamists left..


I think that was kinda mistake. The equipment that was deployed to the Turkish-Syrian Border shows that Turkey is preparing for a full scale war, and these casualties wont help at all. The whole NATO supports the actions of Erdogan, but wont help him. Turkey requests Patriots from America, which they will, mostlikely, get (we all know Trumps love for money). SAA should be more patient, Idlib is almost cleared. Syria could never defend itself against a NATO member at all, even if it is Turkey. They will block the Bosporus and ask the USA for an no flight zone over Iraq and thats it, no help from Russia anymore, that would be the end of Assad.

SAA should be way more patient and dont risk anything because after an escalation there is no hope, even for the strong SAA. Turkish-Russian relation is broken already, sanctions wouldnt even change anything at all, because Turkey would just go right into USAs arsehole and that would be it. All the archievements gone. Wanting to take Idlib to fast will risk everything and that cant be a solution, steping back would be a greater Idea.

Tim Williams

TURKS are the invader … NATO article 5 does not apply.

Not a single NATO country will get involved, including the USA as an election is nearing.


I know, not a single NATO member will help Turkey, but they wont act against it aswell.

I think that the US will deploy Patriots at the Border of Syria-Turkey and install a No flight Zone over iraq, even if there is an election, since there are US soliders in the Area, so the argument would be defending its own soliders, with the “help” of Turkey. Watching only one side of the situation is risky, everyone wants the SAA to get Idlib back, but not at the cost of starting a big war. I ecpect the US to support the action secretly with money, so they can later deploy democracy ( haha nice jk, get all the oil) in syria.

Risking everything for such a small thing is not worth it, way 1-2 months and then invade again, 19 dead turkish soldiers wont stay unanswered, SAA need to be prepared for it

Tim Williams

Russia will ignore the ” USA ” no fly zone … IRAQ politicians have to make that call … not the USA … and that wont happen

Lone Ranger

Also I doubt U.S. Air Force would fire on Russian jets.


They dont need to, the no fly zone would be declared from the iraqi gov, with the support of the Us.

Tim Williams

LOL … not happening

Traiano Welcome

Again, a no fly zone over Iraq would have 0 effect on Russia’s activities in Syria. Might as well declare a no fly zone over Antarctica.


Since the Iraqi gov is influenced by the US they will apporve it IMHO. Russia sadly need to apply the no fly zone, or they are free to shoot down. (So something like this wont happen so the iraqi way for russia would be close, even the kurdish north.)

Tim Williams

not happening … USA bases and Embassy in IRAQ will be attacked by rockets 24/7 and they know it


even more unlikely, that would involve usa into this situation, since the question of who bombed the embassys would be clear. Cant be a consiquence. Staying patient is the best option here, a full scale war is the worst case.

Tim Williams


USA Embassy was just attacked by IRAQI citizens


Normal iraqi citizens dont have huge bombs or am i wrong, they were supported and i expect russia to support them, i can be wrong, but they got the bomb from elsewhere.

Traiano Welcome

Normal Iraqi citizens *do* have huge bombs.

Those PMU groups, Iraqi army groups (militias) and other small citizen-derived groups like the BAdr brigades and Mahdi army do indeed have Grad and Katyusha batteries.

These are all *ordinary* Iraqis. This is what happens when a country is under occupation: Ordinary people get access to dangerous weapons.

Traiano Welcome

That is already current reality. This is why Patriot installations in Iraq would be a huge financial risk.


Since the Iraqi parliament has recently passed a motion to request the US leave I find it very unlikely they will approve a no fly zone to help the US & ultimately Turkish forces against Syria

Traiano Welcome

There’s a reason Patriot systems are not deployed (widely if at all) in Iraq right now:

They’re vulnerable to insurgent attacks within Iraq. None of those Patriot systems will be safe while based in Iraq, they could be taken out by PMUs, Iran and other groups. The Iraqi government can make it difficult or impossible to operate and maintain Patriot installations in Iraq.

Lone Ranger

Even if that happened which is highly unlikely Russia proved they can rain down supersonic cruise missiles fired from the Black Sea. Erdogan is throwing away a better future for a few terrorists. He must be demented…


And support Syria against the whole turkish army from the Black Sea? Impossible, even for Russia.

I dont see that as highly unlikely, turkey is deploying war material to the border and wont stop there, they will invade syria with that, at least to the war zone and defend their proxies from there.

Lone Ranger

They tried to invade, they were annihilated. Its not impossible at all. The terrain is easy, flat, no mountains no jungle. A few dozen well aimed crusie missiles will take out half a division, especially if the Turks are using WWII tactics lining up in one long column. The S-300 and S-400 will deny Turkish airsupport, while Syrian and Russian airforce will operate, Turkey is facing a technical KO. Erdogan should back down before the military topples him, they tried it once in the past…


Turkey has its “Observation Points” there, they didnt defend, they escaped and run back to the safer part of idlib. An invasion would mean full mobilisation of the army since its no 1 of the turkish policy plan. For turkey going into debt and buying american weapons would still be more profitably, since they would steal everything out of syria. So they could defend the flat terrain against russian missles from the black sea, which russia would stop after a while (money waste).

I just dont like the “yeah its an easy win, russia will do this and that and we will even conquer turkey”. we all saw earlier news where they said there will be no ceasefire and then, boom, there was one, or the turkish invasion in the north aswell.

More tactic is needed, wasting this good oportunity hurts my heart, just want the best for the region. And these risky plays wont help at all.

Lone Ranger

How will Turkey stop Russian cruise missiles? Turkey lost at least 4 tanks and 6 APCs slong with a dozen soldiers, and 250 terrorists. SAA suffered minimal losses.


Turkey has not only 4 Tanks if i remember right? I dont expect Turkey can use the s400 but they will stop the misiles with other quipment, since russian missiles which fly 4000km+ can easiely be stoped.

Lone Ranger

They cant stop super and hypersonic cruise missiles not even the U.S. can. Kaliber can fly transonic till it reaches the target area than speed up for the terminal phase, its a very advanced weaponsystem. Turkey has around 3200 tanks but without air support they are worthless, they will be hit one by one same as it happened in Iraq in 1991, if you dont have airsupport you dont have anything. That simple. Also the SAA isnt doing it for sport, in the past two months terrorists launched 2000 attacks from idlib hundreds of civs and SAA soldiers died as a result, this will stop here and now. Bye.

Tim Williams

Turkey S 400 system is not operating, system does not have the computers in it yet, and the TURKS have not fully been trained on how to operate it … it’s a giant paper weight right now


Russia missiles are supersonic,nato defense subsonic,speed is a game changer!

Traiano Welcome

And if push comes to shove, there are Avangard hypersonic systems …

Traiano Welcome

The number of tanks is immaterial 1 or 1 million, they have to enter Syria through the same limited routes in long tank columns. Those entire columns can be taken out with aerial bombardment.

Turkey’s S400s are useless against Russian attacks. You can be sure Russian electronic counter-measures and knowledge of the S400 will inform them how to strike/bypass their own technology.

Lone Ranger

They have 12 observation points 10 of them are already surrounded by SAA, they are sitting ducks.

Andre Lopes

Turkey can do it, but they don´t want a full scale war. Full scale, means Turkey losing thousands of soldiers. I don´t see they wanting this cost. They want Idlib as a card for negotiation.


Yeah and they are losing the Card of negotiation, and that is not an option for them, they will defend it in the coming weeks, and with the death of these soliders it will be a bloody one. Losing these soliders is worth for themn, since at war the whole nation is united, there is support for the military.


As big as the Turkish army is they wont have any air support since Russia/Syria control the space, large convoys are easy to pick off.

Traiano Welcome

How is it impossible? They’ll still be coming in over Iran. They have already demonstrated they can fire Kalibr missiles from the Caspian sea and hit terrorists in Syria.

The Man

I very much doubt that this scenario will happen. Even if it does, it won’t be overnight. A very risky gamble by the Syrians would be to destroy all military hardware of the Turds that is coming in. They might have considered this but Russia is helping with strategy I hope. This might be the worst-case scenario… Oh, sorry, I said Turds when I meant Turks!!!


Yes they could close passage through the Bosporus but a no fly zone over Iraq would be a non starter without the Iraqi government agreeing to one which is doubtful.


Under the Montreaux Convention for the Bosphorus as I understand it, only a Turkish declaration of war with Russia can prevent unimpeded travel through the waterway.

IF Turkey does that I fully expect a strategic nuclear response by Russia.

Russians knows that to lose the fight for the liberation of Syrian lands and access to the Mediterranean, would mean the beginning of a US/NATO terror campaign inside Russia.

Without the US plunder of Russia that has the largest naturel reserves of minerals that exist in the largest nation on the globe, the US empire will fall. Russian national assets would fuel US aggression for another 100 years.

In my opinion, this a battle that Russia must fight head on, and the obliteration of Turkish government and forces could be explained away by NATO as being a Turkish problem that as soley due to the Turks directly aiding Al qaida in Syria.

No sane nation in the EU would flirt with WW3 for the USA and the USA knows that Russian missiles can easily reach America.

I hope that Erdo see’s sense but if not the Die will be cast , I think.


Gloomy outlook, but true nonetheless….


Let us hope that the US and friends realise that the game is up for them in Syria. The fact that Israel is certain to be obliterated if events end in WW3, or even close to that, may cause the saner minds in the US and NATO to seize control from the crazies and to stop murdering millions for oil and gas.

Oil and gas is far cheaper to buy than fight for.


“Saner minds” and “US and NATO” in the same sentence…..? Sounds like a contradictoris in terminis. I sincerely hope you are right, but the sane ones are not calling the shots.


That is true. I am sure there are sane minds with the power and ability to seize control and to do that the Banking sector and disruptive NGO’s will have to be reined in. along with the security services and the Common Purpose traitors wherever they are in control, such as the senior police and military ranks.


Not going to happend… Blocking Bosphorus is declaration of war on Russia… NATO would fall apart.. No flight zone in Iraq would be a declaration of war on Iraq army and Iran.. Iranian rockets will start pouring on USA bases in Iraq.. Israel would get involved and together with USA bomb Iran.. China would step up to defend Iran = world war 3 would start… Such catastrophic scenario wants no one.. Powers up there will sooner make Turkey and USA economy to collapse to prevent that..


turkey has more to gain from russia/cia/eurasia than incest spawned debt rotted to the core fails!

Traiano Welcome

Turkey is a NATO member in name only. Nobody will invoke Article 5 for Turkey because:

a) It applies to NATO countries under attack, and Turkey is not under attack (inside it’s borders) b) NATO intervening will put it in direct conflict with Russia, something NATO avoids at all costs. c) The rest of NATO is a Euro-Centric organisation and don’t really see Turkey as part of the same cultural/historical bloc. Issues of race, culture and shared history make the Turks ”the odd boy out in the white boys club that is NATO.

So the Turks are on their own.

Regarding blocking the Bosporus:

– If the Turks decide to violate the Montreux convention it won’t make a difference: Russia doesn’t need to send warships through the Bosporus to support Syria. They can fire missiles from the Black or Caspian seas. – The Turks would be declaring a direct war against Russia, again they won’t be able to rely on NATO Article 5 since *they* would be declaring war, not Russia – so they’ll be on their own.

Regarding denial of airspace:

– The Russians can fly in over Iran. – The Russians can deny access to other central asian airspace to Turkish air traffic in retaliation.

Wayne Nicholson

“Turkey requests Patriots from America, which they will, mostlikely, get (we all know Trumps love for money).”

The Turks aren’t asking to purchase patriot missiles …. they’re asking for the USA to send 2 US batteries of patriot missiles to Turkey to protect them. Even if the USA has a battery sitting around it would take months to set them up and train the Turks how to use them.

“Syria could never defend itself against a NATO member at all, even if it is Turkey.”

Turkey will take a shit kicking if she tries to invade without air superiority. NATO isn’t going to risk intervening in what’s clearly an invasion. Without Russian and iranian presence they might help out on an R2P basis but no way they are going to risk unleashing a war with Russia over a Turkish adventure.

Taking out Syria’s air defences would be costly to the Turks. The only tool they got for that are F-16’s …. which ain’t cheap. There’s also the matter of all those beseiged OP’s behind the lines manned by Turks who are essentially Syrian hostages.

Traiano Welcome

“Turkey will take a shit kicking if she tries to invade without air superiority.”

Exactly. Turkey is a sitting duck on the ground. It has no advantage vs. the SAA in a ground war. It might if it had air superiority but it does not and will not have it in the near future while Russia is present (and Syria has access to AAD systems) .

George King

Peter, Erdogan does not want Jihadist re-entering Turkey anymore than Russia wants them on its Southern Caucuses. What we are observing is the agreed upon killing fields formed to resolve this NATO mess Erdogan was suckered into during the last decade. We are entering into a new decade where proxy gangs will become a thing of the past as their remnants filter into the EU and wreck havoc on Europe (most specifically Germany) as Empire tries to divide Europe and conquer Russia.

I will remind all that jihadist just a month before tried to re-enter Turkey and was fired on by Turkish troops when they tried during protests on the border. Turkey is playing its role in herding the gangs into the killing fields, nothing to see here, move along or pass the popcorn…..


More like another dozen Turkish soldiers.

Tim Williams

Hide and seek in Syria … I see you … tag … your it …


The Man

ha ha – amazing, we want more… according to a friend, the last words were “he’s come down, the swine!” (نزل الخنزير) but getting one of those turds was fun to watch!

Josiah Isaboke

Erdogan: 1 TURKISH SOLDIER KILLED AND IN TURN WE KILLED 200 SAA… I am wondering. Last time checked these Turkish troops walk around in groups…I never see just one standing by himself. Or was he driving the Turkish tanks that were given to the jihadis who are to daft to know how to drive them. Makes no sense… 1 in Turkish = 10 2 in Turkish =20 ETC

Zionism = EVIL

So far we have had liars like the clumsy but good natured Baghdad Bob, Riyadh Ron (Assiri who was executed by the shithead MBS) and now Ankara Arsehole Erdogan who just makes up total shit as he rambles.


And who’s responsible for his death? well the turkish regime for sending him to protect terrorists in another country and break international law.

Chris P

Kinda reminds us all that some Mother and Father, or wife and children are in horrible pain now. There is always the victims in all of this. For whatever reason too.

Tim Williams

Sarmin being hit again


Tim Williams

anyone want to buy a used TURK tank ? Best offer


Lone Ranger

The Leopard2A4 isnt invincible either as it seems.

Tim Williams

some touch up paint and a quick oil change … should be good to go

Lone Ranger



Its still a great tank, if used for what it was build (massive tank battles). Its not suited for COIN, and especially not for being hit on top by 500 pound bombs (no tank can take that). Add to that the incopetency of the purged Turkish army..

Lone Ranger

I agree. Unfortunatelly many trolls think Abrams and Leopards are built from neutronium and could withstand a direct nuclear hit…



Zionism = EVIL

Yeah sure :)


Zionism = EVIL

No tank is safe from the Russian Kornet and its Iranian cousin the tandem warhead Dehalevieh upto 8 kms laser riding fire and forget. However, as a professional soldier all my life I do feel sorry for these simple untrained Turkey cannon fodder being slaughtered for the pimp goat fucker corrupt coward Erdogan’s megalomania and illegal invasions of a once friendly Arab state, the SAA and its allies are no shrinking violets and will impose a very heavy cost as they are armed with some serious weaponry, along with Russia as a prime ally. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/270e82133905db0d4569e9810a064208fe4d2c63a65a194b357c08d6c09492a1.jpg


John Wallace

Does best offer include it being delivered or do I have to go and pick it up myself , As you say a paint and quick oil change is all that is reqired but as a used car salesman I get the feeling you are not telling me all I need to know.

Tim Williams

trust me … but you do have to pick it up

John Wallace

Right , no worries. I just have to track down a truck to cart it as no way am I paying for all that fuel it would use to drive it all the way here.

Tudor Miron

He forgot to mention that you’ll need to wash away blood, brains etc. But that should not be a problem, does it?

John Wallace

Just a wash and clean , that’s OK . Here I was thinking it might be something serrious.


That destroyed Leopard 2 picture is from the battle of Al Bab several years ago, not sure about the other ones. I haven’t heard of any Leopard 2 operations or casualties in Idlib so far,

Tim Williams

This what the TURKS were told on their TV’S Friday … this guy is almost as funny as Baghdad Bob



Lol. As always with NATO the truth is reversed :)

Tim Williams

more targets coming …



Those poor German engineers of Krauss-Maffei must be crying themselves to sleep now…. “Why,why…… What are they doing with our life’s work!?!?!


The Leopard 2A4’s reputation was already ruined after the costly battle of Al Bab, where ISIS destroyed about 10 of them in one day. To be fair, it was partly a tactical issue regarding poor deployment.

The Leo 2A4 dates back to the end of the cold war too, so newer models are decently better.

Tim Williams



Traiano Welcome

Someone’s son dead for useless cause in service to useless man. People never learn.

Kingstone Tyro

True.They never larn in cowboy slang.

Tim Williams

If Erdo is hiding the real death toll from Libya … any logical reason who can be believes about Syria ?



This makes perfect sense. All this equipment being delivered to HTS and girl-friends needs to be operated by people with adequate knowledge to be effective. I was wondering yesterday how many Turks were recently killed driving the tanks and operating the artillery that is getting destroyed.

Turkey is now starting to trickle casualties. The popularity of the campaign in Idlib, along with President Erdogan’s lattitude, will bleed with each body that returns to Turkey. The same thing happened to my country in Viet Nam.

Tim Williams

reading reports Turks have MASH units just below the border … loaded full of Turk soldiers … they are not allowed to go back into Turkey


Yeah, this can’t be going according the Hoyle for them.


This indeed makes sense… All this military hardware is not just being handed over to the head-choppers. Leopards, acv 15’s, artillery and the like, need trained personnel, not those monkeys of HTS (no insult to monkeys intended)! All those Turkish army fatalities will go back to their villages and be buried like thieves in the night, adding more grief upon the mourning families.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Quite a lot of the rebel forces are made up from SAA defectors, I think Assad lost over 100,000, maybe 150,000 to defection in the early days of the war, so the rebels have a lot of tank drivers.


Most of them are dead.

Assad must stay

Nice job SAA

Tim Williams

somebody order a Pizza ?



No, I ordered a kebab. ;-)

The Man

Skewer right up the Turd’s arse!!! ha ha!

Marvin Joel Zavala López

Can I have a roosted Turkey???

Tim Williams

Lattakia action still going on .. spot the rats … call in the coordinates … open up with the TOR 1A’S on them



Good nice, many more to come, if they insist and go with the propaganda of Erdogan.

Tim Williams

OK folks … this is today’s real estate transaction … RuAF pounding the RATS into submission … Haas has been liberated … still pushing west … this is in very southern part of Idlib


Tim Williams


Arbaches Glaukus

Turkish soldiers decide to MIX and SUPPORT ISIS. Now they pay the price.

Raptar Driver

Another Turk rightfully put in the ground for invading someone else’s country. One of millions, no one will remember you.

John Wallace

Yes but he is a soldier doing as a soldier is told to do. It is the ones giving the order who should be put in the ground first..

Raptar Driver

Sure, but it never seems to workout that way.

The Man

he shouldn’t have signed up then!

Tudor Miron

Erdogan is sinking deeper and deeper. When are the next elections? He’s taking heavy losses in Libia. He’s taking losses in Idlib. He’s not gaining anything other than more trouble. Did he already realised that he got himself in a classic zugzwang. Enjoy the ride while it lasts, Erdo. It may not be long.

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