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Syrian Army Kills, Injures Five Turkish Service Members Ahead Of New Idlib Ceasefire

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The Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced late on March 5 that two Turkish service members were killed and three others were injured in Syria’s Greater Idlib.

According to the ministry, the five service members were killed and injured as a result of heavy shelling by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The two slain soldiers were identified by the Turkish Ministry of National Defense as Fatih Kara from the eastern city of Iğdır and Enes Kaya from the southern city of Gaziantep.

Syrian Army Kills, Injures Five Turkish Service Members Ahead Of New Idlib Ceasefire

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Syrian Army Kills, Injures Five Turkish Service Members Ahead Of New Idlib Ceasefire

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The announcement of the Turkish casualties came ahead of a new ceasefire in the Greater Idlib region. The ceasefire, which is set to begin at 00:01 March 6, was agreed upon as a part of a new Russian-Turkish plan for the Syrian region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish Counterpart Receipt Tayyip Erdogan finalized the new plan during a face-to-face meeting in Moscow.

The new Turkish casualties will not likely affect the new Russian-Turkish understanding on Greater Idlib as both sides appear to be interested in a ceasefire.

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Al Balog

Just a repost from earlier to those that haven’t read it. I found a link discussing the details of the recent Syria deal. I first read it in Russian media before it appeared in English.


It’s doesn’t appear that the SAA will take part in the joint patrols at the moment. But judging by Assad’s reaction, he seems confident in Russia’s decision. If Assad is happy, I’m happy. Assad said in this article towards the end “If you remove these three obstacles, there will be no problems for the restoration of Syria. We have great resources, human and material, and also we have devoted friends, like Russia and Iran, who will help us,”:


Putin will also go behind Erdogan’s back and tell Assad all the points of the meeting:


Fair treatment

Ofcourse it will go and tell Assad everything,. It is the country of Syrian people and his, not of fucking Cock sucker Erdogan or his supporting terrorists.

Mack Dane

What a shame that Putin and Erdogan didn’t invite Assad to their talks. I mean, it’s not like he’s completely useless…he could have brought them coffee or something…




Died as terrorist invaders in a foreign land, poor fools. Erdogan was happy hosting the Zioterrorist US ambassador to the UN who was in Turkey reassuring their NATO partner, with more support for al-Qaeda islamists.

Al Balog

This song was playing in my head while I was watching Putin and Erdogan. Putin had all the good cards, and Erdogan only had jokers. So now Putin and Assad are sittin’ at the table countin’ ?



Erdogan’s gonna have to hide all the ISIS/al-Qaeda scum he’s protecting in Idlib in his presidential palace to be able to patrol there with Russia.




Tudor Miron

That’s the price that Turkish people have to pay for Erdo’s stupid games. I bet that his popularity in Turkey is rising (sarcasm) rapidly. He will surely declare a victory but every sane person in Turkey will realize that SAA gained territories despite Turkish soldiers dying trying to prevent it = for nothing.

Al Balog

But then again, the trolls online will still support Erdogan.

Tudor Miron

They try to earn their dirty shekels. Nothing other is expected from this creatures which were unable to develop into human beings.

Al Balog

For the most part, it still seems like there is a ceasefire in the comment sections. For such a huge meeting, I’d expect the comments to reach around 500, as it has been in the past with big events. It only feels like me and 10 others are sticking around.

Lone Ranger

Im still here but sleepy ;)


2 ice cubes though for me, not 3. That shall keep you up for a while…don’t drink it too quick ! ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZRcEdHwvqM

Lone Ranger

Thank you. Will try it out ??


Also, instead of milk you could add vanilla ice cream, one scoop or two max.

Lone Ranger

Ah, Ice cream, its definately my drink ?


Oh yeah, and if u do use ice cream then i would not add the ice cubes…it will be too watery. Enjoy!

Lone Ranger

Thanks bro, I really need that now, or a good sleep…, I think Im going for the coffee…?


Cause I do have an issue with sleep, I don’t sleep at night, I sleep around 06.00 – 07.00 in the morning, I can tell you from what I was told by many different people that know better that you Have to sleep at night. It doesn’t matter so much how many hours … but it’s always better to sleep at night and wake up in the morning or some time near midday than it is to sleep in the day time instead… The human body is programmed like that.

Lone Ranger

Yeah, true, the inner clock. Sometimes I can sleep through the night but more often I wake up every hour or have nightmares that would even make Stephen King freak out. Yes sleeping is a lot of fun…?

Concrete Mike

Im also lurking, its good to get a break from these uncultured swine.


There is still hope.



Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

How many more of your sons will die for nothing, Turkey? Your choice.


I hope this is a ceasefire that will benefit Assad’s forces to regroup, to fortify their new gained ground and get ready for the final push.


I m waiting to see Russia condemning the USA’s willingness to provide Turkey with more munitions.

Lone Ranger

At this point the U.S. economy is so fragile they try to make profit out of everything. That economy is going strong mantra is only for the sheeple.

Shia man

The terrorist organization Al-Nusra Front rejects the outputs of the Moscow meeting and will continue military action— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Al Balog

Not really surprised by the terrorists rejecting Russia’s deal. What will be interesting is Turkey’s response in the coming days.

Shia man

True let’s see if they uphold the end of their deal btw the Russians and Syrians are pounding the terrorist positions south of the M4 highway

Assad must stay

and what if they dont uphold the deal? why should they? what is erdogan getting out of this deal? i wouldnt be surprised if it falls back into fighting again like the past few weeks

Shia man

As long as turkey stop their support And fighting along side of the terrorist And their drone attacks Everything should be fine. I wasn’t expecting them to be able to control these animals anyway it will just go back to meat grinding for these terrorist. And if Erdogan decides to break the deal I don’t know what the consequences are I’m pretty sure Putin made him sign something if they broke the deal erdogan wasn’t Happy when he arrived to Russia and he looked even worst.

From the Erdogan-Putin meeting todayErdogan is so confused and perplexed and greeted his foreign minister instead of the Russian minister https://t.co/pahOnzh4wd— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Shia man

As long as turkey stop their support And fighting along side of the terrorist And their drone attacks Everything should be fine. I wasn’t expecting them to be able to control these animals anyway it will just go back to meat grinder for these terrorist. And if Erdogan decides to break the deal I don’t know what the consequences are I’m pretty sure Putin made him sign something if they broke the deal erdogan wasn’t Happy when he arrived to Russia and he looked even worst after the deal.

From the Erdogan-Putin meeting todayErdogan is so confused and perplexed and greeted his foreign minister instead of the Russian minister https://t.co/pahOnzh4wd— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Assad must stay

Hahahaha yea that was so weird, I’m wondering if he was just trolling lavrov or he is really demented lol


Good good ! https://media.giphy.com/media/1US8fz0jKzpsxxbnhL/giphy.gif

Tudor Miron

Very good. As expected. This only means that SAA and Russia will keep exterminating those rats – according to new agreement.

Shia man

Houthis always bring a smile to my face

https://t.co/vn8qxMGeye— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Shia man

The rats had a great time on the Dadeikh-Kafr Batikh axis — a bunch of corpses and pulling the rest. Thanks come again.— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Chris Chuba

I .. I don’t understand. The Turkish army ran over the Kurds in north-east Syria faster than an 18 wheeler flattens a squirrel. Why isn’t the Syrian army getting crushed?

Gen. Jack Keane, a new recipient of the Medal of Freedom Award says that the Syrian Army is an empty shell that is propped up by Iranian and Russia.

Shia man

Kurds have women fighting in their army the SAA are the reason that turkey couldn’t advance further In northern Syria

Al Balog

Really wish that the Kurds had a true Assad-style leadership. No to Turkey. No to terrorists. No to US occupation.

Shia man

1 more hour till ceasefire

Their attack failed and their last dreams were lostUnder the solesTeam 25— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Al Balog


Shia man

The yellow color passes the M4 road from which they decided to conduct joint patrols, and here it is required to remove the terrorist groups through Turkey, which will fail with this, which calls for the intervention of the Syrian army.— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Al Balog

I’d love to see that yellow turn red. The rest of the green will be a piece of cake ??


the joint patrols only on m4 or in all the yellow area ?

Al Balog

I’m still trying to figure that out too after all the things I’ve read. 70% of me says the whole area, and 30% of me says just the highway. That’s just my instinct though, since the 6km buffer zone from both ends of the highway is a requirement of the deal.

Shia man

Ya sound like the whole area

Shia man

I think the whole area I’m not sure but no terrorist rats are allowed in the yellow zone


fuck i thought it’s only the m4 ….i don’t even know if saa is allowed to enter the yellow zone or it’s only allowed for turkish / russian patrols …i don’t like it honestly….saa should be allowed to enter the evacuated areas by terrorists, and only the m4 under joint patrol by turkey/russia …but hey i don’t believe that turkey will be able to respect the agreement …i think a military operation is the solution …also putin was very smart giving the turks only 10 days he know well they’re not capable to honor the deal

Al Balog

I’d rather take 10 days than 10 weeks or months. We’ll see how the deal plays out, but either way, it’s a win for the SAA and a loss for the terrorists. My eyes are focused the most on Turkey’s actions from now on. If the Russian forces can keep the Turks occupied during the joint patrolling, I feel that it will make things easier for the SAA in clearing-out the rest of the green rats. Rather have an easy 1-on-1 fight than a 2-on-1 fight.

Shia man

Widespread discontent among the pro-Turkish militants, due to Erdogan's failure to honor his promises to bring the Syrian army to the back of Turkish observation points.++ pic.twitter.com/2w6C4ZQUuE— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Al Balog

I can’t tell if it is due to the lighting, but Erdogan’s face looks really red. Even more red than Putin.

Shia man

He looked distraught the whole time.


humiliation = red face


And finally, Erdogan called for truce in humiliation.

Lets respect that.

The killings must now STOP.


i think turkey is going to enter convoys of shaving cream and razor blades to idlib ….they have to hide all thoses isis rats

Al Balog

Too funny ?

Simplekindof Man

And then send them to the Greek border as Syrian refugees….


I expect ISIS, embedded with Turds breaking the ceasefire in record time so the liberation of Idlib can continue.

Al Balog

Regardless of how the terrorists or the Turds carry the deal, the deal greatly benefits Syria regaining Idlib, no matter the outcome.


Wrong my friend, partition of Syria land is not a benefit at all for Syria people.


This is no partition of Syria, just another push the jihadi’s back.

Shia man

Can some translate this

Едут воевать с ливанской "Хезбаллой", которая употребляет наркотики. Эти "наркоманы" у вас трассу М4 и Саракиб отжали. ? pic.twitter.com/WraKCVxN6I— Почти Политика (@sovfed_no) March 5, 2020

Saif Imam

I just said few hours ago the terrorists have catus up in their ass & they’ll break ceasefire and now this ???

Shia man

An hour before the cease-fire decisionWarplanes, launchers and artillery bomb all the countrysideIdleb full force.— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Shia man

Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Vitaly, Naom:Turkey will likely withdraw its forces from Idlib and accept the Syrian army's extension of its control.++— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Shia man

– The Syrian army achieved its objectives in Idlib, by ending the militants ’control of the M4 and M5 roads.One of the results of the Putin and Erdogan agreement is the possibility of the refugees returning to their homes in Idlib— Y.N.M.S (@ynms79797979) March 5, 2020

Assad must stay

oh i am sure this ceasefire is the real deal and will not be like every other ceasefire in the past, im beginning to think putin has some mental problems or something, is it possible for someone to keep trusting someone like erdogan time and time again?



The ceasefire-firefight cycle is a one-way ratchet that squeezes the Turklers and terroristlers tighter every time.

It’s essentially just a breathing pause.

Al Balog

Yeah, I don’t see any way how Turkey and/or the terrorists can win in this deal, especially in the long-term. I’ve been examining it quite a bit and reading different views and opinions.

Assad must stay

What? Every ceasefire in the past let the rats regroup and dig in and reorganize and rearm, when did it ever “squeeze” them


SAA doesn’t have enough high quality, experienced elite forces like Tigers. Now there are Hezb (also) but for how long and there are not so many of them…

Those men need to rest also and “regroup”(whatever that means) They need fucking rest they are not robots! They always must go where is the worst fight and there is nobody good enough to replace them so that they can take pause ! So if no replacement, they must have time to rest also ! Stop being alarmist and so negative all the time for fuck sake !

Lazy Gamer

Tigers should start training other divisions.


I understand your point (maybe some experienced but older fighters to old to fight or similar )

But regular Tigers can’t fight and train others in the same time ( there is NO REPLACEMENT for them in SAA) So when they go in fighting there is nobody else to take the place and replace them for pause. This peace might stop over the night so they should stay close to the front line for the time being.

Assad must stay

Lmao do you seriously think that the rats are going to let the tigers and SAA rest? They are whacked out of their minds, they will breach the ceasefire whenever they feel like it. If SAA really needed the rest then why isn’t assad negotiating the ceasefire?


How old are you?! You have reactions and logic of very young person. You still don’t understand many things in life yet you talk like you know everything You “sound” very young…

Assad must stay

and you havent given a legitimate excuse or answer for what i said, just accused me of being young and this and that


Whatever I will add another “accusation”

You are definitely not intelligent enough to understand certain things.

You are waste of time.

Assad must stay

you are waste of time, no point arguing with you


Who said he trusts erdogan? You negotiate peace with you enemies, not with your friends. Masterful diplomacy by Putin, von Clausewitz style. Putin positioned Russia as a mediating power that has the final word; directly killing turkish troops, yet appearing ‘neutral’. Erdogan raging, threatening, he even used direct force – and yet now he is forced to beg in Moscow, under the statue of Cthrine the Great, accepting all SAA gains, and even retreating more. I doubt he can force the most extreme terrorists to obey tho. But they are not protected by this treaty, so russian airplanes will continue to slaughter them.

Assad must stay

we will see, if his army and air force actually stops attacking saa and supporting the rats


Get Thee Behind Me Satan: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ea72999893a7198a9b359badaad9898d5e30a137ccdbfac6b6c631c937d439e1.jpg

No gratitude reveal the person you are (period)

Assad must stay


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