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MARCH 2025

Syrian Army Launched Large-Scale Advance In Idlib, Su-57 Jets Deployed, War Report

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Syrian Army Launched Large-Scale Advance In Idlib, Su-57 Jets Deployed, War Report

Russia’s Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jets have successfully passed a second stage of testing in Syria, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov revealed. During the second stage of testing in Syria, the Su-57s completed all the planned tasks. No further details were provided. In February 2018, two Su-57 fighter jets were temporarily deployed in Syria, where they passed combat tests. The second stage of the testing likely took place in 2019.

Meanwhile, the Russian Navy and the Syrian Armed Forces have held joint naval and coastal defense drills in the eastern Mediterranean. The drills involved the Russian Naval group deployed in the region, aircraft from the Hmeimim airbase and forces of the Syrian Navy and Coast Guard. The sides practiced fighting unmanned aerial vehicles, illegal armed groups, as well as working on localization and elimination of consequences of attacks on the port of Tartus.

Clashes between the Syrian Army and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham took place near the villages of Tamana, Zaitun, Umm Khalahil and Zarzur in Idlib province. A battle tank, an armoured vehicle and 3 vehicles equipped with weapons belonging to militants were destroyed, according to the Russian military.

Pro-militant sources claim that during the past two days the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out over 100 strikes on positions of militants along the M5 highway. Pro-government sources describe these strikes as preparations for the ground operation.

On December 19, reports appeared that representatives of the Turkish intelligence met with leaders of Hayat Tahrir al-Shan and the National Front for Liberation warning them that Turkey has not reached with Russia a final agreement on Idlib and they should prepare to repel the advance of the Syrian Army.

Late on December 19, the Syrian Army kicked off a ground advance in southern Idlib attacking militants’ positions in Umm Jalal. Clashes are ongoing.

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Umm Jalal is now under SAA!

Karen Bartlett

Go, SAA! Go, Russia!


Go to hell!


Why such a response to her comment?


Because she’s an idiot who supports another idiot,Putin, who’s more interested in leaving some sort of geopolitical ‘legacy’ which will be short lived and not particularly appreciated by the increasingly poor average Russian

Unfortunately to many people think Putin offers some sort of alternative model, well he doesn’t, he’s managed a careful balancing act which will end soon, then we’ll see what role Russia can play


What’s your model?


Capitalist of course,the only thing which actually works unlike the cronyism of Putin state capitalism not much better than the old Soviet system, which was incidentally imported by those idiots in Syria, the Assad family, no wonder those countries are f@#ked

I’ve no doubt you’ll not agree, but frankly i don’t give a flying f@#k anymore

You can call me Al

Well Russia and China are capitalist. Syria was capitalist before you listened to the Yids.


They’re not capitalist, state capitalist, but not genuine free market capitalist countries

They’ve stolen most of the important technologies from the west over the decades, basically because the bent and corrupt state capitalist system can’t produce anything

Look at Russia today for example, Putin has his big infrastructure national plans, which are basically money pits, pouring good money down the drain so that a bunch of oligarchs can steal and build up their own private little empires, just like the old Soviet system, reality is the runs are thick and stupid and haven’t learnt anything from history

Likewise for the Chinese, busy building crap infrastructure for bent South American countries, basically sub-standard junck resulting in indebtedness to the Chinese who then ‘ suggest ‘ recipients give the Chinese their natural resources,and this is what passes for the new multi polar world order,what a cynical joke!

As for Syria it was just another horribly bent country run by a dynasty of criminals who decades ago followed the idiot’s from the Soviet Union,and we all know how well that turned out for the Soviets don’t we, so no my friend Syria wasn’t, and isn’t a capitalist country its just another failed state backed by Russia,ironically the very country from which economic failure was introduced, like economic poison!

Karen Bartlett

You don’t have any idea of the kind of crony capitalism the two parties of the US political/war machine are engaged in. Here’s an example of what is really happening domestically:As the Fiscal Doomsday Machine Powers On – Impeach the Congress, Too! https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/12/david-stockman/as-the-fiscal-doomsday-machine-powers-on-impeach-the-congress-too/


Lew rockwell is fake news, just another stupid libertarian with no answers

Try harder my dear, I’m long past listening to the likes of Rockwell

Concrete Mike

Wow you read too much nyt.

Infrastructure.money is usually money well spent.

But saying its all.so that certain people can set up their little fiefdom is.pushing it a.little. Especially that its.how.in works in capitalism free markets too, in fact free markets make it even worst, as its the transnational crooks that have all the cards.

If you support these un elected transnational elites, then you are humanity’s ennemy.


Create your own neutopia Bob and Neil.

Concrete Mike

Bwahaha go suck wallstreets balls if you like capitalism so much abd leave us the fuck alone.

You can call me Al

Are you some Yank areshole or a Yid ?.


Probably another PoS-owitz

Karen Bartlett

Unfortunately, going to hell is likely your own destiny.

You can call me Al

God’s speed.


God speed what exactly????

Do you honestly think God would back a bunch of murderous authoritarian idiots like Assad and Putin?

Just when will people learn that these people have absolutely nothing to offer, the Assad family over the decade’s created the conditions for this civil war and Putin will keep him in power so there’ll be no improvement for the living standards of Syrian people,oh and don’t even think that China and Russia will bailout the Assad regime and magically rebuild the country because they won’t,if anything they’ll rebuild the bits that keep Assad in power thus maintaining a country divided

Karen Bartlett

Here’s an example of what YOU support, and what you in your ignorance believe God will support: US Treasury’s Steve Mnuchin Virtue Signals Economic Terrorism https://www.lewrockwell.com/2019/12/no_author/us-treasurys-steve-mnuchin-virtue-signals-economic-terrorism/

Concrete Mike

Haha jiahdi filth supporter.

How does it feel to know your tax dollars went to help al quaeda and ISIS.

How.does it feel the media has lied to you over and over and over.

The only.people.working to divide Syria.is.peice of shit like you!

Enjoy your lump of coal, treasonous scum!


Asssad divided Syria, he’s the real enemy of Syria

Rodney Loder

Actually He (Subhanahu wa ta) does in Syria at least that’s for sure, and it doesn’t matter about Syria being divided because the division came from Western led sedition, the best solution is to give Brother Erdogan as much support as possible in order to wipe out the Kurdish terrorist israeli swine, that would be very pleasing for God (swt) if the SAA could be allowed to do that.


Rodney you need a shave, afterwards you really should wash your mind out because its full of decaying filth

Rodney Loder

But bob I’ve listened to the lies of the my Freemason controllers for over 6 decades, its never changed and the only opportunity the swine gave me was either to emulate the Grand Master Freemason Sid Loder’s agnostic beliefs or join up with the Hare Khrishner sect and skake a tambourine asking for donations, why if it weren’t for my Salafist Brothers the Christian traitors would abuse me every day and every nigh till the very last day of my life.

The reason they don’t do that now bob is because for every little bit of abuse I receive death is the certain result, which one of your mates did you just kill bob?.


You obviously didn’t take my wise advice

Rodney Loder

But Bob what is the good of being untouchable and unstoppable if all you do is, -+-+h on a minute did you just say I’ve only just missed out by such a tiny almost teeney weeny trifling amount when I was nearly almost there ?.


Eres tonto e imbécil. Diagnoses: incurable.


Not me !

Merry Christmas

Karen Bartlett

Thank you.

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